188 research outputs found

    Rift-related paleogeography of the European margin in the Eastern Alps (Central Tauern Window)

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    Continent-derived tectonic units in the Tauern Window of the Alps exhibit stratigraphic and structural traces of extension of continental margins eventually leading to the opening of the Alpine Tethys. In this study, we reassess lithostratigraphic data from the central part of the Tauern Window to reconstruct the post-Variscan evolution of this area, particularly the rift-related geometry of the European continental margin. The lithostratigraphy of the Alpine nappes reflects systematic variations of the structure of the European margin. The lowest tectonic units (Venediger nappe system, Eclogite Zone and Trögereck Nappe) are characterized by a thick succession of arkose-rich Bündnerschiefer-type sediments of probably Early Cretaceous age that we interpret as syn-rift sequence and which stratigraphically overlies thinned continental basement and thin pre-rift sediments. In contrast, the highest tectonic unit derived from Europe (Rote Wand Nappe) preserves a thick pre-rift sedimentary sequence overlying thinned continental basement, as well as a thick syn- to post-rift succession characterized by turbiditic Bündnerschiefer-type sediments of probable Cretaceous age. These observations point towards a highly segmented structure of the European rifted margin. We propose that this involved the formation of an outer margin high, partly preserved in the Rote Wand Nappe, that was separated from the main part of the European margin by a rift basin overlying strongly-thinned continental crust. The along-strike discontinuity of the Rote Wand Nappe is proposed to reflect the lateral variation in thickness of the outer margin high that resulted from margin-parallel segmentation of the European continental crust during highly oblique rifting antecedent to the opening of Alpine Tethys

    Evolution of a Fossil Subduction Zone: Insights from the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps

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    Subduction zones play a crucial role in the evolution of Earth's lithosphere. In many orogens, deeply subducted coherent high-pressure (HP) nappes were exhumed from deep to shallow parts of subduction channels. This process significantly affects the deformation pattern and internal structure of the orogen. Exhumation seems to occur preferentially during the transition from subduction to collision, when dense oceanic lithosphere has been consumed entirely and more buoyant continental lithosphere from a passive continental margin enters the subduction zone. Here, we present a detailed study on the structural, kinematic, and metamorphic evolution of a well-preserved paleo-subduction channel within the Tauern Window (Alps). First, we reevaluated the metamorphic history and regional tectono-stratigraphy of the tectonic units in the central Tauern Window. These units originate from the Alpine Tethys oceanic domain and the adjacent European passive continental margin. They experienced HP conditions during Alpine subduction, which was followed by exhumation to their current position in the Alpine nappe stack. By integrating new structural data and the well-preserved stratigraphy of the ocean-continent transition, we reconstructed the structure and kinematics of the nappes in great detail. Notably, we document a recumbent, tens-of-kilometers-scale sheath fold formed during pervasive top-to-the-foreland shear. This sheath fold comprises an isoclinally folded thrust that transported ophiolite relicts from the former Alpine Tethys onto a distal part of the European continental margin during early stages of subduction. It formed under HP conditions, immediately after the Europe-derived rocks in its core reached their maximum burial depth. The non-cylindrical shape of the sheath fold suggests its nucleation at a promontory of the former margin, inherited from Mesozoic rifting and subsequently amplified to a sheath geometry during top-to-the-foreland shear in the subduction zone. To gain insight into the temperature (T) structure of the sheath fold, we employed Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM) thermometry on a large number of samples with high spatial resolution. The systematic spatial temperature trends reveal distinct domains related to the original subduction metamorphism and later T-dominated (Barrovian) metamorphic overprint. Integrating the peak-temperature pattern with the fold geometry unveils a two-stage process of nappe formation and sheath folding during exhumation. Our results highlight the existence of considerable along-strike heterogeneity within the deep portion of a fossil subduction zone, likely influenced by inherited rift structures and exhumation processes. Understanding such heterogeneities is crucial for interpreting seismic sections and numerical simulations of subduction zones, emphasizing the need to consider three-dimensional complexities beyond the idealized cylindrical models often used. By unraveling the structural and metamorphic evolution of exhumed HP nappes in the Tauern Window, this study contributes to a better understanding of the dynamic processes operating within subduction zones and their implications for mountain building

