577 research outputs found

    National Salmonella and E. coli Monitoring (ESAM) data from Australian pig carcases from 2000 to 2006

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    Since 1997, pig carcases produced tn Australian export abattoirs have been routinely monitored for Salmonella spp. and E. coli contamination using the standard USDA method (i.e. swabbing 3x 100cm2 areas on chilled p1g carcases). The National Salmonella carcase prevalence and serotype isolation frequency was calculated for the years from January 2000 to September 2006. The yearly prevalence range was from 1.19% (7/586) to 2.73% (28/1025) with a 7-year average of 1.88% (132/7038). The most frequent serotypes ISolated were Derby, Anatum, Havana, London, Agona and Adelaide. Overall S. Typhimurium was isolated in 5.3% (7/132) of the positive samples. For the same period for E. coli detection, overall 97.65% (21891/22417) of samples were below the Australian regulatory m desirable benchmark {1 cfu/cm2) , with a yearly range from 95.92% to 98.07% of sam?,les. Overall, only 0.08% (18/22417) of samples were \u3e M , the upper regulatory limit ( 1 02cfu/cm )

    Evaluation of the relative sensitivity of carcase swabbing against belly strip excision for TVC, E. coli and Salmonella isolation

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    The standard US method of swabbmg p1g carcases (3x 100cm2) for determination of E. coli and Salmonella contamination was compared with a belly strip excision method (approx. 120cm2). Swabbing for Salmonella and E. coli detection was found to have a relative sensitivity equal to 1/ 7 and 1/ 2 respecl1vely, of the belly strip technique. Furthermore, swab sampling isolated 2 Salmonella serovars compared with 9 serovars by the belly strip technique. For studies on the effectiveness of carcass decontamination interventions or undertaking abattoir flow-through studies it is recommended that belly strip excision sampling be employed. This study also compared the use of a semisolid culture medium (MSRV) for Salmonella isolation developed for faecal samples with standard media. MSRV gave a result 24 hours faster but was not as sensitive as the standard medium (RV). Therefore, MSRV medium is not recommended for the isolation of Salmonella from carcases for regulatory purposes

    Uncertainty Characterisation of Mobile Robot Localisation Techniques using Optical Surveying Grade Instruments

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    Recent developments in localisation systems for autonomous robotic technology have been a driving factor in the deployment of robots in a wide variety of environments. Estimating sensor measurement noise is an essential factor when producing uncertainty models for state-of-the-art robotic positioning systems. In this paper, a surveying grade optical instrument in the form of a Trimble S7 Robotic Total Station is utilised to dynamically characterise the error of positioning sensors of a ground based unmanned robot. The error characteristics are used as inputs into the construction of a Localisation Extended Kalman Filter which fuses Pozyx Ultra-wideband range measurements with odometry to obtain an optimal position estimation, all whilst using the path generated from the remote tracking feature of the Robotic Total Station as a ground truth metric. Experiments show that the proposed method yields an improved positional estimation compared to the Pozyx systems’ native firmware algorithm as well as producing a smoother trajectory

    Effect of pre-slaughter handling and serology on Salmonella in pigs

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    This study investigated the combined effect of herd sero-prevalence, time-off-feed prior to slaughter and transport distance to the abattoir on Salmonella spp. infection in slaughter pigs under Australian marketing scenarios. Ten herds situated either \u3c 125 km or \u3e 500 km from the abattoirs were monitored at slaughter over a 12-month period both serologically (Australian Salmonella spp. mix-ELISA) and by caecal culture. On 4 occasions (seasonally) each farm withdrew feed from three groups of slaughter pigs so they were off feed for 12-18 hours, 18-24 hours and \u3e24 hours prior to slaughter, including transport and lairage times. For herds \u3c125 km from the abattoirs, Salmonella spp. infection decreased significantly with an increase in the period between last feed and slaughter. For herds \u3e 500 km from the abattoirs, Salmonella spp. infection increased significantly with an increase in the period between last feed and slaughter, other factors apparently overriding the protective effect of fasting. Herd sero-prevalence was not a significant risk factor for caecal positivity

    Iodine-ethanol surface passivation for measurement of millisecond carrier lifetimes in silicon wafers with different crystallographic orientations

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    To improve silicon device fabrication processes it is necessary to monitor bulk minority carrier lifetimes accurately, and this requires surface recombination to be well controlled and, ideally, minimized. Good surface passivation can result from thermal oxidation or by deposition of dielectrics (e.g. Al2O3, SiNx, amorphous Si), but these forms of passivation can modify the lifetime of the material under investigation. Various schemes can passivate surfaces on a temporary basis without modifying the bulk, and, in this paper, the virtues of the iodine‐ethanol temporary surface passivation scheme are explored. A procedure for preparing the wafer surfaces prior to passivation is developed. For the optimised pre‐treatment, a series of experiments on 3–5 Ωcm float‐zone wafers cut from the same ingot with different thicknesses is conducted. This enables the material's bulk lifetime to be measured at 1015 cm−3 injection as ≈46 ms, with the surface recombination velocity being 6.5 ± 0.3 cm s−1. Iodine‐ethanol passivation is then compared to a recently developed superacid‐derived temporary passivation scheme. Although the latter is superior on (100)‐orientation substrates, iodine‐ethanol performs much better on (111)‐orientation substrates, making it a better choice for (111)‐orientation wafers, such as those used for power devices

    National baseline surveys to characterise processing hygiene and microbial hazards of Australian culled sow meat, retail pork sausages and retail pork mince

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    Pork products were sampled at retail to determine the impact of further processing on hazard levels to which consumers may be exposed, compared to carcases. Surveys of 116 fresh pork sausages and 148 fresh pork mince samples were purchased from supermarkets (n=87, n=105) and butcher shops (n=29, n=43), respectively. For sausages, concentrations of TVC averaged 4.6 log10 cfu/g

    A multi-proxy provenance study of late carboniferous to middle Jurassic sandstones in the Eastern Sverdrup basin and its bearing on arctic palaeogeographic reconstructions

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    A multi-proxy provenance study of Late Carboniferous to Middle Jurassic sandstones from the eastern Sverdrup Basin was undertaken employing optical petrography and heavy mineral analysis, chemical analysis of apatite, garnet and rutile grains, as well as detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope analysis. Late Carboniferous to Middle Jurassic strata on the southern basin margin are inferred as being predominantly reworked from Silurian to Devonian strata within the adjacent Franklinian Basin succession. Higher-grade metamorphic detritus appeared during Middle to Late Triassic times and indicates exhumation and erosion of lower (Neoproterozoic to Cambrian) levels within the Franklinian Basin succession and/or a direct detrital input from the Canadian-Greenland Shield

    'Mindless markers of the nation': The routine flagging of nationhood across the visual environment

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    The visual environment has increasingly been used as a lens with which to understand wider processes of social and economic change with studies employing in-depth qualitative approaches to focus on, for example, gentrification or trans-national networks. This exploratory paper offers an alternative perspective by using a novel method, quantitative photo mapping, to examine the extent to which a particular socio-cultural marker, the nation, is ‘flagged’ across three contrasting sites in Britain. As a multi-national state with an increasingly diverse population, Britain offers a particularly fruitful case study, drawing in debates around devolution, European integration and Commonwealth migration. In contributing to wider debates around banal nationalism, the paper notes the extent to which nations are increasingly articulated through commerce, consumption and market exchange and the overall significance of everyday markers (signs, objects, infrastructure) in naturalising a national view of the world

    Information-Derived Mechanistic Hypotheses for Structural Cardiotoxicity

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    Adverse events resulting from drug therapy can be a cause of drug withdrawal, reduced and or restricted clinical use, as well as a major economic burden for society. To increase the safety of new drugs, there is a need to better understand the mechanisms causing the adverse events. One way to derive new mechanistic hypotheses is by linking data on drug adverse events with the drugs’ biological targets. In this study, we have used data mining techniques and mutual information statistical approaches to find associations between reported adverse events collected from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System and assay outcomes from ToxCast, with the aim to generate mechanistic hypotheses related to structural cardiotoxicity (morphological damage to cardiomyocytes and/or loss of viability). Our workflow identified 22 adverse event-assay outcome associations. From these associations, 10 implicated targets could be substantiated with evidence from previous studies reported in the literature. For two of the identified targets, we also describe a more detailed mechanism, forming putative adverse outcome pathways associated with structural cardiotoxicity. Our study also highlights the difficulties deriving these type of associations from the very limited amount of data available

    Paediatric tube-feeding: An agenda for care improvement and research.

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    This article presents an agenda to improve the care and wellbeing of children with paediatric feeding disorder who require tube feeding (PFD-T). PFD-T requires urgent attention in practice and research. Priorities include: routine collection of PFD-T data in health-care records; addressing the tube-feeding lifecycle; and reducing the severity and duration of disruption caused by PFD-T where possible. This work should be underpinned by principles of involving, respecting and connecting families
