770 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation of carrer self-management behaviours: test of a theoretical model

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    This Master thesis explores the idea of proactive career attitudes and employee’s engagement in Career Self-Management Behaviours (CSMB). The main purpose of the study is to investigate if employees’ accumulated experiences with Human Resource Development Practices (HRDP) are predictive of their engagement in CSMB, and if those proactive activities, in turn, impact workers’ Perceived Employability (PE) and Organizational Commitment (OC). Data used in this study was obtained from a sample of 351 Portuguese employees. Data was collected in 2015 using a web-based questionnaire as part of a broader international research project: “Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers” (Briscoe, Hall & Mayrhofer, 2012). A series of linked hypotheses are tested using the SPSS macro PROCESS (Hayes, 2016), with an examination of the mediation model. Before reporting the details of the empirical study, the first part of this paper – Literature Review, provides a thorough discussion of key theories and empirical studies related to the concepts and associations investigated in this study. The results show that HRDP positive impact both employees’ OC and PE - and that this enhancing effect is mediated by CSMB. As for the study limitations, since the results are based on cross-sectional self-report data, the causality of the findings cannot be confirmed. The study contributes to knowledge on modern careers, in that it sheds light on the process in which organizational career management initiatives can enhance desirable career outcomes (through fostering self-directed career attitudes). Implications for theory and practice are discussed.Esta tese de mestrado explora o conceito de atitudes de carreira proativas e de compromisso do colaborador com Comportamentos de AutogestĂŁo da Carreira (CAC). O principal objetivo do estudo Ă© investigar se a experiĂȘncia acumulada do colaborador com PrĂĄticas de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos (PDRH) Ă© preditiva do seu compromisso com CAC e se essas atividades proativas, por outro lado, impactam a Empregabilidade Percebida (EP) do colaborador e o seu Compromisso Organizacional (CO). Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram obtidos atravĂ©s de uma amostra de 351 trabalhadores portugueses. Em 2015 esta informação foi recolhida utilizando um questionĂĄrio online que fazia parte de um projeto de investigação internacional mais amplo: Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers” (Briscoe, Hall & Mayrhofer, 2012). SĂŁo testadas uma sĂ©rie de hipĂłteses associadas entre si, utilizando o macro PROCESS do SPSS (Hayes, 2016), com uma anĂĄlise da mediana. Antes de relatar os detalhes do estudo empĂ­rico, a primeira parte deste artigo – RevisĂŁo da Literatura, proporciona uma discussĂŁo transversal de teorias chave e estudos empĂ­ricos relacionados com os conceitos e associaçÔes investigadas neste estudo. Os resultados mostram que as PDRH impactam ambos de forma positiva - CO dos colaboradores e a sua EP - e que este efeito de aumento Ă© mediado pelos CAC. Relativamente Ă s limitaçÔes do estudo, considerando que os resultados sĂŁo baseados em informação transversal auto reportada, a causalidade dos resultados nĂŁo pode ser confirmada. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento sobre carreiras modernas, na medida em que ilumina o processo atravĂ©s do qual as iniciativas de GestĂŁo de Carreira levam a resultados desejĂĄveis (atravĂ©s da promoção de atitudes de carreira auto dirigidas). SĂŁo ainda discutidas implicaçÔes para a teoria e para a prĂĄtica

    Functional morphology of the primary olfactory centers in the brain of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Anomala, Coenobitidae)

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    Terrestrial hermit crabs of the genus Coenobita display strong behavioral responses to volatile odors and are attracted by chemical cues of various potential food sources. Several aspects of their sense of aerial olfaction have been explored in recent years including behavioral aspects and structure of their peripheral and central olfactory pathway. Here, we use classical histological methods and immunohistochemistry against the neuropeptides orcokinin and allatostatin as well as synaptic proteins and serotonin to provide insights into the functional organization of their primary olfactory centers in the brain, the paired olfactory lobes. Our results show that orcokinin is present in the axons of olfactory sensory neurons, which target the olfactory lobe. Orcokinin is also present in a population of local olfactory interneurons, which may relay lateral inhibition across the array of olfactory glomeruli within the lobes. Extensive lateral connections of the glomeruli were also visualized using the histological silver impregnation method according to Holmes-Blest. This technique also revealed the structural organization of the output pathway of the olfactory system, the olfactory projection neurons, the axons of which target the lateral protocerebrum. Within the lobes, the course of their axons seems to be reorganized in an axon-sorting zone before they exit the system. Together with previous results, we combine our findings into a model on the functional organization of the olfactory system in these animals