    Evolving temperature field in a fossil subduction channel during the transition from subduction to collision (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps)

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    We investigate the evolution of the three-dimensional thermal structure of a palaeo-subduction channel exposed in the Penninic units of the central Tauern Window (Eastern Alps). Structural and petrological observations reveal a sheath fold with an amplitude of some 20 km that formed under high-Pconditions (similar to 2 GPa). The fold is a composite structure that isoclinally folded the thrust of an ophiolitic nappe derived from Alpine Tethys Ocean onto a unit of the distal European continental margin, also affected by the high-Pconditions. This structural assemblage is preserved between two younger domes at either end of the Tauern Window. The domes deform isograds of theT-dominated Barrovian metamorphism that itself overprints the high-Pmetamorphism partly preserved in the sheath fold. Using Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM), we are able to distinguish peak-temperature domains related to the original subduction metamorphism from domains associated with the later temperature-dominated (Barrovian) metamorphism. The distribution of RSCM temperatures in the Barrovian domain indicates a lateral and vertical decrease of peak temperature with increasing distance from the centres of the thermal domes. This represents a downward increase of palaeo-temperature, in line with previous studies. However, we observe the opposite palaeo-temperature trend in the lower limb of the sheath fold, namely an upward increase. We interpret this inverted palaeo-temperature domain as the relic of a subduction-related temperature field. Towards the central part of the sheath fold's upper limb, RSCM temperatures increase to a maximum of similar to 520 degrees C. Further upsection in the hangingwall of the sheath fold, palaeo-peak temperatures decrease to where they are indistinguishable from the peak temperatures of the overprinting Barrovian metamorphism. Peak-temperature contours of the subduction-related metamorphism are oriented roughly parallel to the folded nappe contacts and lithological layering. The contours close towards the northern, western and eastern parts of the fold, resulting in an eye-shaped, concentric pattern in cross-section. The temperature contour geometry therefore mimics the fold geometry itself, indicating that these contours were also folded in a sheath-like manner. We propose that this sheath-like pattern is the result of a two-stage process that reflects a change of the mode of nappe formation in the subduction zone from thrusting to fold nappe formation. First, thrusting of a hot oceanic nappe onto a colder continental nappe created an inverted peak-thermal gradient. Second, sheath folding of this composite nappe structure together with the previously established peak-temperature pattern during exhumation. This pattern was preserved because temperatures decreased during retrograde exhumation metamorphism and remained less than the subduction-related peak temperatures during the later Barrovian overprint. The fold ascended with diapir-like kinematics in the subduction channel

    Le château de Hauteroche à Dourbes (com. De Viroinval)

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    Applying scattered wave tomography and joint inversion of high density (SWATH D) geophysical and petrophysical datasets to unravel Eastern Alpine crustal structure

