20 research outputs found

    Частотные характеристики полосковых модулей формирования квазихаотических сигналов на основе объемных нелинейно- оптических кристаллов

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    In this paper the experimental study of frequency dependences of scattering matrix coefficients of strip modules based on a coplanar strip line with partial dielectric filling in the form of bulk non-linear optical crystals of quartz, potassium titanium phosphate (KTP), zinc germanium diphosphide, lithium niobate has been performed. The appearance of the effect of forming quasi- chaotic oscillations in modules containing KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 bulk crystals when LFM signals are fed at fast switching of incident wave direction in the receiving and transmitting tract of the vector network analyzer is demonstrared. Parameters of comparative characterization of crystal materials are introduced. The complete phase of the modulus transmission coefficient is determined.  The analysis of its physical sense is made, followed by processing complete phase shift, which provides the possibility to develop the algorithm of estimating the frequency dependence of crystal’s relative permittivity. The studied modules may be used as formers of quasi- chaotic microwave signals. Arutyunyan A. A., Malyutin N. D., Malyutin G. A., Podzyvalov S. N., Yudin N. N. Frequency characteristics of strip modules of the quasi- chaotic signals formation based on bulk nonlinear optical crystals. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(3):227–249. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.3.001В работе проведено экспериментальное исследование частотных зависимостей коэффициентов матрицы рассеяния полосковых модулей на основе копланарной полосковой линии с частичным диэлектрическим заполнением в виде объемных нелинейно-оптических кристаллов кварца SiO2, титанил-фосфата калия KTiOPO4 (KTP), дифосфида цинка германия ZnGeP2, ниобата лития LiNbO3. Показано возникновение эффекта формирования квазихаотических колебаний в модулях, содержащих объемные кристаллы KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 при подаче на вход ЛЧМ-сигналов с быстрым переключением направления падающей волны в тракте приема-передачи векторного анализатора цепей. Введены параметры для сравнительной характеристики материалов кристаллов. Определена полная (развернутая) фаза коэффициента передачи модулей. Проведены анализ ее физического смысла и обработка полной фазы, позволившая построить алгоритм оценки частотной зависимости относительной диэлектрической проницаемости кристаллов. Исследованные модули могут выполнять функцию формирователей квазихаотических сигналов СВЧ. Арутюнян А. А., Малютин Н. Д., Малютин Г. А., Подзывалов С. Н., Юдин Н. Н. Частотные характеристики полосковых модулей формирования квазихаотических сигналов на основе объемных нелинейно- оптических кристаллов. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(3):227– 249. DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.3.001

    Multispectral anti-reflection coatings based on YbF3/ZnS materials on ZnGeP2 substrate by the IBS method for Mid-IR laser applications

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    A multispectral anti-reflective coating of high radiation strength for laser applications in the IR spectrum for nonlinear ZnGeP2 crystals has been developed for the first time. The coating was constructed using YbF3/ZnS. The developed coating was obtained by a novel approach using ion-beam deposition of these materials on a ZnGeP2 substrate. It has a high LIDT of more than 2 J/cm2. Optimal layer deposition regimes were found for high film density and low absorption, and good adhesion of the coating to the substrate was achieved. At the same time, there was no dissociation of the double compound under high-energy ions

    Optical AR coatings of the Mid-IR band for ZnGeP2 single crystals based on ZnS and oxide aluminum

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    In this work, the parameters of antireflection interference coatings based on alternating layers of ZnS/Al2O3 on the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of ZGP crystals under the action of Ho:YAG laser radiation at a wavelength of 2.097 μm were determined. The coating deposition was carried out using the ion-beam sputtering method. The LIDT of the sample with a coating based on alternating layers ZnS and Al2O3 was equal to WEo = 3.45 J/cm2, and the LIDT of the uncoated sample was equal to WEo = 2.23 J/cm2. An increase in the optical breakdown threshold by ~55% was observed after the deposition of an AR coating based on ZnS and Al2O3 materials. An assumption was made about the absence of local fluctuations in the composition and mechanical stresses in the case of the coated sample, namely that this leads to good adhesion of the multilayer coating to the polished surface of the crystal, and as a result to an increase in the optical breakdown threshold as compared to the uncoated sample due to closure of the dangling chemical bonds and bulk defects emerging on the polished surface

