30 research outputs found

    Materials produced from plant biomass: part II: evaluation of crystallinity and degradation kinetics of cellulose

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    In this study Eucalyptus grandis (CEG) and Pinus taeda (CPT) cellulose fibers obtained from kraft and sulfite pulping process, respectively, were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetry (TGA). The degradation kinetic parameters were determined by TGA using Coats and Redfern method. FTIR results showed that CPT presented a more ordered structure with higher crystallinity than CEG. Thermogravimetric results showed that CPT had a higher thermal stability than CEG. The kinetic results revel that for CEG the degradation mechanism occurs mainly by random nucleation, although phase boundary controlled reactions also occurs while for CPT the degradation process is more related with phase boundary controlled reactions. Results demonstrated that differences between thermal stability and degradation mechanisms might be associated with differences in the cellulose crystalline structure probably caused by different pulping processes used for obtaining the cellulose fibers

    Single origin of sex chromosomes and multiple origins of B chromosomes in fish genus Characidium

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    Chromosome painting with DNA probes obtained from supernumerary (B) and sex chromosomes in three species of fish genus Characidium (C. gomesi, C. pterostictum and C. oiticicai) showed a close resemblance in repetitive DNA content between B and sex chromosomes in C. gomesi and C. pterostictum. This suggests an intraspecific origin for B chromosomes in these two species, probably deriving from sex chromosomes. In C. oiticicai, however, a DNA probe obtained from its B chromosome hybridized with the B but not with the A chromosomes, suggesting that the B chromosome in this species could have arisen interspecifically, although this hypothesis needs further investigation. A molecular phylogenetic analysis performed on nine Characidium species, with two mtDNA genes, showed that the presence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes in these species is a derived condition, and that their origin could have been unique, a conclusion also supported by interspecific chromosome painting with a CgW probe derived from the W chromosome in C. gomesi. Summing up, our results indicate that whereas heteromorphic sex chromosomes in the genus Characidium appear to have had a common and unique origin, B chromosomes may have had independent origins in different species. Our results also show that molecular phylogenetic analysis is an excellent complement for cytogenetic studies by unveiling the direction of evolutionary chromosome changes.This research was funded by grants from the State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) to EAS (2013/02143-3), grants from National Council for Research and Development (CNPq) to FF (480449/2012-0), and by Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nıvel Superior (CAPES)

    Domestic violence: possibilities and limitations in coping Violencia doméstica: las posibilidades y los límites de enfrentamiento Violência doméstica: as possibilidades e os limites de enfrentamento

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    This qualitative study assesses how women, in situations of domestic violence and examined at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, deal with this adversity and identifies protection strategies to cope with it, considering the support required and obtained from their relational and institutional environments. Ten women were interviewed and the data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Search for help primarily occurs in the women’s social milieu, with family and friends and health and legal services being sought. In such a quest, established bonds may either become an obstacle to coping and make these women vulnerable to violence or protect and strengthen them during coping. In the identification of these women’s social and health needs, the aggravating circumstances of violence are only superficially addressed by professionals. New strategies to implement professional actions should be devised in order to provide integral and humanized care.<br>El objetivo del presente estudio fue comprender como las mujeres en situación de violencia doméstica, atendidas en el Instituto Médico Legal, conviven con esta adversidad e identificar las estrategias de protección en el enfrentamiento, considerando el apoyo/soporte requerido y el obtenido en el medio relacional e institucional. Es un estudio de abordaje cualitativo. Se entrevistaron diez mujeres y los datos fueron analizados por la técnica de análisis de contenido, en la modalidad temática. La búsqueda por ayuda ocurre en el propio medio social, junto a la familia y amigos. Posteriormente, se recurre a los servicios de salud y judicial. En esa búsqueda los vínculos establecidos se pueden tornar un obstáculo al enfrentamiento y, por lo tanto, vulnerables a la violencia, o pueden proteger a las mujeres y fortalecerlas en el enfrentamiento. En el reconocimiento de sus necesidades sociales y de salud, los agravantes de la violencia son tocados apenas tangencialmente por los profesionales en la aprehensión de las necesidades de estas mujeres. Para la atención integral y humanizada deben ser elaboradas nuevas estrategias de acciones profesionales.<br>O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender como as mulheres em situação de violência doméstica, atendidas no instituto médico legal, convivem com essa adversidade e identificar as estratégias de proteção no enfrentamento, considerando o apoio/suporte requerido e o obtido no meio relacional e institucional. Trata-se de estudo com abordagem qualitativa. Foram entrevistadas dez mulheres e os dados analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. A busca por ajuda ocorre no próprio meio social, junto à família e amigos. Posteriormente, recorre-se aos serviços de saúde e judicial. Nessa busca, os vínculos estabelecidos podem se tornar obstáculo ao enfrentamento e, portanto, vulneráveis à violência, ou podem proteger as mulheres e fortalecê-las no enfrentamento. No reconhecimento de suas necessidades sociais e de saúde, os agravantes da violência são apenas tangenciados pelos profissionais, na apreensão das necessidades dessas mulheres. Para o atendimento integral e humanizado devem ser pensadas novas estratégias de ações profissionais