153 research outputs found

    Sistemas de educación profesional en Alemania y Turquía: análisis comparativo

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    Globalization challenges, which affected the geopolitical and economic processes, labor market transformation and education internationalization have shaped the urgency of the problem. The purpose of the article is to compare vocational education systems in Germany and Turkey (using the dual system as an example) in order to identify the possibilities of transferring ideas and practices of the dual education system. A comparative analysis is the leading research method, which uses the context, transfer and forecasting methodology. Description and comparison of the context main elements allow determining the possibilities and conditions of the dual education system transfer. The findings provide an opportunity to identify transfer risks and predict the consequences of borrowing. The research results significance consists in context, transfer, and forecasting substantiating as the comparative analysis elements and applying this methodology to the processes of professional education.Los desafíos de la globalización, que afectaron los procesos geopolíticos y económicos, la transformación del mercado laboral y la internacionalización de la educación, han configurado la urgencia del problema. El propósito del artículo es comparar los sistemas de educación vocacional en Alemania y Turquía (utilizando el sistema dual como ejemplo) para identificar las posibilidades de transferir ideas y prácticas del sistema de educación dual. Un análisis comparativo es el método de investigación líder, que utiliza el contexto, la transferencia y la metodología de pronóstico. La descripción y comparación de los elementos principales del contexto permiten determinar las posibilidades y condiciones de la transferencia del sistema educativo dual. Los hallazgos brindan la oportunidad de identificar los riesgos de transferencia y predecir las consecuencias de los préstamos. La importancia de los resultados de la investigación consiste en el contexto, la transferencia y el pronóstico que se justifican como elementos de análisis comparativo y se aplica esta metodología a los procesos de educación profesional

    The influence of internationalization process on the educational systems identity

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    Интернационализация образования выступает фактором, побуждающим системы образования к осознанию своей идентичности. Внешняя схожесть систем не дает подлинной идентичности. В структуре идентичности систем образования существенным признаком является ориентация на внутренние характеристики, обусловленные историей, культурой, ценностями. Их утрата порождает кризис идентичностиThe internationalization process of education is the factor which giving impulse to the educational system for self-identity. The external identity doesn’t give the real identity. The structure of the real identity has the main orientation on internal features. They are based on the history, culture and values. The absence of these features is the boost of the identity crisi

