12 research outputs found

    Организационно-методические и экономические основы создания сельских курортов в глубинных территориях г. Сочи

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    Город-курорт Сочи включает прибрежные и горные курортно-туристские кластеры. Актуальной проблемой в современных условиях является необходимость вовлечения в индустрию туризма города природно-рекреационных ресурсов и объектов историко-культурного наследия еще не освоенных глубинных низкогорных территорий, имеющих субтропическое сельскохозяйственное назначение. Задача исследования — определить научно-методические, организационные и финансовые предпосылки для устойчивого развития этих территорий. В исследовании сформулированы организационные, управленческие и законодательные аспекты основного противоречия, которое связано с решением данных проблем: несоответствие правового положения и статуса сельских территорий рекреационным задачам курортной местности г. Сочи. Для преодоления этого противоречия предлагается совместное развитие аграрной деятельности и перспективных видов туризма и рекреации в глубинных зонах города, таких как лечебно-оздоровительный, сельский, этнический и научно-познавательный туризм. Социально-экономическое влияние развития туризма и рекреации на сельской территории курорта обеспечит рост занятости и предпринимательской активности в связи с появлением специализированной рекреационной инфраструктуры, а также сделает возможным повышение уровня жизни местного автохтонного населения. Создание сельских курортов позволит полноценно использовать бальнеологические ресурсы, природные лечебные факторы, уникальное историко-культурное наследие, природные ландшафты и возможности субтропического сельского хозяйства в туристских целях. Результаты исследования дают возможность рассматривать пространственное развитие туризма на курорте, разрабатывать и реализовать обоснованные программы создания сельских курортов и туристских агродестинаций. Последующие исследования будут посвящены изучению возможных способов трансформации ресурсов сельских территорий в факторы производства комплексного туристского продукта, обладающего уникальными ценностными свойствами

    Организационно-методические и экономические основы создания сельских курортов в глубинных территориях г. Сочи

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    Город-курорт Сочи включает прибрежные и горные курортно-туристские кластеры. Актуальной проблемой в современных условиях является необходимость вовлечения в индустрию туризма города природно-рекреационных ресурсов и объектов историко-культурного наследия еще не освоенных глубинных низкогорных территорий, имеющих субтропическое сельскохозяйственное назначение. Задача исследования — определить научно-методические, организационные и финансовые предпосылки для устойчивого развития этих территорий. В исследовании сформулированы организационные, управленческие и законодательные аспекты основного противоречия, которое связано с решением данных проблем: несоответствие правового положения и статуса сельских территорий рекреационным задачам курортной местности г. Сочи. Для преодоления этого противоречия предлагается совместное развитие аграрной деятельности и перспективных видов туризма и рекреации в глубинных зонах города, таких как лечебно-оздоровительный, сельский, этнический и научно-познавательный туризм. Социально-экономическое влияние развития туризма и рекреации на сельской территории курорта обеспечит рост занятости и предпринимательской активности в связи с появлением специализированной рекреационной инфраструктуры, а также сделает возможным повышение уровня жизни местного автохтонного населения. Создание сельских курортов позволит полноценно использовать бальнеологические ресурсы, природные лечебные факторы, уникальное историко-культурное наследие, природные ландшафты и возможности субтропического сельского хозяйства в туристских целях. Результаты исследования дают возможность рассматривать пространственное развитие туризма на курорте, разрабатывать и реализовать обоснованные программы создания сельских курортов и туристских агродестинаций. Последующие исследования будут посвящены изучению возможных способов трансформации ресурсов сельских территорий в факторы производства комплексного туристского продукта, обладающего уникальными ценностными свойствами