    Effect of dopants on laser-induced damage threshold of ZnGeP2

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    The effect of doping Mg, Se, and Ca by diffusion into ZnGeP2 on the optical damage threshold at a wavelength of 2.1 μm has been studied. It has been shown that diffusion-doping with Mg and Se leads to an increase in the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of a single crystal (monocrystal), ZnGeP2; upon annealing at a temperature of 750 °C, the damage threshold of samples doped with Mg and Se increases by 31% and 21% from 2.2 ± 0.1 J/cm2 to 2.9 ± 0.1 and 2.7 ± 0.1 J/cm2, respectively. When ZnGeP2 is doped with Ca, the opposite trend is observed. It has been suggested that the changes in the LIDT depending on the introduced impurity by diffusion can be explained by the creation of additional energy dissipation channels due to the processes of radiative and fast non-radiative relaxation through impurity energy levels, which further requires experimental confirmation

    Laser-induced damage threshold of nonlinear GaSe and GaSe:In crystals upon exposure to pulsed radiation at a wavelength of 2.1 μm

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    The paper defined the laser-induced damage threshold from the fluence and the peak power of GaSe and GaSe:In single crystals upon exposure to nanosecond radiation in the two micron range and assessed the influence of test radiation energy parameters (pulse repetition rate, pulse duration) on the damage threshold. Laser-induced damage threshold was determined with the parameters of the incident radiation close to the pump radiation parameters of promising dual-wavelength optical parametric oscillators (effective pump sources for THz difference frequency oscillators): wavelength was ≈ 2.1 μm; pulse repetition rates were 10, 12, 14, and 20 kHz; and pulse durations were 15, 18, 20, and 22 ns. The obtained results made it possible to conclude that the value of GaSe damage threshold at a wavelength of 2.091 μm of the incident radiation was influenced by the accumulation effects (the damage threshold decreased as the pulse repetition rate increased). The accumulation effects were more significant in the case of the In-doped sample, since a more significant decrease in the damage threshold was observed with increasing frequency in terms of the peak power and the fluence

    Frequency Characteristics of Strip Modules of the Quasi-chaotic Signals Formation Based on Bulk Nonlinear Optical Crystals

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    Поступила: 28.04.2023. Принята в печать: 21.07.2023.Received: 28.04.2023. Accepted: 21.07.2023.В работе проведено экспериментальное исследование частотных зависимостей коэффициентов матрицы рассеяния полосковых модулей на основе копланарной полосковой линии с частичным диэлектрическим заполнением в виде объемных нелинейно-оптических кристаллов кварца SiO2, титанил-фосфата калия KTiOPO4 (KTP), дифосфида цинка германия ZnGeP2, ниобата лития LiNbO3. Показано возникновение эффекта формирования квазихаотических колебаний в модулях, содержащих объемные кристаллы KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 при подаче на вход ЛЧМ-сигналов с быстрым переключением направления падающей волны в тракте приема-передачи векторного анализатора цепей. Введены параметры для сравнительной характеристики материалов кристаллов. Определена полная (развернутая) фаза коэффициента передачи модулей. Проведены анализ ее физического смысла и обработка полной фазы, позволившая построить алгоритм оценки частотной зависимости относительной диэлектрической проницаемости кристаллов. Исследованные модули могут выполнять функцию формирователей квазихаотических сигналов СВЧ.In this paper the experimental study of frequency dependences of scattering matrix coefficients of strip modules based on a coplanar strip line with partial dielectric filling in the form of bulk non-linear optical crystals of quartz, potassium titanium phosphate (KTP), zinc germanium diphosphide, lithium niobate has been performed. The appearance of the effect of forming quasi-chaotic oscillations in modules containing KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 bulk crystals when LFM signals are fed at fast switching of incident wave direction in the receiving and transmitting tract of the vector network analyzer is demonstrared. Parameters of comparative characterization of crystal materials are introduced. The complete phase of the modulus transmission coefficient is determined. The analysis of its physical sense is made, followed by processing complete phase shift, which provides the possibility to develop the algorithm of estimating the frequency dependence of crystal’s relative permittivity. The studied modules may be used as formers of quasi-chaotic microwave signals.Публикация выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации в рамках проекта № FEWM‑2023-0014.The study was made with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of project No. FEWM‑2023-0014

