10 research outputs found

    Procedimientos organizativos más utilizados en las clases de deporte

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    In the planning of the sport class plays an indispensable paper the organizational procedures. In the Sport Cocktail "Prince", county Havana deficiencies were detected in the methodological visits carried out to the classes: bad use of the organizational procedures, is not variety in the use of the same ones during the class. The objective is to carry out a wide study of the organizational procedures that you/they should be appealed to plan a class. The used methods are: the theoretical analyses and synthesis, historical-logical, inductive-deductive and the empiric methods the observation and documental revision.En la planificación de la clase de deporte juega un papel imprescindible los procedimientos organizativos. En el Combinado Deportivo “Príncipe”, provincia La Habana, se detectaron deficiencias en las visitas metodológicas realizadas a las clases: mala utilización de los procedimientos organizativos, no se encuentra variedad en la utilización de los mismos durante la clase. El objetivo es realizar un amplio estudio de los procedimientos organizativos que se deben recurrir para planificar una clase. Los métodos utilizados son los teóricos análisis y síntesis, histórico-lógico, inductivo-deductivo. De los métodos empíricos la observación y revisión documental

    Organizational procedures more used in the classes of sport

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    In the planning of the sport class it plays an indispensable paper the organizational procedures. In the Sport Cocktail "Prince", county Havana deficiencies were detected in the methodological visits carried out to the classes: bad use of the organizational procedures, is not variety in the use of the same ones during the class. The objective is to carry out a wide study of the organizational procedures that you/they should be appealed to plan a class. The used methods are: the theoretical analyses and synthesis, historical - Logical, Inductive - Deductive and the empiric methods the observation and documental revision

    Temporal and spatial patterns of airborne pollen dispersal in six salt marsh halophytes

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    Pollination is a key process in the life cycle of most plant species, but very little is known about airborne pollen dispersal in salt marsh anemophilous halophytes. We analyzed the temporal and spatial dynamics of airborne pollen dispersal, using portable volumetric pollen traps, for six anemophilous Chenopodiaceae halophytic species in tidal salt marshes. In addition, we studied the effects of air temperature and wind speed on airborne pollen dispersal. Our study shows high levels of temporal and spatial constraint on airborne pollen dispersal. We recorded the lowest airborne pollen concentrations at air temperatures lower than 22 °C and wind speeds higher than 6 m s−1. These environmental conditions set up a narrow temporal pollination window during morning hours. We also recorded severe spatial limitation for pollen dispersal in three of the six halophytes studied, which presented airborne pollen concentrations that were 9 to 53 times smaller only 5 m away from source populations than within those populations. These results show that even related species colonizing the same ecosystem may show contrasted airborne pollen spatial dispersal dynamics that depend on several environmental factors. This should be taken into account for estimates of vegetation composition based on pollen production in aerobiological and paleopalinological studies. The restricted airborne pollen dispersal recorded would promote geitonogamy and limit interpopulation genetic exchange to the dispersal of their hydrochorous fruits.The authors thank the Directorate of the Natural Parks for supporting field work conducted in this study. María Dolores Infante- Izquierdo thanks Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Spain) for a predoctoral fellowship (FPU-2015)

    Effects of heavy metal pollution on germination and early seedling growth in native and invasive Spartina cordgrasses

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    Seed germination and seedling establishment are the stages most sensitive to abiotic stress in the plant life cycle. We analyzed the effects of copper, zinc and nickel on seed germination and early seedling growth of native Spartina maritima and invasive S. densiflora from polluted and non-polluted estuaries. Germination percentages for either species were not affected by any metal at any tested concentration (up to 2000 μM). However, the increase in metal concentration had negative effects on S. densiflora seedlings. The primary effect was on radicle development, representing initial seedling emergence. Spartina densiflora seedlings emerging from seeds from Tinto Estuary, characterized by high bioavailable metal loads, showed higher tolerance to metals than those from less polluted Odiel and Piedras Estuaries. Comparing our results to metal concentrations in the field, we expect S. densiflora seedling development would be negatively impacted in the most metal-polluted areas in Odiel and Tinto Estuaries.We thank the management and staff of the Odiel Marshes Natural Park for their collaboration. We also thank the editor and reviewer for comments that helped us improve the manuscript. M.D. Infante- Izquierdo acknowledges to Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spanish Government for the FPU Grant (Ref. FPU14/06556)

    The Bioconcentration and the Translocation of Heavy Metals in Recently Consumed Salicornia ramosissima J. Woods in Highly Contaminated Estuary Marshes and Its Food Risk

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    Salicornia species are halophyte plants that are an important source for food, pharmacy, and bioenergy. They can be consumed as a leafy vegetable, but they can accumulate heavy metals that carry a health risk when knowledge of how each species behaves in different types of soil is lacking. This present work aimed to determine to what extent S. ramosissima can be cultivated as food in estuaries contaminated by heavy metals and to what extent it can be used in phytoremediation works, by studying its behavior in populations that grow naturally in contaminated soils. We analyzed accumulation and translocation in different parts of the plant for 14 heavy metals and calculated the Health Risk Index value associated with their consumption as a leafy vegetable. The results obtained mean that the S. ramosissima plants that grow in most of the soils of this estuary are unfit for human consumption in some of the populations studied. In conclusion, Salicornia ramosissima J. Woods can accumulate Cd, As, and Pb—among other metals—in its leaves so its consumption should be limited to plants that grow in soils free of these metalsThis research was funded by Plan Propio de la Universidad de Huelva and Research Center for Natural Resources, Health and the Environment (RENSMA). The authors wish to thank the institution and the staff of the Odiel Marshes Natural Par