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    This project harnesses the high density of seismic stations in AlpArray and the AlpArray complementary experiment SWATH D to significantly improve the resolution and reliability of the subsurface models by enabling the use of many different inversion methods to obtain and integrate the different results. These advanced models are vital for resolving the complex Alpine plate configuration and understanding how the crustal structure seen today reflects the dramatic changes in mountain building style and reorganisation of plate boundaries at about 20 Ma. We employ the joint inversion of seismological and petrophysical data sets in order to understand the intra-crustal structure, temperature, and petrophysical properties of crustal layers by inverting seismic data directly for the crust’s constituent mineral assemblages. Teleseismic full waveform inversion (FWI) provides a powerful tool for illuminating both the crustal and, complementing the joint inversion, intra-crustal structure. In our application of FWI, we increase the frequency content with the progression of the inversion. To perform FWI with teleseismic data at low frequencies, we couple the 1D code Gemini (Friederich and Dalkolmo, 1995) with the 3D code SPECFEM3D Cartesian for forward modelling and use the FWI code ASKI (Schumacher and Friederich, 2016) for computing waveform sensitivity kernels and performing the inversion. At higher frequencies we opt for a ray theory-based approach rather than full waveform modelling due to its high computational cost. We calculate high frequency P-phase synthetic seismograms by coupling various codes to obtain travel times, amplitudes and source time functions. ObsPy TauP, a 1D code, is used to determine travel times and ray paths in the bulk earth, while FM3D (de Kool et al., 2006), a 3D code, is employed in the study area. Subsequently, the ray paths are used to calculate amplitudes via dynamic ray tracing. Source time functions are obtained by fitting the recorded data. We intend to use the P-phase synthetic seismograms within the framework of ASKI to compute waveform sensitivity kernels. Subsequent inversion with these kernels could improve the resolution of the resulting models. First results of FWI at low frequencies up to 0.1 Hz (using the coupled Gemini-SPECFEM3D code for forward modelling) demonstrate a good agreement with the P-wave velocity models obtained from teleseismic travel time tomography by Paffrath et al. (2021) as part of the first phase of the SPP. Though derived from Fourier-transformed waveform data and currently only 24 events, the FWI model reduces the variance of the P-wave travel time residuals data set by 60 percent. Moreover, the FWI models exhibit surprisingly high resolution in the crust and uppermost mantle with a superb image of the Alpine and Apennine orogenic root and the Ivrea body probably by virtue of the presence of reflected and converted P- and S-phases in the considered time windows. Receiver functions and surface wave dispersion curves, calculated in partner projects, are usually jointly inverted for elastic properties. By utilising the strengths of Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion, we are able to instead parameterise our model by temperature and mineral assemblage. This allows the introduction of geological-mineralogical constraints, in a probabilistic self-consistent manner, to the inversion. A further significant advantage is in interpretation where the probabilities of certain lithologies being present allows for a more seamless integration of qualitative geological data and a reduction in interpretation biases present when only seismic velocities are presented

    A petrological and geochronological study of the Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje (KSP) Complex (Eastern Alps)

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    The KSP Complex in the Eastern Alps stretches from SE Austria to NW Slovenia and is a lithologically heterogenous (U)HP nappe with abundant eclogite lenses embedded in gneissic and metasedimentary rocks. An increase of metamorphic peak pressure-temperature (PT) conditions from NW to SE with UHP conditions for Pohorje was previously proposed based on thermodynamic modelling. The formation history of the KSP Complex is still debated. Here, we investigate in detail the PT conditions during the formation of the complex along a NW-SE transect following the direction of subduction with a new combined approach for this area of Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in garnet, Zr-in-rutile thermometry and U/Pb dating on garnets. This is the first study within the KSP complex where quartz inclusions in garnet elastic barometry was conducted to determine the entrapment pressures, which correspond to the minimum pressure conditions present during the entrapment of quartz inside garnet. Approximately 5000 quartz inclusions inside the inner part of the garnets were investigated. The garnet rims contain almost no inclusions. The eclogites yield pressures of max. 1.9 GPa across the KSP complex, indicating no pressure increase from the NW to SE (Fig. 1). The metasediments and gneisses show overall lower pressures with ca. 1.4 GPa. Temperatures based on Zr-in-rutile thermometry was conducted on 194 rutile grains in different microstructural positions. The results do not indicate a temperature increase from NW to SE, with ca. 640 (±30)°C across the whole KSP Complex (Fig. 1), based on very similar Zr contents of ca. 270 ppm. The new approach of insitu U/Pb dating on garnets allows the age determination of the different growth zones in garnet and makes it an ideal tool to decipher metamorphic processes. The metasediments provide the following ages (Fig. 1) for the Koralpe 101.3 ± 6.6 Ma (throughout garnet); Saualpe 224.6 ± 31 Ma (core) and 115.5 ± 17.7 Ma (rim); Pohorje 104.2 ± 7.1 Ma to 105.5 ± 17.2 (throughout garnet). Garnet in eclogite from Koralpe is 112.8 ± 9.9 Ma. In general, the garnets in eclogite from the KSP complex are very poor in U. The obtained ages are interpreted to be metamorphic peak ages with a Cretaceous event at c. 100 Ma and a Triassic/Permian event reported in garnet cores from metasediments from Saualpe which is in line with existing literature. Combined with results of previous studies of eclogite ages, we suggest, that the eclogites are former (probably Permian) gabbro intrusions that experienced HP conditions during the Eoalpine orogeny. Whereas garnet ages of metasediments from Saualpe provide evidence for a polymetamorphic history