    Terahertz Crystal

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    FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to terahertz (THz) materials used in manufacture of terahertz optics. The terahertz crystal according to the invention is characterized by being made on the basis of single-phase solid solutions of the AgCl - AgBr - TlI system and containing chloride, silver bromide and monovalent thallium iodide at the following ratio of ingredients, wt. % : silver chloride - 5.0 to 10.0; silver bromide - 70.0 to 85.0; monovalent thallium iodide - 25.0 to 5.0. EFFECT: invention allows to produce crystals exhibiting optical transparency in the THz and mm ranges, as well as transparent in the visible and wide infrared spectral region, significantly more cost-efficient in growing and processing. 1 cl.Изобретение относится к терагерцовым (ТГц) материалам, используемым в производстве терагерцовой оптики. Терагерцовый кристалл согласно изобретению характеризуется тем, что выполнен на основе однофазных твердых растворов системы AgCl – AgBr – TlI и содержит хлорид, бромид серебра и иодид одновалентного таллия при следующем соотношении ингредиентов, мас.%: хлорид серебра – 5,0–10,0; бромид серебра – 70,0–85,0; иодид одновалентного таллия – 25,0–5,0. Изобретение обеспечивает создание кристаллов, обладающих оптической прозрачностью в ТГц и мм диапазонах, а также прозрачных в видимой и широкой инфракрасной области спектра, которые значительно дешевле в выращивании и обработке

    Visualization of volumetric defects and dynamic processes in crystals by digital IR holography

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    In this work, the method of IR digital holography intended for detection of volumetric defects in ZnGeP2 single crystals has been tested. A method of visualization of the process of optical damage of a ZnGeP2 single crystal using digital holography is suggested

    Investigation of the persistence conductivity and photoelectric characteristics in detectors with interdigital electrodes based on β-Ga2O3

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    Herein, the electrical and photoelectric characteristics of solar-blind UV detectors based on β-Ga2O3 films with interdigital electrodes are presented. The sensors with interdigital electrodes have interelectrode spacing d = 5, 10, 30, and 50 μm. The structures exhibit high sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of λ = 254 nm. The detectors with the smallest interelectrode spacing (5 μm) demonstrate the highest photocurrent value. The detectors have a saturation region on the current–voltage characteristics under UV irradiation, which shifts to the region of lower voltages with decreasing interelectrode spacing. A mechanism to explain the presence of the saturation region on the I–V characteristic is proposed. The sensors exhibit high value of a persistence photoconductivity, which decreases exponentially with an estimated value of the time constant t 1 = 59–63 s

    Investigation of the process of optical damage of ZnGeP2 crystals using digital holography

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    A method of visualization of the process of optical damage of a ZnGeP 2 single crystal using digital holography is suggested. The mechanism of the ZnGeP 2 single crystal damage is investigated at energy density ~0.3–0.6 J/cm ² . The temperature in the damage channel during its formation is estimated. The data obtained allow the conclusion on the thermal nature of ZnGeP 2 crystal damage to be made under the action of laser radiation with a wavelength of ~2.1 μm. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature