1,912 research outputs found

    Chemotherapy-induced alopecia management: Clinical experience and practical advice

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    Background: Chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) is probably one of the most shocking aspects for oncological patients and underestimated by physicians. Among hair loss risk factors, there are treatment-related aspects such as drug dose, admin- istration regimen, and exposure to X-rays, but also patient-related characteristics. To the best of our knowledge, no guidelines are available about CIA management. Aims and methods: With this study, based on literature background and our clinical experience, we would like to propose a list of actions in order to estimate the risk of hair loss before starting chemotherapy and to manage this condition before, dur- ing, and after drug administration and to create a sort of practical guide for derma- tologists and oncologists. Results and conclusion: There is an urgent need for prospective studies to clarify the mechanistic basis of alopecia associated with these drugs and consequently to design evidence-based management strategies

    Suicide risk in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and exploration of risk factors: a systematic review

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    Historically, OCD has been considered to be associated with a relatively low risk of suicide. Recent studies, on the contrary, revealed a significant association between OCD and suicide attempts and ideation. A huge variation in prevalence rates, however, is reported. OBJECTIVE: To estimate prevalence rates of suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in individuals with OCD, and to identify predictors of suicide risk among subjects with OCD. METHOD: We systematically reviewed the literature on suicide risk (ideation and/or attempts) and OCD. We included studies with appropriate definition of OCD, cross-sectional or prospective design, separating clinical samples from epidemiological studies, that employed a quantitative measure of suicidality and/or reported an outcome measure of the association between suicidality and OCD or examined factors associated with suicidality. RESULTS: In clinical samples, the mean rate of lifetime suicide attempts is 14.2% (31 studies: range 6- 51.7%). Suicidal ideation is referred by 26.3-73.5% of individuals (17 studies, mean 44.1%); current suicidal ideation rate ranges between 6.4 and 75% (13 studies, mean 25.9). Epidemiological studies found that OCD increases significantly the odds of having a lifetime suicidal ideation as compared to the general population (OR: 1.9-10.3) and a history of lifetime suicide attempts (OR: 1.6- 9.9). Predictors of greater suicide risk are severity of OCD, the symptom dimension of unacceptable thoughts, comorbid Axis I disorders, severity of comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms, past history of suicidality and some emotion-cognitive factors such as alexithymia and hopelessness. CONCLUSION: Overall, suicidality appears a relevant phenomenon in OCD

    Fear and anxiety related to COVID-19 pandemic may predispose to perinatal depression in Italy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic situation significantly affected the mental health of the general and clinical population. However, few studies investigated which COVID-19-related psychopathological determinants may predispose to perinatal depression. We evaluated the impact of COVID-19 related anxiety and fear on perinatal depression in Italy. We retrospectively screened 184 perinatal outpatients afferent to Perinatal Mental Health outpatient service, during March 2020-March 2021, by administering the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the Fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19-S) and the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS). Among these, 85 patients agreed to be recruited in the present study. The mean EPDS score was 9.0, experiencing a clinically relevant perinatal depression in 45.7% of the sample. The mean FCV-19-S score was 15.0 and CAS was 1.7. Linear regression analyses demonstrated that FCV-19-S and CAS scores statistically significantly predicted EPDS total scores. A positive significant correlation was reported between FCV-19-S and EPDS and between CAS and EPDS. During the COVID-19 pandemic, women in their perinatal period, independently of previous psychiatric history, experienced increased levels of anxiety, fear and psychological distress, due to subsequent isolation, quarantine, lockdown and deprivation of their normal social support. Further preventive and screening strategies should be implemented in order to early identify at-risk pregnant and puerperal women during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Factors associated with increased suicide risk in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Objectives: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is in itself at greater risk for suicide (suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide) as compared to the general population. However, the majority of individuals with OCD do not have current or lifetime suicidal ideation nor did attempt suicide in their lifetime. Methods: The present paper aims to provide an updated review on factors (socio-demographic and personal factors, OCD-related variables, comorbidities, emotion-cognitive factors, and biological variables) contributing to the increased suicide risk in patients with OCD. Results: Several factors have been found to be strongly associated with suicide risk in patients with OCD, such as the severity of OCD, the unacceptable thoughts symptom dimension, having a comorbid Axis I disorder (Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Substance Use Disorder), the severity of comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms, a previous history of suicide attempts, having high levels of alexithymia and hopelessness. Conclusions: Several contributing factors should be evaluated and identified in the clinical practice in order to improve early detection of suicide risk. Risk identification and stratification of risk remain essential components of suicide prevention and should guide the clinical approach to patients with OCD. Whether and how these risk factors for suicide in patients with OCD work together, and whether the specific factors act as moderators or mediators, remains to be fully clarified

