18 research outputs found

    Análise das possíveis diferenças entre contratantes e contratados em terceirização de serviços de software segundo a métrica de análise de ponto de função

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    This study on which this article is based analyzed possible differences in the outsourcing contracts for the development of information systems – IS on the basis of the metric of the Function Points Analysis – FPA. Thus, an evaluation instrument was developed to analyze its most relevant aspects. The next step consisted of the analysis of contracts and of interviews with IS specialists. Finally, the considerations of the latter, allied to the specific literature on contracts, resulted in an instrument similar to a Likert scale with 16 assertions, applied in a sample of 82 respondents who had FPA certification or worked in contract management. The scale was validated through the method of exploratory factorial analysis of the main components. Furthermore, a discriminating analysis of three different characteristics of the sample respondents in relation to the factors generated by the factorial analysis was made, which did not show significant differences. In the analysis of the differences between the categorical variables of the respondents and the assertions, only two assertions presented significant differences with regard to the party in the contract and the nature of the work (assertion 15 in the two aspects and assertion 11 only with regard to the party in the contract). As far as the time of experience in the function is concerned, no significant difference was identified in any of the assertions. In terms of conclusion, the study identified the need for clarity and objectivity in the contracts and software services, as well as the need for a better definition of the stakeholders in relation to their roles in the negotiations. Key words: metric of software, function point analysis, software outsourcing contracts, measurement of attitudes, multivariate data analysis.O objetivo deste estudo é a avaliação das possíveis diferenças nos contratos de terceirização para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação – SI, baseada em métricas de Análise de Pontos de Função – APF. Assim sendo, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de avaliação que analisasse seus aspectos mais relevantes. Procedeu-se, então, à análise de contratos e à realização de entrevistas com especialistas da área. Por fim, as considerações destes, aliadas à literatura específica de contratos, resultaram em um instrumento do tipo escala de Likert com 16 assertivas, aplicado em uma amostra de 82 respondentes que possuem certificação de APF ou que atuam na gestão de contratos. A escala foi validada através do método de análise fatorial exploratória baseada nos componentes principais. Também, procedeu-se à análise discriminante de três características dos sujeitos em relação aos fatores gerados na análise fatorial, que não apresentou diferenças significativas. Da análise das diferenças entre as variáveis categóricas dos respondentes e as assertivas, somente duas assertivas apresentaram diferenças significativas com relação à parte no contrato e natureza do trabalho (assertiva 15, nos dois aspectos e assertiva 11, somente com relação à parte no contrato). Com relação ao tempo de experiência na função, não se identificou diferença significativa em nenhuma das assertivas. Pela conclusão do estudo constata-se a necessidade de clareza e objetividade nos contratos e dos serviços de software, assim como a necessidade de maior definição dos envolvidos quanto aos seus papéis nas negociações. Palavras-chave: métrica de software, análise de ponto de função, contratos de terceirização, mensuração de atitudes, análise multivariada de dados

    Análise das possíveis diferenças entre contratantes e contratados em terceirização de serviços de software segundo a métrica de análise de ponto de função

