42 research outputs found

    Immunogenetics and HPLC analyses contribute to understanding the etiopathology of rheumatoid arthritis through studies on ancient human remains.

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    Genetic investigations on ancient human remains affected by rheumatological pathologies are a research field of particular interest for identifying origins and the etiopathology of diseases, especially those having an autoimmune background such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We wish to demonstrate how reliable studies concerning this topic require collaboration between multiple disciplines, usually starting from paleopathologic observations up to immunogenetic screening, even involving analytical chemistry. Here, we focused our investigation on the skeleton of Cardinal Carlo de'Medici (1595–1666) for whom RA and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) were postulated after paleopathologic examination. RA susceptibility is linked to specific HLA alleles belonging to DRB1*04 locus, such as DRB1*0401, while Cw*0602 and DRB1*07 predispose to PsA. Thus, we genotyped the Cardinal's remains to search for RA or PsA "risk genes". Ancient DNA is often subjected to hydrolysis followed by fragmentation. For this reason, all immunogenetic tests were preceded by an original RP-HPLC-FL method able to inform on the ancient DNA preservation and the extent of contamination, with the purpose of avoiding the risk of false positive results. After DNA isolation from a piece of bone from the Cardinal, PCR-SSP and reverse-SSO hybridization assays were applied to perform genomic HLA-typing. RP-HPLC-FL analysis revealed a good preservation of DNA without contamination by exogenous genomes. Molecular tests assigned to the Cardinal the genotype DRB1*0401/*1102 for HLA-DRB locus and Cw*04/*12 for HLA-C locus, data that support a genetic predisposition for RA but not for PsA. This multidisciplinary study has allowed us: (i) to ascertain that the remains undoubtledy belonged to the specific subject, Cardinal Carlo de'Medici; (ii) to sustain that the subject suffered from RA rather then that PsA, and (iii) to state that RA was already widespread in Europe at the Renaissance age, despite some authors claiming that the disease was introduced to the Old Continent from America after colonization during the 18th centur

    What's in a Sign? Trademark Law and Economic Theory

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    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to summarise the extant theory as it relates to the economics of trademark, and to give some suggestions for further research with reference to distinct streams of literature. The proposed line of study inevitably looks at the complex relationship between signs and economics. Trademark is a sign introduced to remedy a market failure. It facilitates purchase decisions by indicating the provenance of the goods, so that consumers can identify specific quality attributes deriving from their own, or others', past experience. Trademark holders, on their part, have an incentive to invest in quality because they will be able to reap the benefits in terms of reputation. In other words, trademark law becomes an economic device which, opportunely designed, can produce incentives for maximising market efficiency. This role must, of course, be recognised, as a vast body of literature has done, with its many positive economic consequences. Nevertheless, trademark appears to have additional economic effects that should be properly recognized: it can determine the promotion of market power and the emergence of rent-seeking behaviours. It gives birth to an idiosyncratic economics of signs where very strong protection tends to be assured, even though the welfare effects are as yet poorly understood. In this domain much remains to be done and the challenge to researchers is open

    SOS Boquerón: notas acerca de una propuesta de interveción artística en El Salvador

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    SOS Boquerón is a proposal for an artistic intervention in El Salvador on a plot of land at the San Salvador volcano, El Boquerón. The project tracks the homicide rate in El Salvador by transforming El Boquerón into a monitor by means of a light installation that shoots skyward from dusk to dawn once a month for a period of six to twelve months. The lights are one of three different colors depending on the corresponding homicides that month. The project addresses a social issue while engaging Salvadorans to be agents of change.SOS Boquerón es una propuesta para una intervención artística en El Salvador en la cual el volcán de San Salvador, El Boquerón, se convierte en un monitor que llama la atención sobre la tasa de homicidios en el país a través del uso de rayos de luz de distintos colores correspondientes al número de homicidios mes a mes. El proyecto trata la problemática social de la violencia a la misma vez de comprometer a los Salvadoreños a ser agentes del cambio

    Iterum mutatur forma civitatis (Livio, 3.33.1) : il decemvirato

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    Il decemvirato è un momento forte della vicenda istituzionale della prima repubblica. Come tale lo intende ancora Claudio nel suo discorso al senato del 48 d.C. : quid a consulibus ad decemviros translatum imperium, solutoque postea decemvirati regno ad consules rursus reditum. È, in buona sostanza, una ripresa dell'interpretazione liviana espressa con grande solennità all’inizio del capitolo 33 del III libro delle Storie : anno trecentesimo altero quarn condita Roma erat iterum mutatur forma..

    Un appello agli schiavi ad Utica e il ruolo della provincia d'Africa negli anni della lotta tra Mario e Silla

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    L'A. examine les sources qui se rapportent à l'obscur épisode du massacre du préteur CF. Hadrianus à Utique et essaie d'éclaircir le déploiement des forces politiques et économiques dans la province d'Afrique durant la dernière période de la lutte entre les Mariens et L.C. SyllaPoma Gabriella. Un appello agli schiavi ad Utica e il ruolo della provincia d'Africa negli anni della lotta tra Mario e Silla. In: Antiquités africaines, 17,1981. pp. 21-35

    Rivista Storica dell'Antichità

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    Rivista di valore internazionale, accoglie contributi relativi alla storia greca e romana in lingua originale. E' divenuta nel tempo una sede prestigiosa aperta a studiosi italiani ed esteri e a giovani ricercatori. Promuove dibattiti e confronti, ospita qualificate recensioni e note e discussioni

    Dionigi d'Alicarnasso e la cittadinanza romana

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    Gabriella Poma, Dionigi d'Alicarnasso e la cittadinanza romana, p. 187-205. Si esamina il tema dell'allargamento della cittadinanza, su cui Dionigi d'Alicarnasso ritorna a più riprese nel corso della sua narrazione, mettendone in luce la centralità in rapporto al disegno storiografico che lo storico persegue di una vocazione di Roma a città aperta che ha le sue radici nella politica romulea e che sempre viene ribadita e rafforzata con accorgimenti successivi nel tempo, in quanto chiave della sua costante ascesa. Dal punto di vista concettuale, si mette in evidenza come Dionigi bilanci il suo giudizio sulla politica romana di concessione della cittadinanza sulla duplice idea di utilità e di filantropia, intesa come rifiuto di ogni atteggiamento esclusivistico nei confronti degli altri e capacità di (v. retro) saper fondere in una solidale comunità i popoli vinti. Di particolare complessità si presenta in Dionigi la valutazione della concessione serviana della cittadinanza agli schiavi, elemento peculiare di Roma che rischia di incrinare quell'immagine di città libera fin dalle origini che Dionigi, in polemica con autori greci, intende affermare.Poma Gabriella. Dionigi d'Alicarnasso e la cittadinanza romana. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 101, n°1. 1989. pp. 187-205

    Hippo pathway affects survival of cancer patients: Extensive analysis of TCGA data and review of literature

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    The disruption of the Hippo pathway occurs in many cancer types and is associated with cancer progression. Herein, we investigated the impact of 32 Hippo genes on overall survival (OS) of cancer patients, by both analysing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and reviewing the related literature. mRNA and protein expression data of all solid tumors except pure sarcomas were downloaded from TCGA database. Thirty-Two Hippo genes were considered; for each gene, patients were dichotomized based on median expression value. Survival analyses were performed to identify independent predictors, taking into account the main clinical-pathological features affecting OS. Finally, independent predictors were correlated with YAP1 oncoprotein expression. At least one of the Hippo genes is an independent prognostic factor in 12 out of 13 considered tumor datasets. mRNA levels of the independent predictors coherently correlate with YAP1 in glioma, kidney renal clear cell, head and neck, and bladder cancer. Moreover, literature data revealed the association between YAP1 levels and OS in gastric, colorectal, hepatocellular, pancreatic, and lung cancer. Herein, we identified cancers in which Hippo pathway affects OS; these cancers should be candidates for YAP1 inhibitors development and testing