    The effect of social media and infodemic on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the COMET multicentric trial

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    On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the status of pandemic due to the COVID-19 infection. The initial phases of the pandemic were characterized by uncertainty and public fears. In order to cope with such unexpected conditions, people adopted different coping strategies, including search for information, accessing Internet, and using social media. The present study based on the COMET collaborative research network aims to: (1) assess use of Internet and of social media among the Italian general population; (2) explore differences in web usage between people with pre-existing mental disorders and the general population; (3) identify changes over time in social media usage along the phase 1 of the pandemic; (4) identify the clinical, socio-demographic and contextual predictors of excessive use of social media. A significant increase in time spent on Internet, with an average time of 4.8 ± 0.02 h per day, was found in the global sample of 20,720 participants. Compared with the general population, Internet use was significantly higher in people with pre-existing mental disorders (5.2 ± 0.1 h vs. 4.9 ± 0.02; p < 0.005). According to the multivariate logistic regression model, the risk of excessive use of social media and Internet was significantly higher in people with moderate levels of depressive symptoms (OR: 1.26, CI 95%: 0.99 to 1.59, p < 0.0.005); while protective factors were being students (OR: 0.72, CI 95%: 0.53 to 0.96, p < 0.0029) and living in central Italy (OR: 0.46, CI 95%: 0.23 to 0.90, p < 0.002). The evaluation of social media and Internet use by the general population represents a first step for developing specific protective and supportive interventions for the general population, including practical suggestions on how to safely use Internet and social media

    COVID-19-Related Social Isolation Predispose to Problematic Internet and Online Video Gaming Use in Italy

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    COVID-19 pandemic and its related containment measures have been associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression in the general population. While the use of digital media has been greatly promoted by national governments and international authorities to maintain social contacts and healthy lifestyle behaviors, its increased access may also bear the risk of inappropriate or excessive use of internet-related resources. The present study, part of the COVID Mental hEalth Trial (COMET) study, aims at investigating the possible relationship between social isolation, the use of digital resources and the development of their problematic use. A cross sectional survey was carried out to explore the prevalence of internet addiction, excessive use of social media, problematic video gaming and binge watching, during Italian phase II (May-June 2020) and III (June-September 2020) of the pandemic in 1385 individuals (62.5% female, mean age 32.5 +/- 12.9) mainly living in Central Italy (52.4%). Data were stratified according to phase II/III and three groups of Italian regions (northern, central and southern). Compared to the larger COMET study, most participants exhibited significant higher levels of severe-to-extremely-severe depressive symptoms (46.3% vs. 12.4%; p &lt; 0.01) and extremely severe anxiety symptoms (77.8% vs. 7.5%; p &lt; 0.01). We also observed a rise in problematic internet use and excessive gaming over time. Mediation analyses revealed that COVID-19-related general psychopathology, stress, anxiety, depression and social isolation play a significant role in the emergence of problematic internet use, social media addiction and problematic video gaming. Professional gamers and younger subjects emerged as sub-populations particularly at risk of developing digital addictions. If confirmed in larger and more homogenous samples, our findings may help in shedding light on possible preventive and treatment strategies for digital addictions