    DiviK: Divisive intelligent K-means for hands-free unsupervised clustering in biological big data

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    Investigation of molecular heterogeneity provides insights about tumor origin and metabolomics. Increasing amount of data gathered makes manual analyses infeasible. Automated unsupervised learning approaches are exercised for this purpose. However, this kind of analysis requires a lot of experience with setting its hyperparameters and usually an upfront knowledge about the number of expected substructures. Moreover, numerous measured molecules require additional step of feature engineering to provide valuable results. In this work we propose DiviK: a scalable auto-tuning algorithm for segmentation of high-dimensional datasets, and a method to assess the quality of the unsupervised analysis. DiviK is validated on two separate high-throughput datasets acquired by Mass Spectrometry Imaging in 2D and 3D. Proposed algorithm could be one of the default choices to consider during initial exploration of Mass Spectrometry Imaging data. With comparable clustering quality, it brings the possibility of focusing on different levels of dataset nuance, while requires no number of expected structures specified upfront. Finally, due to its simplicity, DiviK is easily generalizable to even more flexible framework, with other clustering algorithm used instead of k-means. Generic implementation is freely available under Apache 2.0 license at https://github.com/gmrukwa/divik.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale in hypertensive adults.

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    Low adherence to pharmacological treatment is often associated with poor blood pressure control, but identification of nonadherent patients in outpatient settings is difficult. The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the structured self-report eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) among patients with hypertension. The study was conducted in a family doctor practice between January and July 2015. After a standard "forward-backward" procedure to translate MMAS-8 into Polish, the questionnaire was administered to 160 patients with hypertension. Reliability was tested using a measure of internal consistency (Cronbach's α) and test-retest reliability. Validity was confirmed using known group validity. Three levels of adherence were considered based on the following scores: 0 to <6 (low); 6 to <8 (medium); and 8 (high). Complete questionnaires were returned by 110 respondents (mean age: 60.7 years ±12.6; 54.6% were female). The mean number of pills taken daily was 3.61±4.31. The mean adherence score was 6.42± 2.0. Moderate internal consistency was found (Cronbach's α=0.81), and test-retest reliability was satisfactory (r=0.461-0.905; P<0.001). Reproducibility expressed by Cohen's Îș coefficient =0.61 was good. In high-adherent patients, the percentage of well-controlled blood pressure was higher than in low-adherent patients (33.3% vs 19.1%, χ (2)=0.87, P=0.648). Psychometric evaluation of the Polish version of the MMAS-8 indicates that it is a reliable and valid measure tool to detect nonadherent patients. The MMAS-8 may be routinely used to support communication about the medication-taking behavior in hypertensive patients

    Experimental Generation of Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) from Human Mammary Fibroblasts

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    Carcinomas are complex tissues comprised of neoplastic cells and a non-cancerous compartment referred to as the 'stroma'. The stroma consists of extracellular matrix (ECM) and a variety of mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes and leukocytes(1-3)

    Are litigation and collective bargaining complements or substitutes for achieving gender equality? A study of the British equal pay act

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    We present a socio-legal case study of the recent equal pay litigation wave in Britain, which saw an unprecedented increase in the number of claims, triggered in part by the entry of no-win, no-fee law firms into this part of the legal services market. Although the rise in litigation led to greater adversarialism in pay bargaining, litigation and collective bargaining mostly operated as complementary mechanisms in advancing an equality agenda. Litigation may be a more potent agent for social change than some recent analyses, which stress the limits of the law in the face of organisational pressures to canalise and diffuse human rights, have suggestedWe are grateful to the ESRC’s Gender Network for financial supportThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cje/bev00

    On the influence of Latvian on German in the Baltic Area

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    Die Arbeit beinhaltet eine Datenbank der Entlehnungen aus dem Lettischen ins Baltendeutsche von 1200 bis 1939. Nach der Darstellung der sozialhistorischen Gegebenheiten der Sprecher des Lettischen und des Deutschen im Baltikum folgt die kontrastive Analyse der phonetischen und morphologischen Eigenschaften des Lettischen, Mittelniederdeutschen und des Baltendeutschen. Ein wichtiges Anliegen war die Abgrenzung der Entlehnungen aus dem Lettischen gegen die Entlehnungen aus anderen im Baltikum gesprochenen Sprachen sowie die Darstellung der Integration der Entlehnungen ins Baltendeutsche.The thesis includes a data base of lexical borrowings from Latvian into the Balto-German language from 1200 to 1939. After the description of the social and historical situation of Latvian and German speakers in the Baltic area a contrastive analysis of the phonetical and morphological characteristics of the Latvian, Middle Low German, and Balto-German languages is given. An important aim of the thesis has been the delimitation of borrowings from Latvian as against another languages spoken in the Baltic area and to show the integration of borrowings into the Balto-German language

