110 research outputs found

    Tractament i depuració de dades en enquestes. Cas aplicat a les enquestes de mobilitat

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    Aquest treball es centra en el control de qualitat de la informació recollida en les enquestes de mobilitat centrant-se en una de les enquestes més importants que es realitzen a Catalunya i a Espanya, l'Enquesta de Mobilitat en Dia Feiner (EMEF) que té 10 anys d'història.. L¿objectiu del projecte es jo plantejar un procés de depuració de dades de una enquesta per tal de garantir la qualitat final de las que seran analitzades.El projecte es desenvoluparà en un centre universitari d'investigació social (www.iermb.cat) en el qual es treballa l¿EMEF (Enquesta de Mobilitat en dia Feiner). L'enquesta és propietat de l'Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM-GenCat), Ajuntament de BCN i Entitat Metropolitana del Transport (CAMB). Es disposarà de permís per fer-la servi

    Entre liberalismo capturado, pluralismo populista y antipopulismo

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    Este estudio aborda la cuestión casi inexplorada de cómo el populismo influye en la transformación de los sistemas mediáticos en Latinoamérica partiendo de la experiencia ecuatoriana, un caso crítico donde la relación entre medios y política ha centrado el debate público y académico de los últimos 20 años. Esta aportación, basada en el análisis cualitativo de los discursos de periodistas y actores mediáticos ecuatorianos sumado al análisis de contenido de artículos publicados en dos de los periódicos más importantes del país, intenta sugerir patrones y cambios significativos que han marcado el sistema de medios. En concreto se examinan cambios en el comportamiento de la polarización, la autonomía de la prensa y la profesionalidad periodística antes, durante y posteriormente a la presidencia de Rafael Correa (2007-2017). El gobierno de Correa supuso un hito en la historia ecuatoriana en el que la política comunicativa tomó una enorme relevancia con reformas legales estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se contrastan con los enfoques académicos disponibles sobre modelos mediáticos latinoamericanos, para concluir que antes de la presidencia de Correa, Ecuador podría definirse como un sistema claro ‘liberal capturado’ para transformarse en un sistema ‘pluralista populista’ durante la presidencia de Correa donde la prensa se polarizó, no se silenció y aumentó su profesionalismo. Posteriormente a Correa, y suspendido el marco legal previo, el Ecuador volvió a un estado similar de “liberalismo capturado’ si bien con un componente anti-populista central que marca el actual sistema de medios del país

    Preparation and characterization of a supramolecular hydrogel made of phospholipids and oleic acid with a high water content

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    A hydrogel formed with phospholipids and fatty acids would be of great interest in the medical field due to the biological relevance that these molecules have in living organisms. However, the tendency of phospholipid mixtures to form vesicular or micellar aggregates at high water content hinders the formation of this type of hydrogel. In this study, a highly hydrated hydrogel (95% water) was formed with hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine and oleic acid. The preparation method involved a freeze-heating cycle of the aqueous lipid mixture, favouring the supramolecular aggregation of these molecules into a microscopic spongy morphology. Confocal fluorescence imaging showed that the microstructure of the hydrogel is made from the aggregation of giant multilamellar vesicles (5-20 μm diameter) while transmission electron microscopy revealed the existence of nanosized unilamellar vesicles (150 nm diameter) coexisting with lipid lamellae. Despite this type of aggregation, X-ray scattering experiments performed on the hydrogel show almost no correlation between lipid membranes. In terms of rheological properties, the material shows a prevalent elastic behaviour and low structural strength, a consequence of non-covalent interactions. With such properties and composition, this structured but easily deformable material might become a useful tool for biomedical applications

    Optimal energy management system for V2G chargers combined with PV and ESS in a real environment

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    The integration of Electric Vehicles in electricity grids is very likely to pose several challenges to the electrical grid operation and expansion. The potential flexibility of the load associated to the EV charging and the possibility of discharging the EV using vehicle to grid (V2G) chargers offers the opportunity to provide new services to the end users. One real installation in Nissan headquarters in Barcelona has been selected to perform and present a comparative analysis of the differences in EV charge performance and electricity purchase between the use of dummy chargers, smart chargers and V2G chargers managed by an EMS based.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A socioecological integrated analysis of the Barcelona metropolitan agricultural landscapes

