8 research outputs found

    The role of experimental typography in designing logotypes

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    Designing logotypes is an important part of graphic design. Great logotypes are designed using custom made typefaces. Therefore, it is very important, especially for the typographic designer, to have practical experience and be up to date with all trends in the field of experimental typefaces design, also called experimental typography. In my thesis statement, I carefully examined the problems of experimental typography - which allows more creative and free typography designing for different purposes, especially for the purpose of designing logotypes - from artistic point of view. I address the problem from three different angles: theoretical, practical and pedagogical. In theoretical part, I explored the history of font creation and typography; I analyzed features of typefaces and principles of their design; I analyzed functions and features of experimental typography and also the role of experimental typography in designing logotypes. On the basis of theoretical research, I created experimental typeface, which was further on used for designing logotype for Slovenian music band called Rising Sky. I present typography designing from the basic idea to computer produced logo, using vectors. In pedagogical part of thesis statement, I planned a lecture on designing experimental typography, including a logotype for fictional trademark, which I could have used with 9th grade students of Elementary School Stražišče in art class called Likovno snovanje 3

    Experimental typography in art class in high school

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    Typography is a visual component, which we classify into the field of graphic design. It deals with the design of letters, fonts, and texts. Typographic design as an art has developed with Guttenberg’s invention of the press with movable type in the second part of the 15th century. It was based on the rules of calligraphic traditions but it was adapted to the technology of the press and it formed its own set of rules. The 19th century brought about the flourishment of so-called experimental typography, with the help of which fonts were designed in a freer manner for various designer purposes in interaction with the environment they were emerging from (i.e. advertisement posters, circus shows…). Experimental typography is a field of design in which a creative development of designer abilities and a productive visual art is possible. In this master’s thesis, we have researched the use of experimental typography in arts classes in high school. In the theoretical part, we researched the problems pertaining to designing experimental typography and the effects experimental typography has in our everyday lives based on the available literature. An action research has been conducted in the 3rd year of a technical high school in the empiric part of the thesis. With it, we were determining how pupils develop their relation to graphic design and their own artistic creativity with the help of experimental typography. We observed the similarities and differences between the understanding of the pupils before and after introducing the changes. The actions steps were based on an innovative explanation of important guidelines for quality graphic design. After the introduction of the action steps the pupils found quality solutions to the given arts problem in the field of experimental typography. In doing so, they also developed and enriched their imagination, arts thinking, and improved their observational and sensory skills

    Skin biopsies predict acute graft-versus-host disease after small bowel transplantation in pigs

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    Intestinal transplantation is being increasingly performed to treat patients with irreversible intestinal failure. The major cause of intestinal graft failure is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that represents a life-threatening complication after small bowel transplantation (Itx). The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of skin biopsy histological changes for acute GVHD after Itx in pigs. Thirty-four Large White pigs were divided into three groups: Group 1 with Itx only, Group 2 with Itx and donor bone marrow infusion (Itx BM) and Group 3 (control group — before the operation). Animals received tacrolimus-based immunosuppression from day 0 to day 30 postoperatively. Skin and small bowel biopsies were histologically assessed, analysed and classified from grade 1 to 4 on postoperative days 15, 30, 45 and 60. There was a strong correlation between the histological grading values of skin biopsy changes and the histological grading values of small bowel biopsy changes (Kendall’s tau_b is 0.855 for the Itx group and 0.730 for the Itx BM group). The significant correlation found between skin and small bowel histological changes suggests the prognostic value of skin biopsies after Itx. In conclusion, our findings emphasise the diagnostic and prognostic value of skin biopsy analysis for acute GVHD after Itx

    Kiparstvo in grafika, razstava likovnih del študentov Likovne pedagogike PeF UL

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    Razstavljena dela študentov Likovne pedagogike Pedagoške fakultete UL vzpostavljajo med ostalimi tudi ekološko refleksijo družbe in sedanjosti z zavestjo recikliranja in vnovične uporabe zavrženih in spregledanih polizdelkov, embalaže ipd

    mentor prof. Zdenko Huzjan

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    Ustvarjalne vaje, ki jih razstavljamo tokrat, se navezujejo na ameriški Informel srede 20. stoletja, ko je J. Pollock že upošteval slikanje v robove in komuniciral s postopki slikanja po celotni površini z enakimi napetostmi