    Effects of depression and anxiety on asthma-related quality of life

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    INTRODUCTION: Asthma is the most prevalent chronic disease in adults. It affects their quality of life. Studies confirm that depression and anxiety occurs in asthma patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 96 patients with asthma divided into two groups: patients with controlled (n = 33) and uncontrolled asthma (n = 63). The analysis of asthma control was performed on the basis of the ACT (Asthma Control Test) results. The study used SF-36 (Short Form 36) questionnaire and HADS (Hospital and Depression Scale) Scale. RESULTS: An analysis of the correlations between QoL (Quality of Life) and the level of depression revealed a decrease in QoL scores in MCS (Mental Component Score) domain in the group with controlled asthma (71.8 — patients without depression, 53.4 — patients with probable depression, and 51.4 — patients with depression; p = 0.032). A similar analysis of the correlations between QoL and the level of anxiety in this group of patients proved no correlations in PCS (Physical Component Score) and MCS domains. In the group of patients with uncontrolled asthma, anxiety and depression correlated negatively with the QoL in PCS and MCS domains. Anxiety and depression are found in asthma patients, with higher severity observed in patients with uncontrolled asthma. Female gender, the level of asthma control, asthma severity, smoking, as well as diagnoses of anxiety and depression are predictors of a significantly lower QoL in asthma. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety and depression are found in asthma patients, with higher severity observed in patients with uncontrolled asthma. Female gender, the level of asthma control, asthma severity, smoking, as well as diagnoses of anxiety and depression are predictors of a significantly lower quality of life in asthma.INTRODUCTION: Asthma is the most prevalent chronic disease in adults. It affects their quality of life. Studies confirm that depression and anxiety occurs in asthma patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 96 patients with asthma divided into two groups: patients with controlled (n = 33) and uncontrolled asthma (n = 63). The analysis of asthma control was performed on the basis of the ACT (Asthma Control Test) results. The study used SF-36 (Short Form 36) questionnaire and HADS (Hospital and Depression Scale) Scale. RESULTS: An analysis of the correlations between QoL (Quality of Life) and the level of depression revealed a decrease in QoL scores in MCS (Mental Component Score) domain in the group with controlled asthma (71.8 — patients without depression, 53.4 — patients with probable depression, and 51.4 — patients with depression; p = 0.032). A similar analysis of the correlations between QoL and the level of anxiety in this group of patients proved no correlations in PCS (Physical Component Score) and MCS domains. In the group of patients with uncontrolled asthma, anxiety and depression correlated negatively with the QoL in PCS and MCS domains. Anxiety and depression are found in asthma patients, with higher severity observed in patients with uncontrolled asthma. Female gender, the level of asthma control, asthma severity, smoking, as well as diagnoses of anxiety and depression are predictors of a significantly lower QoL in asthma. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety and depression are found in asthma patients, with higher severity observed in patients with uncontrolled asthma. Female gender, the level of asthma control, asthma severity, smoking, as well as diagnoses of anxiety and depression are predictors of a significantly lower quality of life in asthma

    Quality of life and health behaviours of patients with tuberculosis — sex differences

