405 research outputs found

    The prospects of application of speech technologies yandex speechkit in the educational process of the higher education

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    The possibilities of using modern speech technologies in the educational process of the university are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of using Yandex speechkit technology are highlighted. An example of the use of Yandex speechkit for the formation of sound accompanying slides prepared in LaTeX desktop publishing system is consideredРассмотрены возможности использования современных речевых технологий в образовательном процессе вуза. Выделены преимущества и недостатки использования технологии Yandex speechkit. Рассмотрен пример использования Yandex speechkit для формирования звукового сопровождения слайдов, подготовленных в настольной издательской системе LaTe

    Učinak toplinske obradbe na mehanička svojstva i karakter loma traka molibdenskih legura

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    The annealing temperature within the range of 1223 - 2273 K has been studied for its effect on the grain size, mechanical properties, cold brittleness temperature, and nature of failure of sheets molybdenum alloys TsM-6 and TsM-10. The method of Auger-electron microscopy has been used to study the change of carbon and oxygen content on grain boundaries of the alloy TsM-10 and the change of mechanical properties associated with it as dependent on the annealing temperature.Istraživan je utjecaj temperaturnog žarenja u dijapazonu 1223 - 2273 K na veličinu zrna, mehanička svojstva, temperaturu hladnog loma i karakter razaranja traka molibdenskih legura TsM-6 i TsM-10. Auger-metodom elektronske mikroskopije istraživana je promjena sadržaja ugljika i kisika na granici zrna legure Tsm-10 i povezano s tim promjene mehaničkih karakteristika u zavisnosti od temperature žarenja

    Inhomogeneous gas model for electron mobility in high density neon gas

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    Experimental studies of electron mobilities in Neon as a function of the gas density have persistently shown mobilities up to an order of magnitude smaller than expected and predicted. A previously ignored mechanism (gas in--homogeneity which is negligible in the thermal mobilities for He and other gases) is found to reproduce the observed Neon mobilities accurately and simply at five temperatures with just one variable parameter. Recognizing that a gas is not a homogeneous medium, a variation in local density combined with the quantum multi--scattering theory, shifts the energy and cross section -- which in turn changes the collision probability and finally the mobilities. A lower density where a momentum transfer interaction occurs moves the mobility strongly in the same direction as the anomalous experiments. By going backwards from the observed mobilities, the collision frequency at each temperature and density is made to reproduce the experimental data by looking for the local (as opposed to average) density at which the (rare) momentum transfer interactions occur. These density deviations give a picture of the size and behavior of the wave packets for electron motion which looks very much like the often discussed wave function collapse.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Security of Tenure and Land Registration in Africa: Literature Review and Synthesis

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    In 1984, the Land Tenure Center embarked on a project to evaluate the experiences with land registration and tenure reform in Africa. The goal was to determine is African states been able to use tenure reform and land registration to provide greater security of tenure than was available through customary tenure systems. Donor agencies focused attention on the creation of individual freehold title, emphasizing the heightened security of holding, marketability, and access to credit under such tenure. National governments, on the other hand, were more concerned to see that land was used productively rather than merely accumulated for purposes of prestige or inheritance or as a hedge against inflation, and for this reason have tended to favor granting more circumscribed rights, such as leaseholds or rights of occupancy. This literature review and synthesis was prepared as part of an effort to increase very substantially our knowledge, especially on a quantitative level, of tenure and development relationships in Africa. The literature review is an attempt to gather in one place data about the diverse efforts at land registration and to describe briefly for each country the various registration programs that have taken place (if any), why they were undertaken, and what subsequent studies of these programs have found. Among other things, it will be seen that the intended benefits, and beneficiaries, of land registration have changed over the century or so since the first systems were put in place. In addition to these variations over time, there are also differences among Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone countries, differences that not only influenced the structure of registration systems established during the colonial era, but also continue to inform the kinds of registration systems adopted today.Land Economics/Use,

    Spatial Analysis of Public Health Data in Ghana: a case study of exploratory spatial analysis of Diarrhoea

