3,073 research outputs found

    LANDSAT-D MSS/TM tuned orbital jitter analysis model LDS900

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    The final LANDSAT-D orbital dynamic math model (LSD900), comprised of all test validated substructures, was used to evaluate the jitter response of the MSS/TM experiments. A dynamic forced response analysis was performed at both the MSS and TM locations on all structural modes considered (thru 200 Hz). The analysis determined the roll angular response of the MSS/TM experiments to improve excitation generated by component operation. Cross axis and cross experiment responses were also calculated. The excitations were analytically represented by seven and nine term Fourier series approximations, for the MSS and TM experiment respectively, which enabled linear harmonic solution techniques to be applied to response calculations. Single worst case jitter was estimated by variations of the eigenvalue spectrum of model LSD 900. The probability of any worst case mode occurrence was investigated

    History-dependent relaxation and the energy scale of correlation in the Electron-Glass

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    We present an experimental study of the energy-relaxation in Anderson-insulating indium-oxide films excited far from equilibrium. In particular, we focus on the effects of history on the relaxation of the excess conductance dG. The natural relaxation law of dG is logarithmic, namely dG=-log(t). This may be observed over more than five decades following, for example, cool-quenching the sample from high temperatures. On the other hand, when the system is excited from a state S_{o} in which it has not fully reached equilibrium to a state S_{n}, the ensuing relaxation law is logarithmic only over time t shorter than the time t_{w} it spent in S_{o}. For times t>t_{w} dG(t) show systematic deviation from the logarithmic dependence. It was previously shown that when the energy imparted to the system in the excitation process is small, this leads to dG=P(t/t_{w}) (simple-aging). Here we test the conjecture that `simple-aging' is related to a symmetry in the relaxation dynamics in S_{o} and S_{n}. This is done by using a new experimental procedure that is more sensitive to deviations in the relaxation dynamics. It is shown that simple-aging may still be obeyed (albeit with a modified P(t/t_{w})) even when the symmetry of relaxation in S_{o} and S_{n} is perturbed by a certain degree. The implications of these findings to the question of aging, and the energy scale associated with correlations are discussed

    Acoustic schwannoma of traumatic origin? A temporal bone study

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    A tumour of the singular nerve was found on examination of the temporal bones of a child who died 13 months after meningitis. The tumour consisted of a main mass with the appearance of an acoustic neuroma but close by and not connected were some nests of tumour cells inside the vestibule. This very unusual finding raises questions of the aetiology of this tumour which may have a bearing on the aetiology of other tumours of the VIIIth. nerv

    Distinct firing patterns of identified basket and dendrite-targeting interneurons in the prefrontal cortex during hippocampal theta and local spindle oscillations

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    The medial prefrontal cortex is involved in working memory and executive control. However, the collective spatiotemporal organization of the cellular network has not been possible to explain during different brain states.Weshow that pyramidal cells in the prelimbic cortex fire synchronized to hippocampal theta and local spindle oscillations in anesthetized rats. To identify which types of interneurons contribute to the synchronized activity, we recorded and juxtacellularly labeled parvalbumin- and calbindin-expressing (PV+/CB+) basket cells and CB-expressing, PV-negative (CB+/PV-) dendrite-targeting interneurons during both network oscillations. All CB+/PV- dendrite-targeting cells strongly decreased their firing rate during hippocampal theta oscillations. Most PV+/CB+ basket cells fired at the peak of dorsalCA1theta cycles, similar to prefrontal pyramidal cells.Weshow that pyramidal cells in the ventral hippocampus also fire around the peak of dorsal CA1 theta cycles, in contrast to previously reported dorsal hippocampal pyramidal cells. Therefore, prefrontal neurons might be driven by monosynaptic connections from the ventral hippocampus during theta oscillations. During prefrontal spindle oscillations, the majority of pyramidal cells and PV+/CB+ basket cells fired preferentially at the trough and early ascending phase, but CB+/PV- dendrite-targeting cells fired uniformly at all phases.Weconclude thatPV+/CB+ basket cells contribute to rhythmic responses of prefrontal pyramidal cells in relation to hippocampal and thalamic inputs and CB+/PV-dendrite-targeting cells modulate the excitability of dendrites and spines regardless of these field rhythms. Distinct classes of GABAergic interneuron in the prefrontal cortex contribute differentially to the synchronization of pyramidal cells during network oscillations. Copyright © 2009 Society for Neuroscience

