919 research outputs found

    Autism Spectrum Disorder and Narcolepsy: A Possible Connection That Deserves to Be Investigated.

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    Narcolepsy in childhood-adolescence is characterized by a high occurrence of psychiatric comorbidities. The most frequent psychiatric disorders reported in these patients are attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia. However, narcolepsy can be associated also with introversion, sorrowfulness, feelings of inferiority, impaired affectivity modulation, emotional lability, irritability, aggressiveness, and poor attention, that have been pooled by some authors under a definition of "narcoleptic personality." Some aspects of this "narcoleptic personality," and in particular introversion, impaired affectivity modulation, irritability, and poor attention, partially overlap with the clinical features of the individuals with autism spectrum disorder, considering also those that are not regarded as core autism symptoms. Till now, in literature the number of cases affected by both narcolepsy and autism spectrum disorder (seven patients) has been clearly too small to demonstrate the presence of a pathogenetic link between these two conditions, but this possible connection has not yet been adequately investigated, despite the presence of several points in common. The finding of a connection between narcolepsy and autism spectrum disorder could boost the study of possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms shared between these two apparently so distant disorders. Basing on the literature data summarized in this paper, in the diagnostic work-up of a child with narcolepsy it is essential to evaluate also the social-communicative behavior using standardized tools in order to detect the real recurrence of clinical features suggesting an autism spectrum disorder. At the same time, it appears necessary to screen in the individuals with autism spectrum disorder for the possible presence of evoking symptoms of narcolepsy

    Sleep disturbances and sleep disorders as risk factors for chronic postsurgical pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed at evaluating the role of sleep disturbances and sleep disorders in influencing presence and intensity of chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP). We included cohort studies which enrolled adults, assessed sleep disturbances or disorders before surgery, measured pain intensity, presence of pain, or opioid use at least three months after surgery. Eighteen studies were included in a narrative synthesis and 12 in a meta-analysis. Sleep disturbances and disorders were significantly related to CPSP, with a small effect size, r = 0.13 (95% CI 0.06–0.20). The certainty of evidence was rated low due to risk of bias and heterogeneity. In subgroup analyses the above association was significant in studies that used pain intensity as the outcome, but not in those that used presence of pain; in studies on patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty or other surgeries, but not in those on patients who had breast cancer surgery or total hip arthroplasty; in the single study that assessed insomnia and in studies that assessed sleep disturbances as predictors. A meta-regression showed that the follow-up length was positively associated with the overall estimate. Our findings suggest that presurgical sleep disturbances and disorders should be evaluated to detect patients at risk for CPSP. Registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.php?RecordID=27265

    New approaches to the study of periodic leg movements during sleep in restless legs syndrome

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    Study Objectives: To describe a new approach for the analysis of quantity, type, and periodicity of the leg motor activity during sleep in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic leg movements (PLM). Methods: The following parameters were taken into account for LM: duration, amplitude, area under the curve, sleep stage, side, interval, and bilaterality. The analysis of inter-LM intervals was carried out by drawing their distribution graphs. A new index evaluated their periodicity and was validated by means of a Markovian analysis. The differences in inter-LM intervals, LM duration, and area under the curve between normal controls and patients and between the 3 patient subgroups identified on the basis of their periodicity were statistically analyzed. Setting: N/A Participants: Sixty-five patients with RLS and periodic LM and 22 young healthy controls. Measurements and Results: The RLS patients' inter-LM interval distribution graph showed a wide peak with a maximum located at around 15 to 30 seconds and extending from 10 to 90 seconds, not present in controls, and another peak for intervals less than 8 seconds, higher than that of controls. Three patient subgroups were identified with different proportions of these 2 peaks, periodicity, and Markovian parameters. Periodicity was not dependent on the periodic leg movement index. Patients showing the peak mainly at around 15 to 30 seconds tended to show slightly longer and higher area under the curve LM than did the other 2 subgroups. Conclusions: Our new approach seems to be useful in a new qualitative differentiation among patients with PLM, which is not possible by using the simple PLM index

    Exploring Addictive Online Behaviors in Patients with Narcolepsy Type 1

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    Background: Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is a rare neurological sleep disorder caused by the loss of neurons that produce hypocretin—a peptide that plays a crucial role in addictive behaviors. We aimed to compare, for the first time, levels of problematic online gaming, problematic social media use, and compulsive Internet use between NT1 patients and healthy controls (HC), and to evaluate the association between anxiety, depression, and emotion dysregulation with addictive online behaviors in NT1 patients. Methods: A total of 43 patients with NT1 and 86 sex-and age-matched HC participated in an online cross-sectional survey. Results: NT1 patients did not differ from HC in terms of problematic social media use and compulsive Internet use but displayed higher levels of problematic online gaming compared to HC. Higher levels of emotion dysregulation were significantly associated with higher levels of problematic social media use and compulsive Internet use, while none of the tested factors were associated with problematic online gaming. Conclusion: NT1 patients and HC had similar levels of problematic social media use and compulsive Internet use, but NT1 patients showed higher levels of problematic online gaming. Emotion dysregulation might be an intervention target for reducing compulsive Internet use and problematic social media use

    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Children and Adolescents with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA): Recommendations in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy

