446 research outputs found

    The Kite Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Breast Reconstruction: An Attempt to Reduce Lateral Chest Wall Deformity and Axillary Bulking

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    The latissimus dorsi flap is a commonly used tissue transfer for volume replacement in partial or total breast reconstruction. In this era of cosmetic awareness and oncoplastic breast surgery, two main defects are related to the conventional technique: the back scar and the bulkiness on the lateral chest wall, under the axilla. Axillary bulking, a disturbing defect for the majority of patients, is a persistent consequence, independent of the technique used, even when the proximal tendon is cut. We describe a new approach, the kite latissimus dorsi flap, consisting of harvesting the flap, partially or totally, with pedicle dissection from the muscle, extending dissection, perforator style if needed, until the external border of the breast (anterior axillary line) is reached. The muscle is then cut at that level, leaving no unnecessary volume under the axilla, which would cause bulkiness and chest wall deformity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative study of quality of life, adverse effects after cytoreduction and HIPEC in stage IIIA-IIIC ovarian cancer

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    Nowadays cytorective surgery and HIPEC is the mainstay of management of advanced stages ovarian cancer. Study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of combined treatment in IIIA-IIIC ovarian cancer, its impact on quality of life. 37 patients of main group (CRS + HIPEC) were compared with 25 patients of control group (surgery + systemic chemotherapy). The quality of life was assessed with Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Comparative analysis of quality of life 6 months after treatment completion did not show significant statistical difference. Combination of cytoreduction with HIPEC improves quality of life in patients with ovarian cancer, is tolerated better and has less systemic toxicities than systemic chemotherapy

    A new combination in Mauranthemum (Asteraceae)

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    El análisis de la variación morfólógica de las poblaciones ibicencas de Mauranthemum paludosum subsp. ebusitanum (Vogt) Vogt and Oberpr. (? Leucanthemum paludosum subsp. ebusitanum Vogt) sugiere su recoconocimiento taxonómico a nivel específico. Se propone la nueva combinación nomenclatural, Mauranthemum ebusitanum (Vogt) N. Torres and Rosselló

    Bubalus antiquus

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    L’Afrique du Nord et le Sahara possèdent de nombreuses gravures rupestres représentant un buffle, espèce fossile connue depuis 1851 par la découverte d’un crâne fragmentaire dans les alluvions du Bou Sellam, près de Sétif (Algérie). Après avoir étudié ces restes, Duvernoy créait l’espèce Buffelus antiquus, appellation à laquelle Pomel, qui disposa de fossiles plus nombreux, préféra celle de Bubalus antiquus. L’étude de Pomel reposait sur un squelette presque complet, aux os remarquablement co..

    A Comparison between the Presence and Absence of Regulation in the Spanish Electricity Market

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    There is an important gap in the literature on the promotion of competition in electricity markets in what pertains to the analysis of two different streams: the absence and presence of regulation. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to analyze the interactions among market power indexes, marginal costs, and bidding strategies in the two mentioned scenarios, for comparative purposes. The methodology used is based on panel cointegration methods. The results point to the significant inclusion of different bidding strategies in the retail market: (i) fuel prices exercise a differential impact on the power plants’ marginal costs, (ii) the marginal costs have a significantly positive effect on quantity sold and on net quantity, and (iii) the market power measures under regulation have a significantly positive long-term impact on the quantity sold and a negative impact on net quantity supplied in wholesale market. Although there is some literature on this issue, the main novelty of this article is the discussion of the regulatory implications that could have been adopted in order to control and mitigate the market power, to encourage new investments in new technologies, and to recover sunk costs with the transition to a competitive market

    A new chrysochlorid from Makapansgat

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    Main articleIn this paper a new species of golden mole Chrysotricha hamiltoni sp. nov. from Limeworks, Makapansgat, is described. This is the first occurrence of a fossil golden mole at this site; two fossil forms (Proamblysomus antiquus Broom and Chlorotalpa spelea Broom) have previously been recorded from Sterkfontein.Non

    La géologie en Algérie (1880-1940)

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    Au début du XIXe siècle, comparée aux autres disciplines émergentes au moment de la conquête coloniale, la géologie occupe très tôt une place privilégiée et à part dans le dispositif académique qui se met en place progressivement en Algérie. Rappel historique de Yamina Bettahar.At the beginning of the XIXth century, geology became one of the major disciplines in Algeria, during the colonial conquest. A come back by Yamina Bettahar

    Bipolar Latissimus Dorsi Transfer through a Single Incision: First Key-Step in Poland Syndrome Chest Deformity.

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    Poland syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by a unilateral congenital absence of the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major muscle. The absence of the pectoralis major does not only result in chest asymmetry but also in a missing anterior axillary fold, which is essential for natural anatomical appearance in both male and female patients. In Poland syndrome patients, we perform bipolar latissimus dorsi flap transfer, which can be associated with a sublatissimus implant in women. All procedures are performed through a single short midaxillary incision, and tendon translocation in this technique allows the creation of the anterior axillary fold and thus a natural chest appearance. Moreover, this technique can be performed by any plastic surgeon operating under a basic operating room setting

    Böden und Vegetation in Trockenwäldern Südwest-Burkina Fasos

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    Im SW Burkina Fasos (sechs Monate Regenzeit und durchschnittlich über 1000 mm Niederschlag) wurden mehrere Trockenwälder auf ihr Artenspektrum und die Bodenverhältnisse hin untersucht. Die Waldformationen fallen durch die Dichte der Gehölzbedeckung, ihren Lianenreichtum und das fast vollständige Fehlen von Gräsern auf. Typische Gehölzarten sind Anogeissus leiocarpus, Diospyros mespiliformis und die Liane Saba senegalensis. Der dichte Strauchunterwuchs und die fehlende Grasschicht verhindern das regelmäßige Eindringen von Buschfeuern. Wegen der Dichte und des Alters der Bäume belegen diese Waldformationen, daß an den Standorten, zumindest für einen sehr langen Zeitraum, kein Feldbau betrieben wurde. Daher konnten sich, auch auf eher als ungünstig zu bewertenden Böden, Trockenwälder ausbilden, die zumindest in ihrer Physiognomie der potentiellen natürlichen Vegetation entsprechen. Jedoch finden sich in den Wäldern oft Spuren menschlicher Aktivitäten aus der Vergangenheit, so z.B. Steinsetzungen, Siedlungshügel und Gruben. Außerdem lassen sich vielfach Anzeichen einer rezenten Nutzung beobachten, so z.B. für die Entnahme von Werkholz, das Schneiteln mancher Baumarten zur Viehfuttergewinnung, gelegentliche Beweidung und das Sammeln von Wildpflanzen