306 research outputs found

    Seminario Especializado “Un juego de palabras para enriquecer aprendizajes”

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    Este trabajo contiene reseñas sobre la teorización de la forma de educar a seres humanos, con el enriquecimiento de los procesos bajo los esquemas de reconocer diversas aptitudes, potencialidades y habilitar competencias, desde el trabajo del profesor Howard Gardner y las inteligencias múltiples. La comprensión de estas líneas va solamente hasta la asimilación del discurso sobre el aprendizaje que está consagrado por Gardner en “El desarrollo y la educación de la mente” y toca el riquísimo mundo de las inteligencias que enaltecen el ejercicio para la formación de seres humanos pensantes. Contrasta el tránsito de los procesos educativos, con sus finalidades y métodos, orientados a algo muy definido, bajo la lente crítica de Henry Giroux desde su texto “Teoría y Resistencia en la Educación, una teoría para la oposición”

    Solutions for Impact Investors: From Strategy to Implementation

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    In writing this monograph, our main goal is to provide impact investors with tools to tighten the link between their investment decisions and impact creation. Our intent is threefold: to attract more capital to impact investing; to assist impact investors as they move from organizational change to executing and refining their impact investment decision-making process; and to narrow the gap within foundations between program professionals and investment professionals thereby contributing to a mutual understanding and implementation of a portfolio approach to impact investing.Additionally, we intend to help break down the barriers making it difficult to identify opportunities in impact investing. To this end, we provide examples throughout the monograph and at www.rockpa.org/impactinvesting of impact investment opportunities in most major asset classes.While we understand the important role that impact investors can play in providing financial capital, we also want to acknowledge the wide range of non-financial resources needed to address the world's problems. Our intent with this monograph is not to provide a comprehensive list of investments across asset classes nor any type of investment advice with regard to the selected profiles. We strongly encourage the reader to conduct their own assessment and evaluation for risk and suitability before considering any investment

    La didáctica lúdica, mediadora en el aprendizaje significativo

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    Maestría en Educación - Modalidad VirtualThis research emerges from our role as a support teacher (PTA) in the class room and through the accompaniment processes with the teachers, detecting /as a problem the lack of implementation or integration of playful activities during the development of the classes; for this reason, we have implemented strategic plays in the class room with the intention to make the teachers aware about the importance of using didactic plays as an effective pedagogical tool to enhance the learning, the different dimension, ( cognitive, communicative, corporal, ethic, attitudinal, valorative and esthetic of the students favoring the processes of meaningful learning. The objective of this research is to propose and design strategies based on playful activities which permits the mediation and promote the learning processes of the students from the Flowers Hill Bilingual School headquarters Bautista Central. The instruments applied was a questionnaire which permits to discover that majorities of the teachers recognizes the importance of playful activities in the class room but nevertheless it is not implemented in the class room and the checklist which permits to prove the effectiveness of implementing playful games or activities to enhance, promote the learning skills of the studentsEste proyecto de investigación surge a partir de nuestro rol como docentes de apoyo (PTA) en el aula y a través de los procesos de acompañamiento a los docentes, detectando como problemática la falta de integración de la didáctica lúdica durante el desarrollo de las clases; es por esto, que se implementó estrategias lúdicas con la intención de concientizar a los docentes sobre la importancia del uso de este como una herramienta pedagógica efectiva que permite el desarrollo humano y sus diferentes dimensiones cognitivo, comunicativa, corporal, ética, actitudinal, estética y valorativa favoreciendo así la construcción de aprendizajes significativos. El objetivo de esta investigación es proponer y diseñar estrategias fundamentadas en la didáctica lúdica que permita mediar, promover los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del tercer grado del colegio Flowers Hill Bilingual School sede escuela Bautista Central. Uno de los instrumentos utilizados en este proceso fue el cuestionario que permitió dar cuenta que la mayoría de los docentes reconocen la importancia de la lúdica en el aula, más sin embargo no es implementada y la lista de cotejo permitió probar que la didáctica lúdica es una herramienta pedagógica efectiva para potenciar, promover, mejorar los aprendizajes de los estudiantes

    Escuela para padres como vía de fortalecimiento de la convivencia escolar

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    Maestría en Educación - Modalidad VirtualIn the sagrada familia sede San Jose school is observed a low participation of parents in the teaching-learning process of their children, causing inefficient academic performance. Therefore, the main goal in the current research is to develop a structure and guidelines for a school for parents aimed to strengthen the participation of parents in the teaching and learning process of their children involved in the elementary education system. Focus on a participative research, under the cualitative-cuantitative approach, with descriptive levels and using the questioner and interview as the main techniques for collecting information. As a conclusion, the schools most stimulate parents to comply with their obligation as direct educators, during to the fact that the family is the first social school of the child. And finally recommend the implementation of a school for parents as an answerEn la institución educativa de la sagrada familia sede San José, se observa la escasa participación de los padres, madres y representantes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de sus hijos, trayendo como consecuencia el bajo desempeño académico. Por lo que en la presente investigación se tiene como principal objetivo proponer la estructura y los lineamientos de funcionamiento de una Escuela para Padres como apoyo al proceso formativo, académico y de fortalecimiento de la convivencia escolar perteneciente a la educación primaria. Enmarcándose en una investigación bajo el enfoque cuali-cuantitativo con un nivel descriptivo, utilizando como principales técnicas de recolección de información el cuestionario y la entrevista. En conclusión, la escuela debe y tiene que buscar los medios para estimular a los representantes a cumplir con su obligación como educadores directos, debido a que la familia es la primera escuela social del niño y la niña. Y finalmente se recomienda la implementación de un espacio llamado Escuela para Padres y Madres como una opción de orientación y apoyo a los representantes en el cumplimiento de su debe

    Perfil axiológico para el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas

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    Citizenship education, axiological training and study plans are understood as the means by which the habits, customs and values of a community are transferred from one generation to the next generation. Education is developed through situations and experiences lived by each individual throughout their lives. In this order of ideas in the present work is aimed at designing teaching strategies that support student training from an axiological profile for the development of citizenship skills. To this end, the personal, social and school dimensions of the student are addressed and the conception of citizenship competences is analyzed in the curriculum. The research design is documentary and field; We work with students from San Andres Island. Among the main results we state that the disruptive behaviors generated in the classroom affect the development of citizenship skills and are directly associated with the students' values training. It concludes in the need to define strategies that are oriented to the development of citizen competences giving priority to the axiological profile of the students.La educación en formación ciudadana, formación axiológica y planes de estudio se entiende como los medios por los cuales los hábitos, las costumbres y los valores de una comunidad se transfieren de una generación a la siguiente generación. La educación se desarrolla a través de situaciones y experiencias vividas por cada individuo a lo largo de sus vidas. En este orden de ideas en el presente trabajo se orienta a diseñar estrategias didácticas que fundamenten la formación del estudiante desde un perfil axiológico para el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas. Para ello se abordan las dimensiones personal, social y escolar del estudiante y se analiza en el currículo la concepción de competencias ciudadanas. El diseño de investigación es de naturaleza documental y de campo; se trabaja con estudiantes de San Andrés Isla. Entre los principales resultados se precisa que las conductas disruptivas generadas en el aula de clases afectan el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas y se asocian en forma directa con la formación en valores de los estudiantes. Se concluye en la necesidad de definir estrategias que se orienten al desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas dando prioridad al perfil axiológico de los estudiantes

    \u201cArchivi intermediali: il valzer nella testualit\ue0 byroniana\u201d

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    Tratto ricorrente del discorso letterario fin dall\u2019antichit\ue0, l\u2019interazione fra testo e danza fa della letteratura una delle possibili chiavi d\u2019accesso alla ricostruzione storica dei fenomeni legati alla danza, ovvero un particolare archivio del corpo. Caso specifico di \uabletteralizzazione della danza\ubb \ue8 l\u2019incontro intermediale fra la testualit\ue0 byroniana e il valzer. Introdotto ufficialmente a Londra nel 1812, il valzer venne salutato come un ballo sconveniente, che riscosse comunque il favore della migliore societ\ue0, incluso quello del Principe Reggente. Nel 1813 Byron si un\uec al coro censorio con il poemetto \u201cWaltz\u201d, pubblicato in forma anonima, che sviluppava il tema della promiscuit\ue0 del nuovo ballo. L\u2019apparente moralismo di Byron viene qui letto nel contesto della Reggenza come reazione a una pratica sociale con specifiche connotazioni di genere e classe, rintracciando la presenza ricorrente del valzer a livello figurale nella produzione byroniana

    Evaluación administrativa de la cooperativa Old Providence and Santa Catalina Fishing and Farming Cooperative Enterprise

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    La pesca se enmarca en las actividades económicas consideradas como vitales para el ser humano, brindando alimentos saludables, de gran importancia nutricional que ayuda al desarrollo de niños y contribuye a la salud de los adultos. La pesca se ha desarrollado en sus diversas estructuras y formas en los mares y ríos de los diferentes países en todo el mundo, e igualmente se ha visto prosperar una industria creciente y muy dinámica como lo es el cultivo de especies o acuicultura en los mismos ambientes, representada en 73,8 millones de toneladas según el último reporte de la FAO, debido al decrecimiento de la pesca de captura que representa 93,4 millones de toneladas al presentarse la sobrepesca debido al intenso esfuerzo pesquero, no bien regulado por las autoridades pesqueras de los países. En Colombia esta dinámica de la pesca presenta también cierta singularidad como la mayoría de los países. Es por ello que mediante este trabajo se busca evaluar una de las organizaciones de pesca artesanal en el departamento de San Andrés Providencia y Santa Catalina utilizando la metodología Canvas o Lienzo, y así recomendar las acciones administrativas necesarias, buscando un aliado comercial en la Isla de San Andrés tendiente a mejorar las relaciones comerciales y crecimiento en este mercado localAbstract: Fishing is part of the economic activities considered to be vital for the human being by providing healthy food of great nutritional importance that helps the development of children and contributes to the health of adults. Fishing has developed in its various structures and forms in the seas and rivers of different countries around the world, and has also seen a flourishing and very dynamic industry flourish as is the cultivation of species or aquaculture in the same environments represented in 73.8 million tons according to the latest report of FAO, due to the decrease in catch fish which represents 93.4 million tons, due to overfishing and the intense fishing effort, not regulated by the fishing authorities of the countries. In Colombia, this fishing dynamics also presents a certain uniqueness like most countries. In this work we try to evaluate one of the artisanal fisheries organizations in the department of San Andrés, Old Providence and Santa Catalina, using the Canvas methodology for Recommending administrative actions, such as that of a commercial ally in the island of San Andrés tending to improve commercial relations and growth in this local market for the fish and cooperativeMaestrí

    A comprehensive overview of social network measures for older adults : a systematic review

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    Objectives: The size and type of older adults' social networks is associated with health, mental and social outcomes. Investigators within many disciplines are now measuring social networks, but it is not always clear what they are assessing, or which measures may best meet their objectives. To undertake a systematic review to identify (i) social network measures used for older adults, (ii) variety of social network dimensions and (iii) how measures have developed over time. Materials and Methods: The MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycInfo and Cochrane Library databases were systematically searched to identify social network instruments, followed by categorization of the domains into quantitative, qualitative and alter domains. Results: A total of 229 studies and 21 social network measures were included, with 11 quantitative dimensions (e. g., size, frequency), 5 qualitative dimensions (e.g., support satisfaction, emotional bond) and 7 alter members (e. g., family, neighbours) of social networks identified. Measures commonly clustered on quantifiable network size (n = 19), availability of supportive networks (n = 14) and presence of family ties (n = 21). The period between 1985 and 1995 produced the greatest number of newly developed social network measures (n = 10) with a stronger focus on qualitative features. Discussion and Implications: This review provides researchers with an organized summary of measures and dimensions for consideration when appraising social connections in older adults. This can enable better study design through providing information that makes explicit inevitable trade-offs between survey length, comprehensiveness of dimension coverage, and utilization of the measure for researchers

    Futuro Marino Sostenible: Importancia Del Tejido Coralino En La Conservación De Ecosistemas Costeros

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    Marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs, face various threats that compromise their health and survival. These threats include ocean acidification, rising water temperatures, overfishing, and pollution, all caused by human activities. Globally, approximately 75% of coral reefs are at risk due to these activities. In Colombia, coral reefs have experienced a 50% reduction in the past 50 years due to overfishing, pollution, and habitat degradation. The island of San Andrés also faces serious threats from overfishing, pollution, habitat degradation, as well as human activities such as tourism and coastal construction. Protecting and restoring coral reefs is crucial for preserving biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. The study carried out in San Andrés used a quantitative and descriptive approach, using a questionnaire adapted to investigate the perceptions and knowledge of different actors involved in marine conservation. The results indicated a widespread recognition that the conservation of coral tissue is important for the survival of coastal ecosystems. The findings revealed significant support for the importance of scientific research, which brings restoration of damaged coral reefs, protection of coastal habitats, and collaboration between scientists, governments and local communities as key strategies for the conservation of coral tissue.Los ecosistemas marinos, especialmente los arrecifes de coral, enfrentan diversas amenazas que comprometen su salud y supervivencia. Estas amenazas incluyen la acidificación del océano, el aumento de la temperatura del agua, la sobrepesca y la contaminación, todas causadas por actividades humanas. A nivel global, aproximadamente el 75% de los arrecifes de coral están en riesgo debido a estas actividades. En Colombia, los arrecifes de coral han experimentado una reducción del 50% en los últimos 50 años debido a la sobrepesca, la contaminación y la degradación del hábitat. La isla de San Andrés también enfrenta serias amenazas debido a la sobrepesca, la contaminación y la degradación del hábitat, así como a la actividad humana, como el turismo y la construcción costera. La protección y restauración de los arrecifes de coral son fundamentales para preservar la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos que brindan. El estudio realizado en San Andrés utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo y descriptivo, mediante un cuestionario adaptado para investigar las percepciones y el conocimiento de diferentes actores involucrados en la conservación marina. Los resultados indicaron un reconocimiento generalizado de que la conservación del tejido coralino es importante para la supervivencia de los ecosistemas costeros. Las conclusiones revelaron un respaldo significativo a la importancia de la investigación científica, que aporta la restauración de los arrecifes de coral dañados, la protección de los hábitats costeros y la colaboración entre científicos, gobiernos y comunidades locales como estrategias clave para la conservación del tejido coralino

    Dimensions of safety culture: A systematic review of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods for assessing safety culture in hospitals

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    Background The study of safety culture and its relationship to patient care have been challenged by variation in definition, dimensionality and methods of assessment. This systematic review aimed to map methods to assess safety culture in hospitals, analyse the prevalence of these methods in the published research literature and examine the dimensions of safety culture captured through these processes. Methods We included studies reporting on quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to assess safety culture in hospitals. The review was conducted using four academic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science) with studies from January 2008 to May 2020. A formal quality appraisal was not conducted. Study purpose, type of method and safety culture dimensions were extracted from all studies, coded thematically, and summarised narratively and using descriptive statistics where appropriate. Results A total of 694 studies were included. A third (n=244, 35.2%) had a descriptive or exploratory purpose, 225 (32.4%) tested relationships among variables, 129 (18.6%) evaluated an intervention, while 13.8% (n=96) had a methodological focus. Most studies exclusively used surveys (n=663; 95.5%), with 88 different surveys identified. Only 31 studies (4.5%) used qualitative or mixed methods. Thematic analysis identified 11 themes related to safety culture dimensions across the methods, with € Leadership' being the most common. Qualitative and mixed methods approaches were more likely to identify additional dimensions of safety culture not covered by the 11 themes, including improvisation and contextual pressures. Discussion We assessed the extent to which safety culture dimensions mapped to specific quantitative and qualitative tools and methods of assessing safety culture. No single method or tool appeared to measure all 11 themes of safety culture. Risk of publication bias was high in this review. Future attempts to assess safety culture in hospitals should consider incorporating qualitative methods into survey studies to evaluate this multi-faceted construct