86 research outputs found

    Problems associated with operations and measurement in cryogenic wind tunnels

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    Cryogenic wind tunnel T'3 under continuous blower operation has been the object of improvements and the installation of auxiliary equipment, dealing in particular with the enlargement of the liquid nitrogen injection reservoir and the hook-up to a fast data acquisition system. Following a brief description of the installation and its functioning, we present the main experimental techniques and the instrumentation used in the cryogenic environment

    Qualification of the T2 wind tunnel in cryogenic operation. B: Flow fluctuations, particle detection and qualification

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    This report presents part of the tests for verification of the T2 transonic induction wind tunnel in cryogenic operation. The first part of the results presented concerns fluctuations in pressure and temperature at ambient temperature and in cryogenic regulation. The second part presents the condensation phenomena which could be observed in the cryogenic flow by means of an optical particle detection system in the test section

    Solvent contribution to the stability of a physical gel characterized by quasi-elastic neutron scattering

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    The dynamics of a physical gel, namely the Low Molecular Mass Organic Gelator {\textit Methyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-α\alpha -D-mannopyranoside (α\alpha-manno)} in water and toluene are probed by neutron scattering. Using high gelator concentrations, we were able to determine, on a timescale from a few ps to 1 ns, the number of solvent molecules that are immobilised by the rigid network formed by the gelators. We found that only few toluene molecules per gelator participate to the network which is formed by hydrogen bonding between the gelators' sugar moieties. In water, however, the interactions leading to the gel formations are weaker, involving dipolar, hydrophobic or ππ\pi-\pi interactions and hydrogen bonds are formed between the gelators and the surrounding water. Therefore, around 10 to 14 water molecules per gelator are immobilised by the presence of the network. This study shows that neutron scattering can give valuable information about the behaviour of solvent confined in a molecular gel.Comment: Langmuir (2015

    Microscopic dynamics in molten Ni: Experimental scrutiny of embedded-atom-potential simulations

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    11 págs.; 10 figs. ; PACS number s : 66.10. x, 66.20. d, 63.20.LsThe stochastic dynamics in molten nickel is studied by neutron scattering. The quasielastic spectrum shows two distinct components having disparate linewidths. The wave-vector dependence of the narrow component is shown to arise from incoherent scattering at low momentum transfers. In turn, the spectral half-width of the wider component shows a modulation with wave vector characteristic of coherent quasielastic scattering. The analysis of both components provides direct experimental estimates for the self-diffusion coefficient, as well as the effective particle diameter. The experimental data are then used to validate computer simulation results which are derived using an embedded-atom potential. Such results are also employed to explore regions in frequency-wave-vector space not easily amenable to experiment. In addition, simulation results are also compared with data pertaining to the collective motions. Such an exercise reveals the need to develop a further level in the memory function expansion of the coherent dynamic structure factor. The implications of such findings for our current understanding of the dynamics of liquid metals are finally assessed. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Spin-Glass Model for Inverse Freezing

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    We analyze the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with disordered magnetic interaction displaying the inverse freezing phenomenon. The behaviour of this spin-1 model in crystal field is studied throughout the phase diagram and the transition and spinodal lines for the model are computed using the Full Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz that always yelds a thermodynamically stable phase. We compare the results both with the quenched disordered model with Ising spins on lattice gas - where no reentrance takes place - and with the model with generalized spin variables recently introduced by Schupper and Shnerb [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 037202 (2004)]. The simplest version of all these models, known as Ghatak-Sherrington model, turns out to hold all the general features characterizing an inverse transition to an amorphous phase, including the right thermodynamic behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceeding for the X International Workshop on Disordered Systems (2006), Molveno, Ital

    Dynamics of hydration water in deuterated purple membranes explored by neutron scattering

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    The function and dynamics of proteins depend on their direct environment, and much evidence has pointed to a strong coupling between water and protein motions. Recently however, neutron scattering measurements on deuterated and natural-abundance purple membrane (PM), hydrated in H2O and D2O, respectively, revealed that membrane and water motions on the ns–ps time scale are not directly coupled below 260 K (Wood et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:18049–18054, 2007). In the initial study, samples with a high level of hydration were measured. Here, we have measured the dynamics of PM and water separately, at a low-hydration level corresponding to the first layer of hydration water only. As in the case of the higher hydration samples previously studied, the dynamics of PM and water display different temperature dependencies, with a transition in the hydration water at 200 K not triggering a transition in the membrane at the same temperature. Furthermore, neutron diffraction experiments were carried out to monitor the lamellar spacing of a flash-cooled deuterated PM stack hydrated in H2O as a function of temperature. At 200 K, a sudden decrease in lamellar spacing indicated the onset of long-range translational water diffusion in the second hydration layer as has already been observed on flash-cooled natural-abundance PM stacks hydrated in D2O (Weik et al. in J Mol Biol 275:632–634, 2005), excluding thus a notable isotope effect. Our results reinforce the notion that membrane-protein dynamics may be less strongly coupled to hydration water motions than the dynamics of soluble proteins