11 research outputs found

    Политические элиты России и современные вызовы и угрозы

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    Россия имеет весьма богатую историю своих политических элит, которая показывает многосложность процесса формирования и функционирования политического класса, свидетельствует как о его победах, так и поражениях, дает пищу для философских рассуждений и глубокого научного анализа. Российская элитологическая наука всегда отталкивалась от имеющихся отечественных традиций исследования и анализа правящих элитных групп. Эти традиции определяли ее лицо – стиль, характер, мышление, способность решать сложнейшие проблемы. Но вместе с тем она никогда не отказывалась и от мирового элитологического опыта, прекрасно разбираясь как в истории, так и в теории, и методологии зарубежных исследований. В последние годы российские элиты не просто консолидировались внутренне, но стали играть весьма заметную роль и на международной арене. Изменение статуса повлекло за собой и необходимость переосмысления сущности элиты и ее лидеров, что вызвало небывалый интерес к отечественной элитологической науке. В результате элитология оказалась в совершенно новых условиях, когда политические события меняются вокруг нее со стремительной скоростью. Именно анализу этих изменений и посвящена настоящая работа

    Screening methods for early detection of colorectal cancers and polyps

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    Leningrad Regional Oncology Dispensary, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroduction: According to a report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2019 around 18.1 million new cases of cancer were recorded worldwide. In Russia due to the underdevelopment of early diagnosis, the detection of cancer often happens too late, only in the 3rd and 4th stages. In Russia the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing. In the structure of malignant tumors, colorectal cancer is the 3rd in terms of incidence and 2nd in mortality. CRC ranks second in mortality from malignant neoplasms among men and women. Most often, CRC arises from colon adenomas, and in some cases in patients with hereditary polyposis syndromes. Methods and materials: Screening takes place in the overall program, which includes: primary prevention (diet, lifestyle), timely examination with the use of colonoscopy (where available and corresponds to the level of the screening program) in patients with positive screening results and timely treatment (polypectomy, surgery). Results: Modern screening centers should have devices with the maximum resolution (electronic endoscopy in HD format). For more clear details and more accurate differentiation of the tumor, virtual chromography allows to detect blood vessels and other tissue structures in the narrow-spectrum zone without the application of dyes. The zoom-endoscopy method is based on a change in the focal distance between the lenses at the distal end of the device. Conclusions: Modern treatment of colon tumors includes: CSP (Cold snare polypectomy), HSP (Hot snare polypectomy), EMR (Endoscopic mucosal resection), ESD (Endoscopic submucosal dissection), FTRD (Full-thickness resection). Every year In Oncology Dispensary of Leningrad Regional, more than 10 thousand outpatient examinations and more than 400 endoscopic inpatient operations are performed

    Elitologia da educação e desafios do século XXI

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    The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post-industrial society. In the content of the work, the authors substantiate that the challenges of the 21st century will lead to a change not only in the system of elite (qualitative) training of specialists but also affect the very study of elites, making it more humanitarian. Nanotechnologies, the development of which has now become particularly accelerated and relevant should play a special role in this process.El objetivo de esta investigación es la elitología de la educación, que representa un nuevo carácter y un nuevo significado de la selección de élite de acuerdo con el principio de conocimiento profesional de alta calidad. El artículo analiza las categorías clave, los enfoques y las direcciones, así como los problemas de cambiar las actitudes hacia las elites y la élite en el contexto de la próxima sociedad de la información. A su vez, el tema de este trabajo son los desafíos que el sistema educativo tendrá que enfrentar en las condiciones de la sociedad postindustrial temprana. En el contenido del trabajo, los autores corroboran que los desafíos del siglo XXI conducirán a un cambio no solo en el sistema de entrenamiento de élite (cualitativo) de especialistas, sino que también afectarán el estudio mismo de las élites, haciéndolo más humanitario. Las nanotecnologías, cuyo desarrollo ahora se ha acelerado y es especialmente relevante, deben desempeñar un papel especial en este proceso.O objetivo desta pesquisa é a elitologia da educação, que representa um novo caráter e um novo significado de seleção de elite de acordo com o princípio do conhecimento profissional de alta qualidade. O artigo analisa as principais categorias, abordagens e direções, bem como os problemas de mudança de atitudes em relação às elites e à elite no contexto da próxima sociedade da informação. Por sua vez, o tema deste trabalho são os desafios que o sistema educacional terá que enfrentar nas condições da primeira sociedade pós-industrial. O conteúdo do trabalho, os autores confirmam que os desafios do século XXI vai levar a uma mudança não só no sistema de treinamento de elite especialistas (qualitativos), mas também afetam o mesmo estudo das elites, tornando-o mais humano. As nanotecnologias, cujo desenvolvimento agora se acelerou e é especialmente relevante, devem desempenhar um papel especial nesse processo

