314 research outputs found

    Eddys in the Arctic Ocean from IOEB ADCP data

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    Filtered and Earth-referenced ADCP data from the B92, B97 and S97 IOEBs were demodulated to remove inertial and near-inertial tidal frequencies, in order to highlight the low frequency components for examination of Arctic submesoscale eddys. This report describes the raw data, processing scheme, and numerical and graphical results of this analysis, which are also available at http://ioeb.whoi.edu/ioebeddys.htm. Using the demodulated timeseries of current profiles from each buoy, characteristics of 95 possible eddy encounters are quantified by (1) identifying anomalously large velocities associated with subsurface vortices, (2) determining the vortex centers and their drift, and (3) determining vortex properties as a function of radius and depth. Out of 44 total months of observations, 81 of the encounters were determined to be subsurface eddies, and 29 were eddy core encounters. Only 14 of the confirmed subsurface encounters were cyclonic, versus 66 anticyclonic, and one indeterminate. Within the southern and central Canadian basin portion of the Beaufort Gyre, halocline eddys with maximum velocities between 10 and 45 cm/s, centered around 140 m depth, and over 100 m thick were prevalent. Over the Northwind Ridge, eddy encounters were absent from any timeseries. Farther north and west over the Chukchi Cap, encounters resumed, but were generally smaller, more shallow and less intense (although these observations were mostly derived from a lower resolution transmitted data subset).Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation Grant No. OPP-9815303, and by the Office of Naval Research Grant No. N00014-97-1-0135

    The Arctic Environmental Drifting Buoy (AEDB) : report of field operations and results, August, 1987 - April 1988

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    There are strong reasons to gather data on polar oceanogrphy and climatology in real time using fully automated, unattended instrumentation systems for long periods; particularly during the inaccessible winter months when moving ice is extremely hazardous. We deployed an Artic Environmental Drifting Buoy (AEDB) on 4 August 1987 at 86°7'N, 22°3'E off of the FS Polarstern on a large 3.7 m thick ice island. The AEDB consisted of 2 major components: a 147 cm diameter surface float housing ARGOS transmitters and a data logger for ice-profiling thermistors, and a 125 m long mooring line attached to the sphere and fed though a 1m diameter ice hole. Along the mooring were deployed 2 fluorometers, conductivity and temperature loggers, an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), a current meter, and a time-series sediment trap/micro-filter pump/transmissometer unit. The AEDB proceeded southwesterly with the Transpolar Drift at an average speed of 15.3 km/day, with a maximum speed of 88.8 km/day. On 2 January 1988, the AEDB dropped into the water while passing through the Fram Strait and for the remaining drift period was either free-floating on the water surface or underneath the sea ice. Throughout this period, the transmitters onboard successfully transmitted position, temperature, and strain caused by ice on the sphere. Although the sediment trap package was lost during the drift, valuable data was collected by the other instruments throughout the experiment. The ice thermistor data was used to determine oceanic heat flux, while continuous ADCP observations over the Yermak Plateau provided a wealth of information for understanding internal waves in the ice-covered ocean. The buoy was recovered by the Icelandic ship R/S Arni Fridriksson on 15 April 1988 at 65°17'N, 31°38'W, off southeatern Greenland, completing 3,900km of drift in 255 days. We are in the process of constructing the next automated stations which are planned for deployment in both the north and south polar regions in 1991-92.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research, through grant Number NOOOI4-87,88,89,J-1288

