1,271 research outputs found

    The thermodynamic structure of Einstein tensor

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    We analyze the generic structure of Einstein tensor projected onto a 2-D spacelike surface S defined by unit timelike and spacelike vectors u_i and n_i respectively, which describe an accelerated observer (see text). Assuming that flow along u_i defines an approximate Killing vector X_i, we then show that near the corresponding Rindler horizon, the flux j_a=G_ab X^b along the ingoing null geodesics k_i normalised to have unit Killing energy, given by j . k, has a natural thermodynamic interpretation. Moreover, change in cross-sectional area of the k_i congruence yields the required change in area of S under virtual displacements \emph{normal} to it. The main aim of this note is to clearly demonstrate how, and why, the content of Einstein equations under such horizon deformations, originally pointed out by Padmanabhan, is essentially different from the result of Jacobson, who employed the so called Clausius relation in an attempt to derive Einstein equations from such a Clausius relation. More specifically, we show how a \emph{very specific geometric term} [reminiscent of Hawking's quasi-local expression for energy of spheres] corresponding to change in \emph{gravitational energy} arises inevitably in the first law: dE_G/d{\lambda} \alpha \int_{H} dA R_(2) (see text) -- the contribution of this purely geometric term would be missed in attempts to obtain area (and hence entropy) change by integrating the Raychaudhuri equation.Comment: added comments and references; matches final version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Geodesic Congruences in the Palatini f(R) Theory

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    We shall investigate the properties of a congruence of geodesics in the framework of Palatini f(R) theories. We shall evaluate the modified geodesic deviation equation and the Raychaudhuri's equation and show that f(R) Palatini theories do not necessarily lead to attractive forces. Also we shall study energy condition for f(R) Palatini gravity via a perturbative analysis of the Raychaudhuri's equation

    The French Atlantic littoral and the Massif Armoricain, part 1

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    The author has identified the following significant results. For interpretation of Isle of Jersey imagery, two types of taxons were defined according to their variability in time. On the whole, taxons with a similar spectral signature were opposed to those with strongly varying spectral signature. The taxon types were low diachronic variations and strong diachronic variation. Imagery interpretation was restricted to the landward part of the Fromentine area, including the sand beaches which were often difficult to spectrally separate from the barren coastal dunes in the southern part of Noirmoutier Island as well as along the Breton marsh. From 1972 to 1976, sandbanks reduced in area. Two high river discharge images showed over a two year period an identical outline for the Bilho bank to seaward, whereas upstream, the bank has receeded in the same time to a line joining Paimboeuf to Montoir. The Brillantes bank has receeded at both ends, partly due to dredging operations in the access channel to Donges harbor

    Emergence of thin shell structure during collapse in isotropic coordinates

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    Numerical studies of gravitational collapse in isotropic coordinates have recently shown an interesting connection between the gravitational Lagrangian and black hole thermodynamics. A study of the actual spacetime was not the main focus of this work and in particular, the rich and interesting structure of the interior has not been investigated in much detail and remains largely unknown. We elucidate its features by performing a numerical study of the spacetime in isotropic coordinates during gravitational collapse of a massless scalar field. The most salient feature to emerge is the formation of a thin shell of matter just inside the apparent horizon. The energy density and Ricci scalar peak at the shell and there is a jump discontinuity in the extrinsic curvature across the apparent horizon, the hallmark that a thin shell is present in its vicinity. At late stages of the collapse, the spacetime consists of two vacuum regions separated by the thin shell. The interior is described by an interesting collapsing isotropic universe. It tends towards a vacuum (never reaches a perfect vacuum) and there is a slight inhomogeneity in the interior that plays a crucial role in the collapse process as the areal radius tends to zero. The spacetime evolves towards a curvature (physical) singularity in the interior, both a Weyl and Ricci singularity. In the exterior, our numerical results match closely the analytical form of the Schwarzschild metric in isotropic coordinates, providing a strong test of our numerical code.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Absorption of mass and angular momentum by a black hole: Time-domain formalisms for gravitational perturbations, and the small-hole/slow-motion approximation

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    The first objective of this work is to obtain practical prescriptions to calculate the absorption of mass and angular momentum by a black hole when external processes produce gravitational radiation. These prescriptions are formulated in the time domain within the framework of black-hole perturbation theory. Two such prescriptions are presented. The first is based on the Teukolsky equation and it applies to general (rotating) black holes. The second is based on the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations and it applies to nonrotating black holes. The second objective of this work is to apply the time-domain absorption formalisms to situations in which the black hole is either small or slowly moving. In the context of this small-hole/slow-motion approximation, the equations of black-hole perturbation theory can be solved analytically, and explicit expressions can be obtained for the absorption of mass and angular momentum. The changes in the black-hole parameters can then be understood in terms of an interaction between the tidal gravitational fields supplied by the external universe and the hole's tidally-induced mass and current quadrupole moments. For a nonrotating black hole the quadrupole moments are proportional to the rate of change of the tidal fields on the hole's world line. For a rotating black hole they are proportional to the tidal fields themselves.Comment: 36 pages, revtex4, no figures, final published versio

    Intermediate-mass-ratio-inspirals in the Einstein Telescope. II. Parameter estimation errors