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    Background: Diarrhoea is a  public health burden amongst the top five causes of premature death  and disability-adjusted life years in the tropical regions. In Ghana, diarrhoea has been identified as the second most common health problems treated in outpatient visits. Evaluations of diarrhea prevention efforts suggested that the best prevention strategies of diarrhoea may vary by location. For this reason, spatial statistical tools such as Geographical Information System (GIS)  has been applied expansively in health research to improve public health since 1980s. There are, however, extremely few of such studies in Ghana and there had not been any known nationwide study of the spatial distribution of diarrhoea in Ghana. In this study, we aimed to use exploratory spatial analysis techniques of GIS to assess the spatial epidemiological distribution of diarrhoea in Ghana and to locate the hotspot areas that need further focused public health interventions. Method: The outpatient department morbidity data of diarrhoea cases over the periods of 2010 to 2014 was obtained from Ghana Health Service and geo-coded using ArcGIS 10.1 according to the 170 administrative districts of Ghana. Incidence rates were estimated  and spatially smoothen with Empirical Bayesian Smoothing (EBS) technique to avoid unbiased visual interpretation. The EBS rates were mapped and classified using defined interval classification system. Global Moran's I and the Anselin Local Moran's I were computed with ArcGIS to respectively test for the evidence of space-time variation in the incidence of diarrhoea and to identify areas of relatively high and/or low rates. Results: This study described the spatial distribution of  diarrhoeal infection by assessing the global and local occurrence of the incidence rates of diarrhoea at district levels in Ghana. Mapping the smoothed incidence rates of diarrhoea geo-visually pointed spatial patterns and with generally increasing rates over the years 2010 to 2014. Evaluating the observed non-random spatial patterns, the global Moran's I confirmed significant geographical epidemiological patterns with significant spatial clustering (Moran's I > 0, Z > 1.96, p < 0.05). These spatial patterns were decreasing spatio-temporally from 2010 to 2013 but suddenly increased to the highest clustering in 2014. Cluster-outlier analysis with local Moran's Ii spatio-temporally identified a number of areas with statistically significant measures of relatively high and/or low clustering of rates. Conclusion: The results of the exploratory spatial analysis disclosed the grave necessity of spatial analysis to improve  public health, surveillance and disease prevention strategies in Ghana. The rate of diarrhoea still remains very high in Ghana with significant geographical and temporal variations. This suggests possible inequalities in healthcare services and health intervention programmes and relatively more risk factors in some areas. This study also suggests that diarrhea prevention strategies should be location-specific, while considering the neighbouring locations. The few identified hotspot districts with the most likely endemic clusters of diarrhoea cases need extra health intervention programmes and prioritisation. Keywords: Spatial epidemiology, diarrhoea, hotspot, spatial analysis, Geographical Information System (GIS), Moran's I, Ghan

    About the method of generation work schedulers with three shift

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    Approaches and scheduling generation algorithms are considered. The features of the use of sliding work schedules are highlighted. An example of the implementation of a three shift rolling schedule in manual and automatic mode is presented. An algorithm for generating a three shift sliding scheduler is describedРассмотрены подходы и алгоритмы генерации расписаний. Выделены особенности использования скользящих графиков работы. Представлен пример реализации скользящего трехсменного графика работы в ручном и автоматизированном режиме. Описан алгоритм генерации трехсменного скользящего график


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    The features of the implementation of the program for evaluating informational entropy for large production systems are considered. The advantages of its use for a group of decision makers are highlighted.Рассмотрены особенности реализации программы оценки информационной энтропии для больших производственных систем. Выделены преимущества ее использования для группы лиц, принимающих решения

    Исследование зависимости погрешности позиционирования пневматического привода от параметров его работы

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    Аналізуються експериментальні, отримані шляхом проведення повнофакторного експерименту данні для визначення залежності похибки позиціонування пневматичного приводу від параметрів його роботи – тиску в циліндрі пневмоприводу, швидкості руху маніпулятора, швидкості гальмування.Experimental obtained through full factorial experiment data analyzed to determine the dependence of the pneumatic manipulator positioning accuracy on its work parameters - the pressure in the manipulator cylinder, speed of manipulator movement, the rate deceleration.Анализируются экспериментальные, полученные путём проведения полнофакторного эксперимента данные для определения зависимости погрешности позиционирования пневматического привода от параметров его работы – давления в цилиндре пневмопривода, скорости движения манипулятора, скорости торможения

    Automation of the Process of Visualization of Structural Communication Schemes of the Apcs

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    Рассмотрен автоматизированный способ формирования структурных схем связи АСУ ТП на основе их фактографического контента, который минимизирует время их создания в условиях большой производственной системы.An automated method for the formation of structural communication diagrams of APCS based on their factual content, which minimizes the time of their creation in a large production system, is considered

    Взаємодія 4,5-диформіл-2,3,6,7,8,10-гексагідроакридин-8а(1Н)-карбонітрилу з N-нуклеофілами

