74 research outputs found

    Realität als Macht: Epistemologische, ideologiekritische und theologische Aspekte einer Philosophie der Macht

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    Was ist Realität? Was bedeutet es, real zu sein? Die Fragen scheinen heute aktueller und zugleich schwieriger als je zuvor. Die Auffassung der Realität als Macht, im Unterschied zur Realität als neutraler Gegebenheit oder als Geflecht verfügbarer Interpretationen, öffnet einen neuen Zugang zu brennenden Fragen der Gegenwart - zu der Frage nach der Motivation eines Wissens, das mit dem neuzeitlichen Streben nach Vorteil und Nutzen nicht zusammenfallen würde; zu dem Problem, wie man nicht nur den alten, sondern auch den neuesten Ideologien widerstehen könnte; zu unserem Selbstverständnis als freie Menschen, die Spielräume für ihre Handlungen suchen. Indem der vielfältige Sinn der Macht untersucht wird, erhält das alte philosophische Problem der Realität immer neue Wendungen.What is reality? What does it mean to be real? The questions today seem more topical and at the same time more complicated than ever before. The concept of reality as power, distinct from reality as the neutral given or as a mesh of available interpretations, opens up a new approach to the burning questions of the present - to the question of the motivation of knowledge which does not coincide with the modern quest for profit and use, to the problem of resisting not only the old but also the new ideologies, to our self-understanding as free human beings seeking new scope for their actions. The exploration of the multifaceted meaning of power enables the old philosophical problem of reality to gain ever new turns

    Teeninduskvaliteedi hindamine jaekaubanduses Kaubamaja AS näitel

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    Zur Philosophie der Orientierung

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    Orientierung steht am Anfang von allem, ohne selbst ein greifbarer Anfang zu sein. Als Letzt- und Grundbegriff geht sie jedem Denken und jeder Lebenstätigkeit voraus und ermöglicht sie. Dennoch war sie selbst bislang kaum Gegenstand philosophischer Reflexion. In seiner Philosophie der Orientierung macht Werner Stegmaier – bekannt durch seine Beiträge zu Nietzsche, Dilthey, Luhmann und Levinas – sie zum Ausgangspunkt, um die Philosophie selbst im Hinblick auf ihr praktisches, lebensweltliches Potential hin neu zu denken. Das breite Spektrum des Sich-Orientierens und des Orientiert-Seins im Denken, die Bedingungen und Strategien der Orientierung im Alltag und ihr Ziel, die Ungewissheit, das Grundproblem der Orientierung, zu bewältigen, werden von ihm in die Perspektive der Philosophiegeschichte gestellt und im Blick auf aktuelle philosophische Fragestellungen systematisch untersucht. Die Beiträge des Bandes, abgerundet von einem Nachwort Werner Stegmaiers, eröffnen diesem genuinen Ansatz einen breiten Reflexions- und Diskussionsraum und zeigen so seine Bedeutsamkeit nicht nur für die Philosophie im Ganzen, sondern auch über ihre Grenzen hinaus

    Die Macht der Interpretation

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    Abstract The article treats the problem of interpretation in its respect to reality by example of Umberto Eco’s moderate ‚realistic‘ position and his criticism of Friedrich Nietzsche, the “father” of postmodernism. Here the strongest arguments on both sides are evaluated: Eco’s “negative realism” pointing out the impossibility of some interpretations and Nietzsche’s thinking out the absolute absence of a privileged position proceeding from which it would be possible to unequivocally identify what is real. The article argues that the crucial point why some interpretations may prove to be stronger or weaker is best described in terms of the concept of power. One however should avoid misconceptions, since power itself is interpretation which nevertheless allows for the gradation of reality, the mobility of its horizons, their shifting and even their potential availability. A much-disputed question of prehistoric times as well as that of death as a limit of interpretability is inter alia included in the analysis. Both classical anti-realistic positions, such as that of Wittgenstein, and the argumentation of contemporary advocates of realism, such as Quentin Meillassoux, are taken into consideration

    Specific features of Bazhenov suite sediments in south-eastern Nurolsk sedimentary basin (Tomsk Oblast)