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    This study on which this article is based analyzed possible differences in the outsourcing contracts for the development of information systems – IS on the basis of the metric of the Function Points Analysis – FPA. Thus, an evaluation instrument was developed to analyze its most relevant aspects. The next step consisted of the analysis of contracts and of interviews with IS specialists. Finally, the considerations of the latter, allied to the specific literature on contracts, resulted in an instrument similar to a Likert scale with 16 assertions, applied in a sample of 82 respondents who had FPA certification or worked in contract management. The scale was validated through the method of exploratory factorial analysis of the main components. Furthermore, a discriminating analysis of three different characteristics of the sample respondents in relation to the factors generated by the factorial analysis was made, which did not show significant differences. In the analysis of the differences between the categorical variables of the respondents and the assertions, only two assertions presented significant differences with regard to the party in the contract and the nature of the work (assertion 15 in the two aspects and assertion 11 only with regard to the party in the contract). As far as the time of experience in the function is concerned, no significant difference was identified in any of the assertions. In terms of conclusion, the study identified the need for clarity and objectivity in the contracts and software services, as well as the need for a better definition of the stakeholders in relation to their roles in the negotiations. Key words: metric of software, function point analysis, software outsourcing contracts, measurement of attitudes, multivariate data analysis.O objetivo deste estudo é a avaliação das possíveis diferenças nos contratos de terceirização para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação – SI, baseada em métricas de Análise de Pontos de Função – APF. Assim sendo, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de avaliação que analisasse seus aspectos mais relevantes. Procedeu-se, então, à análise de contratos e à realização de entrevistas com especialistas da área. Por fim, as considerações destes, aliadas à literatura específica de contratos, resultaram em um instrumento do tipo escala de Likert com 16 assertivas, aplicado em uma amostra de 82 respondentes que possuem certificação de APF ou que atuam na gestão de contratos. A escala foi validada através do método de análise fatorial exploratória baseada nos componentes principais. Também, procedeu-se à análise discriminante de três características dos sujeitos em relação aos fatores gerados na análise fatorial, que não apresentou diferenças significativas. Da análise das diferenças entre as variáveis categóricas dos respondentes e as assertivas, somente duas assertivas apresentaram diferenças significativas com relação à parte no contrato e natureza do trabalho (assertiva 15, nos dois aspectos e assertiva 11, somente com relação à parte no contrato). Com relação ao tempo de experiência na função, não se identificou diferença significativa em nenhuma das assertivas. Pela conclusão do estudo constata-se a necessidade de clareza e objetividade nos contratos e dos serviços de software, assim como a necessidade de maior definição dos envolvidos quanto aos seus papéis nas negociações. Palavras-chave: métrica de software, análise de ponto de função, contratos de terceirização, mensuração de atitudes, análise multivariada de dados

    Congenital Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii After Experimental Reinfection With Brazilian Typical Strains in Chronically Infected Sheep

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a cause of congenital diseases, miscarriages and stillbirths in production animals. In Brazil, non-archetypal genotypes of the parasite may be related to severe disease. Experimental infection with T. gondii was studied in sheep to analyse congenital transmission-related parameters in reinfections with different Brazilian parasite strains. Thirteen T. gondii-seronegative sheep were orally infected with 2 × 103oocysts for the primary infection: G1 (4 animals) were inoculated with TgCatBr71 strain (Type BrI genotype) and G2 andG3 (5 and 4 animals, respectively) withTgCatBr60 strain (Type BrIII genotype). After chronification of infection, the animals were impregnated. A second infection was performed after 60 days of gestation. TheG1 andG3 animals were inoculated withTgCatBr60BrIII and the G2 animals withTgCatBr71 BrI oocysts. The effects of reinfection were compared with a control group (5 animals) through physical examination, ultrasound imaging and serology. Ovine experimental infections were evaluated using mouse bioassays, molecular analysis, serological tests, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. No abortions occurred; a seropositive lamb and a mummified fetus from G2-BrIIIxBrI were produced. The vertical transmission rate detected in lambs from chronically infected sheep was 31.6% (6/19). It is demonstrated that reinfection and subsequent congenital transmission occured in one sheep with a primary Brl infection challenged with BrIII genotype of T. gondii. In a twin pregnancy from G2-BrIIIxBrI, congenital transmission from a latent infection was detected in both lambs. Congenital transmission could not be tracked in three lambs. Overall, previous T. gondii infection may fail to protect against congenital transmission from a reinfection and primary infection induced insufficient protection against vertical transmission which must be taken into account in decision-making for the use of seropositive animals as breeders. Similar trials with larger groups and contemplating host cellular immune response studies should be conducted to evaluate the actual impact of T. gondii reinfection involving different strains in sheep

