40 research outputs found

    Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) Scoring Method

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    The Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) is a quantitative test battery that assesses motor competence across the whole lifespan. It is composed of three sub-scales: locomotor, stability, and manipulative, each of them assessed by two different objectively measured tests. The MCA construct validity for children and adolescents, having normative values from 3 to 23 years of age, and the configural invariance between age groups, were recently established. The aim of this study is to expand the MCA’s development and validation by defining the best and leanest method to score and classify MCA sub-scales and total score. One thousand participants from 3 to 22 years of age, randomly selected from the Portuguese database on MC, participated in the study. Three different procedures to calculate the sub-scales and total MCA values were tested according to alternative models. Results were compared to the reference method, and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, Cronbach’s Alpha, and Bland–Altman statistics were used to describe agreement between the three methods. The analysis showed no substantial differences between the three methods. Reliability values were perfect (0.999 to 1.000) for all models, implying that all the methods were able to classify everyone in the same way. We recommend implementing the most economic and efficient algorithm, i.e., the configural model algorithm, averaging the percentile scores of the two tests to assess each MCA sub-scale and total scores.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Correlates of children's physical activity during the COVID-19 confinement in Portugal

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to understand the role of household variables on the percentage of physical activity (%PA) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) confinement in Portugal. Study design: A cross-sectional study design using an anonymous online survey was launched to assess how Portuguese families with children aged younger than 13 years adjusted their daily routines to the confinement. Methods: Separate analyses of variance were performed to investigate how factors such as the number of children, age, sex, the housing characteristics, and the adults' job situation can affect the percentage of time for PA (%PA). Results: Findings, based on data from 2159 children, indicate that (1) boys and girls did not differ in the %PA on any of the age-groups; (2) children with an outdoor space and who had other children in the household were significantly more active (P < .001); (3) children from families with all adults working from home showed lower levels of %PA; and (4) being younger, having a big outdoor space, having other children in the household, and having at least one adult free from working from home were significant positive predictors of children's %PA, explaining 21% of the overall variance. Conclusion: Time allocated for PA during this period is reduced compared with what is usually reported on normal days. It is necessary to find strategies to increase children's PA, especially in families in which both parents are working and have no outdoor space.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Estimation of the Best Method for the Calculation of the Subscales and Total Scores of the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA)

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    The MCA (Motor Competence Assessment) is an instrument to assess motor competence (MC). along the lifespan. For the first time, we can assess MC from childhood to old age using the same instrument, without an age ceiling effect and of feasible and objective execution. After establishing the MCA construct validity, the six tests’ normative values from childhood to young adulthood were published, and recently, the invariance of the MCA across age groups was assessed. The aim of this study is now to find the best method for the calculation of the subscales and total MCA scores. One thousand participants representing four age group subsamples (3-to-6, 7-to-10, 11-to-16, and 17-to-22 years) with 250 participants each, were assessed on the MCA, and their results on the sub-scales were calculated according to three different methods: (1) a general factor score index, where each item’s weight is derived from its factor loading of the MCA model; (2) an age-group factor score index, where each item’s weight is derived from its factor loading of the respective age-group MCA model; and (3) an equal score index with a non-weighed participation of each test for the subscale calculation. Each subscale was calculated using the three tested methods, and the results compared using bivariate correlations and intraclass correlations for the all sample and for each agegroup sub-sample. Results showed a very high agreement between the three methods tested with intraclass correlations and bivariate correlations values higher than 0.99. These results allow to conclude for the use of the simpler method for calculating the MCA subscales, there is to use equal weights for each test. In conclusion we suggest that, after being transformed into age and sex normative values (percentiles), an average of the two tests of each MCA subscale can be used to adequately represent the individual motor competence on that category (locomotor, stability, or manipulative), and a total MCA score can be found by the average of all six testsLPR and VPL work was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) under Grant number UID04045/2020. RC work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Grant UIDB/00447/2020 to CIPER.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motor competence assessment (MCA) scoring method

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    The Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) is a quantitative test battery that assesses motor competence across the whole lifespan. It is composed of three sub-scales: locomotor, stability, and manipulative, each of them assessed by two different objectively measured tests. The MCA construct validity for children and adolescents, having normative values from 3 to 23 years of age, and the configural invariance between age groups, were recently established. The aim of this study is to expand the MCA’s development and validation by defining the best and leanest method to score and classify MCA sub-scales and total score. One thousand participants from 3 to 22 years of age, randomly selected from the Portuguese database on MC, participated in the study. Three different procedures to calculate the sub-scales and total MCA values were tested according to alternative models. Results were compared to the reference method, and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, Cronbach’s Alpha, and Bland–Altman statistics were used to describe agreement between the three methods. The analysis showed no substantial differences between the three methods. Reliability values were perfect (0.999 to 1.000) for all models, implying that all the methods were able to classify everyone in the same way. We recommend implementing the most economic and efficient algorithm, i.e., the configural model algorithm, averaging the percentile scores of the two tests to assess each MCA sub-scale and total scoresThis work was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) under Grant number UIDB/00447/2020 (unit 447); the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020 under Project TECH—Technology, Environment, Creativity and Health, Grant number Norte-01-0145-FEDER-00004; and the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) under Grant number UID04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da competência motora de crianças amblíopes e não amblíopes do primeiro ciclo