    Germany’s dual education system: The assessment by its subjects

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    Introduction. The dual system of VET, widely practiced and popular in Germany, serves as a model for the European Union. The effectiveness of such training, successfully combining the development of theoretical knowledge with the practical activities of students, has been tested by life and time. The indisputable advantages of this system include its ability to respond quickly to the challenges of globalisation and transformation in the world of professions. In this regard, it is very important to address the socio-cultural and historical backgrounds of the dual system formation and to find out the reasons for its successful contemporary functioning.The aim of the present publication was to comprehend the implementation experience of theGermany’s dual system based on the opinions analysis of experts and participants of the dual education system and the feedback from the direct participants of the educational process about this method of acquiring a profession and building a career path.Methodology and research methods. The leading research methods were questionnaire survey, comparative analysis and content analysis of empirical materials. Processing and generalisation of the detailed answers of respondents were based on the inductive method.Results. Historical, mental, socio-economic prerequisites for the appearance and formation of the Germany’s dual education system were identified and described. The methodology and methodological tools for the comparative analysis of attitudes of educational process members (students, practitioners, experts) and their points of view concerning degree of rationality, expediency and efficiency of support and development of dual forms of vocational education. The obtained data and synthesis of evaluative judgments of informants allow us to present an objective picture of the considered option for providing the country’s economy with the necessary labour resources.Practical significance. The materials of the article, confirming the prospects of the introduction and dissemination of the experience accumulated inGermany on the reproduction of skilled workers of enterprises, can be useful for understanding the directions of VET in other countries. Moreover, the research materials can be practically applied for the selection and creation of effective, similar to the German, mechanisms of rapid response to globalisation changes in the manufacturing sector.Введение. Широко практикуемая и популярная в ФРГ дуальная модель профессионального образования служит образцом для всего Европейского Союза. Эффективность подготовки рабочих кадров, удачно сочетающей освоение теоретических знаний с производственной деятельностью обучающихся, проверена жизнью и временем. К бесспорным достоинствам данной модели относится ее способность оперативно реагировать на вызовы глобализации и трансформации в мире профессий. В связи с этим весьма актуальны обращение к социально-культурным и историческим основам формирования дуальной системы образования и выяснение причин ее успешного современного функционирования. Цель статьи заключается в осмыслении немецкого опыта реализации программ дуальной подготовки специалистов через изучение мнений экспертов и отзывов непосредственных участников образовательного процесса о подобном способе приобретения профессии и построения карьерной траектории. Методология и методы. Ведущими методами исследования являлись анкетирование, сравнительный анализ и контент-анализ эмпирических материалов. Обработка и обобщение развернутых ответов респондентов производились с опорой на индуктивный метод. Результаты. Определены и описаны исторические, ментальные и социально-экономические предпосылки возникновения и условия становления дуальной системы обучения в Германии. Разработаны методология и методический инструментарий для сопоставления установок субъектов образовательного процесса (студентов, практиков, экспертов) и их точек зрения по поводу целесообразности поддержки и продуктивности развития дуальных форм профподготовки. Полученные сведения и синтез оценочных суждений информантов позволяют представить объективную картину обеспечения экономики страны необходимыми трудовыми ресурсами. Практическая значимость. Проведенное исследование подтверждает перспективность распространения накопленного в ФРГ опыта по воспроизводству квалифицированного рабочего персонала предприятий. Результаты изыскания помогают более четко понять направления реформирования систем профессионального образования других стран, выбрать наиболее действенные механизмы модернизации этих систем и создать с учетом национальной специфики гибкие рациональные структуры профподготовки, адекватно отвечающие на глобализационные перемены в производственном секторе.Введение. Широко практикуемая и популярная в ФРГ дуальная модель профессионального образования служит образцом для всего Европейского Союза. Эффективность подготовки рабочих кадров, удачно сочетающей освоение теоретических знаний с производственной деятельностью обучающихся, проверена жизнью и временем. К бесспорным достоинствам данной модели относится ее способность оперативно реагировать на вызовы глобализации и трансформации в мире профессий. В связи с этим весьма актуальны обращение к социально-культурным и историческим основам формирования дуальной системы образования и выяснение причин ее успешного современного функционирования. Цель статьи заключается в осмыслении немецкого опыта реализации программ дуальной подготовки специалистов через изучение мнений экспертов и отзывов непосредственных участников образовательного процесса о подобном способе приобретения профессии и построения карьерной траектории. Методология и методы. Ведущими методами исследования являлись анкетирование, сравнительный анализ и контент-анализ эмпирических материалов. Обработка и обобщение развернутых ответов респондентов производились с опорой на индуктивный метод. Результаты. Определены и описаны исторические, ментальные и социально-экономические предпосылки возникновения и условия становления дуальной системы обучения в Германии. Разработаны методология и методический инструментарий для сопоставления установок субъектов образовательного процесса (студентов, практиков, экспертов) и их точек зрения по поводу целесообразности поддержки и продуктивности развития дуальных форм профподготовки. Полученные сведения и синтез оценочных суждений информантов позволяют представить объективную картину обеспечения экономики страны необходимыми трудовыми ресурсами. Практическая значимость. Проведенное исследование подтверждает перспективность распространения накопленного в ФРГ опыта по воспроизводству квалифицированного рабочего персонала предприятий. Результаты изыскания помогают более четко понять направления реформирования систем профессионального образования других стран, выбрать наиболее действенные механизмы модернизации этих систем и создать с учетом национальной специфики гибкие рациональные структуры профподготовки, адекватно отвечающие на глобализационные перемены в производственном секторе.Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 18-013-00695A)РФФИ (проект № 18-013-00695А

    Microbiological and Biochemical Indicators for Anthropogenically Polluted Soils of the City Mednogorsk, Russia

