4,836 research outputs found

    'I Like the Metamorphosis of the Characters': Dynamics of Transnational Television Comedy Engagement

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    This article contributes to debates on transnational television comedy audiences through analysis of Eastern European audiences’ engagement with British television comedy. Using questionnaire and focus group data it examines the extent and nature of British television comedy engagement by Romanian audiences and the limits of broadcasting British television comedy to Romanian audiences. The research reveals Romanian audiences’ high involvement with television comedy. Over half of questionnaire respondents watch British television comedy. Three themes regarding Romanian audiences’ engagement with British television comedy are identified in the focus group data: 1) transnational television comedy aesthetics; 2) transnational television comedy as intellectual comedy; and 3) ethical limits of transnational television comedy. These themes highlight the complex contours of transnational television comedy engagement.https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/2941/152

    Subfactors of index less than 5, part 1: the principal graph odometer

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    In this series of papers we show that there are exactly ten subfactors, other than AA_\infty subfactors, of index between 4 and 5. Previously this classification was known up to index 3+33+\sqrt{3}. In the first paper we give an analogue of Haagerup's initial classification of subfactors of index less than 3+33+\sqrt{3}, showing that any subfactor of index less than 5 must appear in one of a large list of families. These families will be considered separately in the three subsequent papers in this series.Comment: 36 pages (updated to reflect that the classification is now complete

    A planar calculus for infinite index subfactors

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    We develop an analog of Jones' planar calculus for II_1-factor bimodules with arbitrary left and right von Neumann dimension. We generalize to bimodules Burns' results on rotations and extremality for infinite index subfactors. These results are obtained without Jones' basic construction and the resulting Jones projections.Comment: 56 pages, many figure

    Spectral measures of small index principal graphs

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    The principal graph XX of a subfactor with finite Jones index is one of the important algebraic invariants of the subfactor. If Δ\Delta is the adjacency matrix of XX we consider the equation Δ=U+U1\Delta=U+U^{-1}. When XX has square norm 4\leq 4 the spectral measure of UU can be averaged by using the map uu1u\to u^{-1}, and we get a probability measure ϵ\epsilon on the unit circle which does not depend on UU. We find explicit formulae for this measure ϵ\epsilon for the principal graphs of subfactors with index 4\le 4, the (extended) Coxeter-Dynkin graphs of type AA, DD and EE. The moment generating function of ϵ\epsilon is closely related to Jones' Θ\Theta-series.Comment: 23 page

    Reconstructive possibilities in the treatmeant of malign bone tumors in children: clinical cases

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Grigore T. Popa”, Clinica de Ortopedie Pediatrică a Spitalului Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii ,,Sfânta Maria”, Iași, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Osteosarcomul reprezintă cea mai frecventă tumoră primară malignă a osului ce afectează copiii și tinerii adulți în a doua decadă de viață. Chimioterapia adjuvantă a îmbunătățit rata de supraviețuire la 5 ani a osteosarcomului nemetastatic la aproximativ 70%. Avansurile ulterioare în imagistica radiografică tridimensională, cât și îmbunătățirea tehnologiei în domeniul reconstrucției au facilitat intervenția chirurgicală reconstructivă pentru prezervarea membrelor. Prezentare de caz: Scopul acestei lucrări este de a descrie managementul chirurgical, rezultatul funcțional și oncologic la 1-5 ani al pacienților, raportând experiența clinicii de Ortopedie Pediatrică din cadrul Spitalului Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii Sf. Maria Iași, prin cazul a 3 pacienti diagnosticați cu osteosarcom la nivelul humerusului proximal, respectiv os coxal, os iliac, descoperite incidental. Pacienții au fost evaluați radiografic în alte centre, obiectivandu-se aspectul de zone de condensare, neomogene cu întreruperea corticalei, ceea ce a dus la redirecționarea în urgență a acestora. După o reevaluare radiografică, efectuarea unei biopsii locale, obtinerea unei stadializări și finalizarea tratamentului neoadjuvant oncologic, a fost propusa intervenția chirurgicală reconstructivă pentru prezervarea membrului. Concluzii: Rata succesului terapeutic pe termen lung în momentul de față este precara în ciuda posibilităților de reconstrucție totală sau parțiala la populația pediatrică datorită recurenței tumorale.Introduction: Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor affecting children and young adults in the second decade of life. Adjuvant chemotherapy improved the 5-year survival rate of non-metastatic osteosarcoma to approximately 70%. Further advances in three-dimensional radiographic imaging and improved reconstruction technology have facilitated reconstructive surgery for limb preservation. Case presentation: The purpose of this paper is to describe the surgical management, functional and oncological outcome at 1-5 years of patients, reporting the experience of the Pediatric Orthopedics Clinic at the St. Mary Iasi Children's Emergency Clinical Hospital, in the case of 3 patients diagnosed with osteosarcomas in the proximal humerus, respectively coxal bone, iliac bone, incidentally discovered. Patients were radiographically evaluated in other centers, looking at the appearance of condensation zones, inhomogeneous with cortical discontinuation, which led to emergency redirection. After a radiographic re-evaluation, performing a local biopsy, obtaining a staging, and completing neoadjuvant oncologic treatment, reconstructive surgery for member preservation was proposed. Conclusions: The rate of long-term therapeutic success is currently poor despite the possibility of total or partial reconstruction in the pediatric population due to tumor recurrence

