11 research outputs found

    Epigenetic regulation of ageing: linking environmental inputs to genomic stability

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    The lifespan of an organism encompasses a period of growth that culminates in sexual maturity, a period of maximal fitness and fertility, and a period of ageing that is characterized by functional decline and an increased probability of death. Ageing is associated with loss of function at the cellular, tissue and organismal levels, and with a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic disorders and many cancers. Healthspan is the duration of diseasefree physiological health (for example, high cognition and mobility) and is highly relevant to human ageing. Understanding the changes that occur during ageing and identifying regulators of lifespan and healthspan should pave the way for interventions that will promote a longer youthful period, increase vigour and potentially reverse some of the hallmarks of ageing. The discovery of long-lived mutants in invertebrate model systems supports the idea that the ageing process can be genetically modulated 1 . In addition to genetic inputs, evidence implicates non-genetic factors in ageing. Indeed, studies in humans have estimated the non-heritable portion of lifespan regulation to be approximately 70% 2 . Environmental stimuli, such as dietary manipulations or stress, can potently influence the lifespan and healthspan of animals across various species 3 . The importance of non-genetic factors is further underscored in eusocial insects that have a caste system of queens and workers (for example, honeybees), in which individuals with similar genomes have large differences in lifespan (for example, the approximately tenfold difference between the lifespans of queens and workers in honeybees) In this Review, we examine evidence for an epi genetic component in the regulation of ageing. We use the term 'epigenetic' broadly to refer to changes in genomic regulation, although we note that according to its strictest definition, this term encompasses only heritable pheno typic changes without changes in the underlying gene sequenc

    FOXO3 Shares Common Targets with ASCL1 Genome-wide and Inhibits ASCL1-Dependent Neurogenesis

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    FOXO transcription factors are central regulators of longevity from worms to humans. FOXO3, the FOXO isoform associated with exceptional human longevity, preserves adult neural stem cell pools. Here, we identify FOXO3 direct targets genome-wide in primary cultures of adult neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Interestingly, FOXO3-bound sites are enriched for motifs for bHLH transcription factors, and FOXO3 shares common targets with the proneuronal bHLH transcription factor ASCL1/MASH1 in NPCs. Analysis of the chromatin landscape reveals that FOXO3 and ASCL1 are particularly enriched at the enhancers of genes involved in neurogenic pathways. Intriguingly, FOXO3 inhibits ASCL1-dependent neurogenesis in NPCs and direct neuronal conversion in fibroblasts. FOXO3 also restrains neurogenesis in vivo. Our study identifies a genome-wide interaction between the prolongevity transcription factor FOXO3 and the cell-fate determinant ASCL1 and raises the possibility that FOXO3’s ability to restrain ASCL1-dependent neurogenesis may help preserve the neural stem cell pool

    H3K4me3 Breadth Is Linked to Cell Identity and Transcriptional Consistency.

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    Trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3) is a chromatin modification known to mark the transcription start sites of active genes. Here, we show that H3K4me3 domains that spread more broadly over genes in a given cell type preferentially mark genes that are essential for the identity and function of that cell type. Using the broadest H3K4me3 domains as a discovery tool in neural progenitor cells, we identify novel regulators of these cells. Machine learning models reveal that the broadest H3K4me3 domains represent a distinct entity, characterized by increased marks of elongation. The broadest H3K4me3 domains also have more paused polymerase at their promoters, suggesting a unique transcriptional output. Indeed, genes marked by the broadest H3K4me3 domains exhibit enhanced transcriptional consistency rather than increased transcriptional levels, and perturbation of H3K4me3 breadth leads to changes in transcriptional consistency. Thus, H3K4me3 breadth contains information that could ensure transcriptional precision at key cell identity/function genes. Cell 2014 Jul 31; 158(3):673-88

    Dynamic landscape and regulation of RNA editing in mammals

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    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is a conserved post-transcriptional mechanism mediated by ADAR enzymes that diversifies the transcriptome by altering selected nucleotides in RNA molecules1. Although many editing sites have recently been discovered2,3,4,5,6,7, the extent to which most sites are edited and how the editing is regulated in different biological contexts are not fully understood8,9,10. Here we report dynamic spatiotemporal patterns and new regulators of RNA editing, discovered through an extensive profiling of A-to-I RNA editing in 8,551 human samples (representing 53 body sites from 552 individuals) from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project and in hundreds of other primate and mouse samples. We show that editing levels in non-repetitive coding regions vary more between tissues than editing levels in repetitive regions. Globally, ADAR1 is the primary editor of repetitive sites and ADAR2 is the primary editor of non-repetitive coding sites, whereas the catalytically inactive ADAR3 predominantly acts as an inhibitor of editing. Cross-species analysis of RNA editing in several tissues revealed that species, rather than tissue type, is the primary determinant of editing levels, suggesting stronger cis-directed regulation of RNA editing for most sites, although the small set of conserved coding sites is under stronger trans-regulation. In addition, we curated an extensive set of ADAR1 and ADAR2 targets and showed that many editing sites display distinct tissue-specific regulation by the ADAR enzymes in vivo. Further analysis of the GTEx data revealed several potential regulators of editing, such as AIMP2, which reduces editing in muscles by enhancing the degradation of the ADAR proteins. Collectively, our work provides insights into the complex cis- and trans-regulation of A-to-I editing

    Expansion of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells following SIRT1 inactivation in the adult brain.

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    Oligodendrocytes-the myelin-forming cells of the central nervous system-can be regenerated during adulthood. In adults, new oligodendrocytes originate from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), but also from neural stem cells (NSCs). Although several factors supporting oligodendrocyte production have been characterized, the mechanisms underlying the generation of adult oligodendrocytes are largely unknown. Here we show that genetic inactivation of SIRT1, a protein deacetylase implicated in energy metabolism, increases the production of new OPCs in the adult mouse brain, in part by acting in NSCs. New OPCs produced following SIRT1 inactivation differentiate normally, generating fully myelinating oligodendrocytes. Remarkably, SIRT1 inactivation ameliorates remyelination and delays paralysis in mouse models of demyelinating injuries. SIRT1 inactivation leads to the upregulation of genes involved in cell metabolism and growth factor signalling, in particular PDGF receptor α (PDGFRα). Oligodendrocyte expansion following SIRT1 inactivation is mediated at least in part by AKT and p38 MAPK-signalling molecules downstream of PDGFRα. The identification of drug-targetable enzymes that regulate oligodendrocyte regeneration in adults could facilitate the development of therapies for demyelinating injuries and diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. Nat Cell Biol 2013 Jun; 15(6):614-24