11 research outputs found

    Evaluating Humidity and Sea Salt Disturbances on CO2 Flux Measurements

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    AbstractGlobal oceans are an important sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, understanding the air–sea flux of CO2 is a vital part in describing the global carbon balance. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements are often used to study CO2 fluxes from both land and ocean. Values of CO2 are usually measured with infrared absorption sensors, which at the same time measure water vapor. Studies have shown that the presence of water vapor fluctuations in the sampling air potentially results in erroneous CO2 flux measurements resulting from the cross sensitivity of the sensor. Here measured CO2 fluxes from both enclosed-path Li-Cor 7200 sensors and open-path Li-Cor 7500 instruments from an inland measurement site are compared with a marine site. Also, new quality control criteria based on a relative signal strength indicator (RSSI) are introduced. The sampling gas in one of the Li-Cor 7200 instruments was dried by means of a multitube diffusion dryer so that the water vapor fluxes were close to zero. With this setup the effect that cross sensitivity of the CO2 signal to water vapor can have on the CO2 fluxes was investigated. The dryer had no significant effect on the CO2 fluxes. The study tested the hypothesis that the cross-sensitivity effect is caused by hygroscopic particles such as sea salt by spraying a saline solution on the windows of the Li-Cor 7200 instruments during the inland field test. The results confirm earlier findings that sea salt contamination can affect CO2 fluxes significantly and that drying the sampling air for the gas analyzer is an effective method for reducing this signal contamination.</jats:p

    Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції „Маркетинговий інструментарій управління попитом на товари та послуги“

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    Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції є результатом наукових досліджень авторів з проблем розроблення концептуальних засад маркетингового інструментарію управління попитом на товари і послуги України

    Lake Fluxes of Methane and Carbon Dioxide

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    Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two important greenhouse gases. Recent studies have shown that lakes, although they cover a small area of the globe, can be very important natural sources of atmospheric CH4 and CO2. It is therefore important to monitor the fluxes of these gases between lakes and the atmosphere in order to understand the processes that govern the exchange. By using the eddy covariance method for lake flux studies, the resolution in time and in space of the fluxes is increased, which gives more information on the governing processes. Eddy covariance measurements at a Swedish lake revealed a diel cycle in the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2, with higher fluxes during nighttime than daytime. The high nighttime CO2 fluxes could to a large extent be explained with enhanced transfer velocities due to waterside convection. For the diel cycle of CH4 flux it was suggested that waterside convection could enhance the transfer velocity, transport CH4 rich water to the surface, as well as trigger ebullition. Simultaneous flux measurements of CH4 and CO2 have been presented using both the eddy covariance method and the floating chambers method of which the latter is the traditional measuring method for lake fluxes. For CO2 the two methods agreed well during some periods but differed considerably during others. Disagreement between the methods might be due to horizontal heterogeneity in partial pressure of CO2 in the lake. The methods agreed better for the CH4 flux measurements. However, it is clear that due to the discontinuous nature of the floating chambers, this method will likely miss important high flux events. The main conclusions of this thesis are: 1) the two gas flux methods are not directly comparable and should be seen as supplementary to each other 2) waterside convection enhances the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2 over the water-air surface. If gas flux measurements are not conducted during nighttime, potential high flux periods might be missed and estimates of the total amount of gas released from lakes to the atmosphere may be biased

    Lake Fluxes of Methane and Carbon Dioxide

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    Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two important greenhouse gases. Recent studies have shown that lakes, although they cover a small area of the globe, can be very important natural sources of atmospheric CH4 and CO2. It is therefore important to monitor the fluxes of these gases between lakes and the atmosphere in order to understand the processes that govern the exchange. By using the eddy covariance method for lake flux studies, the resolution in time and in space of the fluxes is increased, which gives more information on the governing processes. Eddy covariance measurements at a Swedish lake revealed a diel cycle in the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2, with higher fluxes during nighttime than daytime. The high nighttime CO2 fluxes could to a large extent be explained with enhanced transfer velocities due to waterside convection. For the diel cycle of CH4 flux it was suggested that waterside convection could enhance the transfer velocity, transport CH4 rich water to the surface, as well as trigger ebullition. Simultaneous flux measurements of CH4 and CO2 have been presented using both the eddy covariance method and the floating chambers method of which the latter is the traditional measuring method for lake fluxes. For CO2 the two methods agreed well during some periods but differed considerably during others. Disagreement between the methods might be due to horizontal heterogeneity in partial pressure of CO2 in the lake. The methods agreed better for the CH4 flux measurements. However, it is clear that due to the discontinuous nature of the floating chambers, this method will likely miss important high flux events. The main conclusions of this thesis are: 1) the two gas flux methods are not directly comparable and should be seen as supplementary to each other 2) waterside convection enhances the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2 over the water-air surface. If gas flux measurements are not conducted during nighttime, potential high flux periods might be missed and estimates of the total amount of gas released from lakes to the atmosphere may be biased

