586 research outputs found

    Electronic and Transport Properties of Graphene Nanostructures.

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    Graphene --- a crystal of carbon atoms in a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice --- is a gapless semiconductor, and has attracted great interest since it was fabricated in 2004 [1-3]. This monolayer of graphite has been shown to have remarkable properties, such as a linear energy dispersion relation [4] and massless, chiral fermions [5]. This thesis discusses some of these properties, as well as those found in bilayer graphene [6- 8]. Bilayer graphene is the formation of two coupled layers of graphene, exhibiting Bernal stacking (to be discussed later), and features massive chiral fermions [9]. Chapter 1 discusses the tight binding model, and derives the Hamiltonians for monolayer and bilayer graphene, used in subsequent Chapters. We also review important phenomena that account for the results seen in later Chapters. In addition to the material discussed in this Chapter, several excellent review articles have been written that cover other features and phenomena in few-layer graphene systems [10-17]. Chapter 2 is original published work. We extend the low energy effective two-band Hamiltonian for electrons in bilayer graphene (McCann and Fal'ko [7]) to include a spatially dependent electrostatic potential. We find that this Hamiltonian contains additional terms, as compared to the one used earlier in the analysis of electronic transport in n-p junctions in bilayers (Katsnelson et al. [9]). However, for potential steps |it| < 7 i (where 71 is the interlayer coupling), corrections to the transmission probability due to such terms are small. For the angle-dependent transmission T(0) we find T(6) = sin2(2)(2u/3/ji)sin(4) --- (2u/3/ji) sin(4) sin($) which slightly increases the Fano factor: F = 0.241 for u = 40meV. Chapter 3 is original work which was carried out simultaneously with Barbier et al. [18]. Nevertheless, the method of analysis and parameters considered are different, and the results are reached independently. Agreement is found with [19-21]. The work focuses on the introduction of a periodic potential profile in monolayer and bilayer graphene systems, creating extra Dirac points in the energy dispersion for monolayer graphene. Classical catastrophe theory is then employed to describe caustics and cusps in a system with a periodic potential profile, for cusps forming at regular interfaces. The periodicity of the formation of cusps is matched with the periodicity of the superlattice. The energy at which this occurs is then mapped to the energy spectrum found when analysing monolayer graphene with a periodic potential profile. In Chapter 4 we create a model to characterise the angles and commensurability of a few layers of hexagonal lattice materials, seen in STM images in experiments. The model allows for different lattice constants and rotations for each layer, as well as selectively showing lattice sites that are nearly commensurate with sites in other layers. Two popular cases are turbostratic graphene (bilayer graphene where one layer is rotated relative to the other) and graphene on hBN (hexagonal boron nitride). Finally, appendices with complete source code to reproduce these results are given, with examples of their usage

    Evaluation of the incremental cost to the National Health Service of prescribing analogue insulin

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    Introduction Insulin analogues have become increasingly popular despite their greater cost compared with human insulin. The aim of this study was to calculate the incremental cost to the National Health Service (NHS) of prescribing analogue insulin preparations instead of their human insulin alternatives. Methods Open-source data from the four UK prescription pricing agencies from 2000 to 2009 were analysed. Cost was adjusted for inflation and reported in UK pounds at 2010 prices. Results Over the 10-year period, the NHS spent a total of £2732 million on insulin. The total annual cost increased from £156 million to £359 million, an increase of 130%. The annual cost of analogue insulin increased from £18.2 million (12% of total insulin cost) to £305 million (85% of total insulin cost), whereas the cost of human insulin decreased from £131 million (84% of total insulin cost) to £51 million (14% of total insulin cost). If it is assumed that all patients using insulin analogues could have received human insulin instead, the overall incremental cost of analogue insulin was £625 million. Conclusion Given the high marginal cost of analogue insulin, adherence to prescribing guidelines recommending the preferential use of human insulin would have resulted in considerable financial savings over the period

    Financial sector reforms and stochastic policy simulations: A flow of funds model for India

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    We apply stochastic simulation methods to a system-wide flow of funds model for India for 1951-94. We address two issues; first, the impact of financial reforms on interest rates and loanable funds, and second, the robustness of policy where there is uncertainty about the true model. We find considerable variation in policy risk depending on the policy instrument and the policy regime. Interest rate risks are greater in the controlled regime; quantity risks are greater in the decontrolled regime. Outcomes also depend on controls on intermediaries: more heavily controlled banks respond differently from other less heavily controlled financial intermediaries

