14 research outputs found

    De la fiction d’une absence Ă  l’autofiction d’une prĂ©sence : l’écriture de la mort de la mĂšre dans l’Ɠuvre de Jorge Semprun

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    “Night has enshrouded my childhood” write Jorge Semprun. Civil War and exile have erased any trace of the childhood he spent in Madrid. What was left to the writer were only flashes of memory and an old picture of his mother. Jorge Semprun was eight years of age when his mother died of septicemia. Through writing, thirty years later, he was able to evoke her death, but how was he to tell about her absence? Between fiction and reality, five of Jorge Semprun’s novels recreate his childhood. His mother will first of all be an absence or an implicit presence behind his relating the city of his childhood. Having set the scene, ghostly characters whose identities are undefined but whose discourses become more and more outlined will appear. The mother will become a nostalgic absence. Her features, her character will be sketched out. Jorge Semprun will move forward hiding behind the multiple identities of his characters and the freedom which fiction provides him. It will be up to the last character, a fictive double of the writer, to find the last traces of a mother who has turned into a haunting presence

    Le moi, la fiction et l'histoire dans les oeuvres de Serge Doubrovsky, Georges Perec et Jorge Semprun

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    This thesis addresses the relationship between writing about oneself, writing about History and how three contemporary authors – Serge Doubrovsky, Georges Perec and Jorge Semprun – fictionalized themselves. The first two sections’ aim is to establish biographical, historical and literary guidelines, indispensable to the better comprehension of an individual, an era and a literary landscape. On the basis of information collected like so, the third and fourth sections analyse the characteristics of writing about oneself when dealing with History. This discussion is articulated around two axis: that of childhood and that of quest for identity. From underlining theme, History progressively becomes an obsessive motif. The fifth section highlights the stigmas in the text elements. We conclude with a discussion on the notion of “textual tribunal.”Cette thĂšse examine les rapports entre Ă©criture de soi, Ă©criture de l’Histoire et mise en fiction chez trois auteurs contemporains : Serge Doubrovsky, Georges Perec et Jorge Semprun. Les deux premiĂšres parties ont pour objet de poser les repĂšres biographiques, historiques et littĂ©raires indispensables Ă  la comprĂ©hension d’un individu, Ă  l’apprĂ©hension d’une Ă©poque et d’un paysage littĂ©raire. Sur la base des donnĂ©es ainsi rĂ©unies, les troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme parties analysent les caractĂ©ristiques de cette Ă©criture de soi, aux prises avec l’Histoire, autour de deux axes : celui de l’enfance et celui de la quĂȘte identitaire. L’Histoire de thĂ©matique va progressivement devenir motif obsĂ©dant. La cinquiĂšme partie met en relief les stigmates prĂ©sents dans le corps des textes. Nous concluons autour de la notion de « tribunal textuel »

    The self-fiction and history in Serge Doubrovsky' s, Georges Perec' s and Jorge Semprun' s works

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    Cette thĂšse examine les rapports entre Ă©criture de soi, Ă©criture de l’Histoire et mise en fiction chez trois auteurs contemporains : Serge Doubrovsky, Georges Perec et Jorge Semprun. Les deux premiĂšres parties ont pour objet de poser les repĂšres biographiques, historiques et littĂ©raires indispensables Ă  la comprĂ©hension d’un individu, Ă  l’apprĂ©hension d’une Ă©poque et d’un paysage littĂ©raire. Sur la base des donnĂ©es ainsi rĂ©unies, les troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme parties analysent les caractĂ©ristiques de cette Ă©criture de soi, aux prises avec l’Histoire, autour de deux axes : celui de l’enfance et celui de la quĂȘte identitaire. L’Histoire de thĂ©matique va progressivement devenir motif obsĂ©dant. La cinquiĂšme partie met en relief les stigmates prĂ©sents dans le corps des textes. Nous concluons autour de la notion de « tribunal textuel ».This thesis addresses the relationship between writing about oneself, writing about History and how three contemporary authors – Serge Doubrovsky, Georges Perec and Jorge Semprun – fictionalized themselves. The first two sections’ aim is to establish biographical, historical and literary guidelines, indispensable to the better comprehension of an individual, an era and a literary landscape. On the basis of information collected like so, the third and fourth sections analyse the characteristics of writing about oneself when dealing with History. This discussion is articulated around two axis: that of childhood and that of quest for identity. From underlining theme, History progressively becomes an obsessive motif. The fifth section highlights the stigmas in the text elements. We conclude with a discussion on the notion of “textual tribunal.

