237 research outputs found

    Breakdown of the classical double copy for the effective action of dilaton-gravity at NNLO

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    We demonstrate that a recently proposed classical double copy procedure to construct the effective action of two massive particles in dilaton-gravity from the analogous problem of two color charged particles in Yang-Mills gauge theory fails at next-to-next-to-leading orders in the post-Minkowskian (3PM) or post-Newtonian (2PN) expansions

    Modified TAP equations for the SK spin glass

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    The stability of the TAP mean field equations is reanalyzed with the conclusion that the exclusive reason for the breakdown at the spin glass instability is an inconsistency for the value of the local susceptibility. A new alternative approach leads to modified equations which are in complete agreement with the original ones above the instability. Essentially altered results below the instability are presented and the consequences for the dynamical mean field equations are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, final revised version to appear in Europhys. Let

    On the spectrum of the AdS(5) x S-5 string at large lambda

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    archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: HU-EP-10-85 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1012.4471;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: HU-EP-10-85 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1012.4471;%

    The Asymptotic Groundstate of SU(3) Matrix Theory

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    The asymptotic form of a SU(3) matrix theory groundstate is found by showingthat a recent ansatz for a supersymmetric wavefunction is non-trivial (i.e.non-zero)

    On the Integrability of large N Plane-Wave Matrix Theory

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    We show the three-loop integrability of large N plane-wave matrix theory in a subsector of states comprised of two complex light scalar fields. This is done by diagonalizing the theory's Hamiltonian in perturbation theory and taking the large N limit. At one-loop level the result is known to be equal to the Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain, which is a well-known integrable system. Here, integrability implies the existence of hidden conserved charges and results in a degeneracy of parity pairs in the spectrum. In order to confirm integrability at higher loops, we show that this degeneracy is not lifted and that (corrected) conserved charges exist. Plane-wave matrix theory is intricately connected to N=4 Super Yang-Mills, as it arises as a consistent reduction of the gauge theory on a three-sphere. We find that after appropriately renormalizing the mass parameter of the plane-wave matrix theory the effective Hamiltonian is identical to the dilatation operator of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory in the considered subsector. Our results therefore represent a strong support for the conjectured three-loop integrability of planar N=4 SYM and are in disagreement with a recent dual string theory finding. Finally, we study the stability of the large N integrability against nonsupersymmetric deformations of the model

    Spin dependent D-brane interactions and scattering amplitudes in matrix theory

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    Spin interactions beteween two moving Dp-branes are analyzed using the Green-Schwarz formalism of boundary states. This approach turns out to be extremely efficient to compute all the spin effects related by supersymmetry to the leading v^4/r^7-p term. All these terms are shown to be scale invariant, supporting a matrix model description of supergravity interactions. By employing the LSZ reduction formula for matrix theory and the mentioned supersymmetric effective potential for D0-branes, we compute the t-pole of graviton-graviton and three form-three form scattering in matrix theory. The results are found to be in complete agreement with tree level supergravity in the corresponding kinematical regime and provide, moreover, an explicit map between these degrees of freedom in both theories.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, talk presented at the conference "Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supergravity and unification", Corfu, Greece, to appear in the proceeding

    All tree-level amplitudes in massless QCD

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    We derive compact analytical formulae for all tree-level color-ordered gauge theory amplitudes involving any number of external gluons and up to three massless quark-anti-quark pairs. A general formula is presented based on the combinatorics of paths along a rooted tree and associated determinants. Explicit expressions are displayed for the next-to-maximally helicity violating (NMHV) and next-to-next-to-maximally helicity violating (NNMHV) gauge theory amplitudes. Our results are obtained by projecting the previously-found expressions for the super-amplitudes of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (N=4 SYM) onto the relevant components yielding all gluon-gluino tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM. We show how these results carry over to the corresponding QCD amplitudes, including massless quarks of different flavors as well as a single electroweak vector boson. The public Mathematica package GGT is described, which encodes the results of this work and yields analytical formulae for all N=4 SYM gluon-gluino trees. These in turn yield all QCD trees with up to four external arbitrary-flavored massless quark-anti-quark-pairs.Comment: 40 pages, Mathematica package GGT.m and example notebook is included in submission, v2: QCD four fermion line translations provided; GGT version 1.1 update with a numerical evaluation function; comments on computer speed optimizations, v3: Minor changes, version to be published in JHEP, v4: published version in JHE

    Note About Redefinition of BRST Operator for Pure Spinor String in General Background

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    We discuss an analysis presented by N. Berkovits in [arXiv:0712.0324] in the context of classical mechanics and perform its extension to the case of pure spinor string in general background.Comment: 24 pages, references adde

    The SAGEX review on scattering amplitudes Chapter 1: Modern fundamentals of amplitudes

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    This chapter introduces the foundational elements of scattering amplitudes. It is meant to be accessible to readers with only a basic understanding of quantum field theory. Topics covered include: the four-dimensional spinor-helicity formalism and the colour decomposition of Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes; the study of soft and collinear limits of Yang-Mills and gravity amplitudes; the BCFW recursion relation and generalised unitarity, also in the superamplitudes formalism of N=4\mathcal{N}{=}4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills; an overview of standard and hidden symmetries of the SS-matrix of N=4\mathcal{N}{=}4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills, such as the conformal, dual conformal and Yangian symmetries; and a brief excursus on form factors of protected and non-protected operators in Yang-Mills theory. Several examples and explicit calculations are also provided.Comment: 56 pages, see also the overview article arXiv:2203.1301

    Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Hidden Supersymmetry of Spinning Bodies

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    The recently established formalism of a worldline quantum field theory, which describes the classical scattering of massive bodies in Einstein gravity, is generalized up to quadratic order in spin -- for a pair of Kerr black holes revealing a hidden N=2{\mathcal N}=2 supersymmetry. The far-field time-domain waveform of the gravitational waves produced in such a spinning encounter is computed at leading order in the post-Minkowskian (weak field, but generic velocity) expansion, and exhibits this supersymmetry. From the waveform we extract the leading-order total radiated angular momentum in a generic reference frame, and the total radiated energy in the center-of-mass frame to leading order in a low-velocity approximation
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