    Identification of Functional Toxin/Immunity Genes Linked to Contact-Dependent Growth Inhibition (CDI) and Rearrangement Hotspot (Rhs) Systems

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    Bacterial contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) is mediated by the CdiA/CdiB family of two-partner secretion proteins. Each CdiA protein exhibits a distinct growth inhibition activity, which resides in the polymorphic C-terminal region (CdiA-CT). CDI+ cells also express unique CdiI immunity proteins that specifically block the activity of cognate CdiA-CT, thereby protecting the cell from autoinhibition. Here we show that many CDI systems contain multiple cdiA gene fragments that encode CdiA-CT sequences. These “orphan” cdiA-CT genes are almost always associated with downstream cdiI genes to form cdiA-CT/cdiI modules. Comparative genome analyses suggest that cdiA-CT/cdiI modules are mobile and exchanged between the CDI systems of different bacteria. In many instances, orphan cdiA-CT/cdiI modules are fused to full-length cdiA genes in other bacterial species. Examination of cdiA-CT/cdiI modules from Escherichia coli EC93, E. coli EC869, and Dickeya dadantii 3937 confirmed that these genes encode functional toxin/immunity pairs. Moreover, the orphan module from EC93 was functional in cell-mediated CDI when fused to the N-terminal portion of the EC93 CdiA protein. Bioinformatic analyses revealed that the genetic organization of CDI systems shares features with rhs (rearrangement hotspot) loci. Rhs proteins also contain polymorphic C-terminal regions (Rhs-CTs), some of which share significant sequence identity with CdiA-CTs. All rhs genes are followed by small ORFs representing possible rhsI immunity genes, and several Rhs systems encode orphan rhs-CT/rhsI modules. Analysis of rhs-CT/rhsI modules from D. dadantii 3937 demonstrated that Rhs-CTs have growth inhibitory activity, which is specifically blocked by cognate RhsI immunity proteins. Together, these results suggest that Rhs plays a role in intercellular competition and that orphan gene modules expand the diversity of toxic activities deployed by both CDI and Rhs systems

    Relationships of Serum CC16 Levels with Smoking Status and Lung Function in COPD

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    Background: The club cell secretory protein (CC16) has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and low CC16 serum levels have been associated with both risk and progression of COPD, yet the interaction between smoking and CC16 on lung function outcomes remains unknown. Methods: Utilizing cross-sectional data on United States veterans, CC16 serum concentrations were measured by ELISA and log transformed for analyses. Spirometry was conducted and COPD status was defined by post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio \u3c 0.7. Smoking measures were self-reported on questionnaire. Multivariable logistic and linear regression were employed to examine associations between CC16 levels and COPD, and lung function with adjustment for covariates. Unadjusted Pearson correlations described relationships between CC16 level and lung function measures, pack-years smoked, and years since smoking cessation. Results: The study population (N = 351) was mostly male, white, with an average age over 60 years. An interaction between CC16 and smoking status on FEV1/FVC ratio was demonstrated among subjects with COPD (N = 245, p = 0.01). There was a positive correlation among former smokers and negative correlation among current or never smokers with COPD. Among former smokers with COPD, CC16 levels were also positively correlated with years since smoking cessation, and inversely related with pack-years smoked. Increasing CC16 levels were associated with lower odds of COPD (ORadj = 0.36, 95% CI 0.22-0.57, Padj \u3c 0.0001). Conclusions: Smoking status is an important effect modifier of CC16 relationships with lung function. Increasing serum CC16 corresponded to increases in FEV1/FVC ratio in former smokers with COPD versus opposite relationships in current or never smokers. Additional longitudinal studies may be warranted to assess relationship of CC16 with smoking cessation on lung function among subjects with COPD

    Loss of the insulin receptor in murine megakaryocytes/platelets causes thrombocytosis and alterations in IGF signalling.