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    Ambliopia refere-se ao prejuízo da visão espaço temporal uni ou bilateral durante os primeiros cinco anos de vida, podendo ser causada por qualquer condição que interfira com o foco ocular nessa idade. A consequência da não identificação e não tratamento da ambliopia precocemente pode causar prejuízo visual permanente e efeitos adversos: i) no desempenho escolar; ii), nas habilidades motoras grossas e finas; iii), na interação social e iv) autoimagem. Desta forma, a competência motora O desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras fundamentais poderá ser afetado por limitações visuais, pois um pobre défice no processamento visual leva a uma diminuição depobre precisão de movimento, movimentos não coordenados e prejuízo do equilíbrio, o que poderá ter consequências futuras ao nível da manutenção de um estilo de vida saudável, visto a competência motora ser preditora da atividade física em crianças e adolescência. Esse estudo avaliou a competência motora de crianças com ambliopia e sem ampliopia. Foram avaliadas 96 crianças do primeiro ciclo, de ambos os sexos, por meio da bateria motor compentence assessment (MCA) (LUZ et al., 2016), composta por seis tarefas quantitativas (duas tarefas de estabilidade, duas locomotoras e duas manipulativas), que permite avaliar a capacidade da criança ser proficiente em uma variedade de habilidades ou ações motoras finas ou grossas. A acuidade visual foi avaliada pelo teste de Snellen (KRONBAUER, SCHOR, CARVALHO, 2008; ZAPPAROLI, KLEIN, MOREIRA, 2009). Após a avaliação da acuidade visual e da competência motora. As crianças foram divididas em 3 grupos: G1- sem ambliopia (31 crianças), G2- com ambliopia corrigida (32 crianças) e G3 – com ambliopia não corrigida (33 crianças). Foi realizada ANOVA para comparar os grupos em cada tarefa do MCA. Os resultados indicaram que houve efeito de grupo para as tarefas de estabilidade: (1) saltos laterais (p<0,001), indicando que o G3 tem desempenho inferior em relação a G1 (p=0,01) e ao G2 (p<0,001); também houve efeito de grupo para a (2) transposição de plataformas (p=0,024), indicando que o G3 tem desempenho inferior ao G1 (p=0,028), mas não entre G3 e G2 (p=0,08). Para as tarefas locomotoras: (3) salto em profundidade, não houve diferença entre os grupos (p=0,131); e para o (4) shuttle run houve diferença entre os grupos (p=0,003), indicando que o G3 tem desempenho inferior ao G1 (p=0,002), mas não em relação ao G2 (p=0,06). Para as tarefas manipulativas: (5) lançar a bola, não houve diferença entre os grupos (p=0,430); assim como não houve efeito de grupo para (6) pontapear (p=0,492). Pode-se concluir que as crianças com ambliopia não corrigida apresentam menor desempenho nas tarefas: salto lateral, transposição de plataformas e shuttle run, tarefas de estabilidade e locomotora, respectivamente, em relação as crianças sem ambliopia, indicando menor habilidade dessas crianças em tarefas em que há interação com objetos.N/

    effects on the physical activity routine of families with children

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    Objective: To identify how Brazilian families with children aged under 13 years face the period of social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially regarding the time spent on physical activity (PA), intellectual activity, games, outdoor activities and screen. Methods: An anonymous online survey was launched on March 24, 2020 in Brazil to assess how families with children aged up to 12 years are adjusting their daily routines to this situation. In the survey, each family reported the daily time each child spent in sedentary activity (sum of intellectual activities, play time on screen, playing without PA) and PA (sum of playing with PA and PA). Results: The main findings based on data from 816 children indicate that most parents consider there was a reduction in the time that children spend practicing PA; increase in screen play time and family activities, differences between sex were found regarding screen play time (boys>girls) and in playing without PA (girls>boys), and there was an age effect for all categories analyzed, with a tendency to increase the total time of sedentary lifestyle and complementary reducing the time of PA over age. Conclusions: The household routines of families during the period of social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic confirm the general reduction tendency in PA time during childhood.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Virus del papiloma humano en Latinoamérica: la pandemia de la que poco se habla

