46 research outputs found

    Negotiating agency and belonging during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interview study among older adults in England, UK.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to explore the agency of older adults and their strategies to restructure ways of being and belonging in a rapidly and radically changed social environment during the UK's first COVID-19 lockdown in Spring 2020. DESIGN: Qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews. Findings were derived from a thematic analysis of interview transcripts. We also established a patient and public involvement and engagement group who advised on study design, interview topic guide and interpretation of findings. SETTING: Interviews were conducted online with older adults in the UK through their platform of choice in Spring 2020 in England, UK. PARTICIPANTS: We conducted 28 interviews (16 women, 12 men) with older adults over the age of 70 years. Our participants were mostly white, middle class adults. RESULTS: From the data, we constructed three strategies that older adults used to employ agency and create spaces of belonging in their social networks despite lockdown restrictions. First, participants created a sense of belonging by being 'good' members of society who were knowledgeable about COVID-19. Second, older adults created new ways to socially engage with the wider community. Finally, older adults actively restructured social networks to preserve a sense of belonging. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults are actively and creatively carving a space of belonging during the societal upheaval in response to the COVID-19 lockdown and public health restrictions. Rather than internalising potential exclusionary messages based on their age, older adults instead used their agency to reimagine and transform spheres of belonging

    Access to psychological support for young people following stoma surgery: Exploring patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives

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    Psychological problems are common among people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) following stoma surgery. However, the ways in which stoma-related psychological needs are identified and addressed in healthcare settings remain unexplored. In this study, we investigated the perspectives of young people with a stoma and healthcare professionals about access to psychological support. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with young people with an IBD stoma (18-29 years) (n=13) and healthcare professionals (n=15), including colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, specialist nurses in IBD and stoma care, and general practitioners in England. Data collection and analysis were informed by constructivist grounded theory. Three analytic categories were developed: ‘initiating support-seeking’, ‘affirming psychological needs’, and ‘mobilizing psychological support’, which capture young peoples’ trajectory to accessing psychological support. Based on the findings, we highlight the need for both patients and healthcare professionals to assign greater priority to the identification of psychological symptoms post-stoma surgery. More effective care pathways, which include responsive psychological services, would enhance access to psychological support for young people with a stoma

    Exploring tandem ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogen transfer and SNAr chemistry

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    A hydrogen-transfer strategy for the catalytic functionalization of benzylic alcohols via electronic arene activation, accessing a diverse range of bespoke diaryl ethers and aryl amines in excellent isolated yields (38 examples, 70% average yield), is reported. Taking advantage of the hydrogen-transfer approach, the oxidation level of the functionalized products can be selected by judicious choice of simple and inexpensive additives

    Self-harm in older adults: a systematic review

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    Background Self-harm is a major public health concern. Increasing ageing populations and high risk of suicide in later life highlight the importance of identification of the particular characteristics of self-harm in older adults. Aim To systematically review characteristics of self-harm in older adults. Methods A comprehensive search for primary studies on self-harm in older adults was conducted in e-databases (Medline, AgeLine, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science) from their inception to February 2018. Using predefined criteria, articles were independently screened and assessed for methodological quality. Data were synthesised following a narrative approach. A Patient Advisory group advised on the design, conduct, and interpretation of findings. Results 40 articles (n= 62,755 older adults) were included. Yearly self-harm rates were 19 to 65 per 100,000 people. Self-poisoning was the most commonly reported method. Comorbid physical problems were common. Increased risk repetition was reported amongst older adults with self-harm history, previous and current psychiatric treatment. Loss of control, increased loneliness and perceived burdensome ageing were reported self-harm motivations. Conclusions Self-harm in older adults has distinct characteristics that should be explored to improve management and care. Whilst risk of further self-harm and suicide is high in all age cohorts, risk of suicide is higher in older adults. Given the frequent contact with health services, an opportunity exists for detection and prevention of self-harm and suicide in this population. These results are limited to research in hospital-based settings and community-based studies are needed to fully understand self-harm amongst older adults

    Exploring the Impact of the First Wave of COVID-19 on Social Work Practice: A Qualitative Study in England, UK

