331 research outputs found
Algunos métodos para la prosprección de estaño
[Resumen] Se hace una síntesis de datos, fundamentalmente bibliográficos, en relación con la geoquímica del Sn en áreas graníticas mineralizadas y con fines primordialmente prácticos para su uso en prospección. El trabajo se divide en dos partes: por un lado se estudian las aureolas de dispersión primarias del Sn en los propios granitoides, y por otro las aureolas de dispersión secundaria en los productos de su denudación[Abstract] In this work a synthesis of bibliographic information concerning to the granitoides geochemistry relation with tin deposits is made for practical purposes in their use in prospection. On the other hand the tin primary dispersion aureoles in the granitic rocks are studied, on the another hand the tin secundary dispersion aureoles are considered in their denudation products
El yacimiento detritico-estannifero de "El cubito" (Salamanca)
[Resumen] En este trabajo se describen los caracteres geológi!cos de la mina «El Cubito» (Grupo Minero Las Españas, Salamanca.). A continuación se hace un estudio granulométrico, mineralógico y mineralotécnico del único yacimiento detrítico de estaño conocido en los sedimentos terciarios de la Cuenca del Duero, deduciéndose y discutiéndose sus condiciones metalogénicas[Abstract] The geological characteristics of the Cubito Mine (Mining Group « Las Españas», Salamanca) are described in this papero To continue a granulometric, mineraloglcal and mineralotechnical study is done of the only detritic deposit of tin known in the tertiary terrains of the Duero Basin making deductions and discussing its metallogenic condition
Towards Agent-Based Simulation Support for Training Teachers
he quality of teacher training is crucial as it influences the academic performance of students. The last decades have witnessed a steep increase in the use of information applications for improving the training of teachers. In this line of work, the current approach proposes to use agent-based simulation for supporting the training of teachers. The current work focuses on the capability of teachers in designing appropriate teaching strategies with the corresponding schedules of learning activities. In particular, the current approach uses FTS-SOCI (an agent-based Framework for simulating Teaching Strategies with evolutions of Sociograms) for simulating the social repercussions of certain teaching strategies. Teachers can pursue obtaining groups with high cohesion, which is normally related with a high academic performance. This article illustrates the current approach with the training of a computer science teacher for the programming subject
Mineralizations (Sn, W, Au) and structural control in the West of Salamanca and Zamora
[Resumen] Se analizan los controles estructurales en la ubicación de yacimientos de Sn, W y
Au en la zona de trabajo. Se han' realizado estudios con técnicas de sensores remotos (fotografías aéreas e imágenes de satélite) y métodos tradicionales de campo y gabinete (cartografía geológico-minera, reconocimiento de indicios mineros y análisis estructural), comprobándose la gran utilidad de las primeras para la selección rápida y económica de áreas con mineralizaciones de oro y potencial econ6mico.[Abstract] Structural controls were analized in the area of work for location of Sn, Wand
Au deposits. Studies have been realized with techniques of remote sensing (Aerial Photographs
and Satellite Imagery) and traditional field and office methods (geological-mining mapping, recognition of mining occurences and structural analysis). With these methods, specially with the help of remote sensing, the use of quick and economic selection of areas with gold mineralization and economic potential was proofed
ABS-SOCI: An Agent-Based Simulator of Student Sociograms
Sociograms can represent the social relations between students. Some kinds of sociograms are more suitable than others for achieving a high academic performance of students. However, for now, at the beginning of an educative period, it is not possible to know for sure how the sociogram of a group of students will be or evolve during a semester or an academic year. In this context, the current approach presents an Agent-Based Simulator (ABS) that predicts the sociogram of a group of students taking into consideration their psychological profiles, by evolving an initial sociogram through time. This simulator is referred to as ABS-SOCI (ABS for SOCIograms). For instance, this can be useful for organizing class groups for some subjects of engineering grades, anticipating additional learning assistance or testing some teaching strategies. As experimentation, ABS-SOCI has been executed 100 times for each one of four real scenarios. The results show that ABS-SOCI produces sociograms similar to the real ones considering certain sociometrics. This similarity has been corroborated by statistical binomial tests that check whether there are significant differences between the simulations and the real cases. This experimentation also includes cross-validation and an analysis of sensitivity. ABS-SOCI is free and open-source to (1) ensure the reproducibility of the experiments; (2) to allow practitioners to run simulations; and (3) to allow developers to adapt the simulator for different environments
An agent-based simulator applied to teaching-learning process to predict sociometric indices in higher education
