17 research outputs found

    Enhanced functional synchronization of medial and lateral PFC underlies internally-guided action planning

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    Actions are often internally guided, reflecting our covert will and intentions. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, including the pre-Supplementary Motor Area (pre-SMA), has been implicated in the internally generated aspects of action planning, such as choice and intention. Yet, the mechanism by which this area interacts with other cognitive brain regions such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a central node in decision-making, is still unclear. To shed light on this mechanism, brain activity was measured via fMRI and intracranial EEG in two studies during the performance of visually cued repeated finger tapping in which the choice of finger was guided by either a presented number (external) or self-choice (internal). A functional-MRI (fMRI) study in 15 healthy participants demonstrated that the pre-SMA, compared to the SMA proper, was more active and also more functionally correlated with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during internally compared to externally guided action planning (p < 0.05, random effect). In a similar manner, an intracranial-EEG study in five epilepsy patients showed greater inter-regional gamma-related connectivity between electrodes situated in medial and lateral aspects of the prefrontal cortex for internally compared to externally guided actions. Although this finding was observed for groups of electrodes situated both in the pre-SMA and SMA-proper, increased intra-cluster gamma-related connectivity was only observed for the pre-SMA (sign-test, p < 0.0001). Overall our findings provide multi-scale indications for the involvement of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, and especially the pre-SMA, in generating internally guided motor planning. Our intracranial-EEG results further point to enhanced functional connectivity between decision-making- and motor planning aspects of the PFC, as a possible neural mechanism for internally generated action planning

    Dual array EEG-fMRI : An approach for motion artifact suppression in EEG recorded simultaneously with fMRI

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    Objective: Although simultaneous recording of EEG and MRI has gained increasing popularity in recent years, the extent of its clinical use remains limited by various technical challenges. Motion interference is one of the major challenges in EEG-fMRI. Here we present an approach which reduces its impact with the aid of an MR compatible dual-array EEG (daEEG) in which the EEG itself is used both as a brain signal recorder and a motion sensor. Methods: We implemented two arrays of EEG electrodes organized into two sets of nearly orthogonally intersecting wire bundles. The EEG was recorded using referential amplifiers inside a 3 T MR-scanner. Virtual bipolar measurements were taken both along bundles (creating a small wire loop and therefore minimizing artifact) and across bundles (creating a large wire loop and therefore maximizing artifact). Independent component analysis (ICA) was applied. The resulting ICA components were classified into brain signal and noise using three criteria: 1) degree of two-dimensional spatial correlation between ICA coefficients along bundles and across bundles; 2) amplitude along bundles vs. across bundles; 3) correlation with ECG. The components which passed the criteria set were transformed back to the channel space. Motion artifact suppression and the ability to detect interictal epileptic spikes following daEEG and Optimal Basis Set (OBS) procedures were compared in 10 patients with epilepsy. Results: The SNR achieved by daEEG was 11.05 +/- 3.10 and by OBS was 8.25 +/- 1.01 (p <0.00001). In 9 of 10 patients, more spikes were detected after daEEG than after OBS (p <0.05). Significance: daEEG improves signal quality in EEG-fMRI recordings, expanding its clinical and research potential. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Never Resting Brain: Simultaneous Representation of Two Alpha Related Processes in Humans

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    Brain activity is continuously modulated, even at “rest”. The alpha rhythm (8–12 Hz) has been known as the hallmark of the brain's idle-state. However, it is still debated if the alpha rhythm reflects synchronization in a distributed network or focal generator and whether it occurs spontaneously or is driven by a stimulus. This EEG/fMRI study aimed to explore the source of alpha modulations and their distribution in the resting brain. By serendipity, while computing the individually defined power modulations of the alpha-band, two simultaneously occurring components of these modulations were found. An ‘induced alpha’ that was correlated with the paradigm (eyes open/ eyes closed), and a ‘spontaneous alpha’ that was on-going and unrelated to the paradigm. These alpha components when used as regressors for BOLD activation revealed two segregated activation maps: the ‘induced map’ included left lateral temporal cortical regions and the hippocampus; the ‘spontaneous map’ included prefrontal cortical regions and the thalamus. Our combined fMRI/EEG approach allowed to computationally untangle two parallel patterns of alpha modulations and underpin their anatomical basis in the human brain. These findings suggest that the human alpha rhythm represents at least two simultaneously occurring processes which characterize the ‘resting brain’; one is related to expected change in sensory information, while the other is endogenous and independent of stimulus change

    Time-varying spectral entropy differentiates between positive and negative feed back-related EEG activity in a hypothesis testing paradigm

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    International audiencePositive and negative performance feedbacks have been shown to differentially modulate amplitudes of the associated electroencephalographic (EEG) brain activity. In the present study, we tested whether feedback also modulates the organization of neuronal oscillations. Ten college students serially tested hypotheses concerning a hidden rule by judging its presence or absence in triplets of digits and revised them on the basis of an exogenous performance feedback. The EEG signal time-locked to feedback was convolved with a family of complex wavelets. The time-varying spectral entropy of the resulting time-frequency representation was then computed. The results showed that feedback differentially modulated spectral organization at frontal and posterior scalp regions around 200 ms and in the 300-500 ms range. Spatio-temporal principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that feedback-specific modulations essentially resulted from the interplay between fronto-polar, fronto-central, and parieto-occipital components. Functional and methodological implications were discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    One-Class FMRI-Inspired EEG Model for Self-Regulation Training.

