8,050 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional Roton-Excitations and Supersolid formation in Rydberg-excited Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study the behavior of a Bose-Einstein condensate in which atoms are weakly coupled to a highly excited Rydberg state. Since the latter have very strong van der Waals interactions, this coupling induces effective, nonlocal interactions between the dressed ground state atoms, which, opposed to dipolar interactions, are isotropically repulsive. Yet, one finds partial attraction in momentum space, giving rise to a roton-maxon excitation spectrum and a transition to a supersolid state in three-dimensional condensates. A detailed analysis of decoherence and loss mechanisms suggests that these phenomena are observable with current experimental capabilities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Strong-coupling effects in the relaxation dynamics of ultracold neutral plasmas

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    We describe a hybrid molecular dynamics approach for the description of ultracold neutral plasmas, based on an adiabatic treatment of the electron gas and a full molecular dynamics simulation of the ions, which allows us to follow the long-time evolution of the plasma including the effect of the strongly coupled ion motion. The plasma shows a rather complex relaxation behavior, connected with temporal as well as spatial oscillations of the ion temperature. Furthermore, additional laser cooling of the ions during the plasma evolution drastically modifies the expansion dynamics, so that crystallization of the ion component can occur in this nonequilibrium system, leading to lattice-like structures or even long-range order resulting in concentric shells

    Deterministic spatio-temporal control of nano-optical fields in optical antennas and nano transmission lines

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    We show that pulse shaping techniques can be applied to tailor the ultrafast temporal response of the strongly confined and enhanced optical near fields in the feed gap of resonant optical antennas (ROAs). Using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations followed by Fourier transformation, we obtain the impulse response of a nano structure in the frequency domain, which allows obtaining its temporal response to any arbitrary pulse shape. We apply the method to achieve deterministic optimal temporal field compression in ROAs with reduced symmetry and in a two-wire transmission line connected to a symmetric dipole antenna. The method described here will be of importance for experiments involving coherent control of field propagation in nanophotonic structures and of light-induced processes in nanometer scale volumes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    "Alternating B-DNA" conformation for the oligo(dG-dC) duplex in high-salt solution.

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    Enhanced transmission versus localization of a light pulse by a subwavelength metal slit: Can the pulse have both characteristics?

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    The existence of resonant enhanced transmission and collimation of light waves by subwavelength slits in metal films [for example, see T.W. Ebbesen et al., Nature (London) 391, 667 (1998) and H.J. Lezec et al., Science, 297, 820 (2002)] leads to the basic question: Can a light be enhanced and simultaneously localized in space and time by a subwavelength slit? To address this question, the spatial distribution of the energy flux of an ultrashort (femtosecond) wave-packet diffracted by a subwavelength (nanometer-size) slit was analyzed by using the conventional approach based on the Neerhoff and Mur solution of Maxwell's equations. The results show that a light can be enhanced by orders of magnitude and simultaneously localized in the near-field diffraction zone at the nm- and fs-scales. Possible applications in nanophotonics are discussed.Comment: 5 figure

    Higher dimensional abelian Chern-Simons theories and their link invariants

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    The role played by Deligne-Beilinson cohomology in establishing the relation between Chern-Simons theory and link invariants in dimensions higher than three is investigated. Deligne-Beilinson cohomology classes provide a natural abelian Chern-Simons action, non trivial only in dimensions 4l+34l+3, whose parameter kk is quantized. The generalized Wilson (2l+1)(2l+1)-loops are observables of the theory and their charges are quantized. The Chern-Simons action is then used to compute invariants for links of (2l+1)(2l+1)-loops, first on closed (4l+3)(4l+3)-manifolds through a novel geometric computation, then on R4l+3\mathbb{R}^{4l+3} through an unconventional field theoretic computation.Comment: 40 page

    Kinetic modelling and molecular dynamics simulation of ultracold neutral plasmas including ionic correlations

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    A kinetic approach for the evolution of ultracold neutral plasmas including interionic correlations and the treatment of ionization/excitation and recombination/deexcitation by rate equations is described in detail. To assess the reliability of the approximations inherent in the kinetic model, we have developed a hybrid molecular dynamics method. Comparison of the results reveals that the kinetic model describes the atomic and ionic observables of the ultracold plasma surprisingly well, confirming our earlier findings concerning the role of ion-ion correlations [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 68}, 010703]. In addition, the molecular dynamics approach allows one to study the relaxation of the ionic plasma component towards thermodynamical equilibrium

    On the ring nebulae around runaway Wolf-Rayet stars

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    Wolf-Rayet stars are advanced evolutionary stages of massive stars. Despite their large mass-loss rates and high wind velocities, none of them display a bow shock, although a fraction of them are classified as runaway. Our 2.5-D numerical simulations of circumstellar matter around a 60Mo runaway star show that the fast Wolf-Rayet stellar wind is released into a wind-blown cavity filled with various shocks and discontinuities generated throughout the precedent evolutionary phases. The resulting fast-wind slow-wind interaction leads to the formation of spherical shells of swept-up dusty material similar to those observed in near infrared 24 micron with Spitzer, and which appear to be co-moving with the runaway massive stars, regardless of their proper motion and/or the properties of the local ambient medium. We interpret bright infrared rings around runaway Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galactic plane, like WR138a, as indication of their very high initial masses and a complex evolutionary history. Stellar-wind bow shocks become faint as stars run in diluted media, therefore, our results explain the absence of detected bow shocks around Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars such as the high-latitude, very fast-moving objects WR71, WR124 and WR148. Our results show that the absence of a bow shock is consistent with a runaway nature of some Wolf-Rayet stars. This questions the in-situ star formation scenario of high-latitude Wolf-Rayet stars in favor of dynamical ejection from birth sites in the Galactic plane.Comment: 6 pages, accepted to MNRA

    Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation

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    Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation can strongly enhance the interaction of light with nanoscale matter by their ability to efficiently link propagating and spatially localized optical fields. This ability unlocks an enormous potential for applications ranging from nanoscale optical microscopy and spectroscopy over solar energy conversion, integrated optical nanocircuitry, opto-electronics and density-ofstates engineering to ultra-sensing as well as enhancement of optical nonlinearities. Here we review the current understanding of optical antennas based on the background of both well-developed radiowave antenna engineering and the emerging field of plasmonics. In particular, we address the plasmonic behavior that emerges due to the very high optical frequencies involved and the limitations in the choice of antenna materials and geometrical parameters imposed by nanofabrication. Finally, we give a brief account of the current status of the field and the major established and emerging lines of investigation in this vivid area of research.Comment: Review article with 76 pages, 21 figure

    Deformation of a nearly hemispherical conducting drop due to an electric field: theory and experiment

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    We consider, both theoretically and experimentally, the deformation due to an electric field of a pinned nearly-hemispherical static sessile drop of an ionic fluid with a high conductivity resting on the lower substrate of a parallel plate capacitor. Using both numerical and asymptotic approaches we find solutions to the coupled electrostatic and augmented Young–Laplace equations which agree very well with the experimental results. Our asymptotic solution for the drop interface extends previous work in two ways, namely to drops that have zero-field contact angles that are not exactly π/2 and to higher order in the applied electric field, and provides useful predictive equations for the changes in the height, contact angle and pressure as functions of the zero-field contact angle, drop radius, surface tension and applied electric field. The asymptotic solution requires some numerical computations, and so a surprisingly accurate approximate analytical asymptotic solution is also obtained