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    The COVID-19 pandemic signalled a radical shift in health and social care services globally. In UK, many of the people with existing social care needs were identified as 'clinically vulnerable' to COVID-19. Those at greatest risk were encouraged to adhere to additional public health measures that inadvertently exacerbated social disadvantages. Social workers were challenged to 'dig deep' to continue to provide services as usual. However, problems implementing new ways of working were reported but not examined in-depth through research. Our study explored experiences and perceptions of social workers responding to the first wave (April-July 2020) of COVID-19, in England, UK. Interviews with thirteen social workers, all working in the West Midlands region, were conducted via telephone or online video. Transcripts were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. We use 'managing uncertainty' as a central concept underpinning the four themes identified after analysis: (1) providing social care at a physical distance, (2) negotiating home/work boundaries, (3) managing emerging risks and (4) long-term implications for social work. We discuss our findings in the context of resilience and organisational adaptation. Social workers in our study demonstrated resilience in action and rapid adaptation to new practices, but equally expressed concern about short-term efficiencies being prioritised over individual service user needs. The COVID-19 pandemic signalled a dramatic shift in how health and social care services were delivered to members of the public. Social workers reported challenges implementing new ways of working during the first wave of COVID-19. However, such challenges received little coverage in the media or in research. This article explores the views and experiences of social workers responding to the first COVID-19 wave in England, UK (April-July 2020). Telephone and online interviews were carried out with thirteen social workers active in the West Midlands region. Social workers shared experiences of how they managed uncertainty-a core theme in the study. Interviewees described managing the uncertainty of: (1) providing social care at a physical distance, (2) negotiating home/work boundaries, (3) managing emerging risks and (4) contemplating the future of social work practice. Our study demonstrates how social work professionals adapted rapidly to new practices during the first wave. However, social workers raised concerns about the impact of short-term solutions on long-term needs of service users. Implications for research and practice are discussed with reference to key literature

    Community engagement in cutaneous leishmaniasis research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: a decolonial approach for global health

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic skin disease endemic in at least 88 countries where it presents an urgent, albeit often "neglected" public health problem. In this paper, we discuss our model of decolonial community engagement in the ECLIPSE global health research program, which aims to improve physical and mental health outcomes for people with CL. The ECLIPSE program has four interlinked phases and underpinning each of these phases is sustained and robust community engagement and involvement that guides and informs all activities in ECLIPSE. Our decolonial approach implies that the model for community engagement will be different in Brazil, Ethiopia and Sri Lanka. Indeed, we adopt a critical anthropological approach to engaging with community members and it is precisely this approach we evaluate in this paper. The data and material we draw on were collected through qualitative research methods during community engagement activities. We established 13 Community Advisory Groups (CAGs): in Brazil (n = 4), Ethiopia (n = 6), and Sri Lanka (n = 3). We identified four overarching themes during a thematic analysis of the data set: (1) Establishing community advisory groups, (2) CAG membership and community representation, (3) Culturally appropriate and context-bespoke engagement, and (4) Relationships between researchers and community members. During our first period of ECLIPSE community engagement, we have debunked myths (for instance about communities being "disempowered"), critiqued our own practices (changing approaches in bringing together CAG members) and celebrated successes (notably fruitful online engagement during a challenging COVID-19 pandemic context). Our evaluation revealed a gap between the exemplary community engagement frameworks available in the literature and the messy, everyday reality of working in communities. In the ECLIPSE program, we have translated ideal(istic) principles espoused by such community engagement guidance into the practical realities of "doing engagement" in low-resourced communities. Our community engagement was underpinned by such ideal principles, but adapted to local sociocultural contexts, working within certain funding and regulatory constraints imposed on researchers. We conclude with a set of lessons learned and recommendations for the conduct of decolonial community engagement in global health research

    Environmental Systems and Local Actors: Decentralizing Environmental Policy in Uganda

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    In Uganda, environmental and natural resource management is decentralized and has been the responsibility of local districts since 1996. This environmental management arrangement was part of a broader decentralization process and was intended to increase local ownership and improve environmental policy; however, its implementation has encountered several major challenges over the last decade. This article reviews some of the key structural problems facing decentralized environmental policy in this central African country and examines these issues within the wider framework of political decentralization. Tensions have arisen between technical staff and politicians, between various levels of governance, and between environmental and other policy domains. This review offers a critical reflection on the perspectives and limitations of decentralized environmental governance in Uganda. Our conclusions focus on the need to balance administrative staff and local politicians, the mainstreaming of local environmental policy, and the role of international donors