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    Recent evidence suggests that learned self-regulation of localized brain activity in deep limbic areas such as the amygdala, may alleviate symptoms of affective disturbances. Thus far self-regulation of amygdala activity could be obtained only via fMRI guided neurofeedback, an expensive and immobile procedure. EEG on the other hand is relatively inexpensive and can be easily implemented in any location. However the clinical utility of EEG neurofeedback for affective disturbances remains limited due to low spatial resolution, which hampers the targeting of deep limbic areas such as the amygdala. We introduce an EEG prediction model of amygdala activity from a single electrode. The gold standard used for training is the fMRI-BOLD signal in the amygdala during simultaneous EEG/fMRI recording. The suggested model is based on a time/frequency representation of the EEG data with varying time-delay. Previous work has shown a strong inhomogeneity among subjects as is reflected by the models created to predict the amygdala BOLD response from EEG data. In that work, different models were constructed for different subjects. In this work, we carefully analyzed the inhomogeneity among subjects and were able to construct a single model for the majority of the subjects. We introduce a method for inhomogeneity assessment. This enables us to demonstrate a choice of subjects for which a single model could be derived. We further demonstrate the ability to modulate brain-activity in a neurofeedback setting using feedback generated by the model. We tested the effect of the neurofeedback training by showing that new subjects can learn to down-regulate the signal amplitude compared to a sham group, which received a feedback obtained by a different participant. This EEG based model can overcome substantial limitations of fMRI-NF. It can enable investigation of NF training using multiple sessions and large samples in various locations

    Distinct iEEG activity patterns in temporal-limbic and prefrontal sites induced by emotional intentionality

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    Our emotions tend to be directed towards someone or something. Such emotional intentionality calls for the integration between two streams of information; abstract hedonic value and its associated concrete content. In a previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study we found that the combination of these two streams, as modeled by short emotional music excerpts and neutral film clips, was associated with synergistic activation in both temporal-limbic (TL) and ventral-lateral PFC (vLPFC) regions. This additive effect implies the integration of domain-specific 'affective' and 'cognitive' processes. Yet, the low temporal resolution of the fMRI limits the characterization of such cross-domain integration. To this end, we complemented the fMRI data with intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings from twelve patients with intractable epilepsy. As expected, the additive fMRI activation in the amygdala and vLPFC was associated with distinct spatio-temporal iEEG patterns among electrodes situated within the vicinity of the fMRI activation foci. On the one hand, TL channels exhibited a transient (0-500 msec) increase in gamma power (61-69 Hz), possibly reflecting initial relevance detection or hedonic value tagging. On the other hand, vLPFC channels showed sustained (1-12 sec) suppression of low frequency power (2.3-24 Hz), possibly mediating changes in gating, enabling an on-going readiness for content-based processing of emotionally tagged signals. Moreover, an additive effect in delta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) was found among the TL channels, possibly reflecting the integration between distinct domain specific processes. Together, this study provides a multi-faceted neurophysiological signature for computations that possibly underlie emotional intentionality in humans

    Down-regulating the common EFP signal amplitude.

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    <p>a) Mean results of the amygdala common EFP-NF. The <i>y</i> axis shows the mean cEFP amplitude during BL (left columns) and NF (right columns). Only the test group (red columns, <i>n</i> = 7) had significantly reduced cEFP amplitude during NF relative to BL (F(1,11) = 24.46, **<i>p</i><0.01). b) Individual results of the common EFP-NF. The <i>y</i> axis shows the cEFP amplitude during NF and the <i>x</i> axis shows the cEFP amplitude during BL. Markers (red = test; blue = sham) below the diagonal represent subjects that during NF reduced cEFP activity relative to BL. 6 out of 7 subjects from the test group could significantly reduce cEFP activity during NF relative to BL compared with only 1 out 6 subjects in the sham group. <i>*p</i><0.05, <i>**p</i><0.01, and <i>n</i> = 13. For illustration purposes, the cEFP amplitude of the BL for each subject was multiplied by the NF mean. The actual range of the cEFP amplitude during BL was (-0.2)-(0.34).</p

    The transformation steps before applying the metric.

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    <p>a) The original EFP. b) Expanding y-axes to a minimum resolution of 1Hz. c) Collapsing y-axes to a uniform frequency band division. d) Reshaping EFP to a vector.</p