33 research outputs found

    Determination of mechanical parameters of salts in the cyclic load processes corresponding to the operation the storage cavern for hydrogen

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    The paper describes the results of laboratory tests of strength the salt samples made as part of the HESTOR project in order to determine the mechanical parameters of salt. The tests were carried out using the Autolab2000 apparatus which allows to simulate any load cycles. The tests were made by simulating the operation of the hydrogen storage cavern. In order to observe differences in salt behavior depending on the sample medium being stored during the test, gases were supplied: nitrogen, as an analog of natural gas, and helium as a hydrogen analogue

    Investigations of the Surface Dielectric Function by Means of the Scanning Ellipsometry and Transition Radiation Methods

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    This paper was supported by the Project CPBP 01.08.We describe the scanning ellipsometry and transition radiation methods as well as their applications to surface dielectric function measurements. In particular, we present the results for a gadolinium sample in the visible and ultraviolet spectral ranges. We compare our experimental results obtained by both methods.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Finding network modules and motifs regulating plant stress responses : integration and model-ling across multiple data sets

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    In spite of constant technological advancements, world hunger remains a major challenge due to exponential population growth, and the loss of e effectiveness of crop treatments such as pesticides. As such, comprehending the plant response to stress is of great importance in breeding more resilient crops. Whilst different stresses elicit distinct responses from the plant, a core set of regulatory interactions are conserved across multiple responses and operate as networks. In this thesis, computational approaches were used to elucidate such regulatory interactions from time course expression datasets, predominantly through identification of genes co-expressed across multiple stimuli responses as a footprint of shared network co-regulation. The identification of such network footprints was tackled through Wigwams, a data mining algorithm capable of detecting groups of genes co-regulated across multiple datasets. In contrast to other algorithms, Wigwams assesses whether the co-expression it detects is likely to reflect co-regulation. The modules it found were significantly enriched in functionality and cis-regulatory elements, indicating actual co-regulation. Wigwams and other computational approaches were applied to time course expression data capturing Arabidopsis thaliana response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. The presence of a virulent and avirulent strain in the experiment allowed for the temporal deconstruction of the regulatory events underlying the virulent strain's attempts to overcome plant defence through effector action. This analysis led to the detection of a number of effector-specific transcription changes stifling the defence response and manipulating the host's gene and protein expression. A transcription factor-only regulatory network model was proposed to explain the detected network footprints. The inference of causal regulatory networks from expression data is a daunting task, and transcription factor-only models are a good computational compromise by capturing the key regulatory events taking place. However, they are lacking in target genes that carry out the functionality induced by the signalling, making functional assessment di cult. Wigwams was used to introduce the network footprint components into the corresponding transcription factor-only models, resulting in enhanced network models carrying information about downstream regulated genes. This allows for functional assessment to be used to identify nodes of interest within the network, and propose concise follow-up experiments

    Therapeutic applications of vascular endothelial growth factor

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    Zazwyczaj jedyną metodą pomocy pacjentom z krytycznym niedokrwieniem jest amputacja chorej kończyny. Od kilku lat podejmuje się próby pomocy takim pacjentom poprzez stymulację rozwoju naczyń krążenia obocznego. Metody blokowania angiogenezy dają natomiast szansę na przełom w leczeniu chorób nowotworowych.Usually the only one method of treatment of the patients with critical limb ischemia is extremity amputation. Since some time we try to stimulate angiogenesis as a new method of treatment. On the other hand antyangiogenesis gives a chance for the patients with neoplasms

    Naczyniowy czynnik wzrostu w procesie stymulacji neoangiogenezy. Rola hipoksji w procesie rozrostu komórek endotelialnych i powstawaniu krążenia obocznego