    Metal effects on germination and seedling development in closely-related halophyte species inhabiting different elevations along the intertidal gradient

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    Seed germination and seedling establishment are very sensitive plant stages to metal pollution. Many halophyte species colonizing salt marshes are able to germinate and establish in highly contaminated habitats and low marsh halophyte species seem to show higher tolerance to metals than high marsh species. We analyzed the effects of copper, zinc and nickel in concentrations up to 2000 μM on seed germination and seedling growth in two closely related species of Sarcocornia, S. perennis, a low marsh species, and S. fruticosa, a high marsh species. Germination of both halophytes was not affected by any metal concentration, and their seedling growth, mainly radicle length, was reduced by increasing metal concentrations. Seedlings of S. perennis showed higher tolerance to the three metals than those of S. fruticosa. Our results are useful for designing ecotoxicological bioassays and planning phytoremediation projects in salt marshesThe authors thank the Directorate of the Odiel Marshes Natural Park for collaboratio

    Accumulation and Effect of Heavy Metals on the Germination and Growth of Salsola vermiculata L. Seedlings

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    : The influence of different concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn) was analyzed in the Salsola vermiculata germination pattern, seedling development, and accumulation in seedlings. The responses to different metals were dissimilar. Germination was only significantly reduced at Cu and Zn 4000 µM but Zn induced radicle growth at lower concentrations. Without damage, the species acted as a good accumulator and tolerant for Mn, Ni, and Cu. In seedlings, accumulation increased following two patterns: Mn and Ni, induced an arithmetic increase in content in tissue, to the point where the content reached a maximum; with Cu and Ni, the pattern was linear, in which the accumulation in tissue was directly related to the metal concentration in the medium. Compared to other Chenopodiaceae halophyte species, S. vermiculata seems to be more tolerant of metals and is proposed for the phytoremediation of soils contaminated by heavy metalsThis research was funded by Spain’s Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, FPU Grant (Ref. FPU14/06556) and by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, predoctoral grant (Ref. BES-2012-059366). The authors wish to thank the institution and staff of the Odiel Marshes Natural Park. Infante-Izquierdo wishes to thank Spain’s Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for awarding the FPU Grant (Ref. FPU14/06556). Martínez-Sagarra wishes to thank Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the award of a predoctoral grant (Ref. BES-2012-059366

    Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas (MAES) : Hostelería y Turismo

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    716 páginasLa educación secundaria ha experimentado cambios notables en los últimos años. La Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa, supuso una reestructuración de las etapas educativas, sobre todo a partir de la figura del “consejo orientador”, que adelanta la elección entre el itinerario académico y el de formación profesional a los 15 años, introduciendo la Formación Profesional Básica. Asimismo, la Ley Orgánica 3/2022, de 31 de marzo, de ordenación e integración de la Formación Profesional, supone una profunda reorganización de la formación profesional, para contribuir a eliminar el elevado desempleo estructural y dar respuesta a las necesidades del sistema productivo, con la intención de cubrir algunas de sus ofertas de empleo, sobre todo en niveles intermedios de cualificación –vinculados a la formación profesional- y, más en concreto, en aquellas actividades directamente relacionas con la modernización del sistema económico exigida por el cambio tecnológico y la nueva economía verde. Así lo indica el preámbulo de la Ley al señalar que “El escaso desarrollo de las cualificaciones intermedias en la estructura formativa española exige duplicar, con rapidez, el número de personas con formación intermedia para poder responder a las necesidades del sistema productivo”. Por otra parte, los docentes profesionales de la actual sociedad digital deben poseer una serie de conocimientos y destrezas profesionales que les permitan comprender y tratar de superar las dificultades de aprendizaje de su alumnado, diseñar materiales educativos y actividades motivadoras, fomentar la convivencia y la participación del alumnado, utilizar las nuevas tecnologías, el aprendizaje activo y significativo, mejorar el proceso de evaluación, orientar y tutorizar al alumnado, implicarse en el funcionamiento colectivo de los centros educativos, etc. Es en este marco en el que cobra más sentido aún la exigencia de profesionalización docente, que se introdujera ya con el Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Asimismo, con independencia del nivel educativo o la especialidad en que imparte el profesorado, su formación debe ser académica y multidisciplinar. En este contexto es en el que se ha diseñado este Título de Máster de Profesorado en la UNIA, que atiende a la demanda de estudiantes que se orientan profesionalmente hacia la docencia en niveles de Educación Secundaria Profesional, respondiendo a la obligatoriedad de cursar estudios de Máster para ejercer la docencia en estos ámbitos dispuesta en la Ley Orgánica de Educación 2/2006 de 24 de mayo, y según la regulación establecida para estos Másteres en la Orden 3858/2007 de 27 de diciembre, que ahora se refuerza con la Ley Orgánica de Ordenación e Integración de la Formación Profesional en trámite parlamentario

    Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco. XXXI Informe Oficial de la Asociación de Insuficiencia Cardiaca de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología

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