93 research outputs found

    Demand-side energy storage system management in smart grid

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    An economical way to manage demand-side energy storage systems in the smart grid is proposed by using an H∞ design. The proposed design can adjust the stored energy state economically according to the price signal, while tolerating a certain degree of system uncertainty and having physical constraints on the stored energy level satisfied. Roughly speaking, batteries in the proposed design are charged during a low-price period while being discharged during a high-price period for cost control. Simulations show that the proposed energy storage system can meet the real-time power demand and save money in the long term in contrast to energy storage systems using constant-state schemes

    Maximum Distortion Attacks in Electricity Grids

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    Multiple attacker data-injection attack construction in electricity grids with minimum-mean-square-error state estimation is studied for centralized and decentralized scenarios. A performance analysis of the trade-off between the maximum distortion that an attack can introduce and the probability of the attack being detected by the network operator is considered. In this setting, optimal centralized attack construction strategies are studied. The decentralized case is examined in a game-theoretic setting. A novel utility function is proposed to model this trade-off and it is shown that the resulting game is a potential game. The existence and cardinality of the corresponding set of Nash equilibria of the game is analyzed. Interestingly, the attackers can exploit the correlation among the state variables to facilitate the attack construction. It is shown that attackers can agree on a data-injection vector construction that achieves the best trade-off between distortion and detection probability by sharing only a limited number of bits offline. For the particular case of two attackers, numerical results based on IEEE test systems are presented

    Information-theoretic attacks in the smart grid

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    Gaussian random attacks that jointly minimize the amount of information obtained by the operator from the grid and the probability of attack detection are presented. The construction of the attack is posed as an optimization problem with a utility function that captures two effects: firstly, minimizing the mutual information between the measurements and the state variables; secondly, minimizing the probability of attack detection via the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the distribution of the measurements with an attack and the distribution of the measurements without an attack. Additionally, a lower bound on the utility function achieved by the attacks constructed with imperfect knowledge of the second order statistics of the state variables is obtained. The performance of the attack construction using the sample covariance matrix of the state variables is numerically evaluated. The above results are tested in the IEEE 30-Bus test system

    Stealth attacks on the smart grid

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    Random attacks that jointly minimize the amount of information acquired by the operator about the state of the grid and the probability of attack detection are presented. The attacks minimize the information acquired by the operator by minimizing the mutual information between the observations and the state variables describing the grid. Simultaneously, the attacker aims to minimize the probability of attack detection by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the distribution when the attack is present and the distribution under normal operation. The resulting cost function is the weighted sum of the mutual information and the KL divergence mentioned above. The trade-off between the probability of attack detection and the reduction of mutual information is governed by the weighting parameter on the KL divergence term in the cost function. The probability of attack detection is evaluated as a function of the weighting parameter. A sufficient condition on the weighting parameter is given for achieving an arbitrarily small probability of attack detection. The attack performance is numerically assessed on the IEEE 14-Bus, 30-Bus, and 118-Bus test systems

    UWB Localization Algorithms

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    Position estimation via ultra-wide-band signals

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    The high time resolution of ultra-wide-band (UWB) signals facilitates very precise position estimation in many scenarios, which makes a variety applications possible. This paper reviews the problem of position estimation in UWB systems, beginning with an overview of the basic structure of UWB signals and their positioning applications. This overview is followed by a discussion of various position estimation techniques, with an emphasis on time-based approaches, which are particularly suitable for UWB positioning systems. Practical issues arising in UWB signal design and hardware implementation are also discussed. © 2009 IEEE

    Service time analysis of a distributed medium access control scheme

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    Noise enhanced detection in the restricted Bayesian framework

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    Effects of additive independent noise are investigated for sub-optimal detectors according to the restricted Bayes criterion. The statistics of optimal additive noise are characterized. Also, sufficient conditions for improvability or nonimprovability of detection via additive noise are obtained. A detection example is presented to study the theoretical results. ©2010 IEEE

    Performance analysis of code-multiplexed transmitted-reference ultra-wideband systems

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    In code-multiplexed transmitted-reference (CM-TR) ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, data signals and reference signals are transmitted using two distinct orthogonal codes. In this way, performance improvements and/or implementation advantages are obtained compared to transmitted-reference (TR) and frequency-shifted reference (FSR) ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. In this study, performance of CM-TR systems is investigated, and probability of error expressions are obtained. For the single user case, a closed-form expression for the exact probability of error is derived, whereas a Gaussian approximation, the accuracy of which depends on the number of frames per symbol, is considered for the multiuser case. Also, the maximum likelihood detector is derived, and numerical examples are presented. © 2011 IEEE

    Дослідження мотиваційних чинників професійного становлення вчителя

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    This paper studies two-hop cooperative demodulate-and-forward relaying using multiple relays in wireless networks. A threshold based relay selection scheme is considered, in which the reliable relays are determined by comparing source-relay SNR to a threshold, and one of the reliable relays is selected by the destination based on relay-destination SNR. The exact bit error rate of this scheme is derived, and a simple threshold function is proposed. It is shown that the network achieves full diversity order (N +1) under the proposed threshold, where N is the number of relays in the network. Unlike some other full diversity achieving protocols in the literature, the requirement that the instantaneous/average SNRs of the source-relay links be known at the destination is eliminated using the appropriate SNR threshold