    Faulting, basin formation and orogenic arcuation at the Dinaric–Hellenic junction (northern Albania and Kosovo)

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    The Dinaric–Hellenic mountain belt bends where two fault systems transect the orogen: (1) the dextral Shkoder-Peja Transfer Zone (SPTZ), active sometime between the Late Cretaceous and middle Eocene; (2) the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault (SPNF), which accommodated NW–SE directed orogen-parallel extension. The SPTZ dextrally offsets the Dinaric–Hellenic nappes by ~ 75 km, a displacement attributed to reactivation of an Early Mesozoic rift transfer zone in the Adriatic margin during Paleogene subduction of the Pindos Ocean. This subduction involved an initial counter-clockwise rotation of the Hellenides with respect to the Dinarides around a pole at the NW end of the Budva–Krasta–Cukali–Pindos Basin. The SPNF overprints the SPTZ and is a composite structure comprising five fault segments: four of them (Cukali–Tropoja, Decani, Rožaje, Istog) were active under ductile-to-brittle conditions. They downthrow the West Vardar Ophiolite in the hanging wall. The Cukali–Tropoja and Decani segments exhume domes with anchizonal-to-greenschist-facies metamorphism in their footwalls. These structures formed during a first-phase of extension and clockwise rotation, whose Paleocene age is constrained by cross-cutting relationships. A second extensional phase was accommodated mainly by the fifth (Dukagjini) segment of the SPNF, a subsurface normal fault bordering syn-rift, mid-late Miocene clastic and lacustrine sediments in the Dukagjini Basin (DB) that are sealed by Plio-Pleistocene strata. This later phase involved subsidence of Neogene basins at the Dinaric–Hellenic junction coupled with accelerated clockwise oroclinal bending. The driving force for clockwise rotation is thought to be bending and rollback of the untorn part of the Adriatic slab beneath the Hellenides

    Le château de Hauteroche à Dourbes

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    Faulting, basin formation and orogenic arcuation at the Dinaric–Hellenic junction (northern Albania and Kosovo)

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    The Dinaric–Hellenic mountain belt bends where two fault systems transect the orogen: (1) the dextral Shkoder-Peja Transfer Zone (SPTZ), active sometime between the Late Cretaceous and middle Eocene; (2) the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault (SPNF), which accommodated NW–SE directed orogen-parallel extension. The SPTZ dextrally offsets the Dinaric–Hellenic nappes by ~ 75 km, a displacement attributed to reactivation of an Early Mesozoic rift transfer zone in the Adriatic margin during Paleogene subduction of the Pindos Ocean. This subduction involved an initial counter-clockwise rotation of the Hellenides with respect to the Dinarides around a pole at the NW end of the Budva–Krasta–Cukali–Pindos Basin. The SPNF overprints the SPTZ and is a composite structure comprising five fault segments: four of them (Cukali–Tropoja, Decani, Rožaje, Istog) were active under ductile-to-brittle conditions. They downthrow the West Vardar Ophiolite in the hanging wall. The Cukali–Tropoja and Decani segments exhume domes with anchizonal-to-greenschist-facies metamorphism in their footwalls. These structures formed during a first-phase of extension and clockwise rotation, whose Paleocene age is constrained by cross-cutting relationships. A second extensional phase was accommodated mainly by the fifth (Dukagjini) segment of the SPNF, a subsurface normal fault bordering syn-rift, mid-late Miocene clastic and lacustrine sediments in the Dukagjini Basin (DB) that are sealed by Plio-Pleistocene strata. This later phase involved subsidence of Neogene basins at the Dinaric–Hellenic junction coupled with accelerated clockwise oroclinal bending. The driving force for clockwise rotation is thought to be bending and rollback of the untorn part of the Adriatic slab beneath the Hellenides
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