    A method of storing vector data in compressed form using clustering

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    The development of the machine learning algorithms for information search in recent years made it possible to represent text and multimodal documents in the form of vectors. These vector representations (embeddings) preserve the semantic content of documents and allow the search to be performed as the calculation of distance between vectors. Compressing embeddings can reduce the amount of memory they occupy and improve computational efficiency. The article discusses existing methods for compressing vector representations without loss of accuracy and with loss of accuracy. A method is proposed to reduce error by clustering vector representations using lossy compression. The essence of the method is in performing the preliminary clustering of vector representations, saving the centers of each cluster, and saving the coordinate value of each vector representation relative to the center of its cluster. Then, the centers of each cluster are compressed without loss of accuracy, and the resulting shifted vector representations are compressed with loss of accuracy. To restore the original vector representations, the coordinates of the center of the corresponding cluster are added to the coordinates of the displaced representation. The proposed method was tested on the fashion-mnist-784- euclidean and NYT-256-angular datasets. A comparison has been made of compressed vector representations with loss of accuracy by reducing the bit depth with vector representations compressed using the proposed method. With a slight (around 10 %) increase in the size of the compressed data, the absolute value of the error from loss of accuracy decreased by four and two times, respectively, for the tested sets. The developed method can be applied in tasks where it is necessary to store and process vector representations of multimodal documents, for example, in the development of search engines

    Twisted Nanotubes of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Split Optical Modes for Tunable Radiated Light Resonators

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    Synthesized micro- and nanotubes composed of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) such as MoS2_2 are promising for many applications in nanophotonics, because they combine the abilities to emit strong exciton luminescence and to act as whispering gallery microcavities even at room temperature. In addition to tubes in the form of hollow cylinders, there is an insufficiently-studied class of twisted tubes, the flattened cross section of which rotates along the tube axis. As shown by theoretical analysis, in such nanotubes the interaction of electromagnetic waves excited at opposite sides of the cross section can cause splitting of the whispering gallery modes. By studying micro-photoluminescence spectra measured along individual MoS2_2 tubes, it has been established that the splitting value, which controls the energies of the split modes, depends exponentially on the aspect ratio of the cross section, which varies in "breathing" tubes, while the relative intensity of the modes in a pair is determined by the angle of rotation of the cross section. These results open up the possibility of creating multifunctional tubular TMDC nanodevices that provide resonant amplification of self-emitting light at adjustable frequencies

    The management of acute myocardial infarction in the Russian Federation: Protocol for a study of patient pathways [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.12478.2. Background: Death rates from cardiovascular disease in Russia are among the highest in the world. In recent years, the Russian government has invested substantially in the healthcare system, with a particular focus on improving access to advanced technology, especially for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This protocol describes a study to understand the management of AMI in different Russian regions, investigating the role of patient, clinical, and health system characteristics. Methods: A prospective observational study has recruited a representative sample of AMI patients within 16 hospitals from 13 regions across Russia. Criteria for inclusion are being aged 35-70 years with a confirmed diagnosis of AMI and surviving until the day after admission. Information being collected includes health system contacts and features of clinical management prior to the event and in the 12 months following discharge from hospital. Following initial exploration of the data to generate hypotheses, multivariate analyses will be applied to assess the role of these characteristics in both treatment decisions and any delays in time critical interventions. Between June 2015 and August 2016, 1,122 patients have been recruited at baseline and follow-up to 12 months post-discharge is scheduled to be completed by autumn 2017. The study is unique in examining patient factors, clinical management prior to admission and in hospital in the acute phase and throughout the critical first year of recovery across a diverse range of geographies and facilities. It uses standardized instruments to collect data from patients and health care providers and includes regions that are diverse in terms of geography and development of cardiology capacity. However, given the limited health services research capacity in the Russian Federation, it was not possible to obtain a sample that was truly nationally representative

    Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    A.K. acknowledges the support from the EPSRC Established Career Fellowship. V.K., M.D., V.F.S. and A.K. acknowledge support from the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, contract (contract No. 11.G34.31.0067). P.G.S. acknowledges support from Greek GSRT program Aristeia (grant No. 1978). C.S., M. A. J.F., M.K and S.H. acknowledge support from the state of Bavaria.Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, well-known for revolutionising photonic science, has been realised primarily in fermionic systems including widely applied diode lasers. The prerequisite for fermionic lasing is the inversion of electronic population, which governs the lasing threshold. More recently, bosonic lasers have also been developed based on Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities. These electrically neutral bosons coexist with charged electrons and holes. In the presence of magnetic fields, the charged particles are bound to their cyclotron orbits, while the neutral exciton-polaritons move freely. We demonstrate how magnetic fields affect dramatically the phase diagram of mixed Bose-Fermi systems, switching between fermionic lasing, incoherent emission and bosonic lasing regimes in planar and pillar microcavities with optical and electrical pumping. We collected and analyzed the data taken on pillar and planar microcavity structures at continuous wave and pulsed optical excitation as well as injecting electrons and holes electronically. Our results evidence the transition from a Bose gas to a Fermi liquid mediated by magnetic fields and light-matter coupling.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Large Magnetic Entropy Change in GdRuSi Optimal for Magnetocaloric Liquefaction of Nitrogen

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    The search for new magnetocaloric materials for application in magnetic refrigerants is highly motivated by high efficiency, reliability, and environmental safety. The values of the magnetocaloric effect MCE and the refrigerant capacity RC for the equiatomic GdRuSi compound were determined to be MCE = 10.7 and 4.94 J/kgK and RC = 336 and 92 J/kg with a change in the field of 0–50 and 0–17 kOe, respectively. These high values of MCE and RC for GdRuSi appear in the region of nitrogen liquefaction temperature of 77.4 K, due to which the compound can be useful in practice. The densities of states and magnetic moments of GdRuSi were calculated theoretically, taking into account strong electron correlations in the 4f Gd shell. The total magnetic moment of GdRuSi was found to be composed of the Gd moment only with the value calculated in very good agreement with the experimental one

    Hospital stage of myocardial infarction treatment in 13 regions of Russian Federation by results of the international research

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    Aim: To describe the characteristics of the patient with MI who is admitted to a hospital and to characterize the main diagnostic and treatment interventions in clinic. Material and methods: This study is observational and the part of big international project. It includes a representative sample of patients with MI admitted to 16 clinics in 13 regions of Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Tver region, Saratov region, Rostov region, Samara region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm region, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district, Kemerovo region, Altai region). Patients were selected at random from among those experiencing a MI that were alive on the next morning after hospitalization. Enrollment took place from June 2015 to August 2016. Results: Of 1,128 patients included in the study, 872 were male (77.3%) and 256 females. 21.4% of patients had a previous MI, 8.3% had undergone PCI, and 2.2% CABG. Turning to cardiovascular risk factors, 46.2% of patients smoked prior to hospitalization, 34.6% were obese and 52.1% had a high cholesterol level. Only 40.0% of patients had no contact with the health care system within 12 months before the MI. Every fourth patient (25.1%) had undergone dispensarisation within 12 months before MI, women significantly often than men (33.5% and 22.6%, p<0.001). Initial revascularization was performed in 73.2% of patients, PCI was the initial revascularization attempt in 49.4% of patients, and PCI with stenting in 46.7%. Conclusion: Patient with a MI in Russian clinics is likely to have had a history of cardiovascular disease, and to have regular contact with the health care system within 12 months before the development of cardiovascular event. We demonstrated the high rates of appropriate MI treatment, without significant gender and age difference (except for thrombolysis), however, there is a reserve for increasing the proportion of patients who are undergoing revascularization.<p

    Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, well-known for revolutionising photonic science, has been realised primarily in fermionic systems including widely applied diode lasers. The prerequisite for fermionic lasing is the inversion of electronic population, which governs the lasing threshold. More recently, bosonic lasers have also been developed based on Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities. These electrically neutral bosons coexist with charged electrons and holes. In the presence of magnetic fields, the charged particles are bound to their cyclotron orbits, while the neutral exciton-polaritons move freely. We demonstrate how magnetic fields affect dramatically the phase diagram of mixed Bose-Fermi systems, switching between fermionic lasing, incoherent emission and bosonic lasing regimes in planar and pillar microcavities with optical and electrical pumping. We collected and analyzed the data taken on pillar and planar microcavity structures at continuous wave and pulsed optical excitation as well as injecting electrons and holes electronically. Our results evidence the transition from a Bose gas to a Fermi liquid mediated by magnetic fields and light-matter coupling