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    The specific sediment features in Georgiev (J[3]kmgr), Bazhenov (J3vbg) and Kulomzin (K1bkl) suites, exposed by drilling in the S-E Nurolsk depression (Tomsk Oblast), were defined and described via petrographic, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence-microscopy analysis methods. The classification of agrillites was identified, the structure-texture features, composition, voids and bitumen types and their distribution were determined. It was defined that Bazhenov suite argillites are characteristic of fine-dispersion, high biogenic silica content and scattered organic matter, enriched multi-composite syngenetic bitumen (from light to resin-asphaltine), as well as fractured surface where the migration of light bitumen occurs

    Histone deacetylase inhibitors valproate and trichostatin A are toxic to neuroblastoma cells and modulate cytochrome P450 1A1, 1B1 and 3A4 expression in these cells

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    Histone deacetylase inhibitors such as valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA) were shown to exert antitumor activity. Here, the toxicity of both drugs to human neuroblastoma cell lines was investigated using MTT test, and IC50 values for both compounds were determined. Another target of this work was to evaluate the effects of both drugs on expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, 1B1 and 3A4 enzymes, which are known to be expressed in neuroblastoma cells. A malignant subset of neuroblastoma cells, so-called N-type cells (UKF-NB-3 cells) and the more benign S-type neuroblastoma cells (UKF-NB-4 and SK-N-AS cell lines) were studied from both two points of view. VPA and TSA inhibited the growth of neuroblastoma cells in a dose-dependent manner. The IC50 values ranging from 1.0 to 2.8 mM and from 69.8 to 129.4 nM were found for VPA and TSA, respectively. Of the neuroblastoma tested here, the N-type UKF-NB-3 cell line was the most sensitive to both drugs. The different effects of VPA and TSA were found on expression of CYP1A1, 1B1 and 3A4 enzymes in individual neuroblastoma cells tested in the study. Protein expression of all these CYP enzymes in the S-type SK-N-AS cell line was not influenced by either of studied drugs. On the contrary, in another S-type cell line, UKF-NB-4, VPA and TSA induced expression of CYP1A1, depressed levels of CYP1B1 and had no effect on expression levels of CYP3A4 enzyme. In the N-type UKF-NB-3 cell line, the expression of CYP1A1 was strongly induced, while that of CYP1B1 depressed by VPA and TSA. VPA also induced the expression of CYP3A4 in this neuroblastoma cell line

    Нейропротективные свойства ингибитора C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) при гипоксической гипоксии

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    The aim of the study was to reveal the influence of the JNK inhibitor on the induction of disturbances in the psychoneurological status of experimental animals in the modeling of posthypoxic encephalopathy and to reveal the mechanisms of its action related to the functioning of the neural stem cells of the brain. Materials and methods. The experiments were performed on 64 male outbred mice. Posthypoxic encephalopathy was modeled in non-native mice with hypoxia of the hermetic volume. The JNK inhibitor was administered to mice subcutaneously at a dose of 15 mg/kg once before hypoxic exposure. We studied the neuropsychiatric status, the content of neuronal stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brain of experimental animals, and the direct effect of the JNK inhibitor on intact neural stem cells in vitro. Results. The expressed cerebroprotective action of the pharmacological agent was revealed, which consisted of normalizing the indices of orientation and exploratory behavior and conditioned activity in experimental animals. These effects developed against a background of a significant increase in the content of neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brain. In the experiments in vitro, a direct stimulating effect of the JNK inhibitor on neural stem cells was found. Conclusions. The obtained results showed a neuroprotective action of the JNK inhibitor. At the same time, the prevention and compensation of the development of disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system is based on the preservation of the ability of the nerve tissue to repair andassociated with the functioning of resident neural stem cells.Цель исследования – выявить влияние ингибитора JNK на формирование нарушений психоневрологического статуса экспериментальных животных при моделировании постгипоксической энцефалопатии и вскрыть механизмы его действия, связанные с функционированием нейральных стволовых клеток (СК) головного мозга.Материалы и методы. Эксперименты проведены на 96 аутбредных самцахмышей. Постгипоксическая энцефалопатия моделировалась у беспородных мышей с помощью гипоксии гермообъема. Ингибитор JNK вводили мышам однократно перед гипоксическим воздействием подкожно в дозе 15 мг/кг.Изучали психоневрологический статус, содержание нейральных СК в субвентрикулярной зоне головного мозга экспериментальных животных и прямое влияние ингибитора JNK на интактные нейральные СК в условиях in vitro. Результаты. Выявили выраженное церебропротекторное действие фармакологического агента, заключающееся в нормализации показателей ориентировочно-исследовательского поведения и условно-рефлекторной деятельности у экспериментальных животных. Указанные эффекты развивались на фоне значительного увеличения содержания нейральных СК в субвентрикулярной зоне головного мозга. При этом в экспериментах in vitro обнаружено прямое стимулирующее влияние ингибитора JNK на нейральные СК. Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о выраженном нейропротекторном действии ингибитора JNK. При этом в основе предупреждения развития нарушений деятельности ЦНС и их компенсации, очевидно, лежит сохранность способности нервной ткани к репарации, связанной с функционированием резидентных нейральных СК

