34 research outputs found

    Impact of mothers' IPV-PTSD on their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension and its relationship to their child's psychopathology

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    Background: Previous studies demonstrated that when the violence-exposed child becomes a mother and interacts with her own child during early sensitive periods for social-emotional development, she may have difficulties providing sensitive responsiveness to the child's emotional communication. Such difficulties place the child's development of emotional comprehension (EC) and related self-regulation at risk. The aim of this study was to examine how mothers' interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic disorder (IPV-PTSD) would affect their children's EC and their own ability to predict their children's EC. We also investigated how mothers' predictive ability would correlate with child psychopathology. Methods: Sixty-one mother-child dyads (36 with IPV-PTSD) participated in this study. Children's (mean age = 7.0 years, SD = 1.1) EC was assessed with the Test of Emotion Comprehension (child TEC) and their psychopathology as reported by the mother was assessed with the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and as evaluated by a clinician using selected modules of the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS). Mothers were measured for IPV-PTSD with the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and for their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension (mother-responding-as-child TEC; mTEC). Results: We found no significant between-group differences in children's level of EC. Maternal PTSD was associated with lower scores on the mTEC, however. Reduced maternal scores on the mTEC were significantly associated with maternal report of increased aggressive child behaviour and with depression symptoms on the K-SADS. Further, scores on the mTEC interacted with maternal report of child aggression on child oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms on the K-SADS. Conclusion: These findings support that improving maternal emotional comprehension may help reduce child risk for psychiatric morbidity in this population

    Identificação de polimorfismos em genótipos de Coffea arabica de uma coleção da Etiópia.

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    Os marcadores moleculares são ferramentas importantes para acelerar os programas de melhoramento. Para o cafeeiro, uma espécie perene, o uso de marcadores é particularmente desejável devido ao tempo e recursos gastos para o lançamento de uma nova cultivar. Duas espécies do gênero Coffea são responsáveis por quase toda a produção de café: Coffea arabica e C. canephora. Contudo, para C. arabica, o número de marcadores polimórficos é relativamente baixo comparado a C. canephora e outras culturas, uma vez que a espécie apresenta baixa diversidade genética. Muitos estudos com marcadores genéticos foram feitos para analisar a diversidade da C. arabica, mas os resultados não foram eficientes para a discriminação genotípica detalhada e mapeamento genético. O Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) possui uma coleção de 132 acessos de C. arabica originários da Etiópia, que apresentam variabilidade fenotípica com potencial para serem utilizados para exploração da diversidade. Neste sentido, este estudo buscou analisar a diversidade nucleotídica pela identificação de polimorfismos, SNPs e INDELs, de uma população do centro de origem de C. arabica, associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração. O RNA-seq de dois tecidos, frutos e folhas, de quatro genótipos de C. arabica de uma população da Etiópia, C. arabica cv. Mundo Novo e de um dos seus ancestrais de C. arabica ? C. eugenioides, foram sequenciados pela metodologia Illumina HiSeq2000. Os reads obtidos foram processados e posteriormente as sequências foram mapeadas em uma referência de C. canephora para identificação dos polimorfismos. Foram feitas duas estratégias: i) na primeira estratégia, foi utilizado uma ferramenta chamada SNiPloid com critérios de cobertura para o polimorfismo identificado e ii) uma segunda estratégia que considera os polimorfismos encontrados diretamente dos arquivos de detecção dos polimorfismos. Os resultados identificaram um número grande de polimorfismos. Na primeira estratégia, foram encontrados pelo menos 5.500 SNPs potenciais para a genotipagem e na segunda, 103.791 SNPs potenciais. Para essa última, ainda é necessário estabelecer critérios e filtros para escolher os polimorfismos que serão inicialmente genotipados. Os dados também mostraram a importância de utilizar um grupo mais diverso de genótipos associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração para detecção de SNPs. Este trabalho será importante para direcionar futuros trabalhos na caracterização da diversidade genética em C. arabica, além de estudos de mapeamento genético por associação

    Prediction of survival with second-line therapy in biliary tract cancer: Actualisation of the AGEO CT2BIL cohort and European multicentre validations

