50 research outputs found

    Codebook for the LATINNO dataset: Technical report

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    LATINNO (Innovations for Democracy in Latin America) is the first and so far the most comprehensive and systematic source of data on new forms of citizen participation that have evolved in Latin America - the so-called democratic innovations. The LATINNO database gathers data on democratic innovations developed in 18 Latin American countries between 1990 and 2020. The data is coded for 43 variables related to the context, institutional design, and impact of each innovation. Along with the quantitative data, qualitative information on each case has also been gathered and assessed. The countries covered by LATINNO are: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Additionally, the database also registers transnational cases with similar institutional design that take place in more than one country. LATINNO sought to emphasize that democracy in Latin America encompasses more than elections, and that new forms of citizen participation go beyond protests and demonstrations. The evidence collected by the LATINNO database shows that the growing volume and scope of participatory innovations should not be ignored by assessments of democracy in Latin America. The project and database were designed to fill the gap on comparative knowledge about democratic innovations. More than providing information on individual cases, LATINNO sought to underscore the diversity of new democratic institutional designs and experimentations with citizen participation in Latin America. The data we have gathered and processed enables cross-country comparison over thousands of different institutional designs in 18 countries. In this codebook, we present the conceptual elements that allow for the identification of democratic innovations and offer the detailed instructions that were used to collect and assess data on each individual case according to their context, institutional design and impact. This codebook has served as basis for the project's endeavor to collect, assess, and generate valid and reliable data between 2015 and 2020

    Os dois deuses de Hobbes. Limites da obrigação política hobbesiana

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    O objetivo deste artigo é examinar criticamente algumas interpretações doconceito hobbesiano de obrigação política. O artigo propõe uma nova leitura do problemade obediência em Hobbes a partir de uma interpretação que leva em conta os limites daobrigação política e o contexto teológico que a envolve.The aim of this paper is to critically inquire into some of theinterpretations of what appears to me to be the core of Hobbes's political philosophy:his concept of political obligation. And in so doing I will provide a newway of reading the problem of obedience in Hobbes, one that does not dismissthe limits of political obligation and the theological context that surrounds it


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    Entre os principais assuntos que vêm marcando presença na agenda da teoria política contemporânea nos últimos anos, estão os temas da deliberação, da comunidade e da comunicação. O que os novos debates sobre a democracia deliberativa, o comunitarismo e a teoria da comunicação não deixam claro, contudo, consiste no fato de que a novidade que apresentam já se encontrava anunciada na teoria pragmatista desenvolvida no começo do século XX, especialmente nos escritos de John Dewey. Com efeito, nos primeiros anos desse século, Dewey elaborou uma consistente teoria política normativa, cujo principal foco centravase na questão da democracia. Isso não teria nenhuma relevância especial caso a teoria democrática avançada por Dewey não abarcasse efetivamente uma concepção normativa de democracia participativa ou deliberativa nos mesmos moldes discutidos pelas mais recentes tendências e autores da teoria democrática contemporânea. A partir da leitura de Dewey e de alguns de seus comentadores, é possível identificar um conceito de democracia radical, procedimental e deliberativa que apresenta fortes ressonâncias, por exemplo, com os temas de comunidade, participação, comunicação, espaço público e educação. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo consiste em recuperar o pensamento de John Dewey, demonstrando o seu vanguardismo frente à teoria política contemporânea e indicando a relevância de sua contribuição para o atual debate da teoria da democracia. THE DEMOCRACY OF COMMON MAN: REVIVING JOHN DEWEYS POLITICAL THEORY Abstract Among the main issues that have been making their presence felt in contemporary political theory of recent years are the themes of deliberation, community and communication. However, what the new debates on deliberative democracy, communitarianism and communication theory do not make clear is the fact that the novelty that they represent had already been enunciated in early twentieth century pragmatist theory, and in John Deweys writings in particular. In essence, during the first few years of this century Dewey elaborated a consistent normative political theory whose principal focus was the issue of democracy. This would be of no particular relevance if Deweys democratic theory did not actually develop a normative conception of participatory or deliberative democracy that is very similar to that of recent tendencies and exponents of contemporary democratic theory. Through reading Dewey and some of his commentators, we can identify concepts of radical, procedural and deliberative democracy that resonate strongly with themes of community, participation, communication, public space and education. Thus, the goal of this article is to revisit Deweys thought, showing his vanguard relation to contemporary political theory and pointing to the relevance of his contribution for current debates within democratic theory. LA DEMOCRACIE DE LHOMME COMMUN: POUR REHABILITER LA THEORIE POLITIQUE DE JOHN DEWEY Résumé Parmi les principaux thèmes mis en relief par la théorie politique contemporaine ces dernières années, figurent les thèmes de la délibération, de la communauté et de la communication. Ce que les «nouveaux» débats sur la démocracie, le communautarisme et la théorie de la communication néclaircissent pas est le fait que la «nouveauté» qu´ils abordent existait déjà dans la théorie pragmatique développée au début du XXième siècle, surtout dans les textes de John Dewey. En effet, dans les premières années de ce siècle, Dewey élabora une consistante théorie politique normative centrée sur la question de la démocracie. Cela naurait aucune importance si la théorie démocratique présentée par Dewey ne portait justement pas sur une conception de démocracie participative ou délibérative selon les modèles des débats menés par les tendances les plus récentes et par les auteurs de la théorie démocratique contemporaine. A partir de la lecture de Dewey et de certains de ses commentateurs, il est possible didentifier un concept de démocracie «radicale», «procédurière» et «délibérative» qui ont de fortes résonnances, par exemple, avec les thèmes de la communauté, de la participation, de la communication, de lespace public et de léducation. De ce fait, lobjectif de cet article consiste à réhabiliter la pensée de John Dewey en revelant son esprit davant-garde face à la théorie politique contemporaine et en soulignant limportance de sa contribution au débat actuel de la théorie de la démocracie

    O enigma da democracia em Marx

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    El abordaje metodológico del Proyecto LATINNO para la investigación sobre innovaciones democráticas

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    Este artículo presenta algunas contribuciones conceptuales y metodológicas del proyecto LATINNO para la investigación sobre innovaciones democráticas y participación ciudadana. Primero, se discuten las lagunas en el conocimiento preexistente que dieron origen al proyecto. Segundo, se presentan el marco metodológico y los aportes originales que permitieron registrar datos comparables sobre el contexto, diseño institucional e impacto de más de 2,600 casos. Tercero, se discuten los desafíos encontrados a la hora de evaluar el impacto de las innovaciones. Finalmente se señalan algunas direcciones para el desarrollo de una agenda regional sobre innovaciones democráticas que pueda explotar las potencialidades de la base de datos de LATINNO.This article presents some conceptual and methodological contributions of the LATINNO project for research on democratic innovations and citizen participation. First, the gaps in the preexisting knowledge that gave rise to the project are discussed. Second, the methodological framework and the original contributions that allowed registering comparable data on the context, institutional design and impact of more than 2,600 cases are presented. Third, the challenges encountered when evaluating the innovations impact are discussed. Finally, some directions are indicated for the development of a regional agenda on democratic innovations that can exploit the potential of the LATINNO database