38 research outputs found

    Proposal of changes in the urban system of Slovenia

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    In this article, the author researches the hypothesis\ud that the urban system in Slovenia has not followed\ud the planning goals over the previous 20 years. Large\ud cities have grown in the form of suburbanisation, while\ud smaller cities have stagnated and have not reached the\ud level of regional centres. The author proposes a new\ud scientific examination of urban systems as a part of\ud Strategic Spatial Plan of the Republic of Slovenia. His\ud thesis is that seven regional urban centres in Slovenia\ud should be developed (including the cities of Ljubljana,\ud Maribor and Koper) as the core of polycentric urbanisation.\ud Other cities should develop according their\ud potentials following free market conditions

    Analysis of protected areas of nature on the global level and a comparison to Europe and Slovenia

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    Protected areas are an important instrument in the successful\ud long-term preservation of biodiversity; however, despite the\ud continued growth in their number and size, they still cannot\ud prevent biodiversity loss. This article focuses on an analysis\ud of the protected areas of different countries and continents,\ud an analysis of Slovenia's position in relation to European\ud and other countries, and on an analysis of the correlation\ud between protected areas and other socio-economic indicators.\ud South America stands out with the fastest growth in the area\ud and the coverage of protected areas in 1990–2010, with the\ud largest average size of the protected area, with a maximum\ud total area and the highest share of protected areas. Europe,\ud however, stands out with the highest number of protected\ud areas and the smallest average size of the protected area.\ud Despite the definition of Slovenia as a biodiversity hotspot,\ud this is not reflected in the percentage of protected areas,\ud although there high shares of biosphere reserves and other\ud protected areas. In addition to the impact of biodiversity\ud on the establishment of protected areas, the analysis suggests\ud significant impacts of different social, economic and political\ud factors. The scope of environmental policy increases with\ud economic development and, in this way, the differences in\ud protected areas between countries with high income and\ud low-income countries are even greater


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    River landscapes are perceived and preferred as a particular phenomenon of nature. Planning and management of river areas anticipate conflicts of various interest groups that are most commonly identified in researches as experts and non- experts (the public). The article presents the results of the comparison of student attitudes and those of experts for regional, cross-border area of Slovenia, Hungary and the Croatian landscape transformations on the Drava and the Mura rivers. The questionnaire, which consisted of visual and written parts, explored attitudes on the dimensions of the landscape, linkage with river scenery, views on the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities responsible for planning and management of the river area. The results suggest a common positive platform of trust in a paradigm of sustainable management, and international border rivers management, but also indicate different sensitivity of the observed groups considering the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities.Riječne krajolike se doživljava i vrednuje kao poseban fenomen prirode. Planiranje i upravljanje riječnim prostorom anticipira konflikte različitih interesnih skupina koje se najčešće identificira i u istraživanjima promatra kao stručnjake i nestručnjake (javnost). U članku se iznose rezultati usporedbe stavova studenta i stručnjaka regionalnog, prekograničnog prostornog obuhvata Slovenije, Mađarske i Hrvatske o transformacijama krajolika Drave i Mure. Anketnim upitnikom koji se sastojao od vizualnog i pisanog dijela istraživali su se stavovi o dimenzijama krajolika, povezanost s riječnim krajolikom, stavovi o transformaciji riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete planiranja i upravljanja riječnim prostorom. Rezultati ukazuju na zajedničku pozitivnu platformu povjerenja u paradigmu održivog upravljanja i međunarodnog upravljanja pograničnim rijekama no ujedno i ukazuju na različitu senzibilnost promatranih grupa obzirom na transformaciju riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete

    The comparison between the Slovenian and the Danish land consolidation

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    The diploma thesis deals with the land consolidation procedures in Slovenia and in Denmark. The course of land consolidation is presented in detail, together with the key differences in the procedures and the goals of the land consolidation procedures between the two countries. With its many years of experience Denmark has become the leading country in the sphere of the landscape structure organisation, and a growing number of European countries follow its example. The emphasis of the diploma thesis is on the execution of the land consolidation on agricultural land, on the advantages of the Danish system for protecting the agricultural land, and on the advantages of the Danish approach towards the land consolidation procedures

    Comparison of students and experts attitudes on planning and managing of the Drava and Mura river landscape

