7 research outputs found

    Lesión del nervio cubital secundario a terapia de ondas de choque extracorpóreas radiales identificada con ultrasonografía de alta resolución: Reporte de caso.: Ulnar nerve injury after radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy identified with high–resolution ultrasonography: Case Report.

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    A 49-year old woman was evaluated for developing bilateral acute medial elbow pain, numbness, and tingling sensation in the fourth and fifth fingers after receiving radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (rESWT) for bilateral medial epicondylitis. Neurologic examination revealed the presence of Tinel’s sign, paresthesia and impaired two-point discrimination testing over the ulnar side of the fourth and fifth fingers bilaterally. High-resolution ultrasonography demonstrated findings of nerve injury, such as hypoechogenicity and increased diameter of both ulnar nerves.  After conservative treatment, the patient improved her condition demonstrating an apparently acute compressive nerve injury as a result of the therapy. ESWT is used as a promising alternative for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders; however, there is limited evidence regarding its side effects, in particular peripheral mononeuropathy. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating structural damage of a nerve after rESWT with the use of high-resolution ultrasonography

    Variances in BCG protection against COVID-19 mortality: A global assessment

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    The BCG vaccine is known to impart nonspecific immunological benefits alongside conferring protection to tuberculosis in endemic regions. It is also known to protect against bladder cancer and other respiratory tract infections. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the BCG vaccine has gained attention due to its role in conferring protective immunity. We demonstrate the potential immunological protective mechanisms that play a role against COVID-19. We conduct a global assessment of the countries that have the highest and lowest mortality rates determined by an a priori methodology. Lastly, we discuss the potential limitations of incorporating BCG vaccines as potential strategies against COVID-19 and provide recommendations regarding their use in ongoing and future epidemics

    Terapia con plasma de convaleciente para pacientes con COVID-19: Revisión de la literatura: Plasma convalescent therapy for COVID-19 patients: A literature review.

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection has created a pandemic leading to a global struggle to cope with the sheer numbers of infected persons, many of whom require intensive care support. To date, there is no specific antivirus treatment for COVID-19. The use of convalescent plasma transfusions could be of great value in the current pandemic. Recently recovered SARS-CoV-2 patients who may be suitable donors undergo apheresis in order to obtain convalescent plasma containing high-titer antibodies, granted they meet blood donation criteria. In this review, we summarize existing literature around convalescent plasma as a therapeutic option for COVID-19. It is important to note that the appropriate timing on convalescent plasma administration and the severity of its adverse effects needs to be further studied. Convalescent plasma provides the potential to render an immediate promising treatment option while evaluating existing drugs and developing new specific vaccines and therapies.La enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) causada por la infección por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ha creado una pandemia que ha llevado a una lucha mundial para hacer frente al gran número de personas infectadas, muchas de las cuales requieren cuidados intensivos. Hasta la fecha, no existe un tratamiento antivirus específico para COVID-19. El uso de transfusiones de plasma de convalecientes podría ser de gran valor en la pandemia actual. Los pacientes con SRAS-CoV-2 recuperados recientemente que pueden ser donantes adecuados se someten a aféresis para obtener plasma de convalecencia que contenga anticuerpos con títulos elevados, siempre que cumplan los criterios de donación de sangre. En esta revisión, resumimos la literatura existente sobre el plasma convaleciente como una opción terapéutica para COVID-19. Es importante señalar que es necesario estudiar más a fondo el momento adecuado para la administración de plasma de convalecencia y la gravedad de sus efectos adversos. El plasma de convalecencia ofrece la posibilidad de convertirse en una opción de tratamiento prometedora inmediata al evaluar los medicamentos existentes y desarrollar nuevas vacunas y terapias específicas

    Rotura del tendón rotuliano como resultado de la terapia con ondas de choque radiales, para la tendinopatía rotuliana: Reporte de dos casos: Patellar tendon rupture after radial pressure wave therapy – also known as radial shock wave therapy – for patellar tendinopathy: Report of two Cases