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    Introduction: Despite the introduction of effective antituberculosis drugs, tuberculosis (TB) is still a serious health problem and one of the most significant causes of death among infectious diseases. Current publications indicate an increase of tuberculosis cases among smokers, diabetics, malnurished subjects and those abusing alcohol and drugs. In the literature, there are only few studies raising the topic of the quality of life (QoL), stress management and health behaviour among patients with tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate QoL of patients with tuberculosis taking into account gender differences. In the study, the analysis of knowledge, health behaviour and stress management among TB patients depending on sex was carried out. Material and methods: The study included 80 subjects diagnosed with TB (including 38 females) who were hospitalised at the Regional Hospital Centre of Kotlina JeleniogĂłrska, Medical Unit Wysoka Ɓąka, Pulmonology and Phthisiology Department in Kowary between August 2012 and January 2013. The following questionnaires were used in the study: Mini-COPE — evaluating stress management, WHOQoL — assessing the quality of life of patients, IZZ — assessing health behaviour. Results: A difference with regards to sociodemographic profile between females and males was observed. Half of the women surveyed were working (50% vs 19% of men), whereas half of men were entitled to unemployment benefit (50% vs 18.4% of women). More than half of women lived with their family (55.3%), whereas 47.6% of men lived alone. The majority of the subjects consumed alcohol occasionally (60.2% of women vs 45.2% of men), but as many as 31% of male patients vs 7.9% of females admitted that they consumed alcohol frequently. Among the respondents, people who consumed alcohol occasionally dominated (60.2% women vs. 45.2% of men), but as many as 31% of male patients vs. 7.9% of women admitted to consume alcohol frequently. Quality of life (QoL) assessment has shown no statistically significant differences between the sexes in this field. The respondents rated lowest their QoL in the physical domain, 12.4 ± 3.1 (12.9 ± 3.0 women vs. 11.8 ± 3.1 men) and 12.6 ± 2.4 in the environmental domain (13.1 ± 2.3 women vs 12.1± 2.4 men). Women received a higher rating of health behaviour on all subscales of the IZZ questionnaire, with the highest score in the prevention behaviour subscale (3.6 ± 0.7) and the lowest in the subscale of proper eating habits (3.1 ± 0.8). In men the highest score of health behaviour was observed in the subscale of positive mental attitude (3.1 ± 1.0) and the lowest in the subscale of proper eating habits (2.5 ± 0.8). Conclusions: 1. There are differences between sociodemographic profile of TB patients: women are younger, better educated, economically active and more likely to remain in relationships; 2. There is no difference in QoL of TB patients between the sexes, whereas there are differences in the strategies of stress management and in applied health behavior; 3. Differences between genders indicate the need for matching treatment and preventive action for different patients profiles based on the cooperation of doctors, social workers, therapists, and psychologists.Introduction: Despite the introduction of effective antituberculosis drugs, tuberculosis (TB) is still a serious health problem and one of the most significant causes of death among infectious diseases. Current publications indicate an increase of tuberculosis cases among smokers, diabetics, malnurished subjects and those abusing alcohol and drugs. In the literature, there are only few studies raising the topic of the quality of life (QoL), stress management and health behaviour among patients with tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate QoL of patients with tuberculosis taking into account gender differences. In the study, the analysis of knowledge, health behaviour and stress management among TB patients depending on sex was carried out. Material and methods: The study included 80 subjects diagnosed with TB (including 38 females) who were hospitalised at the Regional Hospital Centre of Kotlina JeleniogĂłrska, Medical Unit Wysoka Ɓąka, Pulmonology and Phthisiology Department in Kowary between August 2012 and January 2013. The following questionnaires were used in the study: Mini-COPE — evaluating stress management, WHOQoL — assessing the quality of life of patients, IZZ — assessing health behaviour. Results: A difference with regards to sociodemographic profile between females and males was observed. Half of the women surveyed were working (50% vs 19% of men), whereas half of men were entitled to unemployment benefit (50% vs 18.4% of women). More than half of women lived with their family (55.3%), whereas 47.6% of men lived alone. The majority of the subjects consumed alcohol occasionally (60.2% of women vs 45.2% of men), but as many as 31% of male patients vs 7.9% of females admitted that they consumed alcohol frequently. Among the respondents, people who consumed alcohol occasionally dominated (60.2% women vs. 45.2% of men), but as many as 31% of male patients vs. 7.9% of women admitted to consume alcohol frequently. Quality of life (QoL) assessment has shown no statistically significant differences between the sexes in this field. The respondents rated lowest their QoL in the physical domain, 12.4 ± 3.1 (12.9 ± 3.0 women vs. 11.8 ± 3.1 men) and 12.6 ± 2.4 in the environmental domain (13.1 ± 2.3 women vs 12.1± 2.4 men). Women received a higher rating of health behaviour on all subscales of the IZZ questionnaire, with the highest score in the prevention behaviour subscale (3.6 ± 0.7) and the lowest in the subscale of proper eating habits (3.1 ± 0.8). In men the highest score of health behaviour was observed in the subscale of positive mental attitude (3.1 ± 1.0) and the lowest in the subscale of proper eating habits (2.5 ± 0.8). Conclusions: 1. There are differences between sociodemographic profile of TB patients: women are younger, better educated, economically active and more likely to remain in relationships; 2. There is no difference in QoL of TB patients between the sexes, whereas there are differences in the strategies of stress management and in applied health behavior; 3. Differences between genders indicate the need for matching treatment and preventive action for different patients profiles based on the cooperation of doctors, social workers, therapists, and psychologists