    Western Arctic shelfbreak eddies : formation and transport

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (2008): 1644-1668, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3829.1.The mean structure and time-dependent behavior of the shelfbreak jet along the southern Beaufort Sea, and its ability to transport properties into the basin interior via eddies are explored using high-resolution mooring data and an idealized numerical model. The analysis focuses on springtime, when weakly stratified winter-transformed Pacific water is being advected out of the Chukchi Sea. When winds are weak, the observed jet is bottom trapped with a low potential vorticity core and has maximum mean velocities of O(25 cm s−1) and an eastward transport of 0.42 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). Despite the absence of winds, the current is highly time dependent, with relative vorticity and twisting vorticity often important components of the Ertel potential vorticity. An idealized primitive equation model forced by dense, weakly stratified waters flowing off a shelf produces a mean middepth boundary current similar in structure to that observed at the mooring site. The model boundary current is also highly variable, and produces numerous strong, small anticyclonic eddies that transport the shelf water into the basin interior. Analysis of the energy conversion terms in both the mooring data and the numerical model indicates that the eddies are formed via baroclinic instability of the boundary current. The structure of the eddies in the basin interior compares well with observations from drifting ice platforms. The results suggest that eddies shed from the shelfbreak jet contribute significantly to the offshore flux of heat, salt, and other properties, and are likely important for the ventilation of the halocline in the western Arctic Ocean. Interaction with an anticyclonic basin-scale circulation, meant to represent the Beaufort gyre, enhances the offshore transport of shelf water and results in a loss of mass transport from the shelfbreak jet.This study was supported by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs under Grants 0421904 and 035268 (MS), and by the Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-02-1-0317 (RP and PF). Analysis by AJP was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-97-1-0135 and by the National Science Foundation under Grant OPP-9815303


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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (2010): 1910–1914, doi:10.1175/2010JPO4483.1.Corrigendum: Spall, M. A., R. S. Pickart, P. S. Fratantoni, and A. J. Plueddemann, 2008: Western Arctic shelfbreak eddies: Formation and transport. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 1644–166

    Eddies in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, observed from ice-tethered profilers

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (2008): 133–145, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3782.1.Five ice-tethered profilers (ITPs), deployed between 2004 and 2006, have provided detailed potential temperature Ξ and salinity S profiles from 21 anticyclonic eddy encounters in the central Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean. The 12–35-m-thick eddies have center depths between 42 and 69 m in the Arctic halocline, and are shallower and less dense than the majority of eddies observed previously in the central Canada Basin. They are characterized by anomalously cold Ξ and low stratification, and have horizontal scales on the order of, or less than, the Rossby radius of deformation (about 10 km). Maximum azimuthal speeds estimated from dynamic heights (assuming cyclogeostrophic balance) are between 9 and 26 cm s−1, an order of magnitude larger than typical ambient flow speeds in the central basin. Eddy ξ–S and potential vorticity properties, as well as horizontal and vertical scales, are consistent with their formation by instability of a surface front at about 80°N that appears in historical CTD and expendable CTD (XCTD) measurements. This would suggest eddy lifetimes longer than 6 months. While the baroclinic instability of boundary currents cannot be ruled out as a generation mechanism, it is less likely since deeper eddies that would originate from the deeper-reaching boundary flows are not observed in the survey region.The engineering design work for the ITP was initiated by the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Technology Innovation Program (an internal program at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Prototype development and construction were funded jointly by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Oceanographic Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination Program and Office of Polar Programs (OPP) under Award OCE-0324233. Continued support has been provided by the OPP Arctic Sciences Section under Award ARC-0519899 and internal WHOI funding

    The influence of crosswind tidal currents on Langmuir circulation in a shallow ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011): C08005, doi:10.1029/2011JC006971.Langmuir circulation (LC) is a turbulent process driven by wind and surface waves that plays a key role in transferring momentum, heat, and mass in the oceanic surface layer. On the coastal shelves the largest-scale LC span the whole water column and thus couple the surface and bottom boundary layers and enhance turbulent mixing. Observations and large eddy simulations (LES) of a shallow coastal ocean demonstrate that these relatively large scale Langmuir cells are strongly influenced by crosswind tidal currents. Two mechanisms by which crosswind tidal shear may distort and disrupt Langmuir cells are proposed. The first mechanism involves cell shearing due to differential advection across the whole cell. For the second mechanism, middepth vertical LC currents advect sheared mean crosswind current, leading to the attraction of upwelling and downwelling regions, so that LC cells are unsustainable when both regions overlap. Scaling arguments indicate that LC cells are more susceptible to crosswind shear distortion for smaller LC surface velocity convergence and greater cell aspect ratio (vertical to horizontal LC scale), which is consistent with the results obtained from the observations and LES. These results imply that scaling of LC characteristics in a coastal ocean differs from that in the open ocean, which has important practical implications for parameterizing enhanced mixing due to LC.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014‐06‐1‐0178 (A.P., J.T.). Author T.K. received support from Faculty Startup Funds of the University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment

