7 research outputs found


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    Financial resources fraud in the banking sector is a rather socially dangerous crime, as it causes significant damage to a single bank, the entire banking system of the state, and, in general, affects the stability of the state economy. Ukraine's statistical data indicate a low effectiveness of the prosecution of such crimes. Conducted by the authors interviewing and questionnaires of bank employees, borrowers and investigators shows a high latency of these crimes, because in many cases they are committed by organized criminal groups, which often include public individuals of financial institutions, and in some cases also employees of law enforcement and other supervisory bodies. Due to the social danger and prevalence of this crime, its timely detection, investigation and disclosure is one of the priority areas for investigators. The purpose of this article is to identify the problematic issues of proof of the event of a financial resources fraud in the banking sector and to suggest ways to resolve them, which is based on the results of the analysis of the current legislation, materials of practice and scientific sources on the topic of the study. In scientific research were applied general scientific and special methods of researching (system-structural, formal-logical (dogmatic), comparative, sociological, statistical). The criminal offense is a central element of the subject of evidence. In the proof of the events of financial resources fraud, the object and subject of a criminal offense, the method of committing a crime and the circumstances of its commission are important elements, which the authors analyze in the article. As a result of the research, the authors propose a list of twenty circumstances (questions) that should be established during the investigation to prove this crime.Мошенничество с финансовыми ресурсами в банковском секторе является общественно опасным преступлением, поскольку наносит существенный ущерб не только отдельному банку, а всей банковской системе и в целом влияет на стабильность государственной экономики. Учитывая это, своевременное выявление, расследование и раскрытые этого преступления является одной из приоритетных задач деятельности следователей. Целью этой статьи является на основании анализа действующего законодательства, материалов практики, научных источников по теме исследования выявление проблемных вопросов доказывания события мошенничества с финансовыми ресурсами в банковском секторе и поиск способов их разрешения.Событие уголовного преступления является центральным элементом предмета доказывания. В результате проведенного исследования авторы предлагают перечень из двадцати обстоятельств (вопросов), подлежащих установлению при расследовании для доказывания события этого преступления.Шахрайство з фінансовими ресурсами у банківському секторі є досить суспільно небезпечним злочином, оскільки завдає значної шкоди окремому банку, всій банківській системі держави, та, в цілому,  впливає на стабільність державної економіки. Статистичні дані України свідчать про невисоку ефективність розкриття таких злочинів. Проведене авторами опитування працівників банків, позичальників та слідчих свідчить про високу латентність цих злочинів, оскільки в багатьох випадках вони вчиняються  організованими злочинними угрупуваннями, до складу яких нерідко входять службові особи фінансових установ, а в окремих випадках й працівники правоохоронних та інших контролюючих органів. Зважаючи на суспільну небезпечність та поширеність цього злочину, його своєчасне виявлення, розслідування та розкриття є одним із пріоритетних напрямів діяльності слідчих. Метою цієї статті є на підставі результатів аналізу чинного законодавства, матеріалів практики та наукових джерел за темою дослідження виявити проблемні питання доказування події шахрайства з фінансовими ресурсами у банківському секторі та запропонувати шляхи їх вирішення. У науковому дослідженні застосовувалися загальнонаукові і спеціальні методи дослідження (системно-структурний, формально-логічний (догматичний), компаративістський, соціологічний, статистичний). Подія кримінального правопорушення є центральним елементом предмету доказування. У доказуванні події шахрайства з фінансовими ресурсами важливими елементами є об’єкт та предмет злочинного посягання, спосіб вчинення злочину та обстановка його вчинення, у статті автори аналізують кожен з цих елементів. В результаті проведеного дослідження автори пропонують перелік з двадцяти обставин (питань), які підлягають встановленню під час розслідування за для доказування цього злочину


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    The article is devoted to the assessment of key markets for institutional investors in Ukraine in the context of Russia's full-scale invasion. The purpose of this study is to assess the institutional investor market in Ukraine during the war. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the legal status of an institutional investor in Ukraine and its types, to assess changes in the institutional investor market after the start of a full-scale invasion, to identify key risks that exist in the market now, and to provide proposals on the need to improve state regulation of the institutional investor market to protect citizen investors in times of war. The methodological basis of the study was formed by general scientific methods of cognition: the dialectical method of cognition of the phenomena of the surrounding reality and the comparative legal method for establishing the legal status of an institutional investor, methods of logic (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy), economic analysis, absolute and comparative advantages and statistical methods for analysing the market of institutional investors and making proposals, mathematical methods for calculating the volume of the market of institutional investors. In accordance with the systemic and structural approach, the institutional investor market was assessed by each of the structural elements of this market. The authors propose to consider an institutional investor as a financial intermediary that attracts and accumulates funds of individual investors (consumers of financial services) and carries out investment activities in the interests of individual investors aimed at financing socially and economically important sectors of the economy for the state and society. The authors pay special attention to the concept of responsible business conduct, pointing out that today, socially responsible business conduct is extremely important for the activities of an institutional investor, which includes "responsible attraction (accumulation) of funds" and "responsible spending (investment) of investors' funds". The study found that the main markets for institutional investors in Ukraine – banking, insurance and private pensions – showed stability and a slight increase in key indicators, which is very positive for Ukraine today. However, in the long term, there are a number of risks that should be taken into account by the government when formulating the state policy on the activities of institutional investors in these markets to protect the interests of citizen investors. The article provides suggestions on the main areas of improvement of the legislation on the activities of institutional investors to minimise the risks of citizen investors