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    AIMS: Patients with conditions that are associated with insulin resistance such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and polycystic ovary syndrome have an increased risk of thrombosis and a concurrent hyperactive platelet phenotype. Our aim was to determine whether insulin resistance of megakaryocytes/platelets promotes platelet hyperactivation. METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated a conditional mouse model where the insulin receptor (IR) was specifically knocked out in megakaryocytes/platelets and performed ex vivo platelet activation studies in wild-type (WT) and IR-deficient platelets by measuring aggregation, integrin αIIbβ3 activation, and dense and α-granule secretion. Deletion of IR resulted in an increase in platelet count and volume, and blocked the action of insulin on platelet signalling and function. Platelet aggregation, granule secretion, and integrin αIIbβ3 activation in response to the glycoprotein VI (GPVI) agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP) were significantly reduced in platelets lacking IR. This was accompanied by a reduction in the phosphorylation of effectors downstream of GPVI. Interestingly, loss of IR also resulted in a reduction in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)- and insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-2)-mediated phosphorylation of IRS-1, Akt, and GSK3β and priming of CRP-mediated platelet activation. Pharmacological inhibition of IR and the IGF-1 receptor in WT platelets recapitulated the platelet phenotype of IR-deficient platelets. CONCLUSIONS: Deletion of IR (i) increases platelet count and volume, (ii) does not cause platelet hyperactivity, and (iii) reduces GPVI-mediated platelet function and platelet priming by IGF-1 and IGF-2

    Can Young Adults Accurately Report Sexual Partnership Dates? Factors Associated With Interpartner and Dyad Agreement

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    Sexual partnership dates are critical to STI/HIV research and control programs, though validity is limited by inaccurate recall and reporting

    Association of perceived partner non-monogamy with prevalent and incident sexual concurrency

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    Concurrency is suggested as an important factor in sexually transmitted infection transmission and acquisition, though little is known regarding factors that may predict concurrency initiation. We examined the association between perception of a partner’s non-monogamy (PPNM) and simultaneous or subsequent concurrency among at-risk heterosexual young adults in the Los Angeles area

    Human AlkB Homologue 5 Is a Nuclear 2-Oxoglutarate Dependent Oxygenase and a Direct Target of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α (HIF-1α)

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    Human 2-oxoglutarate oxygenases catalyse a range of biological oxidations including the demethylation of histone and nucleic acid substrates and the hydroxylation of proteins and small molecules. Some of these processes are centrally involved in regulation of cellular responses to hypoxia. The ALKBH proteins are a sub-family of 2OG oxygenases that are defined by homology to the Escherichia coli DNA-methylation repair enzyme AlkB. Here we report evidence that ALKBH5 is probably unique amongst the ALKBH genes in being a direct transcriptional target of hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and is induced by hypoxia in a range of cell types. We show that purified recombinant ALKBH5 is a bona fide 2OG oxygenase that catalyses the decarboxylation of 2OG but appears to have different prime substrate requirements from those so far defined for other ALKBH family members. Our findings define a new class of HIF-transcriptional target gene and suggest that ALKBH5 may have a role in the regulation of cellular responses to hypoxia

    A nested cohort study of 6,248 early breast cancer patients treated in neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy trials investigating the prognostic value of chemotherapy-related toxicities.

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    BACKGROUND: The relationship between chemotherapy-related toxicities and prognosis is unclear. Previous studies have examined the association of myelosuppression parameters or neuropathy with survival and reported conflicting results. This study aims to investigate 13 common chemotherapy toxicities and their association with relapse-free survival and breast cancer-specific survival. METHODS: Chemotherapy-related toxicities were collected prospectively for 6,248 women with early-stage breast cancer from four randomised controlled trials (NEAT; BR9601; tAnGo; Neo-tAnGo). Cox proportional-hazards modelling was used to analyse the association between chemotherapy-related toxicities and both breast cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. Models included important prognostic factors and stratified by variables violating the proportional hazards assumption. RESULTS: Multivariable analysis identified severe neutropenia (grades ≥3) as an independent predictor of relapse-free survival (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.86; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.76-0.97; P = 0.02). A similar trend was seen for breast cancer-specific survival (HR = 0.87; 95% CI, 0.75-1.01; P = 0.06). Normal/low BMI patients experienced more severe neutropenia (P = 0.008) than patients with higher BMI. Patients with fatigue (grades ≥3) showed a trend towards reduced survival (breast cancer-specific survival: HR = 1.17; 95% CI, 0.99-1.37; P = 0.06). In the NEAT/BR9601 sub-group analysis by treatment component, this effect was statistically significant (HR = 1.61; 95% CI, 1.13-2.30; P = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: This large study shows a significant association between chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and increased survival. It also identifies a strong relationship between low/normal BMI and increased incidence of severe neutropenia. It provides evidence to support the development of neutropenia-adapted clinical trials to investigate optimal dose calculation and its impact on clinical outcome. This is important in populations where obesity may lead to sub-optimal chemotherapy doses