    Lake Fluxes of Methane and Carbon Dioxide

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    Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two important greenhouse gases. Recent studies have shown that lakes, although they cover a small area of the globe, can be very important natural sources of atmospheric CH4 and CO2. It is therefore important to monitor the fluxes of these gases between lakes and the atmosphere in order to understand the processes that govern the exchange. By using the eddy covariance method for lake flux studies, the resolution in time and in space of the fluxes is increased, which gives more information on the governing processes. Eddy covariance measurements at a Swedish lake revealed a diel cycle in the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2, with higher fluxes during nighttime than daytime. The high nighttime CO2 fluxes could to a large extent be explained with enhanced transfer velocities due to waterside convection. For the diel cycle of CH4 flux it was suggested that waterside convection could enhance the transfer velocity, transport CH4 rich water to the surface, as well as trigger ebullition. Simultaneous flux measurements of CH4 and CO2 have been presented using both the eddy covariance method and the floating chambers method of which the latter is the traditional measuring method for lake fluxes. For CO2 the two methods agreed well during some periods but differed considerably during others. Disagreement between the methods might be due to horizontal heterogeneity in partial pressure of CO2 in the lake. The methods agreed better for the CH4 flux measurements. However, it is clear that due to the discontinuous nature of the floating chambers, this method will likely miss important high flux events. The main conclusions of this thesis are: 1) the two gas flux methods are not directly comparable and should be seen as supplementary to each other 2) waterside convection enhances the fluxes of both CH4 and CO2 over the water-air surface. If gas flux measurements are not conducted during nighttime, potential high flux periods might be missed and estimates of the total amount of gas released from lakes to the atmosphere may be biased

    Enhanced nighttime gas emissions from a lake

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    Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two important greenhouse gases. Previous studies have shown that lakes can be important natural sources of atmospheric CH4 and CO2. It is therefore important to monitor the fluxes of these gases between lakes and the atmosphere in order to understand the processes that govern the exchange. Most previous lake flux studies are based on chamber measurements, by using the eddy covariance method, the resolution in time and in space of the fluxes is increased, which gives more information on the governing processes. Eddy covariance measurements at a Swedish lake show that both methane fluxes (FCH4 ) and carbon dioxide fluxes (FCO2 ) experience high nighttime fluxes for a large part of the data set (largest median FCH4night ≈ 13 nmol m2 s-1 and smallest median FCH4day ≈ 4.0 nmol m-2 s-1, largest median FCO2night ≈ 0.2 μmol m2 s-1 and smallest median FCO2day ≈ 0.02 μmol m-2 s-1, with larger variability during night). For the diel cycle of the CH4 fluxes it is suggested that water side convection could enhance the transfer velocity, transport CH4 rich water to the surface, as well as trigger ebullition. The high nighttime CO2 fluxes could to a large extent be explained with enhanced transfer velocities due to water side convection. If gas fluxes are not measured during nighttime, when water side convection normally is generated, periods of potential high gas flux might be missed and estimations of the total amount of gas released from lakes to the atmosphere will be biased

    Workshop on assessments of National Carbon Budgets within the Nordic Region:Current status and sensitivity to changes

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    The three-day workshop organized by the three Nordic research projects, ECOCLIM, LAGGE and SnowCarbo brought together scientists and other actors from Nordic countries to communicate and discuss research on carbon budget estimations in the Nordic region. Through presentations of most recent research in the field and following scientific discussions, the workshop contributed to strengthen the scientific basis of the identification and quantification of major natural carbon sinks in the Nordic region on which integrated climate change abatement and management strategies and policy decisions is formed from. This report summarizes presentations and discussions from the four thematic sessions, Observations of carbon sinks and sources, Modeling the carbon budget, Remote sensing data for carbon modeling, and Impacts of future climate and land use scenarios and gives an overview of the current status and knowledge on research on assessments of national carbon budgets as well as on projections and sensitivity to future changes in e.g. management and climate change in the Nordic Region

    Comparison of floating chamber and eddy covariance measurements of lake greenhouse gas fluxes

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    Fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from lakes may have a large impact on the magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Traditionally lake fluxes have been measured using the floating chamber (FC) technique; however, several recent studies use the eddy covariance (EC) method. We present simultaneous flux measurements using both methods at lake Tämnaren in Sweden during field campaigns in 2011 and 2012. Only very few similar studies exist. For CO2 flux, the two methods agree relatively well during some periods, but deviate substantially at other times. The large discrepancies might be caused by heterogeneity of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2w) in the EC flux footprint. The methods agree better for CH4 fluxes. It is, however, clear that short-term discontinuous FC measurements are likely to miss important high flux events

    Comparison of floating chamber and eddy covariance measurements of lake greenhouse gas fluxes

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    Fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from lakes may have a large impact on the magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Traditionally lake fluxes have been measured using the floating chamber (FC) technique; however, several recent studies use the eddy covariance (EC) method. We present simultaneous flux measurements using both methods at lake Tämnaren in Sweden during field campaigns in 2011 and 2012. Only very few similar studies exist. For CO2 flux, the two methods agree relatively well during some periods, but deviate substantially at other times. The large discrepancies might be caused by heterogeneity of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2w) in the EC flux footprint. The methods agree better for CH4 fluxes. It is, however, clear that short-term discontinuous FC measurements are likely to miss important high flux events

    Hourly, daily, and seasonal variability in the absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a eutrophic, humic lake

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    The short-term (hourly and daily) variation in chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in lakes is largely unknown. We assessed the spectral characteristics of light absorption by CDOM in a eutrophic, humic shallow mixed lake of temperate Sweden at a high-frequency (30 min) interval and during a full growing season (May to October). Physical time series, such as solar radiation, temperature, wind, and partial pressures of carbon dioxide in water and air, were measured synchronously. We identified a strong radiation-induced summer CDOM loss (25 to 50%) that developed over 4 months, which was accompanied by strong changes in CDOM absorption spectral shape. The magnitude of the CDOM loss exceeded subhourly to daily variability by an order of magnitude. Applying Fourier analysis, we demonstrate that variation in CDOM remained largely unaffected by rapid shifts in weather, and no apparent response to in-lake dissolved organic carbon production was found. In autumn, CDOM occasionally showed variation at hourly to daily time scales, reaching a maximum daily coefficient of variation of 15%. We suggest that lake-internal effects on CDOM are quenched in humic lake waters by dominating effects associated with imported CDOM and solar exposure. Since humic lake waters belong to one of the most abundant lake types on Earth, our results have important implications for the understanding of global CDOM cycling