Most novice teachers and even some experienced teachers can lack appropriate tools for designing teaching strategies that ensure the quality of education. The ability of working in teams is crucial in educating professionals. The literature proves that social relations influence the performance of teams. For instance, the team cohesion is directly related with its performance. In the current work, we have developed an agent-based tool for assisting teachers in simulating their teaching strategies to estimate their influence on the group sociometrics like cohesion, coherence of reciprocal relations, dissociation and density of relations. The experiments with nine scenarios in disciplines of computer science, electronic, psychology, business, tourism and renewal energies with 239 students and six teachers including experienced and novice ones show that its underlying agent-based framework can adapt to different disciplines obtaining similar outcomes to the real ones. We learned that the tool was especially reliable in predicting the density of relations and the cohesion, being the latter one probably the most relevant due to its known relation with academic performance. In addition, we also learned that it was difficult to assess the prediction quality of the dissociation in higher education, due to the usual low amounts or absence of reciprocal rejections in the students' groups in this educational stage. The presented agent-based tool is publicly distributed as open source for facilitating other researchers in following this research line
Distribución de elementos menores y trazas en casiteritas de distintos tipos de yacimientos españoles
[Resumen] En este trabajo se presenta, por primera vez, la composición química de muestras de casi teri tas pertenecientes a distintos tipos de yacimientos españoles, local izados a lo largo del Macizo Hespérico. Se establecen correlaciones entre los caracteres geoquímicos y genéticos, así como, entre el hábito y el color con la tipología del yacimiento: Bipirámides de tonalidades oscuras, junto con una escasa ó nula maclación, son típicas de los depósitos de diseminación y pegmatíticos. Prismas apuntados en pirámides, con una extensa gama de color y abundante maclación I son característicos de yacimientos filonianos.[Abstract] This study presents the chemical composi tion of cassi teri tes samples from different kinds of Spanish deposi ts, for first time. The correlations between geochemical and genetic characteristics are presented, and also, between habi t and colour wi th the type of deposit: Bipyramids of dark tonali ties wi th a li ttle or null twining are characteristic of dissemination and pegmati tic deposits. Pointed prims in pyramid wi th a wide range of colours and abundant twining are characteristic of lode deposit
Osteomielitis subaguda en paciente con diabetes mellitus complicada
La osteomielitis subaguda es una infección hematógena del hueso definida como una forma de osteomielitis no supurativa esclerosante que habitualmente pasa desapercibida en estadios precoces dada su clínica insidiosa caracterizada por buen estado del paciente, así como una historia de dolor de larga evolución.Presentamos un caso de osteomielitis subaguda que, por la edad de presentación, la patología asociada del paciente y la localización de la misma, debe hacer replantearnos las distintas opciones de tratamiento asumiendo las posibles complicaciones y fracasos.Subacute osteomyelitis is a haematogenous infection of bone defined as a non-suppurative, sclerosing form of osteomyelitis which usually escapes detection in its early stages because of its insidious clinical features (good general condition of the patient and a long-lasting history of pain). We report one case of subacute osteomyelitis which, because of its location, the age at presentation and the patient's associated pathology should prompt consideration of the various therapeutic options and assumption of the possible complications and therapeutic failures
Caracteres geoquímicos y mineralógicos del yacimiento de Sn y Au de Montejo (Salamanca)
[Resumen] El yacimiento situado al S. E. de la Provincia de Salamanca está constituido por una serie de filones de cuarzo brechificado de dirección E-W, subverticales y encajados en materiales pertenecientes al Complejo Esquistograuváquico (Formación Monterrubio, dominando en esta zona esquistos, grauvacas y microconglomerados). Fue explotado durante los años 40 y 50 para Sn y esporádicamente para Au. Se han estudiado al microscopio 80 preparaciones pulidas y transparentes seleccionadas en cuatro sondeos de 250 metros, calicatas y antiguas escombreras, con el fin de caracterizar paragénesis, sucesión de la mineralización y alteraciones hidrotermales relacionadas. También se ha realizado un muestréo en las zonas mineralizadas y con alteración hidrotermal para su estudio geoquímico. Se han analizado: Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr y Ba en 40 muestras. Las relaciones intereleme~ntales más evidentes son: Au-Sn-Bi y Cu-Sb. Por otro lado, se correlacionan los resultados geoquímicos con los diversos tipos de alteraciones hidrotermales.[Abstract] This tin-gold deposit is located in the SE Salamanca province. Mineralization is associated with several quartz-veins and breccias in metamorphic terrains of Precambrian-Cambrian ages (<<Complejo Esquistograuváquico»). Were studied microscopically 80 samples of four drillings (250 m deep) and other surface sampIes. It is presented mineral paragenesis and wall-rocks alterations relationed with mineralization. The geochemical stady include determinations of Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr and Ba. A factor analysis on the geochemical data stablished the fo11owing associations: Au-Sn-Bi and Cu-Sb
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