14 research outputs found

    Kortlægning af trafikal luftforurening og virkemiddelkatalog for Frederiksberg Kommune: Artikel

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    DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, Aarhus Universitet har for Frederiksberg Kommune udarbejdet en kortlægning af luftforurening (Jensen et al., 2020a) og et virkemiddelkatalog for forbedring af luftkvaliteten (Jensen et al., 2020b). De to rapporter indgår som fagligt baggrundsmateriale for Frederiksberg Kommunes egen formulering af en luftforureningsstrategi - STRATEGI FOR REN LUFT – 2030, som blev udgivet i august 2021 (Frederiksberg Kommune, 2021). Artiklen beskriver kortlægningen af luftforureningen i Frederiksberg Kommune og dens helbredsmæssige konsekvenser. Kortlægningen indeholder en luftkvalitetsvurdering med geografisk beskrivelse af luftkvaliteten; en kildeopgørelse, som beskriver emissionen fordelt på kilder, og kildernes bidrag til luftkvaliteten; samt luftforureningens helbredseffekter og tilhørende samfundsmæssige omkostninger (eksterne omkostninger). Endvidere præsenteres et virkemiddelkatalog for reduktion af luftforurening i Frederiksberg Kommune med fokus på kommunale virkemidler inden for trafik, og en konsekvensvurdering af virkemidlerne. Virkemidler beskrives inden for indsatsområderne: By- og trafikplanlægning, elektrificering af transport, økonomiske virkemidler og regulering af transport, samt ikke-kildebaserede virkemidlers rensning af miljøet. Væsentlige lokale kilder til luftforurening er trafik og brændeovne, hvor denne artiklen alene omhandler trafik

    Kortlægning af og virkemiddelkatalog for luftforurening fra trafik i Region Hovedstaden

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    Region Hovedstaden har en målsætning om at reducere støj og luftforurening fra vejtransport frem mod 2025. På den baggrund igangsatte Region Hovedstaden en kortlægning af støj og luftforurening fra trafik, og en undersøgelse af forskellige virkemidler til at reducere støj- og luftforurening. Projektet har været ledet af COWI, som står for støjdelen, mens DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi står for luftdelen udført af Institut for Miljøvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. Kortlægning af luftforureningen i Region Hovedstaden er baseret på eksisterende luftkvalitetsmodeller og målinger fra det nationale måleprogram for luftkvalitet. Koncentrationsniveauer sammenlignes med EU’s grænseværdier for luftkvalitet og verdenssundhedsorganisationen WHO’s retningslinjer for luftkvalitet. Endvidere gennemføres en kildeopgørelse, som opsummerer, hvor meget de enkelte emissionssektorer herunder vejtransport bidrager til den samlede emission og til luftkvaliteten. Helbredseffekter og tilhørende samfundsmæssige omkostninger af luftforureningen beregnes også. Beregningerne er fortaget for 2014 og 2025. En lang række virkemidler for vejtransport er gennemgået med henblik på at kvantificere effekten i forhold til luftforurening. Virkemidler omfatter bl.a. skærpede miljøzoner i de større byer, øget andel af elektriske transportmidler, vej- og trængselsafgifter samt alternative drivmidler

    Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979-2018 – Part 1: Regional and urban scale modelling and evaluation

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    The integrated model system DEHM/UBM/AirGIS, developed at Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science, has been extended with the dynamic aerosol module M7 to account for particle number concentrations of particles with diameters below 1 μm in the atmosphere. The aim of this development is to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of particle number concentration across Denmark and evaluate the results with available measurements. This article presents model results for particle number concentrations from the regional scale model DEHM and the urban scale model UBM, for comparison with measurements of particle number concentrations from European and Danish measurement stations. The deterministic modelling of particle number concentration has been vitiated by the lack of consistency between emission inventories, and the evaluation of the models is challenged by the lack of consistent long-term measurements data. The performance evaluation of the DEHM and UBM models shows that both models overestimate the level of the particle number concentrations at all stations, however, the results for the correlation coefficients are 0.86 for DEHM and in the range from 0.86 to 0.87, for UBM, for annual mean particle number concentrations at Danish measurement stations. We conclude that the inclusion of particle number concentration in DEHM and UBM shows some capability of reproducing observed patterns, when comparing the results of the models with available measurements, but that there is also room for improvement, especially with respect to the emission inventories and preprocessing of emissions and to the treatment of volatile organic compounds based on natural emissions during summer time

    Spatial distribution of residential wood combustion emissions in the Nordic countries : How well national inventories represent local emissions?

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    Highlights • New high-resolution emission inventory for Nordic residential wood combustion. • Country level methods can produce similar spatial distributions as local level. • Difference between urban and rural RWC is important for the spatial distribution. • National characteristics are essential for spatial representation of RWC emissions.Residential wood combustion (RWC) is a major source of air pollutants in the Nordic and many other countries. The emissions of the pollutants have been estimated with inventories on several scopes, e.g. local and national. An important aspect of the inventories is the spatial distribution of the emissions, as it has an effect on health impact assessments. In this study, we present a novel residential wood combustion emission inventory for the Nordic countries based on national inventories and new gridding of the emissions. We compare the emissions of the Nordic inventory, and especially their spatial distribution, to local assessments and European level TNO-newRWC-inventory to assess the spatial proxies used. Common proxies used in the national inventories in the Nordic countries were building data on locations and primary heating methods and questionnaire-based wood use estimates for appliances or primary heating methods. Chimney sweeper register data was identified as good proxy data, but such data may not be available in an applicable format. Comparisons of national inventories to local assessments showed the possibility to achieve similar spatial distributions through nation-wide methods as local ones. However, this won't guarantee that the emissions are similar. Comparison to the TNO-newRWC-inventory revealed the importance of how differences between urban and rural residential wood combustion are handled. The comparison also highlighted the importance of local characteristics of residential wood combustion in the spatial distribution of emissions