    Perception of conflict in a stepfamily with a child with cerebral palsy

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    The increase in the number of separation/divorce has favored the emergence of new family structures. Thus, remarriage becomes a possibility for developing the family group which requires emotional, social and economic reorganization of the family, as well as greater flexibility to negotiate association, space, time and authority. The objective of this article was to describe the structure and dynamics of a stepfamily having a child with cerebral palsy, based on the members' representations of conflict situations. In this case study focused on a family, made up of three members: mother, son and stepfather. A semi-structured interview and the Family System Test (FAST) were applied. The FAST scores showed closeness in the mother-child dyad and distance in the stepfather-stepson dyad, with the hierarchy focused on the mother figure. As to the flexibility of boundaries, the couple's perception indicated rigid boundaries, both for the family and for parental systems, while the child's perception of the family system revealed diffused boundaries. Therefore, some factors highlighted in the literature and evident in this family such as differences in the couple's life cycle, short period of marriage, emotional baggage between mother and son, added to demands of child care, resources and biopsychological provisions, constituted a rigid standard with low flexibility, which made it difficult to include the stepfather in the group, resulting in less commitment to co-parenting in the care and education of the stepchild.O aumento no número de separação/divórcio favorece o surgimento de novas estruturas familiares. Nesse sentido, o recasamento desponta como uma possibilidade de ordenamento do grupo familiar, que impõe à nova família uma reorganização, sobretudo nas vidas afetiva, social e econômica, assim como maior flexibilidade para negociar questões de associação, espaço, autoridade e tempo. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever a estrutura e a dinâmica de uma família recasada, na qual há uma criança com paralisia cerebral, a partir de suas representações acerca de situações de conflito. Neste estudo de caso, foi pesquisada uma família, constituída, por três membros, mãe, filho e padrasto; foram aplicados um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado e o Family System Test (FAST). Os escores obtidos no FAST demonstraram proximidade na díade mãe-filho e distanciamento na díade padrasto-enteado, com a hierarquia concentrada na mãe; quanto à flexibilidade das fronteiras, a percepção do casal indicou fronteiras rígidas tanto no sistema familiar quanto no parental, diferenciando-se da percepção do filho sobre o sistema familiar com uma fronteira difusa. Portanto, alguns fatores destacados na literatura e presentes nessa família como: diferença no ciclo de vida do casal; pouco tempo de união; bagagem emocional entre mãe e filho, associados às demandas de cuidado da criança, seus recursos biopsicológicos e disposições; configuraram um padrão rígido, com baixa flexibilidade, o que dificulta a inserção do padrasto no grupo e, consequente, assunção de co-paternidade nos cuidados e criação do enteado

    A controvérsia sobre o uso de alimentação 'alternativa' no combate à subnutrição no Brasil: analysis of a controversy The policy and politics of alternative food programs in Brazil

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    É consensual a urgência de eliminar a subnutrição infantil no Brasil, mas como fazê-lo é motivo de debates. O Programa de Alimentação Alternativa implementado pela Pastoral da Criança da Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) e financiado pelo governo federal e organismos internacionais é um exemplo típico de tais controvérsias. Os críticos do programa têm apresentado "evidências científicas" de que existem problemas de ordem nutricional com os produtos utilizados (partes desprezadas de alimentos) no preparo daquele alimento alternativo ou multimistura. Os proponentes do programa, por sua vez, também se utilizam do mesmo instrumental acadêmico para "demonstrar" o valor nutricional dos produtos utilizados.Este artigo é uma reconstrução e análise do conteúdo e contexto desta controvérsia.<br>The urgency to solve infant malnutrition in Brazil is undisputed. Policies to achieve that, however, are not consensual. The Alternative Food Program, put forward by the Catholic National Confederation of Brazilian Bishops' Children Pastoral with the support of various federal organizations and international agencies, has been the focus of heated debate. Although the initiative per se has much to be praised for, program opponents argue that nutritional problems in food byproducts have been "demonstrated" by scientific research. To counteract their critics, program proponents also point to scientific results that have just as well "demonstrated" the nutritional value of the used products. The present article reconstructs and analyzes the content and context of this controversy

    Shorter Maintenance Therapy in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: The Experience of the Prospective, Randomized Brazilian GBTLI ALL-93 Protocol

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    Maintenance therapy is an important phase of the childhood ALL treatment, requiring 2-year long therapy adherence of the patients and families. Weekly methotrexate (MTX) with daily 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) constitutes the backbone of maintenance therapy. Reduction in the maintenance therapy could overweight problems related with poverty of children with ALL living in Limited-Income countries (LIC). Objective: To compare, prospectively, the EFS rates of children with ALL treated according to two maintenance regimens: 18 vs 24 months duration. Materials and Methods: From October 1993 to September 1999, 867 consecutive untreated ALL patients 10 years and high WBC at diagnosis). Overall death in remission rate was 6.85% (56 patients). Deaths during maintenance were 13 in group 1 and 12 in group 2, all due to infection. Over 15 years of follow-up, two patients both from Group 2 presented a second malignancy (Hodgkin’s disease and thyroid carcinoma) after 8.3 and 11 years off therapy, respectively. Conclusion: Six-month reduction of maintenance therapy in ALL children treated according to the GBTLI ALL-93 protocol, provided the same overall outcome as 2-year duration regimen