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    We explore the precision with which the Einstein Telescope (ET) will be able to measure the parameters of intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals (IMRIs). We calculate the parameter estimation errors using the Fisher Matrix formalism and present results of a Monte Carlo simulation of these errors over choices for the extrinsic parameters of the source. These results are obtained using two different models for the gravitational waveform which were introduced in paper I of this series. These two waveform models include the inspiral, merger and ringdown phases in a consistent way. One of the models, based on the transition scheme of Ori & Thorne [1], is valid for IMBHs of arbitrary spin, whereas the second model, based on the Effective One Body (EOB) approach, has been developed to cross-check our results in the non-spinning limit. In paper I of this series, we demonstrated the excellent agreement in both phase and amplitude between these two models for non-spinning black holes, and that their predictions for signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are consistent to within ten percent. We now use these models to estimate parameter estimation errors for binary systems with masses 1.4+100, 10+100, 1.4+500 and 10+500 solar masses (SMs), and various choices for the spin of the central intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH). Assuming a detector network of three ETs, the analysis shows that for a 10 SM compact object (CO) inspiralling into a 100 SM IMBH with spin q=0.3, detected with an SNR of 30, we should be able to determine the CO and IMBH masses, and the IMBH spin magnitude to fractional accuracies of 0.001, 0.0003, and 0.001, respectively. We also expect to determine the location of the source in the sky and the luminosity distance to within 0.003 steradians, and 10%, respectively. We also assess how the precision of parameter determination depends on the network configuration.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. One reference corrected in v3 for consistency with published version in Phys Rev

    Upper limits of particle emission from high-energy collision and reaction near a maximally rotating Kerr black hole

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    The center-of-mass energy of two particles colliding near the horizon of a maximally rotating black hole can be arbitrarily high if the angular momentum of either of the incident particles is fine-tuned, which we call a critical particle. We study particle emission from such high-energy collision and reaction in the equatorial plane fully analytically. We show that the unconditional upper limit of the energy of the emitted particle is given by 218.6% of that of the injected critical particle, irrespective of the details of the reaction and this upper limit can be realized for massless particle emission. The upper limit of the energy extraction efficiency for this emission as a collisional Penrose process is given by 146.6%, which can be realized in the collision of two massive particles with optimized mass ratio. Moreover, we analyze perfectly elastic collision, Compton scattering, and pair annihilation and show that net positive energy extraction is really possible for these three reactions. The Compton scattering is most efficient among them and the efficiency can reach 137.2%. On the other hand, our result is qualitatively consistent with the earlier claim that the mass and energy of the emitted particle are at most of order the total energy of the injected particles and hence we can observe neither super-heavy nor super-energetic particles.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected, reference updated, accepted for publication in Physical Review D, typos correcte

    Quadrupole moments of rotating neutron stars

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    Numerical models of rotating neutron stars are constructed for four equations of state using the computer code RNS written by Stergioulas. For five selected values of the star's gravitational mass (in the interval between 1.0 and 1.8 solar masses) and for each equation of state, the star's angular momentum is varied from J=0 to the Keplerian limit J=J_{max}. For each neutron-star configuration we compute Q, the quadrupole moment of the mass distribution. We show that for given values of M and J, |Q| increases with the stiffness of the equation of state. For fixed mass and equation of state, the dependence on J is well reproduced with a simple quadratic fit, Q \simeq - aJ^2/M c^2, where c is the speed of light, and a is a parameter of order unity depending on the mass and the equation of state.Comment: ReVTeX, 7 pages, 5 figures, additional material, and references adde

    Dynamical Surface Gravity in Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Formation

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    We study dynamical surface gravity in a general spherically symmetric setting using Painlev\'{e}-Gullstrand (PG) coordinates. Our analysis includes several definitions that have been proposed in the past as well as two new definitions adapted to PG coordinates. Various properties are considered, including general covariance, value at extremality, locality and static limit. We illustrate with specific examples of "dirty" black holes that even for spacetimes possessing a global timelike Killing vector, local definitions of surface gravity can differ substantially from "non-local" ones that require an asymptotic normalization condition. Finally, we present numerical calculations of dynamical surface gravity for black hole formation via spherically symmetric scalar field collapse. Our results highlight the differences between the various definitions in a dynamical setting and provide further insight into the distinction between local and non-local definitions of surface gravity.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Slight name change, further improvements to numerics and presentation, 25 pages, 7 figure

    Fermi Coordinates and Penrose Limits

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    We propose a formulation of the Penrose plane wave limit in terms of null Fermi coordinates. This provides a physically intuitive (Fermi coordinates are direct measures of geodesic distance in space-time) and manifestly covariant description of the expansion around the plane wave metric in terms of components of the curvature tensor of the original metric, and generalises the covariant description of the lowest order Penrose limit metric itself, obtained in hep-th/0312029. We describe in some detail the construction of null Fermi coordinates and the corresponding expansion of the metric, and then study various aspects of the higher order corrections to the Penrose limit. In particular, we observe that in general the first-order corrected metric is such that it admits a light-cone gauge description in string theory. We also establish a formal analogue of the Weyl tensor peeling theorem for the Penrose limit expansion in any dimension, and we give a simple derivation of the leading (quadratic) corrections to the Penrose limit of AdS_5 x S^5.Comment: 25 page
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