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    This study is a bio-indicative evaluation of anthropogenically-polluted soils of the city Mednogorsk in orenburg region, Russia. This work evaluated – the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms, the number of iron- and manganese-oxidizing bacteria in the polluted soil samples, the activity of soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, catalase, invertase), and also the magnetic susceptibility of these soils (Kmag) – an index which shows the concentration of iron (Fe) in soil. 10 samples were analysed which showed the highest coefficient of magnetism (Kmag > 3) and also a reduced content in heterotrophic microorganisms compared to the control soil samples with Kmag invertase>catalase. This study reveals the possible use of these indicators as diagnostic tools for monitoring soils polluted with heavy metals.Key words: Heavy metals, Coefficient of magnetism, iron- and manganese oxidizing bacteria, Heterotrophic microorganisms, Dehydrogenase, Catalase, Invertase.IntroductionAs a result of anthropogenic pollution, significant amount of different xenobiotics are released into the environment among which the most dangerous are heavy metals (HM) [1]. Heavy metals accumulating in soils reduce its biological potential: changes the number, species composition, biomass and productivit

    Перший державний літературний музей В. І. Даля у Луганську як вагома складова культурної спадщини України

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    In the article, the author sets the task to determine the historical preconditions for the creation of the first in the world state literary museum of V.I. Dahl in Luhansk.Analytical, empirical, historical, theoretical, logical research methods and structural and genetic analysis in analyzing the creation and development trends of the Museum are used.The research results are the analysis of the origin of Dalian and its influence on the creation of the Museum, the participation of local intellectuals, scholars and patrons in the perpetuation of memory about V.I.Dahl.The analysis of the museum collection points to the need to preserve the collection within the national heritage of UkraineВ статті автор ставить завдання визначити історичні передумови створення першого в світі державного Літературного музею В. І. Даля у Луганську.При аналізі створення та тенденцій розвитку Музею використані аналітичний, емпірико-історичний, теоретико-логічний методи дослідження та структурно-генетичний аналіз.Результати дослідження – аналіз виникнення далевіани та її вплив на створення Музею, участь місцевої інтелігенції, науковців та меценатів в увічненні пам’яті В. І. Даля.Аналіз музейного зібрання вказує на необхідність збереження колекції у складі національної спадщини Україн

    The Importance of Teaching Humanities in Higher Education Institutions: in Defense of Liberal Arts Education

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    The humanities have always been under attack in the higher education of the United States of America. Corporate culture of the university requires the most money distributed towards research and specialization, while making employability of the graduates the main goal of education. With two thirds of all majors being in business and finance, humanities don’t seem to play a big role in higher education overall. This work makes an attempt in defense of liberal arts education to our students, and the importance of teaching the subjects like English, Literature and Philosophy independent of a student’s major concentration. Even in our age of specialized and corporatized education, these courses are of great importance. These subjects can help young people find their way in this confusing web of life weaved out of pressure, expectations, failures, problems, fears. What other fields of study can teach them about history of cultures and languages, people who made history; who made contribution to the world in art, literature and science; what young people can learn from them. But most importantly, how to raise questions about life in general and search for answers, how to find meaning, how to know what’s important to them. In general, teaching them how to think. I would like to take different approaches in looking at teaching humanities to college students in this country, drawing from my own experiences in both Russia and US, my graduate courses at UVM, as well as works of those in the academia concerned with the same matter. I will look at how corporate culture of the university and research-driven education dictate the curricula in colleges and universities; how multiculturalism and political correctness that saturated higher education these days can influence the way humanities are presented, and explore the influence of humanities in our students’ making meaning of their lives

    Assessment of the Impact of Betulin on the Immune Status of Cows with Leukemia-Associated Infection