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    BACKGROUND: The benefit of second-line chemotherapy (L2) over standard first-line (L1) gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GEMCIS) or oxaliplatin (GEMOX) chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract cancer (aBTC) is unclear. Our aim was to identify and validate prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) with L2 in aBTC to guide clinical decisions in this setting. METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of four prospective patient cohorts: a development cohort (28 French centres) and three validation cohorts from Italy, UK and France. All consecutive patients with aBTC receiving L2 after GEMCIS/GEMOX L1 between 2003 and 2016 were included. The association of clinicobiological data with OS was investigated in univariate and multivariate Cox analyses. A simple score was derived from the multivariate model. RESULTS: The development cohort included 405 patients treated with L1 GEMOX (91%) or GEMCIS. Of them, 55.3% were men, and median age was 64.8 years. Prior surgical resection was observed in 26.7%, and 94.8% had metastatic disease. Performance status (PS) was 0, 1 and 2 in 17.8%, 52.4% and 29.7%, respectively. Among 22 clinical parameters, eight were associated with OS in univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, four were independent prognostic factors (p < 0.05): PS, reason for L1 discontinuation, prior resection of primary tumour and peritoneal carcinomatosis. The model had the Harrell's concordance index of 0.655, a good calibration and was validated in the three external cohorts (N = 392). CONCLUSION: We validated previously reported predictive factors of OS with L2 and identified peritoneal carcinomatosis as a new pejorative factor in nearly 800 patients. Our model and score may be useful in daily practice and for future clinical trial design

    Region-based Satellite Image Classification: Method and Validation

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    We propose an algorithm for very high-resolution satellite image classification that combines non-supervised segmentation with a supervised classification. Both multi-spectral data and local spatial priors are used in the Gaussian Hidden Markov Random Field (GHMRF) model for the segmentation. Then, two classifiers, Mahalanobis distance classifier and SVM, are studied using intensity, texture and shape features. Validation is done qualitatively and quantitatively by comparison with a manual classification used as a ground truth. Results show very good performance of our approach in comparison to existing techniques. Also, we demonstrate that spectral and spatial features calculated on segmented regions are much more discriminant than the spectral features of the pixels taken individually for the classification task

    Nanoparticle size and production efficiency are affected by the presence of fatty acids during albumin nanoparticle fabrication

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    <div><p>We have previously identified extensive glycation, bound fatty acids and increased quantities of protein aggregates in commercially available recombinant HSA (rHSA) expressed in <i>Oryza sativa</i> (Asian rice) (OsrHSA) when compared to rHSA from other expression systems. We propose these differences may alter some attributes of nanoparticles fabricated with OsrHSA, as studies have associated greater quantities of aggregates with increased nanoparticle diameters. To determine if this is the case, nanoparticles were fabricated with OsrHSA from various suppliers using ethanol desolvation and subsequent glutaraldehyde cross-linking. All nanoparticles fabricated with OsrHSA showed larger diameters of approximately 20 to 90nm than particles fabricated with either defatted bovine serum albumin (DF-BSA) (100.9 ± 2.8nm) or human plasma albumin (pHSA) (112.0 ± 4.0nm). It was hypothesized that the larger nanoparticle diameters were due to the presence of bound fatty acids and this was confirmed through defatting OsrHSA prior to particle fabrication which yielded particles with diameters similar to those fabricated with pHSA. For additional conformation, DF-BSA was incubated with dodecanoic acid prior to desolvation yielding particles with significantly larger diameters. Further studies showed the increased nanoparticle diameters were due to the bound fatty acids modulating electrostatic interactions between albumin nanoparticles during the desolvation and not changes in protein structure, stability or generation of additional albumin oligomers. Finally the presence of dodecanoic acid was shown to improve doxorubicin loading efficiency onto preformed albumin nanoparticles.</p></div

    Doxorubicin loading efficiency for DF-BSA nanoparticles fabricated without (circles) and with (triangles) dodecanoic acid normalized for total nanoparticle volume (nm<sup>3</sup>).

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    <p>Each data point represents the mean from five separate experiments with error bars representing the standard deviation. (Inset) <i>In vitro</i> doxorubicin release from DF-BSA nanoparticle fabricated without (DF-BSA NPs) and with (DF-BSA C12 NPs) dodecanoic acid. Each data point represents the mean from 3 separate experiments with error bars representing the standard deviation. Dodecanoic acid free nanoparticles for both loading and release studies were fabricated at pH 7.75 to generate particles of similar size to those fabricated with dodecanoic acid.</p

    Nanoparticle size and production efficiency are affected by the presence of fatty acids during albumin nanoparticle fabrication - Fig 4

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    <p><b>Far (A) and near (B) UV CD spectra of albumin samples.</b> DF-BSA pH 8.5 (blue), DF-BSA pH 8.5 incubated 2 hours at 37°C (red), DF-BSA pH 8.5 + dodecanoic acid + NaOH (final pH 8.5) (black) and DF-BSA pH 8.5 + HCL + NaOH (final pH 8.5) (cyan). CD spectra were measured on a Jasco 815 spectropolarimeter. Protein concentrations for all samples were 0.15 mg/ml for far-UV CD and 0.45 mg/ml for near-UV CD. Each spectrum represents the mean from three separate experiments with error bars representing the standard deviation. Spectra were offset 10 mdeg for far UV-CD and 1 mdeg for near UV-CD.</p