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    Riječne krajolike se doživljava i vrednuje kao poseban fenomen prirode. Planiranje i upravljanje riječnim prostorom anticipira konflikte različitih interesnih skupina koje se najčešće identificira i u istraživanjima promatra kao stručnjake i nestručnjake (javnost). U članku se iznose rezultati usporedbe stavova studenta i stručnjaka regionalnog, prekograničnog prostornog obuhvata Slovenije, Mađarske i Hrvatske o transformacijama krajolika Drave i Mure. Anketnim upitnikom koji se sastojao od vizualnog i pisanog dijela istraživali su se stavovi o dimenzijama krajolika, povezanost s riječnim krajolikom, stavovi o transformaciji riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete planiranja i upravljanja riječnim prostorom. Rezultati ukazuju na zajedničku pozitivnu platformu povjerenja u paradigmu održivog upravljanja i međunarodnog upravljanja pograničnim rijekama no ujedno i ukazuju na različitu senzibilnost promatranih grupa obzirom na transformaciju riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete.River landscapes are perceived and preferred as a particular phenomenon of nature. Planning and management of river areas anticipate conflicts of various interest groups that are most commonly identified in researches as experts and non- experts (the public). The article presents the results of the comparison of student attitudes and those of experts for regional, cross-border area of Slovenia, Hungary and the Croatian landscape transformations on the Drava and the Mura rivers. The questionnaire, which consisted of visual and written parts, explored attitudes on the dimensions of the landscape, linkage with river scenery, views on the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities responsible for planning and management of the river area. The results suggest a common positive platform of trust in a paradigm of sustainable management, and international border rivers management, but also indicate different sensitivity of the observed groups considering the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities

    Nova prostorska ordnunga

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    Nova zakona – o urejanju prostora in o graditvi objektov – prinašata vrsto novosti, ki poskušajo sintetizirati značilnosti zlasti »germanskih« zakonodaj. V prispevku avtor podaja svoja kritična stališča do obeh zakonov s predlogi za njuno uspešnejše izvajanje. Sklicuje se na nekatere podzakonske predpise, čeprav so šele v pripravi

    The comparison between the Slovenian and the Danish land consolidation

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen postopek komasacije v Sloveniji in na Danskem. Podrobno je predstavljen potek komasacije ter ključne razlike v postopkih in ciljih komasacijskega postopka med državama. Z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na področju urejanja zemljiške strukture, je Danska postala vodilna država, po kateri se zgleduje vse večje število Evropskih držav. Poudarek je na izvajanju komasacije na kmetijskih zemljiščih in prednostih Danskega sistema varovanja kmetijskih zemljišč in pristopa k postopku komasacije.The diploma thesis deals with the land consolidation procedures in Slovenia and in Denmark. The course of land consolidation is presented in detail, together with the key differences in the procedures and the goals of the land consolidation procedures between the two countries. With its many years of experience Denmark has become the leading country in the sphere of the landscape structure organisation, and a growing number of European countries follow its example. The emphasis of the diploma thesis is on the execution of the land consolidation on agricultural land, on the advantages of the Danish system for protecting the agricultural land, and on the advantages of the Danish approach towards the land consolidation procedures

    Protection and guidelines for the build image in towns in Slovenia

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    The research project, Protecting and Directing the Identity if Slovene Towns includes 48 urban centres. Towns were presented textually and graphically on maps (scale 1:10.000). An attempt of a typological classification based on design features and its final proposals are shown. The research vastly increases the scope of former projects focusing in centres of old inner cities. It points out that the formal features of towns has changed because of suburbanisation, new industrial zones, communications, functionalistic blocks, high-rise buildings, commercialisation of centres and other reasons. The proposed guide-lines are based on principles of ecology, reurbanisation, humanization, contextualism and emphasizing the identity of out towns

    Prispevek k integraciji prostorskega, socialnega, gospodarskega in okoljskega načrtovanja

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    Prispevek podaja kratek pregled in razmišljanje o metodah integracije raznih sektorjev načrtovanja v celostno, interdisciplinarno, integrativno načrtovanje. Avtor se kritično odziva na sedanje razmere v stroki in daje svoje pobude za metode integralnega načrtovanja. V tabeli opiše minimalne prostorske kazalce in njihove povezave z gospodarskimi, socialnimi in okoljskimi vidiki. Delovanje modela konceptualno prikaže na treh strateških primerih - presojah možnosti razvoja gospodarske, turistične cone in območja turizma