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: European Commission (LIFE Urban Greening Plans Project)Altres ajuts: Barcelona Metropolitan AreaTo implement the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact while enhancing ecosystem services, the Barcelona Metropolitan Authority has commissioned a socioecological assessment of the metropolitan agriculture. A Socioecological Integrated Analysis has been carried out to incorporate ecosystem services as fundamental elements of the new Master Land Use Plan. This analysis involves assessing the functioning of metropolitan agricultural landscapes focusing on different dimensions: socio-metabolic efficiency (energy return on investment), biodiversity conservation, landscape functionality, global change, ecosystem services (supporting, regulation, provisioning) and social cohesion. After accounting indicators separately, they have been grouped through a principal component analysis into three factors: socio-metabolic flows, landscape functionality and system efficiency. An exploratory factor analysis has revealed trade-offs and synergies between these factors, with relevant implications for land-use policy. Finally, a correlation analysis has evaluated how the indicators interrelate among them. The results show that the improvement of complex socioecological systems requires new multi-criterial management where the different interrelated dimensions are jointly addressed. A new sustainability-oriented land-use planning combined with agricultural and environmental policies aimed at integrating farming with forestry and livestock activities would help reduce the dependence on non-renewable external energy inputs and, indirectly, the greenhouse gas emissions stemming from agri-food chains

    Les enquestes a pescadors com a instrument per a detectar processos erosius al litoral rocallós de Menorca (Illes Balears)

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    En aquest article s’ha realitzat una enquesta de percepció sobre processos de caigudes de blocs i esllavissades a la població de pescadors professionals i recreatius de l’illa de Menorca. Els resultats indiquen els indrets de la costa on els pescadors aprecien fenòmens geomorfològics de caigudes de blocs. A l’hora, ens permet tenir un punt de partida per a l’estudi dels processos inestables a la costa rocosa de Menorca. S’ha pres una mostra representativa de 48 enquestes a pescadors professionals i 88 enquestes a pescadors recreatius delimitant 39 zones amb processos actius. En el cas dels pescadors professionals s’han pres com a zones de mostreig els ports base de: Maó, sa Nitja, Macaret, Fornells, Ciutadella, Biniancolla, es Grau, Alcalfar, Canutells i cales Fonts. Amb el resultat de les enquestes es troben algunes respostes associades a la manca de blocs de tempesta o tsunami a les costes rocoses que ens han animat a explorar tot el perímetre de la costa de Menorca

    Towards an energy-landscape integrated analysis? Exploring the links between socio-metabolic disturbance and landscape ecology performance (Mallorca, Spain, 1956-2011)

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    The role of agricultural landscapes in biodiversity conservation is an emerging topic in a world experiencing a worrying decrease of species richness. Farm systems may either decrease or increase biological diversity, depending on land-use intensities and management. We present an intermediate disturbance-complexity model (IDC) of cultural landscapes aimed at assessing how different levels of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystems affect the capacity to host biodiversity depending on the land matrix heterogeneity. It is applied to the Mallorca Island, amidst the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot

    Design and smart control of sensors for optimal performance: a application to wind sensing in Mars

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    Sensor performance in terms of time response and sensitivity can be dramatically enhanced by operating sensors under what may be called a “constant state operation”. This means that any change in the sensor due to external factors (including the ones to be measured) is compensated by the smart control, so that state of the sensor does not change with time. This idea has been applied to thermal anemometry in Mars (for REMS, TWINS and MEDA) by using constant temperature operation and differential thermal conductance estimators. In the case of our miniature spherical wind sensor for future missions, this principle requires a careful thermal design ensuring that single time constant operation is ensured, [1-3]. Experiments show that it is possible to obtain response times (1s) well below the open loop time constants. Additionally, the performance of the sensor at the Aarhus Martian wind tunnel are presented, as well as experiments in the Reynolds regime 1000-10e4, with equivalent Mars wind velocities in the range 100-150m/s.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparative Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) of past and present agroecosystems in North America and Europe from the 1830s to the 2010s

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    Along the last century there has been an unprecedented growth in both global food production and related socioecological impacts. The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of long-term metabolic patterns of agrarian systems on land use and cover changes (LUCC) (...

    Building on Margalef: Testing the links between landscape structure, energy and information flows driven by farming and biodiversity

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    The aim of this paper is to test two methodologies, applicable to different spatial scales (from regional to local), to predict the capacity of agroecosystems to provide habitats for the species richness of butterflies and birds, based on the ways their socio-metabolic flows change the ecological functionality of bio-cultural landscapes (...