    Capsule endoscopy for screening colon tumors

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    Department of General Surgery with a course of endoscopy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education and Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Leningrad Regional Oncologic Dispensary, Department of Faculty Surgery. prof. A.A. Rusanov of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education and Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroduction: Most of the colon tumors are detected in the later stages. The introduction of new, minimally invasive technologies into clinical practice allows to improve the results of the diagnosis of neoplasms. Material and methods: Capsule endoscopy is a procedure for colon examination using a miniature camera, which takes more than 10,000 images of colon at a speed of 4 to 24 frames per second. For the patient, the procedure itself does not cause discomfort. On the day of the study, the patient may do his usual activities. The indications for capsular examination of the colon may be suspected tumor of the colon, a positive test of fecal occult blood test, and the patient is over 50 years old. We made a decision to launch a pilot project for screening the colon among health care workers in Oncology Dispensary of Leningrad Region. Results: In the years 2017-2018, we performed 67 capsule colon examinations for medical workers who had not previously performed a colonoscopy. A total colon investigation was performed in 58 patients (87%). Among these patients 2 malignant tumors of the colon (3.5%) were detected. Colon epithelial neoplasia was detected in 11 patients (19%). These findings contributed to perform colonoscopy with endoscopic polypectomy. Conclusion: Capsule endoscopy of the colon can be used for examination, in cases where colonoscopy is not possible. Capsule endoscopy helps to convince the patient of the need to perform colonoscopy. Capsule endoscopy is a safe method for screening colorectal cancer

    Экологическая культура политического восприятия глобальных природоохранных проблем