    Accuracy of wind observations from open-ocean buoys: Correction for flow distortion

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    The comparison of equivalent neutral winds obtained from (a) four WHOI buoys in the subtropics and (b) scatterometer estimates at those locations reveals a root-mean-square (RMS) difference of 0.56-0.76 m/s. To investigate this RMS difference, different buoy wind error sources were examined. These buoys are particularly well suited to examine two important sources of buoy wind errors because: (1) redundant anemometers and a comparison with numerical flow simulations allow us to quantitatively assess flow distortion errors, and (2) one-minute sampling at the buoys allows us to examine the sensitivity of buoy temporal sampling/averaging in the buoy-scatterometer comparisons. The inter-anemometer difference varies as a function of wind direction relative to the buoy wind vane and is consistent with the effects of flow distortion expected based on numerical flow simulations. Comparison between the anemometers and scatterometer winds supports the interpretation that the inter-anemometer disagreement, which can be up to 5% of the wind speed, is due to flow distortion. These insights motivate an empirical correction to the individual anemometer records and subsequent comparison with scatterometer estimates show good agreement

    Collection and processing of shipboard ADCP velocities from the Barents Sea Polar Front Experiment

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    The Barents Sea Polar Front Experiment was a combined physical oceanography and acoustic tomography field study which took place from 6-26 August 1992. Both shipboard and moored data were collected in a 80 x 70 km experimental region on the south flank of Sptisbergen Bank about 60 km east of Bear Island. Of principal interest in this report are the data from an Acoustic Doppler Current Profier (ADCP) which was operated continuously during the experimental period as a part of the shipboard instrumentation aboard the USNS Barlett. The data from eight current meters deployed on three moorings in the experimental region are used to supplement the ADCP analysis. Preliminary results showed that velocities in the experimental region were dominated by semi-diurnal tides. The strong tidal oscilations dictated the use of a tide removal scheme to extract a steady flow component from the space-time grid of ADCP velocities. This report describes the configuration and operation of the ADCP, the space-time sampling grid on which the data were collected, the determination of absolute velocity from the ADCP measurements, and the application and results of a tide removal technique which allowed estimation of the sub-tidal flow.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under Grant No. NOOOI4-90-J-1359

    Phytoplankton bloom phenomena in the North Atlantic Ocean and Arabian Sea

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (2015): 2021-2028, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu241.We review bio-optical and physical data from three mooring experiments, the Marine Light–Mixed Layers programme in spring 1989 and 1991 in the Iceland Basin (59°N/21°W), and the Forced Upper Ocean Dynamics Experiment in the central Arabian Sea from October 1994 to 1995 (15.5°N/61.5°E). In the Iceland Basin, from mid-April to mid-June in 1989, chlorophyll-a concentrations are sensitive to small changes in stratification, with intermittent increases early in the record. The spring increase occurs after 20 May, coincident with persistent water column stratification. In 1991, the bloom occurs 2 weeks earlier than in 1989, with a background of strong short-term and diurnal variability in mixed layer depth and minimal horizontal advection. In the Arabian Sea, the mixing response to the northeast and southwest monsoons, plus the response to mesoscale eddies, produces four blooms over the annual cycle. The mixed layer depth in the Arabian Sea never exceeds the euphotic zone, allowing interactions between phytoplankton and grazer populations to become important. For all three mooring experiments, change in water column stratification is key in producing phytoplankton blooms.2016-01-0