    DNA and histone deacetylases as targets for neuroblastoma treatment

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    Neuroblastoma, a tumor of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, is the most frequent solid extra cranial tumor in children and is a major cause of death from neoplasia in infancy. Still little improvement in therapeutic options has been made, requiring a need for the development of new therapies. In our laboratory, we address still unsettled questions, which of mechanisms of action of DNA-damaging drugs both currently use for treatment of human neuroblastomas (doxorubicin, cis-platin, cyclophosphamide and etoposide) and another anticancer agent decreasing growth of neuroblastomas in vitro, ellipticine, are predominant mechanism(s) responsible for their antitumor action in neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro. Because hypoxia frequently occurs in tumors and strongly correlates with advanced disease and poor outcome caused by chemoresistance, the effects of hypoxia on efficiencies and mechanisms of actions of these drugs in neuroblastomas are also investigated. Since the epigenetic structure of DNA and its lesions play a role in the origin of human neuroblastomas, pharmaceutical manipulation of the epigenome may offer other treatment options also for neuroblastomas. Therefore, the effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on growth of neuroblastoma and combination of these compounds with doxorubicin, cis-platin, etoposide and ellipticine as well as mechanisms of such effects in human neuroblastona cell lines in vitro are also investigated. Such a study will increase our knowledge to explain the proper function of these drugs on the molecular level, which should be utilized for the development of new therapies for neuroblastomas

    Fokusdomäne von Gradpartikeln im Deutschen und Russischen

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    Der Artikel beschäftigt sich mit einer Gruppe skalarer Fokuspartikeln (Gradpartikeln) im Deutschen und Russischen. Das Ziel ist, einen groben Überblick über Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Syntax von sogar/dazhe-Gruppen zu geben. Das erfolgt mit Hilfe der Fokusdomäne (im Sinne von Selkirk 1995), die als interner Skopus von Gradpartikeln verstanden wird (anstelle von 'Fokus' oder nur 'Skopus'). Fokusdomäne ist eine strukturelle Sequenz, die die Syntax und die Prosodie vereint. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, umgangssprachliche Verwendungen von Gradpartikeln besser zu berücksichtigen. Ein bemerkenswertes Ergebnis dieser Studie ist, daß das Russische die Gradpartikelpositionen primär mit Hilfe prosodischer Kriterien reguliert, während im Deutschen syntaktische Regeln den Vorrang besitzen. This article deals with the groups of scalar focus particles (grading particles=Gradpartikeln) in German and Russian. The aim is to provide a rough overview of similarities and differences in the syntax of sogar/dazhe groups. The method is to use the term 'focus domain' (in the sense of Selkirk 1995) for internal sentence scope of a grading particle (instead of only 'focus' or only 'scope'). Focus domain is a structure sequence, which unites syntax and prosody. With this option it is possible to pay more attention to some colloquial types of constructions with grading particles. One remarkable result of this study is the fact that Russian usually regulates the position of a grading particle with prosodic criteria, while German has syntactic rules regarding the first position