    Detection and proof of cybercrime

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    Analysis findings in the field of cybercrime in the world and Ukraine as well prove a steady trend towards its growth, which causes a systematic increase in the number of victims affected by illegal malpractice of cyber criminals. This negative phenomenon violates not only citizens’ interests guaranteed by law, but also poses a threat to the national security in many countries. At the same time, international order is undermined and sustainable interstate relations are violated. Rapid information system development, speedy progress of computer software and hardware prompt numerous crimes in this field. Cybercrimes are committed by trained persons with a high intelligence level and professional knowledge in the computer technology sphere. In accordance with foregoing the issue of law approximation and the procedure of identification and recording of the mentioned illegal activity is essential to eradicate cybercrime. Considering the fact that the category of “proof” is fundamental in the theory of criminal procedure, we build in general-theoretical approaches in the basics of the analysis of the procedure of cybercrimes identification and recording to the mentioned activity in general

    The content and essence of the anti-corruption strategy as a tool to combat corruption in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and essence of the anti-corruption strategy as a tool for countering corruption crime in Ukraine. Research results. It шs established that anti-corruption strategy should include a number of basic measures to counter crime in the field of anti-corruption activities. In addition, the position that the preparation and authorization of the corresponding document is carried out on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators, which should be collected in advance, according to defined criteria and taking into account a certain period of time, is substantiated. Practical implementation. According to the authors, considerable attention should be paid to the practical method of determining the main priorities in the anti-corruption policy of Ukraine and the use of strategic planning as the main tool. Value/originality. It is argued that strategic planning in the state anti-corruption policy and the specific form of its manifestation – adoption of the State anti-corruption strategies – has a significant positive effect on the provision of human and citizen rights and freedoms, effectively and efficiently contributes to the functioning of all public authorities and the development of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine

    Criminological dimension of counteracting corruption crime in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and essence of combating corruption crime in Ukraine through the lens of criminology. Research results. It is proven that corruption crime both in Ukraine and in the world in general is an extremely destructive factor. This phenomenon tries to penetrate all spheres of social life and make democratic and legal procedures, which are a guarantee of a high level and quality of life, impossible. Practical meaning. Attention is drawn to the fact that the existing indicators of corruption crime in Ukraine, the improvement of its qualitative characteristics, as well as the possibility of rapid growth under martial law require an appropriate response from scientists, legal researchers, legislator and law enforcement officers. Value/originality. The perspective of further research is the need to analyze the mechanisms of combating corruption crime in the top democracies of the world, which will allow to generalize such practice and form a wide range of proposals and recommendations to optimize the functioning of the relevant mechanism in our country

    State monopoly on gambling on the example of the organization lotteries by state-owned banks

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    The article analyzes the model of absolute state monopoly on gambling on the example of the idea of the Government of Ukraine to organize a lottery market by state-owned banks. The object of the study is the process of assessing the risks and economic benefits of involving state-owned banks to the organization and conduct of lotteries. The methodical instruments of the study were general scientific and special research methods (system-structural, formal-logical (dogmatic), economic, comparative, sociological, statistical). The study period is selected from 2014 to 2021. Based on the research conducted by the authors, the inefficiency and high riskiness of the combination of banks and lottery activities, as well as its economic disadvantage for the state, is proved by the authors. The main risk from the combination of these types of activities is that the bank can use the money attracted from the population not for their direct purpose, in particular: to use funds from the banking activity and the needs of the organization of lotteries or payouts, or to use funds of the prize money to goals other than payouts. In addition, the combination of these activities leads to an increase the number of crimes in the banking sector

    Substantiation of the risk of absconding when applying pre-trial restriction measures related to the limitation of a constitutional person’s right

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    The article examines the features of the prosecutor's substantiation of the risk of absconding from the pre-trial investigation bodies and / or the court when applying measures related to the restriction of the constitutional rights of a person. Statistical data show a trend towards an increase in the number of cases of refusals by investigating judges to approve petitions of prosecutors as subjects of proving on the use of means of criminal procedural evidence, in particular, security measures, which indicates, among other things, the low level of validity of the petitions filed. Thus, in 2018, investigating judges refused to satisfy 5,970 petitions out of a total of 37,193 petitions for the application of precautionary measures (16.5%); in 2019 - 5,733 out of 34,780 (about 16.4%); in 2020 - 5,693 out of 31,547 (18.1%); for 2021 - 5,277 out of 30,408 (17.3%); for January-March 2022 - 799 out of 4,526 (17.6%). This is due to the fact that the problems of the prosecutor's exercise of his powers in proving in the pre-trial investigation, in particular in substantiating the presence of the risk of absconding, have not yet been subjected to a comprehensive theoretical study. The study of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights allows us to reveal the essence of the risk of absconding as a basis for the application of measures related to the restriction of the constitutional rights of a person, as well as to find out what factors should be taken into account by the prosecutor when substantiating the risk of absconding