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    El virus del papiloma humano es un problema de salud pública con graves repercusiones en distintos ámbitos como el personal, el social, el económico y por razones obvias, el de la salud. Han sido muchos los esfuerzos de las distintas naciones para disminuir el contagio por este y las consecuencias que se desprenden de él, sin embargo, las cifras siguen reflejando fallas en la implementación de estrategias, puesto que no han podido lograr una reducción significativa. Latinoamérica cuenta con diversas estrategias para la reducción de esta infección y el cáncer de cérvix que está fuertemente asociado a esta; teniendo en cuenta los aspectos sociodemográficos de las regiones que la componen, cumplir con la reducción en la población ha representado un verdadero reto: las condiciones socioeconómicas, la disponibilidad de acceso a servicios de salud y la carencia de estrategias de promoción y prevención que involucren a toda la población, son grandes condicionantes que juegan en contra. Es por esto que se desarrolla esta investigación con el objetivo de conocer el panorama del VPH y su impacto, a través de una revisión de distintas fuentes bibliográficas, de tipo artículos científicos del siglo XXI, lo cual proporciona información en contexto de actualidad sobre aspectos relevantes del VPH, seguidamente el impacto holístico sobre el ser humano. Por el gran número que representa Latinoamérica sobre el total de la prevalencia de infección por VPH en el mundo, es importante conocer y apropiarse de ello para entender que es un grave problema de salud pública con consecuencias fatales.PregradoMedic

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on preschool children and preschools in Portugal. Journal

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    Problem Statement:The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant changes in the life routines of preschool children, both during lockdown and post-lockdown periods. Approach:An online survey completed by parents, in-loco assessment scales filled in by a researcherand semi-structured interviews with preschool teacherswere used to investigate the effects of the adjustments, which occurred in preschool children’s lives, in the lockdown and post lockdown periods.Purpose:To characterize the levels of physical activity that Portuguese children had during the lockdown period and to understand what changed in their school routines in the post-lockdown period, regarding the organization of school spaces and routines.Results:Parents reported that children aged 3 to 5spent most of their time during lockdownundertaking sedentary activities (72% of their daily activities). In the post-lockdown period,results indicate that in June there was an increase in the number of preschools with a poor quality of environment compared to the pre-pandemic period (October/November).Taking into account the measures implemented in preschools to prevent the COVID-19 transmission,teachers were of the opinion that limiting the number of children sharing material was the worst measure imposed, since it hampered children’s socialization. Conversely, increasing the use of the outdoor space was deemed positive because it improved children’s happiness and action possibilities outside.Conclusions: TheCOVID-19pandemic has had a clear impact on Portuguese children’s overall levels of physical activity during lockdown. In some schools, the implementation of health guidelines has also led to further negative effects on children’s play opportunities. However, many schools seem to be successful in finding strategies to ensure a healthy balance between promoting children’s physical activity and ensuring risk control

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on preschool children and preschools in Portugal.

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    Problem Statement:The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant changes in the life routines of preschool children, both during lockdown and post-lockdown periods. Approach:An online survey completed by parents, in-loco assessment scales filled in by a researcherand semi-structured interviews with preschool teacherswere used to investigate the effects of the adjustments, which occurred in preschool children?s lives, in the lockdown and post lockdown periods.Purpose:To characterize the levels of physical activity that Portuguese children had during the lockdown period and to understand what changed in their school routines in the post-lockdown period, regarding the organization of school spaces and routines.Results:Parents reported that children aged 3 to 5spent most of their time during lockdownundertaking sedentary activities (72% of their daily activities). In the post-lockdown period,results indicate that in June there was an increase in the number of preschools with a poor quality of environment compared to the pre-pandemic period (October/November).Taking into account the measures implemented in preschools to prevent the COVID-19 transmission,teachers were of the opinion that limiting the number of children sharing material was the worst measure imposed, since it hampered children?s socialization. Conversely, increasing the use of the outdoor space was deemed positive because it improved children?s happiness and action possibilities outside.Conclusions: TheCOVID-19pandemic has had a clear impact on Portuguese children?s overall levels of physical activity during lockdown. In some schools, the implementation of health guidelines has also led to further negative effects on children?s play opportunities. However, many schools seem to be successful in finding strategies to ensure a healthy balance between promoting children?s physical activity and ensuring risk control.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo Rodriguesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influences of family and household characteristics on children's level of physical activity during social distancing due to Covid-19 in Brazil

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    Objective: To evaluate if the variables child?s sex, age, presence of siblings, parents working remotely, and external space affect the level of physical activity (PA) of Brazilian children during social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online questionnaire was applied by the LimeSurvey software from March to April 2020. Children were divided into four age groups, and the questionnaire comprised questions on family and household characteristics, domestic and children?s routines in the period of Brazilian social distancing. Based on the answers concerning children?s activities, the following variable was created: percentage of physical activity (%PA) in one-day period. Analysis of variance and regression analysis were performed to investigate the effect of demographic and parental activities on %PA. Results: The %PA decreases with increasing age, but increases with the availability of external space at home. No significant or interaction effects were observed for other variables. Age and external space at home are predictors of %PA. Conclusions: Household and personal characteristics of Brazilian children influence the level of physical activity performed by them during social distancing. Preventive measures can be adopted in the face of another similar period.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/