    Lurasidone in adolescents and adults with schizophrenia: from clinical trials to real-world clinical practice

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    Introduction: Lurasidone is an atypical antipsychotic agent approved in the European Union for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults and adolescents (13-17 years). Clinical trials have shown a generally favorable balance between efficacy and tolerability. Areas covered: This paper provides a review and commentary regarding the use of lurasidone in adults and adolescents with schizophrenia. The available information about efficacy, tolerability, dosing, and switching is analyzed, highlighting the strategies that may be most useful in real-world clinical practice. Virtual case studies, designed based on the authors' clinical experience with real-world patients, are provided. Expert opinion: Lurasidone is efficacious in adolescents and adults in a wide range of symptoms of schizophrenia. Choosing the right dose for each patient and combining lurasidone with other medications is key to treatment success. Lurasidone has proven effective both in adolescents and adults in treating the acute phase of schizophrenia and reducing the risk of relapse. It has shown a relatively favorable tolerability profile, with minimal effects on metabolic parameters and prolactin levels

    The Arabidopsis pattern recognition receptor EFR enhances fire blight resistance in apple

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    Fire blight disease, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora (E. amylovora), is responsible for substantial losses in cultivated apples worldwide. An important mechanism of plant immunity is based on the recognition of conserved microbial molecules, named pathogen-associated or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs or MAMPs), through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), leading to pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). The interspecies transfer of PRRs represents a promising strategy to engineer broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance in crops. EFR, the Arabidopsis thaliana PRR for the PAMP elf18 derived from the elongation factor thermal unstable (EF-Tu) proved to be effective in improving bacterial resistance when expressed into Solanaceae and other plant species. In this study, we tested whether EFR can affect the interaction of apple with E. amylovora by its ectopic expression in the susceptible apple rootstock M.26. Stable EFR expression led to the activation of PAMP-triggered immune response in apple leaves upon treatment with supernatant of E. amylovora, as measured by the production of reactive oxygen species and the induction of known defense genes. The amount of tissue necrosis associated with E. amylovora infection was significantly reduced in the EFR transgenic rootstock compared to the wild-type. Our results show that the expression of EFR in apple rootstock may be a valuable biotechnology strategy to improve the resistance of apple to fire blight

    The effect of social media and infodemic on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the COMET multicentric trial

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    On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the status of pandemic due to the COVID-19 infection. The initial phases of the pandemic were characterized by uncertainty and public fears. In order to cope with such unexpected conditions, people adopted different coping strategies, including search for information, accessing Internet, and using social media. The present study based on the COMET collaborative research network aims to: (1) assess use of Internet and of social media among the Italian general population; (2) explore differences in web usage between people with pre-existing mental disorders and the general population; (3) identify changes over time in social media usage along the phase 1 of the pandemic; (4) identify the clinical, socio-demographic and contextual predictors of excessive use of social media. A significant increase in time spent on Internet, with an average time of 4.8  ±  0.02 h per day, was found in the global sample of 20,720 participants. Compared with the general population, Internet use was significantly higher in people with pre-existing mental disorders (5.2  ± 0.1 h vs. 4.9  ±  0.02; p &lt; 0.005). According to the multivariate logistic regression model, the risk of excessive use of social media and Internet was significantly higher in people with moderate levels of depressive symptoms (OR: 1.26, CI 95%: 0.99 to 1.59, p &lt; 0.0.005); while protective factors were being students (OR: 0.72, CI 95%: 0.53 to 0.96, p &lt; 0.0029) and living in central Italy (OR: 0.46, CI 95%: 0.23 to 0.90, p &lt; 0.002). The evaluation of social media and Internet use by the general population represents a first step for developing specific protective and supportive interventions for the general population, including practical suggestions on how to safely use Internet and social media
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