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    The article discusses the theoretical and methodological problems of actively developing in modern conditions ecological culture, determining its place in the system of humanities. The growing importance of new conception of scientific research and sociocultural practices in the context of the global problems of our time is determined.It is necessary to know the experts’ opinion which environmental problems are being identified as most significant. Only afterwards we can find the ways to solve them. Thereby based on the analysis of materials of the Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Environmental protection as a factor of the socio-economic development of municipalities: experience and problems” (2017, Rostov-on-Don, Kurgan), and the results of the Russian expert opinion research conducted by scientists of Rostov scientific elitological school it was concluded that there is an objective necessity to create a unified structure of natural resource management and environmental protection in territorial entities (Vorontsov, Mamychev, Ponedelkov, Yanguzin and Vildanov, 2017; Ponedelkov, Starostin, Mamychev, Grigoryan and Verenich, 2018). At the same time, the prerequisites and trends, the problematic aspects of the development of environmentally-oriented processes in modern Russian conditions determine that the organization of an effective environmental protection policy as a factor of socio-economic development and mechanisms of the implementation its strategic goals in the field of environmental development existing public administration system is possible only if appropriate conditions are created for the dynamic development of the system of environmental education and upbringing, as well as the necessity of developing the implementation of a new civilizational paradigm as a new eco-human behavioral paradigmEl artículo discute los problemas teóricos y metodológicos de desarrollar activamente en las condiciones modernas la cultura ecológica, determinando su lugar en el sistema de humanidades. Se determina la importancia creciente de la nueva concepción de la investigación científica y las prácticas socioculturales en el contexto de los problemas globales de nuestro tiempo.Es necesario conocer la opinión de los expertos sobre qué problemas ambientales se están identificando como los más significativos. Solo después podremos encontrar las formas de resolverlos. De este modo, se basa en el análisis de los materiales de la conferencia científico-práctica rusa con participación internacional "La protección del medio ambiente como factor del desarrollo socioeconómico de los municipios: experiencia y problemas" (2017, Rostov-on-Don, Kurgan), y el Los resultados de la investigación de expertos rusos realizada por científicos de la escuela científica elitológica de Rostov concluyeron que existe una necesidad objetiva de crear una estructura unificada de gestión de recursos naturales y protección ambiental en entidades territoriales (Vorontsov, Mamychev, Ponedelkov, Yanguzin y Vildanov, 2017; Ponedelkov, Starostin, Mamychev, Grigoryan y Verenich, 2018). Al mismo tiempo, los prerrequisitos y las tendencias, los aspectos problemáticos del desarrollo de procesos orientados al medio ambiente en las condiciones modernas de Rusia determinan que la organización de una política de protección ambiental efectiva como un factor del desarrollo socioeconómico y los mecanismos de implementación sean estratégicos. objetivos en el campo del desarrollo ambiental El sistema de administración pública existente solo es posible si se crean las condiciones adecuadas para el desarrollo dinámico del sistema de educación y educación ambiental, así como la necesidad de desarrollar la implementación de un nuevo paradigma de civilización como un nuevo eco. -el paradigma del comportamiento humano.Экологические интересы, выступая одной из материализованных предпосылок человеческой деятельности являются также и показателем качества жизни, уровня развитости общественной морали, правовой культуры общества. В современных политических условиях первостепенное значение имеет институциализация экологических интересов в трех основных секторах общества – государство, сфера производства, общественность (в любой последовательности, но обязательно при наличии этих трех компонентов). В этом контексте интерес представляет как свойство определенной социальной общности, отдельного индивида или группы и выступает в качестве одного из самых существенных факторов, воздействующих на поведение этих социальных единиц в экологической среде, так, и определяющих их наиболее существенные поведенческие акции. и социокультурных практик в контексте глобальных проблем современности.Для установления болевых точек и определения путей решения экологических проблем необходимо знать мнение экспертов о том, какие из этих проблем волнуют людей в наибольшей степени. В связи с этим, на основе анализа материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Защита окружающей среды как фактор социально-экономического развития территорий муниципальных образований: опыт и проблемы» (2017 год, Ростов-на-Дону, Курган), а также результатов общероссийского экспертного опроса, проведенного учеными Ростовской научной элитологической школы, были сделаны о том, что объективно назрела необходимость в создании единой структуры природоресурсного и природоохранного регулирования в территориальных образованиях. В то же время предпосылки и тенденции, проблемные аспекты развития эколого-ориентированных процессов в современных российских условиях таковы, что формирование эффективной политики защиты окружающей среды, рассматриваемой как фактор социально-экономического развития и механизмов реализации ее стратегических целей в области экологического развития в рамках функционирования действующей системы государственного управления, возможно только при создании соответствующих условий для динамичного развития системы экологического образования и воспитания, как и необходимость разработки осуществления новой цивилизационной парадигмы в качестве новой поведенческой парадигмы эко-человека в целом.В статье рассматриваются теоретико-методологические проблемы активно развивающейся в современных условиях экологической культуры, определения ее места в системе гуманитарного знания. Определено все возрастающее значение этого нового представления научных исследовани

    Combate À Corrupção Na Rússia Moderna: Problemas E Perspectivas

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    The authors analyze the problems and perspectives of fighting against corruption in modern Russia based on the materials of a sociological survey conducted in November-December 2017 by the Laboratory of Problems of Improving the Efficiency of State and Municipal Management in the South-Russian Institute of Management (the branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) in 15 regions of the Russian Federation within preparation for the Round Table with an international participation "Problems of fighting against corruption in the state and municipal service and ways to solve them in modern Russia" (16-17 February, 2018, Rostov-on-Don).In the paper there are analyzed the assessments of experts on the content of corruption in Russia, its level; there are also identified threats to security formed by corruption manifestations. The authors clarify the main reasons for bribery of state and municipal employees, determine the areas affected by corruption to the greatest extent; examine the role of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Fighting against corruption" in the implementation of anti-corruption measures, assess the effectiveness of the ban on employees to receive gifts in connection with their official position; examine the opinion of experts on the advisability of adding greater punitive measures or mitigation of punishment for bribery.At the end of the paper, directions for improving anti-corruption activities are formulated. The authors of the paper concluded that the increase in the effectiveness of anti-corruption activities depends on the depth of corruption nature research and the forms of corruption manifestation in contemporary Russian society. In the current situation, along with the repressive method of suppression of corruption manifestations, the strategic direction of combating corruption should be to identify and eliminate the causes and factors that form corruption risks.Los autores analizan los problemas y perspectivas de la lucha contra la corrupción en la Rusia moderna sobre la base de los materiales de una encuesta sociológica realizada en noviembre-diciembre de 2017 por el Laboratorio de Problemas de Mejora de la Eficiencia de la Administración Estatal y Municipal en el Instituto de Administración del Sur de Rusia (la rama de la Academia Presidencial Rusa de Economía Nacional y Administración Pública) en 15 regiones de la Federación Rusa en preparación para la Mesa Redonda con una participación internacional "Problemas de lucha contra la corrupción en el servicio estatal y municipal y formas de resolverlos en Rusia moderna "(16-17 febrero, 2018, Rostov-on-Don).En el documento se analizan las evaluaciones de expertos sobre el contenido de la corrupción en Rusia, su nivel; también se identifican amenazas a la seguridad formadas por manifestaciones de corrupción. Los autores aclaran las principales razones del soborno de los empleados estatales y municipales, determinan las áreas afectadas por la corrupción en la mayor medida; examinar el papel de la Ley Federal de la Federación de Rusia "sobre la lucha contra la corrupción" en la aplicación de medidas contra la corrupción, evaluar la eficacia de la prohibición de que los empleados reciban obsequios en relación con su posición oficial; examine la opinión de los expertos sobre la conveniencia de agregar medidas punitivas más importantes o la mitigación del castigo por soborno.Al final del documento, se formulan instrucciones para mejorar las actividades anticorrupción. Los autores del documento concluyeron que el aumento en la efectividad de las actividades anticorrupción depende de la profundidad de la investigación de la naturaleza de la corrupción y las formas de manifestación de corrupción en la sociedad rusa contemporánea. En la situación actual, junto con el método represivo de represión de las manifestaciones de corrupción, la dirección estratégica para combatir la corrupción debe ser identificar y eliminar las causas y los factores que forman los riesgos de corrupción.Os autores analisam os problemas e perspectivas da luta contra a corrupção na Rússia moderna, com base em materiais de uma pesquisa sociológica realizada em novembro-dezembro 2017 pela Melhoria da Eficiência Problemas Laboratório da Administração Estatal e Municipal no Instituto de Administração no sul da Rússia (o ramo da Academia Presidencial Russa de Economia Nacional e da Administração Pública) em 15 regiões da Federação Russa em preparação para a Mesa Redonda com a participação internacional "Problemas de anti-corrupção estado e de serviços municipais e as formas de resolvê-los na Rússia moderna "(16-17 fevereiro de 2018, Rostov-on-Don).As avaliações de especialistas documento sobre o conteúdo da corrupção na Rússia, analisa seu nível; Ameaças de segurança formadas por manifestações de corrupção também são identificadas. Os autores esclarecem as principais razões de suborno de funcionários estaduais e municipais, determinar as áreas afetadas pela corrupção em toda a extensão; examinar o papel da Lei Federal da Federação Russa "na luta contra a corrupção" na implementação de medidas anti-corrupção, avaliar a eficácia da proibição de que os funcionários recebam presentes em conexão com a sua posição oficial; examinar a opinião de especialistas sobre a possibilidade de adicionar mais importantes medidas punitivas ou mitigar a punição para o suborno.No final do documento, as instruções são formulados para aumentar as actividades anti-corrupção. Os autores do documento concluiu que o aumento da eficácia das actividades anti-corrupção depende da profundidade de investigação da natureza da corrupção e formas de manifestação da corrupção na sociedade russa contemporânea. Na situação atual, juntamente com o método repressivo da repressão de manifestações de corrupção, direcionamento estratégico para combater a corrupção deve ser identificar e eliminar as causas e os fatores são os riscos de corrupção

    Endoscopic treatment of patients with early forms of gastric cancer

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    Leningrad regional oncological dispensary, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaBackground: Currently, most patients with gastric tumors are detected in late stages. Early diagnosis is a major factor in improving treatment outcomes. On the other hand, patients who are diagnosed on early stages often receive aggressive treatment and are not subjects to less invasive interventions. Material and Methods: In our clinic we have been using endoscopic surgery for early gastric cancer since 2009. Japanese colleagues are the most experienced in this kind of treatment that is why we follow the recommendations of Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA). The main criterion provided that endoscopic removal is possible is the depth of tumor invasion. We evaluate the depth of invasion primarily by endoscopic ultrasonography. According to our data the accuracy of this method is 94%. The main operation used for the treatment of early gastric cancer is endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Its main advantages are single block resection within healthy tissues and adequate morphological assessment of the removed tumor. In the last ten years we have performed 148 ESD (145 patients) for early forms of gastric cancer. Surgeries were radical in 95% of cases. Results:There were no cases of postoperative mortality. Progression of the disease was noted only in one patient. These endoscopic surgeries have proved to be effective, safe and reasonable in treating early gastric cancer. Conclusions: Thus, endoscopic surgery significantly reduces the cost of treatment and hospital stay (average - 3.7 days), facilitates rehabilitation and improves the quality of patients’ life

    Social Contract-2030 – a Modern Institution in Implementing the Interaction Between the State, Society and Business

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    The article is devoted to analysis of formation processes of interaction between the state, civil society and business in Russia. As an empirical basis the authors use the results of sociological research conducted by Public Opinion Fund in 2015, scientists of the South-Russian Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in 2012 and 2016. 44 % of respondents in the regions expressed a preference for the social partnership of government, business and civil society. The authors believe that the implementation of the mission of the Social Contract-2030 is possible through the mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP), which is the most promising and effective institution in modern economicpolitical condition of Russia. The strategic goals of the state consist in providing transfer of the country to the path of innovative development, aimed at reducing the export-resource dependence of the country in the context of the mission of Social Contract-2030 and the national security strategy of the country is impossible without formation of a partnership between the state, companies and commercial structures. Each of the members of the partnership provides a contribution to the implementation of the project. The business structure for its part contributes investment funds, human resources, effective business technologies, flexibility and responsiveness in decision-making, innovation and other private initiatives and available resources. The state in turn provides a partnership through their powers with necessary legal and institutional resources that ensure protective measures for the formation of a competitive and low-risk business. The main task of civil society is to help citizens in solving social problems and the implementation of control over the power structures in the fulfillment of social obligations of the state. The question of increasing the efficiency of mechanisms of Social contract-2030 implementation between the state, society, and business implies transparency of activities of public authorities and effective management of results

    Fight Corruption at the State and Municipal Levels in Russia: Following Sociological (Field) Researches

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    The need to improve the efficiency of combating corruption presupposes an increase in the influence of ethical and moral norms on the observance of prohibitions, restrictions, and requirements established in order to counter corruption, as well as the development of additional mechanisms and tools for preventing corruption manifestations. Moreover, it is clearly not enough to legalize the norms of anti-corruption behaviour, through which law enforcement activities in this area could provide real results. Anti-corruption norms require not only legalization, but also legitimation, that is, recognition and support by citizens and society of this work as a whole. Only a combination of these two components can ensure an increase in the effectiveness of the prevention of corruption offenses in the Russian Federation. Legislative and law enforcement activities in the field of combating corruption systematically demonstrate not resistance, but a compromise, which negatively affects the authority of state bodies responsible for solving problems in the field of combating corruption, provokes legal nihilism among some citizens, disbelief in the goals and objectives declared by the anti-corruption policy

    Regional dynamics of social partnership:: political, legal and value characteristic

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    The subject of this work is the study of the level of development, key problems and directions for the development of social partnership via expert surveys conducted in 13 regions of the Russian Federation. As a result, the development of regions, the provision of positive social dynamics in the development of the latter is associated with the formation and stimulation of social partnership. In conclusion, the model of joint development of the key actors of the political and socio-economic processes is the most adequate in comparison with the liberal-democratic forms and practices, to solve many regional problems, conflicts and contradictions.El tema de este trabajo es el estudio del nivel de desarrollo, problemas clave y direcciones para el desarrollo de la asociación social a través de encuestas de expertos realizadas en 13 regiones de la Federación Rusa. Como resultado, el desarrollo de las regiones, la provisión de dinámicas sociales positivas en el desarrollo de estas últimas se asocia con la formación y el estímulo de la sociedad social. En conclusión, el modelo de desarrollo conjunto de los actores clave de los procesos políticos y socioeconómicos es el más adecuado en comparación con las formas y prácticas liberaldemocráticas, para resolver muchos problemas, conflictos y contradicciones regionales