371 research outputs found

    Final results of an experiment to search for 2beta processes in zinc and tungsten with the help of radiopure ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    A search for the double beta decay of zinc and tungsten isotopes has been performed with the help of radiopure ZnWO4 crystal scintillators (0.1-0.7 kg) at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN. The total exposure of the low background measurements is 0.529 kg yr. New improved half-life limits on the double beta decay modes of 64Zn, 70Zn, 180W, and 186W have been established at the level of 10^{18}-10^{21} yr. In particular, limits on double electron capture and electron capture with positron emission in 64Zn have been set: T_{1/2}(2\nu 2K) > 1.1 10^{19} yr, T_{1/2} (0\nu 2\epsilon) > 3.2 10^{20} yr, T_{1/2} (2\nu \epsilon \beta^+) > 9.4 10^{20} yr, and T_{1/2} (0\nu \epsilon \beta^+) > 8.5 10^{20} yr, all at 90% C.L. Resonant neutrinoless double electron capture in 180W has been restricted on the level of T_{1/2} (0\nu 2\epsilon) > 1.3 10^{18} yr. A new half-life limit on alpha transition of 183W to the metastable excited level 1/2^- 375 keV of 179Hf has been established: T_{1/2} > 6.7 10^{20} yr.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/38/11/11510

    Search for double beta decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce with HPGe gamma detector

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    Search for double β\beta decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce was realized with 732 g of deeply purified cerium oxide sample measured over 1900 h with the help of an ultra-low background HPGe γ\gamma detector with a volume of 465 cm3^3 at the STELLA facility of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). New improved half-life limits on double beta processes in the cerium isotopes were set at the level of limT1/210171018\lim T_{1/2}\sim 10^{17}-10^{18}~yr; many of them are even two orders of magnitude larger than the best previous results.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; version accepted for publication on Nucl. Phys.

    Search for long-lived superheavy eka-tungsten with radiopure ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillator

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    The data collected with a radioactively pure ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillator (699 g) in low background measurements during 2130 h at the underground (3600 m w.e.) Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (INFN, Italy) were used to set a limit on possible concentration of superheavy eka-W (seaborgium Sg, Z = 106) in the crystal. Assuming that one of the daughters in a chain of decays of the initial Sg nucleus decays with emission of high energy α\alpha particle (Qα>8Q_\alpha > 8 MeV) and analyzing the high energy part of the measured α\alpha spectrum, the limit N(Sg)/N(W) < 5.5 ×\times 1014^{-14} atoms/atom at 90% C.L. was obtained (for Sg half-life of 109^9 yr). In addition, a limit on the concentration of eka-Bi was set by analysing the data collected with a large BGO scintillation bolometer in an experiment performed by another group [L. Cardani et al., JINST 7 (2012) P10022]: N(eka-Bi)/N(Bi) < 1.1 ×\times 1013^{-13} atoms/atom with 90% C.L. Both the limits are comparable with those obtained in recent experiments which instead look for spontaneous fission of superheavy elements or use the accelerator mass spectrometry.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; in press on Physica Script

    Cognitive function in peripheral autonomic disorders

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    aims of the current study were 1) to evaluate global cognitive function in patients with autonomic failure (AF) of peripheral origin and 2) to investigate the effect of a documented fall in blood pressure (BP) fulfilling the criteria for orthostatic hypotension (OH) on cognitive performances

    First search for double-beta decay of 184Os and 192Os

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    A search for double-beta decay of osmium has been realized for the first time with the help of an ultra-low background HPGe gamma detector at the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). After 2741 h of data taking with a 173 g ultra-pure osmium sample limits on double-beta processes in 184Os have been established at the level of T_{1/2} about 10^{14}-10^{17} yr. Possible resonant double-electron captures in 184Os were searched for with a sensitivity T_{1/2} about 10^{16} yr. A half-life limit T_{1/2} > 5.3 10^{19} yr was set for the double-beta decay of 192Os to the first excited level of 192Pt. The radiopurity of the osmium sample has been investigated and radionuclides 137Cs, 185Os and 207Bi were detected in the sample, while activities of 40K, 60Co, 226Ra and 232Th were limited at the mBq/kg level.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Search for 2\beta\ decays of 96Ru and 104Ru by ultra-low background HPGe gamma spectrometry at LNGS: final results