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    This study examined the immunity dynamics of bovine brucellosis-complicated leukemia, as well as the efficacy of treatment with betulin. Blood serum samples were taken from cows with specific brucellosis antibodies and bovine leukemia virus antibodies based on the results of complex diagnostic studies. Animals (n = 5) selected based on serological studies were injected subcutaneously with betulin-PEG three times with an interval of 7 days at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Blood was taken for hematological and immunological studies before the injection, and after the first, second and third injections. It was found that leukemia and brucellosis infections were accompanied by a significant increase in the number of leukocytes and lymphoid cells, as well as strong fluctuations in the leukocyte functional and metabolic activity parameters (from insignificant in some individual animals to significantly increased in others). Immunological restructuring of the body after triplicate administration of betulin-PEG was characterized by the restoration of the number of lymphoid cells to the level of clinically healthy animals, as well as a significant increase in the functional and metabolic activity of the neutrophilic granulocytes, especially their oxygen-dependent systems. Based on the results, the product is recommended as an effective means to restrain the leukemia process that is complicated with associated infection, as well as to use for seronegative animals in order to increase nonspecific resistance to BLV infection. Keywords: leukemia, brucellosis, cattle, immune status, betulin, immunocorrection, associated infectio

    Containment of Cattle Brucellosis Outbreaks With a Small Dose of Vaccine From Strain 82

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    Improving the system of anti-brucellosis measures is the ultimate goal of all studies devoted to the problem of brucellosis. Cattle brucellosis outbreaks in the brucellosisfree regions in the Russian Federation indicate a premature cessation of immunization procedures and the need for their continuation. Meanwhile, there is an urgent problem of developing anti-brucellosis immunity in the adult cattle: the initial vaccination of cattle with a full dose of the vaccine from strain B. abortus 82 is fraught with post-vaccination abortions. In order to solve this problem, in the production conditions of one of the farms where the current epizootic situation for brucellosis required alternative approaches for containment of a brucellosis outbreak, a small dose of the vaccine was tested on the cattle without specific immunity. This resulted in immunogenicity, loss of abortogenicity and the presence of provocative properties of the vaccine in small doses. This allowed the detection of antibodies in animals with a hidden infection in the early stages after vaccination. Serological methods (AT, RBT and IDR with O-polysaccharide antigen), which are generally accepted in veterinary practice, were used as diagnostic tests. The reimmunization of the cows with a small dose of the vaccine from strain 82 allowed diagnostic tests to be carried out earlier after vaccination than after the use of a full dose of the vaccine, which made it possible to diagnose brucellosis in a short period of time after vaccination. The provocation of immunological reactions in latently sick animals after the vaccination with small doses, and the isolation of those who responded under the condition of supported immunity made it possible to achieve the recovery of farm animals in a short period of time, which was proved by negative indicators of the immunodiffusion reaction with O-polysaccharide antigen. Keywords: brucellosis, small doses of the vaccine, abortogenicity, immunit

    Dual System of Education in Germany: Historical Context

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    The article deals with the genesis of the dual system of education in Germany in the historical context: from medieval craft guilds and the formation of Protestantism labour ethics to modern problems associated with the globalization of the educational space, the digitalization of the economy and production, migration crises. It is shown that the dual education in Germany is a unique system, (1) having the established technological parameters of the ratio of theory and practice, the contract interaction of the student and the employer, the economic support of the learning process; (2) based on the paradigm of labour education; (3) involving social partnership of vocational schools and industrial enterprises, supported by the Federal government and the Government of Germany States, Federal Institute of vocational education, public organizations. The stages in the history of the development of the dual education in Germany are described: a creation of the labour schools during the early and ascetic Protestantism, the emergence of the educational theory that combines the idea of work ethic and moral culture in the era of pragmatic Protestantism, Kerschensteiner’s reform of labour (national) school in the era of neo-Protestantism, disintegration of education in the era of world wars and ideological crises, the revival of the dual system of education and its problems in the era of globalism. The results of the analysis of historical and pedagogical research of Russian and foreign authors, official normative legal documents regulating the process of dual education in Germany, the materials of the Congress on professional education, held in Berlin in June 2018 are presented, which allowed to determine the patterns and prospects of development of the dual system of education in Germany

    Professional identity formation in the European educational systems (the experience borrowing issue)

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    The article actualizes the concept of professional identity and connection with personal identity in the aspect of possibility to borrow the European experience by the Russian system of professional education. The historical analysis of the professional identity development process in European vocational education is given by authorАктуализируется понятие профессиональной идентичности и его связь с личностной идентичностью в аспекте возможностей заимствования европейского опыта российской системой профессионального образования. Дается исторический анализ процесса развития профессиональной идентичности в европейском профессиональном образовани