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    Schiff bases are of practical interest as initial materials both for the combinatorial synthesis for libraries of compounds, and for preparation of complexes with metals; thus, currently the intensity of research in this direction is increasing. The possibilities of practical use of complex compounds with organic ligands are quite broad varying from effective catalysts of various chemical processes to molecular sensors. While studying formylation of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-spiro[cyclohexane-1,2-quinazolin]-4’(3’H)-one a new domino reaction, which makes it possible to obtain tricyclic acridine systems, has been carried out. In spite of the reduced electrophilicity of the aldehyde groups in 4,5-diformyl-2,3,6,7,8,10-hexahydroacridine-8а(1H)-carbonitrile the latter is shown to react with various amines in benzene with azeotropic removal of water using p-TsOH as a catalyst, and with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in i-PrOH. New Schiff bases and oxime obtained are of potential interest as ligands for formation of chelate complexes. The reaction of dialdehyde with N2H4×H2O instead of the expected hydrazone resulted in obtaining a macrocyclic compound – a derivative of hexaazacyclooctadecine. The structure of the compounds obtained corresponds to the data of 1H NMR-spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The preliminary studies have shown that azomethines – 4,5-phenyl(cyclohexcyl)iminomethyl-2,3,6,7,8,10-hexahydroacridine8а(1H)-carbonitrile create complexes with copper and nickel ions.Основания Шиффа представляют практический интерес в качестве исходных как для комбинаторного синтеза библиотек веществ, так и для создания комплексов с металлами, и в последнее время интенсивность исследований в данном направлении только увеличивается. Возможности практического использования комплексных соединений с органическими лигандами весьма широки: от эффективных катализаторов различных химических процессов до молекулярных сенсоров. В ходе изучения формилирования 5’,6’,7’,8’-тетрагидро-1’Н-спиро[циклогексан-1,2’-хиназолин]-4’(3’Н)-она нами была найдена новая домино-реакция, которая позволяет выйти на трициклические гидрированные акридиновые системы. Показано, что несмотря на сниженную электрофильность альдегидных групп в 4,5-диформил2,3,6,7,8,10-гексагидроакридин-8а(1Н)-карбонитриле, он реагирует с различными аминами в бензоле с азеотропной отгонкой воды с применением в качестве катализатора p-TsOH, а также с солянокислым гидроксиламином в i-PrOH. Полученные основания Шиффа и оксим представляют потенциальный интерес в качестве лигандов для образования хелатных комплексов. В результате реакции диальдегида с N2H4×H2O вместо ожидаемого гидразона получено макроциклическое соединение – производное гексаазациклооктадецина. Строение всех полученных соединений согласуется с данными ЯМР 1Н-спектроскопии, масс-спектрометрии и элементного анализа. Предварительные исследования показали, что азометины − 4,5-фенил(циклогексил)иминометил-2,3,6,7,8,10-гексагидроакридин-8а(1Н)карбонитрила образуют комплексные соединения с ионами никеля и меди. Основи Шиффа становлять практичний інтерес в якості вихідних як для комбінаторного синтезу бібліотек речовин, так і для створення комплексів з металами, і останнім часом інтенсивність досліджень у даному напрямку тільки збільшується. Можливості практичного використання комплексів з органічними лігандами досить широкі: від ефективних каталізаторів хімічних процесів до молекулярних сенсорів. У ході вивчення формілювання 5’,6’,7’,8’-тетрагідро-1’Н-спіро[циклогексан-1,2’-хіназолін]-4’(3’Н)-ону нами була відкрита нова доміно-реакція, яка дозволяє вийти на трициклічні гідровані акридинові системи. Показано, що незважаючи на знижену електрофільність альдегідних груп у 4,5-диформіл-2,3,6,7,8,10-гексагідроакридину-8а(1Н)-карбонітрилі, він реагує з різними амінами у бензолі з азеотропною відгонкою води з використанням в якості каталізатора p-TsOH, а також з солянокислим гідроксиламіном у i-PrOH. Отримані основи Шиффа та оксим становлять потенційний інтерес у якості лігандів для утворення хелатних комплексів. У результаті реакції діальдегіду з N2H4×H2O замість очікуваного гідразону отримано макроциклічну сполуку – похідну гексаазациклооктадецину. Будова всіх отриманих сполук підтверджена даними ЯМР 1Н-спектроскопії, мас-спектрометрії і елементного аналізу. Попередні дослідження продемонстрували, що азометини – 4,5-феніл(циклогексил)імінометил-2, 3,6,7,8,10-гексагідроакридин-8а(1Н)-карбонітрилу утворюють комплексні сполуки з іонами нікелю та міді