19 research outputs found

    The meristem-associated endosymbiont Methylorubrum extorquens DSM13060 reprograms development and stress responses of pine seedlings

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    Microbes living in plant tissues-endophytes-are mainly studied in crop plants where they typically colonize the root apoplast. Trees-a large carbon source with a high capacity for photosynthesis-provide a variety of niches for endophytic colonization. We have earlier identified a new type of plant-endophyte interaction in buds of adult Scots pine, where Methylorubrum species live inside the meristematic cells. The endosymbiont Methylorubrum extorquens DSM13060 significantly increases needle and root growth of pine seedlings without producing plant hormones, but by aggregating around host nuclei. Here, we studied gene expression and metabolites of the pine host induced by M. extorquens DSM13060 infection. Malic acid was produced by pine to potentially boost M. extorquens colonization and interaction. Based on gene expression, the endosymbiont activated the auxin- and ethylene (ET)-associated hormonal pathways through induction of CUL1 and HYL1, and suppressed salicylic and abscisic acid signaling of pine. Infection by the endosymbiont had an effect on pine meristem and leaf development through activation of GLP1-7 and ALE2, and suppressed flowering, root hair and lateral root formation by downregulation of AGL8, plantacyanin, GASA7, COW1 and RALFL34. Despite of systemic infection of pine seedlings by the endosymbiont, the pine genes CUL1, ETR2, ERF3, HYL, GLP1-7 and CYP71 were highly expressed in the shoot apical meristem, rarely in needles and not in stem or root tissues. Low expression of MERI5, CLH2, EULS3 and high quantities of ononitol suggest that endosymbiont promotes viability and protects pine seedlings against abiotic stress. Our results indicate that the endosymbiont positively affects host development and stress tolerance through mechanisms previously unknown for endophytic bacteria, manipulation of plant hormone signaling pathways, downregulation of senescence and cell death-associated genes and induction of ononitol biosynthesis.Peer reviewe

    Metabarcoding of the kombucha microbial community grown in different microenvironments

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    Introducing of the DNA metabarcoding analysis of probiotic microbial communities allowed getting insight into their functioning and establishing a better control on safety and efficacy of the probiotic communities. In this work the kombucha poly-microbial probiotic community was analysed to study its flexibility under different growth conditions. Environmental DNA sequencing revealed a complex and flexible composition of the kombucha microbial culture (KMC) constituting more bacterial and fungal organisms in addition to those found by cultural method. The community comprised bacterial and yeast components including cultured and uncultivable microorganisms. Culturing the KMC under different conditions revealed the core part of the community which included acetobacteria of two genera Komagataeibacter (former Gluconacetobacter) and Gluconobacter, and representatives of several yeast genera among which Brettanomyces/Dekkera and Pichia (including former Issatchenkia) were dominant. Herbaspirillum spp. and Halomonas spp., which previously had not been described in KMC, were found to be minor but permanent members of the community. The community composition was dependent on the growth conditions. The bacterial component of KMC was relatively stable, but may include additional member—lactobacilli. The yeast species composition was significantly variable. High-throughput sequencing showed complexity and variability of KMC that may affect the quality of the probiotic drink. It was hypothesized that the kombucha core community might recruit some environmental bacteria, particularly lactobacilli, which potentially may contribute to the fermentative capacity of the probiotic drink. As many KMC-associated microorganisms cannot be cultured out of the community, a robust control for community composition should be provided by using DNA metabarcoding.National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (N47/2013)http://www.amb-express.comhb201

    First record of the endophytic bacteria of Deschampsia antarctica Ė. Desv. from two distant localities of the maritime Antarctic