    L’écriture d’un je(u) discontinu dans les Ɠuvres de Jorge Semprun, Serge Doubrovsky et Georges Perec

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    « Impossible de raconter mon histoire », Ă©crit Serge Doubrovsky qui prĂ©cise ne pas percevoir « sa vie comme un tout, mais comme des fragments Ă©pars, des niveaux d’existences brisĂ©es ». Un sentiment partagĂ© par Jorge Semprun, « tout a Ă©tĂ© balayĂ©, anĂ©anti par la guerre civile et l’exil, il ne reste que les Ă©clairs intermittents d’une mĂ©moire ». « Je n’ai pas de souvenirs d’enfance », affirme quant Ă  lui Georges Perec. Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es soixante-dix, aprĂšs une « phase de deuil », puis une « ph..

    Effets à court et moyen terme d'un traitement par exénatide dans une cohorte de patients diabétiques de type 2: Résultats d'une étude multicentrique au sein du Réseau des diabétologues de l'UCL

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    Nous avons analysé les effets à court et moyen terme d'un traitement par exenatide chez des patients diabétiques de type 2 en échec d'une bithérapie antihyperglycémiante orale. Nous avons observé à 3 et 6 mois une diminution importante tant des taux de l'hémoglobine glycatée que du poids, confirmant la place de l'exenatide dans l'arsenal thérapeutique moderne

    One-year metabolic outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with exenatide in routine practice

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    AIM: The study objective was to analyze, in everyday practice, the long-term metabolic effects of exenatide (for 9 and 12months) in patients with type 2 diabetes not responding to treatments with metformin and sulphonylurea at maximum dosages. METHODS: A total of 299 type 2 diabetics were recruited from 14 centres specializing in diabetes care across Belgium. Main study endpoints were changes in HbA(1c), weight and waist circumference, and tolerability and compliance. Two patient cohorts were analyzed for effectiveness, with data available at 9 (n=90) and 12 (n=94) months of follow-up. RESULTS: Significant decreases in HbA(1c) of -1.3% and -1.6% were observed in the 9- and 12-month cohorts, respectively (P<0.001). The decrease in HbA(1c) was greater in patients with higher baseline levels (P<0.001), and the response was independent of baseline weight, body mass index (BMI), age, gender and diabetes duration. A progressive reduction of weight (4.9kg) was also observed in the two cohorts at 9 and 12months (P<0.001), with greater weight loss in patients with higher baseline BMI (P=0.046) and in female subjects (P=0.025). Waist circumference also decreased from baseline to endpoints. A correlation was observed between reduction in HbA(1c) and weight loss (P=0.019). Side effects, mainly of gastrointestinal origin, were reported in 33% (93/284 patients in the safety cohort). The rate of hypoglycaemia was 3.5%. Treatment was discontinued in 27% of patients (n=77) mainly due to drug inefficacy (53%, n=41) or adverse events (26%, n=20), or both (8%, n=6). CONCLUSION: Exenatide leads to long-term improvement of glycaemic control as well as weight loss in a majority of patients not responding to combined oral drug therapy in real-world clinical practice. However, no baseline factors predictive of response could be identified. Exenatide can be considered an effective treatment option in such patients, including those with high baseline HbA(1c) and long duration of diabetes