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    Patellar tendinopathy is characterized by anterior knee pain located at the lower pole of the patella at the junction of the patellar tendon. This is often a disabling condition that limits patients' quality of life, affects their ability to participate in sports, and even hinders their normal daily activities. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been recognized as a promising and safe alternative for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders – including chronic patellar tendinopathy. However, there is limited evidence regarding its side effects, in particular ESWT-associated tendon injuries. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating clinical and radiological evidence of two patients without known risk factors for partial patellar tendon tears that developed this condition after the application of radial pressure wave therapy - also known as radial shock wave therapy - for patellar tendinopathy. ESWT must be applied by properly trained professionals so that specific requirements needed to guarantee an appropriate application technique, minimize possible adverse effects, and improve patient safety could be met.  La tendinopatía rotuliana se caracteriza por dolor anterior de la rodilla localizado en el polo inferior de la rótula en la unión del tendón rotuliano. Esta es, a menudo, una condición discapacitante que limita la calidad de vida de los pacientes, afecta su capacidad para participar en deportes e incluso dificulta sus actividades cotidianas. El tratramiento de ondas de choque extracorpóreas (ESWT por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido reconocido como una alternativa prometedora y segura para el tratamiento de diversos trastornos musculoesqueléticos, incluida la tendinopatía rotuliana crónica. Sin embargo, existe evidencia limitada con respecto a sus efectos secundarios, en particular las lesiones de tendones asociadas con ESWT. Según el conocimiento de los autores, este es el primer artículo que demuestra evidencia clínica y radiológica de dos pacientes sin factores de riesgo que presentan desgarros parciales del tendón rotuliano después de haber recibido terapia de ondas de presión radiales, también conocida como terapia de ondas de choque radiales, como tratamiento para la tendinopatía rotuliana. El tratamiento con ondas de choque debe ser aplicada por profesionales debidamente capacitados para que se cumplan los requisitos específicos necesarios para garantizar una técnica de aplicación adecuada, minimizar los posibles efectos adversos y mejorar la seguridad del paciente

    Managing patient with coexisting emphysematous pyelonephritis and cystitis

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    Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a type of critical renal infection having dire consequences at times. It is said to be result of gases produced inside renal parenchymal tissue or pelvicalyceal system. Rarely coexistence of emphysematous pyelonephritis and emphysematous cystitis (EC) may lead to an intimidating condition in case it is not dealt with swiftly. The resent case report narrates the management of a 45-year-old female patient who suffered from EPN with concomitant EC. Right-sided emergency percutaneous nephrostomy was passed. Afterwards, Double J stent was passed under general anaesthesia. Although she had an initial improvement clinically but later on due to recurrent urinary tract infections and non-resolving right kidney abscess and fever right sided nephrectomy was done. This is a very rare presentation and has not previously reported much in literature

    Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students.

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    CONTEXT.—: Multiple articles and surveys in the literature suggest that medical students find a career in pathology undesirable and believe it is disproportionately focused primarily on the autopsy. OBJECTIVE.—: To measure the effect of applied interventions on medical student attitudes about the field of pathology. DESIGN.—: This prospective study involving medical students from first through fourth year was conducted as a pilot study in 2 medical schools in the United States. A 2-part anonymous survey regarding interest in pathology as a career and familiarity with the specialty using a 10-point scale was given to first- and second-year medical students before and after they listened to a 10-minute pathology career presentation. The same survey was given to third- and fourth-year medical students before and after a 4-week pathology elective. RESULTS.—: A total of 121 and 83 students responded to the survey before and after the intervention, respectively. Of the 121 students who responded to the survey before the intervention, 106 (87.6%) had not spent significant time in a pathology laboratory before the intervention. The majority of responses in interest in career, job responsibilities, and features of pathologists before and after the intervention demonstrated a statistically significant difference (P \u3c .001). We compared survey scores of presentation versus 4-week rotation groups before and after the intervention. Students who experienced the presentation did not differ from students who experienced the rotation in the majority of questions related to interest in career, job responsibilities, and features of pathologists. CONCLUSIONS.—: Our study suggests that pathology exposure strategies can have a beneficial effect on student perceptions of the field and consideration of a career in pathology. Overall, the presentation intervention on the first- and second-year students seemed to have the greatest effect