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    Endophytic bacteria, recognized for their beneficial effects on plant development and adaptation, can facilitate the survival of Antarctic plants in severe environments. Here we studied endophytes of the vascular plant Deschampsia antarctica Ė. Desv. from two distantly located regions in the maritime Antarctic: King George Island (South Shetland Islands) and Galindez Island (Argentine Islands). Bacterial group-specific PCR indicated presence of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Cytophaga-Flavobacteria and Actinobacteria in root and leaf endosphere of D. antarctica sampled at four distinct sites of both locations. The diversity of endophytic bacteria was significantly higher in the leaves compared to the roots in plants from Galindez Island. Similarly, the diversity of endophytes was higher in the leaves rather than roots of plants from the King George Island. Twelve bacterial species were isolated from roots of D. antarctica of Galindez Island (the Karpaty Ridge and the Meteo Point) and identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Isolates were dominated by the Pseudomonas genus, followed by the genera Bacillus and Micrococcus. The vast majority of the isolates exhibited cellulase and pectinase activities, however, Bacillus spp. expressed neither of them, suggesting lack of genetic flow of these traits in endophytic bacilli in the maritime Antarctic. Pseudomonas sp. IMBG305 promoted an increase in the leaf number in most of the treated plant genotypes when compared with non-inoculated plants, and a rapid vegetation period of D. antarctica cultured in vitro, albeit the length of leaves in the treated plants was significantly lower, and flavonoid content leveled off in all treated plants. D. antarctica is known to develop diverse ecotypes with regard to ecological conditions, such as organic input, moisture or wind exposition. The D. antarctica phenotype could be extended further through the endophyte colonization, since phenotypic changes were observed in the inoculated D. antarcticaplants grown in vitro in our study. Herewith, endophytes can contribute to plant phenotypic plasticity, potentially beneficial for adaptation of D. antarctica.

    Metagenome-Assembled Genome Sequences Obtained from a Reactivated Kombucha Microbial Community Exposed to a Mars-Like Environment outside the International Space Station

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    Kombucha is a traditional tea fermented by symbiotic microbiota, and it has been known as a functional fermented product. Here, we report four microbial metagenome-assembled genome sequences (MAGs) reconstructed from the microbiomes in kombucha exposed to a Mars-like environment outside the International Space Station

    Metagenome-assembled genome sequences obtained from a reactivated kombucha microbial community exposed to a Mars-like environment outside the International Space Station

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    Kombucha is a traditional tea fermented by symbiotic microbiota, and it has been known as a functional fermented product. Here, we report four microbial metagenome-assembled genome sequences (MAGs) reconstructed from the microbiomes in kombucha exposed to a Mars-like environment outside the International Space Station.The Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the South Korean government (MSIT), and the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare.https://mra.asm.orgam2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Metagenome-Assembled Genomes of Komagataeibacter from Kombucha Exposed to Mars-Like Conditions Reveal the Secrets in Tolerating Extraterrestrial Stresses

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    Kombucha mutualistic community (KMC) is composed by acetic acid bacteria and yeasts, producing fermented tea with health benefits. As part of the BIOlogy and Mars EXperiment (BIOMEX) project, the effect of Mars-like conditions on the KMC was analyzed. Here, we analyzed metagenomeassembled genomes (MAGs) of the Komagataeibacter, which is a predominant genus in KMC, to understand their roles in the KMC after exposure to Mars-like conditions (outside the International Space Station) based on functional genetic elements. We constructed three MAGs: K. hansenii, K.rhaeticus, and K. oboediens. Our results showed that (i) K. oboediens MAG functionally more complex than K. hansenii, (ii) K. hansenii is a keystone in KMCs with specific functional features to tolerate extreme stress, and (iii) genes related to the PPDK, betaine biosynthesis, polyamines biosynthesis, sulfate-sulfur assimilation pathway as well as type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) system, quorum sensing (QS) system, and cellulose production could play important roles in the resilience of KMC after exposure to Mars-like stress. Our findings show the potential mechanisms through which Komagataeibacter tolerates the extraterrestrial stress and will help to understand minimal microbial composition of KMC for space travelers

    The Space-Exposed Kombucha Microbial Community Member Komagataeibacter oboediens Showed Only Minor Changes in Its Genome After Reactivation on Earth

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    Komagataeibacter is the dominant taxon and cellulose-producing bacteria in the Kombucha Microbial Community (KMC). This is the first study to isolate the K. oboediens genome from a reactivated space-exposed KMC sample and comprehensively characterize it. The space-exposed genome was compared with the Earth-based reference genome to understand the genome stability of K. oboediens under extraterrestrial conditions during a long time. Our results suggest that the genomes of K. oboediens IMBG180 (ground sample) and K. oboediens IMBG185 (spaceexposed) are remarkably similar in topology, genomic islands, transposases, prion-like proteins, and number of plasmids and CRISPR-Cas cassettes. Nonetheless, there was a difference in the length of plasmids and the location of cas genes. A small difference was observed in the number of protein coding genes. Despite these differences, they do not affect any genetic metabolic profile of the cellulose synthesis, nitrogen-fixation, hopanoid lipids biosynthesis, and stress-related pathways. Minor changes are only observed in central carbohydrate and energy metabolism pathways gene numbers or sequence completeness. Altogether, these findings suggest that K. oboediens maintains its genome stability and functionality in KMC exposed to the space environment most probably due to the protective role of the KMC biofilm. Furthermore, due to its unaffected metabolic pathways, this bacterial species may also retain some promising potential for space applications

    Multimicrobial Kombucha Culture Tolerates Mars-Like Conditions Simulated on Low-Earth Orbit

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    A kombucha multimicrobial culture (KMC) was exposed to simulated Mars-like conditions in low-Earth orbit (LEO). The study was part of the Biology and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX), which was accommodated in the European Space Agency's EXPOSE-R2 facility, outside the International Space Station. The aim of the study was to investigate the capability of a KMC microecosystem to survive simulated Mars-like conditions in LEO. During the 18-month exposure period, desiccated KMC samples, represented by living cellulose-based films, were subjected to simulated anoxic Mars-like conditions and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, as prevalent at the surface of present-day Mars. Postexposure analysis demonstrated that growth of both the bacterial and yeast members of the KMC community was observed after 60 days of incubation; whereas growth was detected after 2 days in the initial KMC. The KMC that was exposed to extraterrestrial UV radiation showed degradation of DNA, alteration in the composition and structure of the cellular membranes, and an inhibition of cellulose synthesis. In the “space dark control” (exposed to LEO conditions without the UV radiation), the diversity of the microorganisms that survived in the biofilm was reduced compared with the ground-based controls. This was accompanied by structural dissimilarities in the extracellular membrane vesicles. After a series of subculturing, the revived communities restored partially their structure and associated activities

    Additional file 1: of Metabarcoding of the kombucha microbial community grown in different microenvironments

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    Figure S1. Confocal scanning laser microscopy images of a cross section of cellulose-based pellicle produced by KMC in a sugared black tea, showing a variety of both bacteria and yeast cell morphotypes (a); cells of unusual morphology (a long shape), which may indicate the existence of dormant uncultivable microbial (sub)populations (b). Cellulose and yeast cells stained with calcofluor (a blue signal), bacterial cells and proteins stained with thiazine red (a yellow signal). Scale bar is 10 Οm

    To other planets with upgraded millennial Kombucha in rhythms of sustainability and health support

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    Humankind has entered a new era of space exploration: settlements on other planetary bodies are foreseen in the near future. Advanced technologies are being developed to support the adaptation to extraterrestrial environments and, with a view on the longer term, to support the viability of an independent economy. Biological processes will likely play a key role and lead to the production of life-support consumables, and other commodities, in a way that is cheaper and more sustainable than exclusively abiotic processes. Microbial communities could be used to sustain the crews’ health as well as for the production of consumables, for waste recycling, and for biomining. They can self-renew with little resources from Earth, be highly productive on a per-volume basis, and be highly versatile—all of which will be critical in planetary outposts. Well-defined, semi-open, and stress-resistant microecosystems are particularly promising. An instance of it is kombucha, known worldwide as a microbial association that produces an eponymous, widespread soft drink that could be valuable for sustaining crews’ health or as a synbiotic (i.e., probiotic and prebiotic) after a rational assemblage of defined probiotic bacteria and yeasts with endemic or engineered cellulose producers. Bacterial cellulose products offer a wide spectrum of possible functions, from leather-like to innovative smart materials during long-term missions and future activities in extraterrestrial settlements. Cellulose production by kombucha is zero-waste and could be linked to bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) loops. Another advantage of kombucha lies in its ability to mobilize inorganic ions from rocks, which may help feed BLSS from local resources. Besides outlining those applications and others, we discuss needs for knowledge and other obstacles, among which is the biosafety of microbial producers.The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Space Research Program and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Eat Easy (Kyiv, Ukraine) covered the publication fees of this manuscript.http://frontiersin.org/Astronomy_and_Space_Sciencesam2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog