32 research outputs found


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    Modern biotechnology is a direction designed to find ways of industrial application of biological agents and processes. This is a complex multidisciplinary field, including microbiological synthesis, genetic, protein and cell engineering, engineering enzymology. Biotechnology is mainly based on the use of microorganisms. Therefore, the knowledge accumulated by microbiology about the diversity of the world, about the structure, genetics, physiology, variability, ecology of microbes creates a scientific basis for the development of many biotechnological industries. Traditional raw materials for various branches of the chemical and processing industries (oil and gas) are depleted, and this will lead to the fact that biomass resources will be increasingly used. In addition to new methods for producing chemicals from biomass, bio-technology also gives us more efficient and industrial catalysts for chemical interconversions. A promising area for further development is the production of valuable substances from plants, such as terpenes and alkaloids used in the manufacture of drugs; currently 25 % of all medicines are made from plants. Using animal cells, the production of viruses for vaccines is possible. In the long term, these are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, herpes type 1 viruses, herpes type 2 viruses, as well as viruses that cause colds, some forms of cancer and dental caries. Indexing:             Современная биотехнология – это направление, призванное изыскивать пути промышленного применения биологических агентов и процессов. Это комплексная многопрофильная область, включающая микробиологический синтез, генетическую, белковую и клеточную инженерию, инженерную энзимологию.  Биотехнология в основном опирается на использование микроорганизмов. Поэтому знания, накопленные микробиологией о многообразии мира, о строении, генетике, физиологии, изменчивости, экологии микробов создают научную основу для развития многих биотехнологических производств. Традиционное сырье для различных отраслей химической и перерабатывающей промышленности (нефть и газ) истощается, а это приведет к тому, что всё более широко будут использоваться ресурсы биомассы.  Помимо новых способов получения химических веществ из биомассы, биотехнология дает нам также более эффективные и производственные катализаторы для осуществления химических взаимопревращений.  Многообещающей областью дальнейшего развития представляется производство ценных веществ из растений, например терпенов и алкалоидов, используемых при производстве лекарств; в настоящее время 25 % всех лекарств производится из растений. С помощью животных клеток возможна продукция вирусов для получения вакцин. В перспективе это вирусы гепатита А, гепатита Б, герпеса типа 1, герпеса типа 2, а также вирусы, вызывающие простудные заболевания, некоторые формы рака и зубной кариес.  Індексація:               &nbsp

    An axially symmetric solution of metric-affine gravity

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    We present an exact stationary {\it axially symmetric} vacuum solution of metric-affine gravity (MAG) which generalises the recently reported spherically symmetric solution. Besides the metric, it carries nonmetricity and torsion as post-Riemannian geometrical structures. The parameters of the solution are interpreted as mass and angular momentum and as dilation, shear and spin charges.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    University–industry linkages and academic engagements: individual behaviours and firms’ barriers. Introduction to the special section

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    The article introduces the special section on “University–industry linkages and academic engagements: Individual behaviours and firms’ barriers”. We first revisit the latest developments of the literature and policy interest on university–industry research. We then build upon the extant literature and unpack the concept of academic engagement by further exploring the heterogeneity of UI linkages along a set of dimensions and actors involved. These are: (1) Incentives and behaviours of individual academic entrepreneurs; (2) Firms’ barriers to cooperation with public research institutions; (3) Individual behaviours, incentives and organizational bottlenecks in late developing countries. We summarize the individual contributions along these dimensions. There are overlooked individual characteristics that affect the degree of engagement of academics and scholars in cooperating with other organizations, of which gender and the non-academic background of individuals are most crucial. The notion of academic engagement should be enlarged to aspects that go beyond the commercialization or patenting of innovation, but embrace social and economic impact more at large. From the perspective of the firm, barriers to innovation might exert an effect on the likelihood to cooperate with universities and public research institutes, most especially to cope with lack of finance or access to frontier knowledge. We finally propose a research agenda that addresses the challenges ahead


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    The fire training section is an important component of the special training of future officers of the security and defense sector of our state. In order to develop the components of tactical thinking, improving the small group skills of firearms in terms of operational and combat missions, improving knowledge of the legal basis for the use of firearms there is a need to optimize and improve the types and methods of courses in fire training.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of an optimized approach in the curriculum using a training system for practical shooting, what improves the methods of training future law enforcement officers in the fire training section.Psychological confidence of working with weapons is formed by regular training in conditions as close as possible to combat. An insecure, indecisive worker can let a colleague down in a critical situation, get injured or die during a fire contact.The uniqueness of practical shooting is that the conditions of competition in this sport are as close as possible to the conditions of the actual use of firearms. In other words, the shooter must be able not only to quickly get the weapon out of the holster, make the first shot, but also hit the target with each bullet sent as quickly as possible.Another important and at the same time complex problem is formation of the motives for sports or educational activities, including worldview, as the most stable motive. The positive dynamics of sports activity in this direction is played by the heads of institutions (organizations), who are the main motivator in the formation of own principles and views of the athlete, team and coach on all issues of this kind of sport.У зв’язку з необхідністю вдосконалення існуючих методик навчання для більш ефективного використання та застосування вогнепальної зброї в оперативно-розшуковій діяльності запропоновано застосування у навчальних програмах оптимізованого підходу, що базується на особливостях, притаманних підготовці спеціальних підрозділів з набуттям навичок практичної стрільби

    Adjustment Disorders of Children Patients From Internally Displaced Families

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    This paper presents findings of the survey into studying the adjustment of children from internally displaced families (IDP). The aim of the present research was to identify clinical peculiarities of adjustment disorders in children from IDP families.Materials and methods. The survey examined 66 children with AD signs from IDP families aged 7-18, the average age was 10.32±0.09 years old. The research was focused on studying children's personality traits using the “Adjusted Modified Variant of R.B. Cattell's Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) (adjusted by E.M. Aleksandrovska, I.N. Giliasheva, 1993),anxiety values were registered by Spilberg-Khanin Anxiety Scale (2007), aggression and autoaggression levels were identified by Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI) (adjusted by O. Osnytskyi, 2008).Results. The obtained data testify to the complexity and diversity of the clinical picture of adaptation disorders in this category of patients. The violations of emotional-volitional, value-motivational and cognitive spheres are identified in the form of isolation, coldness, rigidity and alienation, and cruelty. It is stated that the activity of establishing and storing contacts with others is low. Found high rates of anxiety, resulting in the presence of anxiety, neurotic conflicts, emotional and neurotic breakdowns, psychosomatic disorders and diseases. Also, the tendency to aggression and autoaggression, the tendency to use physical force and aggressiveness to others, and the tendency to use physical violence and rudeness were revealed. Proved dependent formation of a high level of aggressiveness on the presence of children from families with RA IDPs physical, verbal and indirect aggression, high index of manifestations of hostility and resentment of suspicion, motivated aggressive activity from physical and verbal aggression and irritation.Conclusions. Adaptation disorders in paediatric patients from families of IDPs are an acute problem of modern psychiatric science. The findings bring us to the conclusion that there is a need for a more detailed study of adjustment disorders to elaborate clinical peculiarities of diagnostic criteria and targets in psychotherapeutic correction of the abovementioned disorder


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    Modern biotechnology is a direction designed to find ways of industrial application of biological agents and processes. This is a complex multidisciplinary field, including microbiological synthesis, genetic, protein and cell engineering, engineering enzymology. Biotechnology is mainly based on the use of microorganisms. Therefore, the knowledge accumulated by microbiology about the diversity of the world, about the structure, genetics, physiology, variability, ecology of microbes creates a scientific basis for the development of many biotechnological industries. Traditional raw materials for various branches of the chemical and processing industries (oil and gas) are depleted, and this will lead to the fact that biomass resources will be increasingly used. In addition to new methods for producing chemicals from biomass, bio-technology also gives us more efficient and industrial catalysts for chemical interconversions. A promising area for further development is the production of valuable substances from plants, such as terpenes and alkaloids used in the manufacture of drugs; currently 25 % of all medicines are made from plants. Using animal cells, the production of viruses for vaccines is possible. In the long term, these are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, herpes type 1 viruses, herpes type 2 viruses, as well as viruses that cause colds, some forms of cancer and dental caries