773 research outputs found

    Singularities of the divergence of continuous vector fields and uniform Hausdorff estimates

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    We prove that every closed set which is not sigma-finite with respect to the Hausdorff measure H^{N-1} carries singularities of continuous vector fields in the Euclidean space R^N for the divergence operator. We also show that finite measures which do not charge sets of sigma-finite Hausdorff measure H^{N-1} can be written as an L^1 perturbation of the divergence of a continuous vector field. The main tool is a property of approximation of measures in terms of the Hausdorff content

    Flat solutions of the 1-Laplacian equation

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    For every f∈LN(Ω)f \in L^N(\Omega) defined in an open bounded subset Ω\Omega of RN\mathbb{R}^N, we prove that a solution u∈W01,1(Ω)u \in W_0^{1, 1}(\Omega) of the 11-Laplacian equation −div(∇u∣∇u∣)=f{-}\mathrm{div}{(\frac{\nabla u}{|\nabla u|})} = f in Ω\Omega satisfies ∇u=0\nabla u = 0 on a set of positive Lebesgue measure. The same property holds if f∉LN(Ω)f \not\in L^N(\Omega) has small norm in the Marcinkiewicz space of weak-LNL^{N} functions or if uu is a BV minimizer of the associated energy functional. The proofs rely on Stampacchia's truncation method.Comment: Dedicated to Jean Mawhin. Revised and extended version of a note written by the authors in 201

    Strong maximum principle for Schr\"odinger operators with singular potential

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    We prove that for every p>1p > 1 and for every potential V∈LpV \in L^p, any nonnegative function satisfying −Δu+Vu≥0-\Delta u + V u \ge 0 in an open connected set of RN\mathbb{R}^N is either identically zero or its level set {u=0}\{u = 0\} has zero W2,pW^{2, p} capacity. This gives an affirmative answer to an open problem of B\'enilan and Brezis concerning a bridge between Serrin-Stampacchia's strong maximum principle for p>N2p > \frac{N}{2} and Ancona's strong maximum principle for p=1p = 1. The proof is based on the construction of suitable test functions depending on the level set {u=0}\{u = 0\} and on the existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Schr\"odinger operator with diffuse measure data.Comment: 21 page

    Schroedinger operators involving singular potentials and measure data

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    We study the existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Schroedinger operator with measure data {−Δu+Vu=μin Ω,u=0on ∂Ω. \left\{ \begin{alignedat}{2} -\Delta u + Vu & = \mu && \quad \text{in } \Omega,\\ u & = 0 && \quad \text{on } \partial \Omega. \end{alignedat} \right. We characterize the finite measures μ\mu for which this problem has a solution for every nonnegative potential VV in the Lebesgue space Lp(Ω)L^p(\Omega) with 1≤p≤N/21 \le p \le N/2. The full answer can be expressed in terms of the W2,pW^{2,p} capacity for p>1p > 1, and the W1,2W^{1,2} (or Newtonian) capacity for p=1p = 1. We then prove the existence of a solution of the problem above when VV belongs to the real Hardy space H1(Ω)H^1(\Omega) and μ\mu is diffuse with respect to the W2,1W^{2,1} capacity.Comment: Fixed a display problem in arxiv's abstract. Original tex file unchange

    A note on the fractional perimeter and interpolation

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    We present the fractional perimeter as a set-function interpolation between the Lebesgue measure and the perimeter in the sense of De Giorgi. Our motivation comes from a new fractional Boxing inequality that relates the fractional perimeter and the Hausdorff content and implies several known inequalities involving the Gagliardo seminorm of the Sobolev spaces Wα,1W^{\alpha, 1} of order 0<α<10 < \alpha < 1

    Limit solutions of the Chern-Simons equation

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    We investigate the scalar Chern-Simons equation −Δu+eu(eu−1)=μ-\Delta u + e^u(e^u-1) = \mu in cases where there is no solution for a given nonnegative finite measure μ\mu. Approximating μ\mu by a sequence of nonnegative L1L^1 functions or finite measures for which this equation has a solution, we show that the sequence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem converges to the solution with largest possible datum \mu^# \le \mu and we derive an explicit formula of \mu^# in terms of μ\mu. The counterpart for the Chern-Simons system with datum (μ,ν)(\mu, \nu) behaves differently and the conclusion depends on how much the measures μ\mu and ν\nu charge singletons

    Strong density for higher order Sobolev spaces into compact manifolds

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    Given a compact manifold NnN^n, an integer k∈N∗k \in \mathbb{N}_* and an exponent 1≤p<∞1 \le p < \infty, we prove that the class C∞(Q‾m;Nn)C^\infty(\overline{Q}^m; N^n) of smooth maps on the cube with values into NnN^n is dense with respect to the strong topology in the Sobolev space Wk,p(Qm;Nn)W^{k, p}(Q^m; N^n) when the homotopy group π⌊kp⌋(Nn)\pi_{\lfloor kp \rfloor}(N^n) of order ⌊kp⌋\lfloor kp \rfloor is trivial. We also prove the density of maps that are smooth except for a set of dimension m−⌊kp⌋−1m - \lfloor kp \rfloor - 1, without any restriction on the homotopy group of $N^n

    The role of interplay between coefficients in the GG-convergence of some elliptic equations

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    We study the behavior of the solutions uu of the linear Dirichlet problems −div(M(x)∇u)+a(x)u=f(x)- \mathrm{div} (M(x) \nabla u) + a(x) u = f(x) with respect to perturbations of the matrix M(x)M(x) (with respect to the GG-convergence) and with respect to perturbations of the nonnegative coefficient a(x)a(x) and of the right hand side f(x)f(x) satisfying the condition ∣f(x)∣≤Q a(x)|f (x)| \leq Q \, a (x)
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