    Monte Carlo simulation of an experiment looking for radiative solar neutrino decays

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    We analyse the possibility of detecting visible photons from a hypothetical radiative decay of solar neutrinos. Our study is focused on the simulation of such measurements during total solar eclipses and it is based on the BP2000 Standard Solar Model and on the most recent experimental information concerning the neutrino properties.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Astropart. Phy

    Ab initio Folding Potentials for Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering based on NCSM One-Body Densities

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    Calculating microscopic optical potentials for elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering has already led to large body of work in the past. For folding first-order calculations the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction and the one-body density of the nucleus were taken as input to rigorous calculations in a spectator expansion of the multiple scattering series. Based on the Watson expansion of the multiple scattering series we employ a nonlocal translationally invariant nuclear density derived from a chiral next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) and the very same interaction for consistent full-folding calculation of the effective (optical) potential for nucleon-nucleus scattering for light nuclei. We calculate scattering observables, such as total, reaction, and differential cross sections as well as the analyzing power and the spin-rotation parameter, for elastic scattering of protons and neutrons from 4^4He, 6^{6}He, 12^{12}C, and 16^{16}O, in the energy regime between 100 and 200~MeV projectile kinetic energy, and compare to available data. Our calculations show that the effective nucleon-nucleus potential obtained from the first-order term in the spectator expansion of the multiple scattering expansion describes experiments very well to about 60 degrees in the center-of-mass frame, which coincides roughly with the validity of the NNLO chiral interaction used to calculate both the NN amplitudes and the one-body nuclear density.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Group measure space decomposition of II_1 factors and W*-superrigidity

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    We prove a "unique crossed product decomposition" result for group measure space II_1 factors arising from arbitrary free ergodic probability measure preserving (p.m.p.) actions of groups \Gamma in a fairly large family G, which contains all free products of a Kazhdan group and a non-trivial group, as well as certain amalgamated free products over an amenable subgroup. We deduce that if T_n denotes the group of upper triangular matrices in PSL(n,Z), then any free, mixing p.m.p. action of the amalgamated free product of PSL(n,Z) with itself over T_n, is W*-superrigid, i.e. any isomorphism between L^\infty(X) \rtimes \Gamma and an arbitrary group measure space factor L^\infty(Y) \rtimes \Lambda, comes from a conjugacy of the actions. We also prove that for many groups \Gamma in the family G, the Bernoulli actions of \Gamma are W*-superrigid.Comment: Final version. Some extra details have been added to improve the expositio

    Complementarity and the algebraic structure of 4-level quantum systems

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    The history of complementary observables and mutual unbiased bases is reviewed. A characterization is given in terms of conditional entropy of subalgebras. The concept of complementarity is extended to non-commutative subalgebras. Complementary decompositions of a 4-level quantum system are described and a characterization of the Bell basis is obtained.Comment: 19 page