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    Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA) in paediatrics is a rather frequent pathology caused by pathophysiological alterations leading to partial and prolonged obstruction (hypoventilation) and/or intermittent partial (hypopnoea) or complete (apnoea) obstruction of the upper airways. Paediatric OSA is characterised by daytime and night-time symptoms. Unfortunately, there are few data on shared diagnostic-therapeutic pathways that address OSA with a multidisciplinary approach in paediatric age. This document summarizes recommendations from the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy, developed in order to provide the most appropriate tools for a multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis, treatment and care of paediatric patients with OSA. The multidisciplinary group of experts distinguished two different ‘step’ pathways, depending on the age group considered (i.e., under or over two years). In most cases, these pathways can be carried out by the primary care paediatrician, who represents the first filter for approaching the problem. For this reason, it is essential that the primary care paediatrician receives adequate training on how to formulate the diagnostic suspicion of OSA and on what criteria to use to select patients to be sent to the hospital centre. The relationship between the paediatrician of the patient and her/his parents must see a synergy of behaviour between the various players in order to avoid uncertainty about the diagnostic and therapeutic decisions as well as the follow-up phase. The definition and evaluation of the organizational process and outcome indicators of the developed flow-chart, and the impact of its implementation will remain fundamental

    A comparative blind study between skin biopsy and seed amplification assay to disclose pathological α-synuclein in RBD

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    To compare the diagnostic accuracy of the immunofluorescence (IF) technique and aSyn-seed amplification assay (aSyn-SAA) of skin and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in disclosing pathological α-syn in idiopathic idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) as early phase of a synucleinopathy. We prospectively recruited 41 patients with iRBD and 40 matched clinical controls including RBD associated with type 1 Narcolepsy (RBD-NT1, 21 patients), iatrogenic causes (2 pt) or OSAS (6 pt) and 11 patients with peripheral neuropathies. IF from samples taken by skin biopsy and aSyn-SAA from skin and CSF samples were analysed blinded to the clinical diagnosis. IF showed a good diagnostic accuracy (89%) that was lower in the case of skin and CSF-based aSyn-SAA (70% and 69%, respectively) because of a lower sensitivity and specificity. However, IF showed a significant agreement with CSF aSyn-SAA. In conclusion, our data may favor the use of skin biopsy and aSyn-SAA as diagnostic tools for a synucleinopathy in iRBD

    Is Whole-Body Cryostimulation an Effective Add-On Treatment in Individuals with Fibromyalgia and Obesity? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Pain severity, depression, and sleep disturbances are key targets for FM rehabilitation. Recent evidence suggests that whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) might be an effective add-on treatment in the management of FM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an add-on WBC intervention to a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program on pain intensity, depressive symptoms, disease impact, sleep quality, and performance-based physical functioning in a sample of FM patients with obesity. We performed a randomized controlled trial with 43 patients with FM and obesity undergoing a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program with and without the addition of ten 2-min WBC sessions at −110 °C over two weeks. According to our results, the implementation of ten sessions of WBC over two weeks produced additional benefits. Indeed, both groups reported positive changes after the rehabilitation; however, the group that underwent WBC intervention had greater improvements in the severity of pain, depressive symptoms, disease impact, and quality of sleep. On the contrary, with respect to performance-based physical functioning, we found no significant between-group differences. Our findings suggest that WBC could be a promising add-on treatment to improve key aspects of FM, such as pain, depressive symptoms, disease impact and poor sleep quality

    Parental Quality of Life and Involvement in Intervention for Children or Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review

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    Previous research has examined several parental, child-related, and contextual factors associated with parental quality of life (QoL) among parents with a child or an adolescent with autism spectrum disorders (ASD); however, no systematic review has examined the relationship between parental QoL and parental involvement in intervention. To fill this gap, a systematic review was conducted using four electronic databases and checked reference lists of retrieved studies. Records were included in the systematic review if they presented original data, assessed parental QoL, and involvement in intervention for children or adolescents with ASD, were published in peer-reviewed journals between 2000 and 2020, and were written in English. Among the 96 screened full-texts, 17 articles met the eligibility criteria. The selected studies included over 2000 parents of children or adolescents with ASD. Three categories of parental involvement (i.e., none, indirect, direct) were identified, which varied across studies, although most had direct parental involvement. The results from this review show that increased parental involvement in the intervention for children or adolescents with ASD may be one way to promote their QoL. However, further research specifically focused on parental involvement during the intervention for children and adolescents with ASD is warranted

    Child Neurology: A Case Series of Heterogeneous Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Outcome in Very Early-Onset Narcolepsy Type 1

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    Narcolepsy type 1 is a central disorder of hypersomnolence characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (i.e., sudden loss of muscle tone during wakefulness triggered by emotions), and REM sleep-related manifestations that can present with a peculiar phenotype when arising at a pediatric age. Several features of childhood-onset narcolepsy type 1 are also common in neuropsychiatric conditions; discrete neuropsychiatric comorbidity has also been demonstrated. Here, we report on 3 children with very early narcolepsy type 1. All 3 patients had psychiatric features at the time of symptom onset coupled with peculiar motor disturbances. The course of narcolepsy symptoms also paralleled neuropsychiatric symptoms, suggesting a possible intrinsic link between sleep and psychological features. Multidisciplinary management is mandatory for pediatric narcolepsy type 1 since prompt disease management addressing neuropsychiatric symptoms could lead to better clinical outcomes and quality of life
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