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    The formation of new vessels is a complex problem. In this process the key role is played by the vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF). It is secreted, among others, by macrophages and endothelial cells. Genes for VEGF are located on the sixth chromosome. Hypoxia is a mandatory signal for the start of the angiogenesis process. Activated through hypoxia, HIF proteins move to the cells nucleus and regulate expression of vascular-endothelial growth factor. VEGF through its receptors on endothelial cells leads to the proliferation of new vessels.Powstawanie nowych naczyń jest zagadnieniem złożonym, w którym kluczową rolę pełni naczyniowo-śródbłonkowy czynnik wzrostu (VEGF). Wydzielany między innymi przez makrofagi i komórki śródbłonka jest niezbędny do uruchomienia procesów angiogenezy. Informacja genetyczna dla tej cytokiny znajduje się w chromosomie szóstym. Sygnałem do rozpoczęcia rozrostu naczyń jest niedotlenienie tkanek. Uaktywnione w wyniku hipoksji białka pomocnicze HIF przemieszczają się do jądra komórkowego i regulują ekspresję genów dla VEGF. Wytworzony przez komórki naczyniowo-śródbłonkowy czynnik wzrostu poprzez pobudzenie receptorów na komórkach śródbłonka doprowadza do ich proliferacji i powstawania nowych naczyń

    Bringing numerous methods for expression and promoter analysis to a public cloud computing service

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    Every year, a large number of novel algorithms are introduced to the scientific community for a myriad of applications, but using these across different research groups is often troublesome, due to suboptimal implementations and specific dependency requirements. This does not have to be the case, as public cloud computing services can easily house tractable implementations within self-contained dependency environments, making the methods easily accessible to a wider public. We have taken 14 popular methods, the majority related to expression data or promoter analysis, developed these up to a good implementation standard and housed the tools in isolated Docker containers which we integrated into the CyVerse Discovery Environment, making these easily usable for a wide community as part of the CyVerse UK project

    Distinct microbial and immune niches of the human colon.

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    Gastrointestinal microbiota and immune cells interact closely and display regional specificity; however, little is known about how these communities differ with location. Here, we simultaneously assess microbiota and single immune cells across the healthy, adult human colon, with paired characterization of immune cells in the mesenteric lymph nodes, to delineate colonic immune niches at steady state. We describe distinct helper T cell activation and migration profiles along the colon and characterize the transcriptional adaptation trajectory of regulatory T cells between lymphoid tissue and colon. Finally, we show increasing B cell accumulation, clonal expansion and mutational frequency from the cecum to the sigmoid colon and link this to the increasing number of reactive bacterial species

    The stand for laboratory tests of loose materials

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. [411].The paper describes a laboratory stand for tests of properties of bulk materials. It can be helpful for select proppants and materials for bedding layer. Tests were carried out according to Eurocode-1 norm, which required the construction of laboratory to allow the appointment of the angle of internal friction and external friction of granular materials in accordance with the Jenike procedure. The results obtained during the experiments allowed us to compare properties of various materials and a summary of the results obtained with the values quoted in the literature.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: angle of internal friction, coefficient of external friction, the norm Eurocode-1

    Badania mikroskopowe chondrytów Gold Basin i El Hammami

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    Elemental and mineral composition of Gold Basin and El Hammami meteorites discovered in 1995 and 1997 have been studied by analytical electron microscopy and optical microscopy. It was established that the main meteorite minerals: olivines, pyroxenes, kamacite and taenite as well as troilite identified in the samples represent extraterrestrial minerals typical of the ordinary chondrites. Feldspars represented by plagioclase, orthoclase, magnetite, calcite, chromite and silica have been also present in the studied samples. Chemical and mineral composition, iron content, petrologic types of chondrules, their abundance and sizes, the presence of troilite veins and abundance of nonoxidised iron phases confirm H class of El Hammami chondrite, i.e.. olvine-bronzite class, and L class of Gold Basin, i.e. olivine-hyperstene class.Badano skład chemiczny i mineralny meteorytów Gold Basin i El Hammami. Zanalizowano chondry i ciasto skalne. Obecność chondr oliwinowych, chondr piroksenowych, żył troilitowych oraz faz żelazo-niklowych: kamacytu i troilitu świadczą o pozaziemskim pochodzeniu badanych skał. Oprócz minerałów najbardziej rozpowszechnionych w meteorytach takich jak: oliwin, piroksen, kamacyt, taenit i troilit wykryto także plagiklazy, magnetyt, kalcyt, chromit, ortoklaz i krzemionkę. Zgodnie z uprzednią klasyfikacją Gold Basin jest chondrytem klasy L o niskiej zawartości żelaza, a El Hammami chondrytem typu H zawierającym dużo żelaza