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    An experiment to search for double beta decay processes in 96Ru and 104Ru, which are accompanied by gamma rays, has been realized in the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the I.N.F.N. (Italy). Ruthenium samples with masses of about (0.5-0.7) kg were measured with the help of ultra-low background high purity Ge gamma ray spectrometry. After 2162 h of data taking the samples were deeply purified to reduce the internal contamination of 40K. The last part of the data has been accumulated over 5479 h. New improved half life limits on 2\beta+/\epsilon \beta+/2\epsilon\ processes in 96Ru have been established on the level of 10^{20} yr, in particular for decays to the ground state of 96Mo: T1/2(2\nu 2\beta+) > 1.4 10^{20} yr, T1/2(2\nu \epsilon\beta+) > 8.0 10^{19} yr and T1/2(0\nu 2K) > 1.0 10^{21} yr (all limits are at 90% C.L.). The resonant neutrinoless double electron captures to the 2700.2 keV and 2712.7 keV excited states of 96Mo are restricted as: T1/2(0\nu KL) > 2.0 10^{20} yr and T1/2(0\nu 2L) > 3.6 10^{20} yr, respectively. Various two neutrino and neutrinoless 2\beta\ half lives of 96Ru have been estimated in the framework of the QRPA approach. In addition, the T1/2 limit for 0\nu 2\beta- transitions of 104Ru to the first excited state of 104Pd has been set as > 6.5 10^{20} yr.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; version accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Les hydro-aménagements risquent -ils d’être néfastes pourla santé et l'état nutritionnel des populations en Afrique ?

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    En Afrique, la croissance démographique est plus rapide que celle des productions vivrières, ce qui signifie une diminution des disponibilités alimentaires par habitant. Selon la FAO, la solution pour assurer la Sécurité Alimentaire passe obligatoirement par une mise en valeur des eaux. Toutefois ses modalités d'application sont souvent l'objet de polémiques du fait des risques liés aux hydro-aménagements parmi lesquels figure en bonne place la détérioration des situations sanitaires et nutritionnelles des populations. Alors que, logiquement, grâce à l'augmentation et à la diversification des disponibilités alimentaires, on devrait assister à une amélioration des situations nutritionnelles, c'est parfois le contraire qui est observé, en particulier chez les jeunes enfants. Ceci provient surtout des problèmes d'adaptation des populations dans leur nouvel environnement Par ailleurs, il existe un risque important d'apparition ou d'aggravation d'un certain nombre de maladies transmissibles, la plupart en relation avec l'eau, telles que le paludisme : au départ, est généralement observée une recrudescence de la maladie, avant qu'un nouvel équilibre s'établisse entre le parasite et les individus les schistosomoses : surtout dans leur forme digestive, elles représentent sans doute le principal risque lors de la construction d'un nouveau barrage les maladies diarrhéiques : du fait du manque d'hygiène et d'assainissement, l'eau est un excellent moyen de dissémination de nombreux microorganismes susceptibles de provoquer des infections intestinales d'autres maladies parasitaires telles que l'onchocercose ou la trypanosomiase présentent un risque potentiel nécessitant une surveillance. Il existe aussi des maladies dont la transmission peut être en relation avec les nouvelles situations sociodémographiques ou les mouvements migratoires : c'est le cas des Maladies Sexuellement Transmissibles et du SIDA. Il faut noter également les nombreux problèmes de nuisances liées aux piqûres d'insectes (moustiques, simulies...) et qui peuvent être très préjudiciables à la qualité de vie des populations. Si ces problèmes de Santé et de Nutrition ne sont pas pris en compte, ils représentent un handicap certain pour la bonne réussite des nombreux projets d'hydro-aménagements en Afrique. Il est possible de surmonter cet handicap, mais ceci nécessite une approche intersectorielle permettant d'identifier et de quantifier clairement les différents problèmes. C'est de cette façon que pourront être fournis aux décideurs les éléments de réponse les plus pertinents afin d'orienter efficacement leurs prises de décisions

    Radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    The radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators has been measured deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the INFN in Italy with a total exposure 3197 kg x h. Monte Carlo simulation, time-amplitude and pulse-shape analyses of the data have been applied to estimate the radioactive contamination of the ZnWO4 samples. One of the ZnWO4 crystals has also been tested by ultra-low background gamma spectrometry. The radioactive contaminations of the ZnWO4 samples do not exceed 0.002 -- 0.8 mBq/kg (depending on the radionuclide), the total alpha activity is in the range: 0.2 - 2 mBq/kg. Particular radioactivity, beta active 65Zn and alpha active 180W, has been detected. The effect of the re-crystallization on the radiopurity of the ZnWO4 crystal has been studied. The radioactive contamination of samples of the ceramic details of the set-ups used in the crystals growth has been checked by low background gamma spectrometry. A project scheme on further improvement of the radiopurity level of the ZnWO4 crystal scintillators is briefly addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, submitted for publicatio