    The relativistic tunneling flight time may be superluminal, but it does not imply superluminal signaling

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    Wavepacket tunneling, in the relativistic limit, is studied via solutions to the Dirac equation for a square barrier potential. Specifically, the arrival time distribution (the time-dependent flux) is computed for wavepackets initiated far away from the barrier, and whose momentum is well below the threshold for above-barrier transmission. The resulting distributions exhibit peaks at shorter times than those of photons with the same initial wavepacket transmitting through a vacuum. However, this apparent superluminality in time is accompanied by very low transmission probabilities. We discuss these observations, and related observations by other authors, in the context of published objections to the notion that tunneling can be superluminal in time. We find that many of these objections are not consistent with our observations, and conclude that post-selected (for transmission) distributions of arrival times can be superluminal. However, the low probability of tunneling means a photon will most likely be seen first and therefore the superluminality does not imply superluminal signaling

    Determination of the tunneling flight time as the reflected phase time

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    Using the time parameter in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we study the time of flight for a particle tunneling through a square barrier potential. Comparing the mean and variance of the energy and the flight time for transmitted and reflected particles, using both density and flux distributions, we find that, when accounting for momentum filtering, the suitably normalized transmitted and reflected distributions are identical in both the density and flux cases. In contrast to previous studies, we demonstrate that these results do not imply a vanishing tunneling time, but rather that the time it takes to tunnel through a square barrier is precisely given by the reflected phase time. For wide barriers, this becomes independent of the barrier width, as predicted independently by MacColl and Hartman. We show that these conclusions can be reached using a variety of arguments, including purely quantum mechanical ones. Analysis of the shapes of the distributions under consideration reveals that wave-packet reshaping is not an explanation for the MacColl-Hartman effect. The results presented here have direct implications for understanding recent experimental results in the study of the barrier crossing of rubidium atoms. The finite width of an incident wave packet significantly “masks” the tunneling time, and induces substantial asymmetry between the flight times of transmitted and reflected atoms

    The Transition State in a Noisy Environment

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    Transition State Theory overestimates reaction rates in solution because conventional dividing surfaces between reagents and products are crossed many times by the same reactive trajectory. We describe a recipe for constructing a time-dependent dividing surface free of such recrossings in the presence of noise. The no-recrossing limit of Transition State Theory thus becomes generally available for the description of reactions in a fluctuating environment

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of the Dynamical Behavior of the Coulomb Glass

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    We study the dynamical behavior of disordered many-particle systems with long-range Coulomb interactions by means of damage-spreading simulations. In this type of Monte-Carlo simulations one investigates the time evolution of the damage, i.e. the difference of the occupation numbers of two systems, subjected to the same thermal noise. We analyze the dependence of the damage on temperature and disorder strength. For zero disorder the spreading transition coincides with the equilibrium phase transition, whereas for finite disorder, we find evidence for a dynamical phase transition well below the transition temperature of the pure system.Comment: 10 pages RevTeX, 8 Postscript figure

    The Electron Glass in a Switchable Mirror: Relaxation, Aging and Universality

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    The rare earth hydride YH3δ_{3-\delta} can be tuned through the metal-insulator transition both by changing δ\delta and by illumination with ultraviolet light. The transition is dominated by strong electron-electron interactions, with transport in the insulator sensitive to both a Coulomb gap and persistent quantum fluctuations. Via a systematic variation of UV illumination time, photon flux, Coulomb gap depth, and temperature, we demonstrate that polycrystalline YH3δ_{3-\delta} serves as a model system for studying the properties of the interacting electron glass. Prominent among its features are logarithmic relaxation, aging, and universal scaling of the conductivity

    Stochastic Transition States: Reaction Geometry amidst Noise

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    Classical transition state theory (TST) is the cornerstone of reaction rate theory. It postulates a partition of phase space into reactant and product regions, which are separated by a dividing surface that reactive trajectories must cross. In order not to overestimate the reaction rate, the dynamics must be free of recrossings of the dividing surface. This no-recrossing rule is difficult (and sometimes impossible) to enforce, however, when a chemical reaction takes place in a fluctuating environment such as a liquid. High-accuracy approximations to the rate are well known when the solvent forces are treated using stochastic representations, though again, exact no-recrossing surfaces have not been available. To generalize the exact limit of TST to reactive systems driven by noise, we introduce a time-dependent dividing surface that is stochastically moving in phase space such that it is crossed once and only once by each transition path