472 research outputs found

    Eating psychopathology in athletes: methods of identification and intervention

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    Background: The incidence of eating psychopathology in athletes is considerably higher than in the general population. Facilitating the early identification and successful management of eating problems in this group is therefore essential. Objectives: The thesis aimed to improve our empirical understanding of the identification and management of eating problems in athletes. Three areas were investigated. First, a measure of compulsive exercise was evaluated as a method of identification of eating psychopathology in athletes. Second, the thesis explored coach methods of identification and management of eating problems among their athletes. Finally, athlete experiences of disclosing and seeking treatment for eating disorders were explored. Main findings: The Compulsive Exercise Test was found to be a useful measure in screening for eating psychopathology in athletes. Track and field coaches relied heavily on the physical symptoms of disordered eating when identifying potential eating problems in athletes. Coaches described difficulties in identifying eating psychopathology in athletes, and in signposting athletes to appropriate support. Individual differences in the perceived value of disclosing an eating disorder were discovered among athletes currently seeking treatment. Lastly, athletes described struggling to engage with their eating disorder treatment programme, particularly where exercise was restricted or reduced. Implications: The findings suggest a need for greater support, education and resources for coaches and sports professionals in identifying and facilitating treatment access among their athletes. The Compulsive Exercise Test may be one way to assist sports professionals in identifying athletes with elevated levels of eating psychopathology. Athletes may be more willing to engage with treatment programmes when they are closely involved in goal setting and their exercise and sporting commitments are incorporated where possible

    Polygonal excitations of spinning and levitating droplets

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    The shape of a weightless spinning liquid droplet is governed by the balance between the surface tension and centrifugal forces. The axisymmetric shape for slow rotation becomes unstable to a non-axisymmetric distortion above a critical angular velocity, beyond which the droplet progresses through a series of 2-lobed shapes. Theory predicts the existence of a family of 3- and 4-lobed equilibrium shapes at higher angular velocity. We investigate the formation of a triangular-shaped magnetically levitated water droplet, driven to rotate by the Lorentz force on an ionic current within the droplet. We also study equatorial traveling waves which give the droplet 3, 4 and 5-fold symmetry.Comment: Supplementary information at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ppzlev/Drople

    The influence of social networks within sports teams on athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology: A longitudinal study

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    Teammates have been found to have an impact on athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology via multiple influence mechanisms (e.g., modelling, making critical comments). However, far less is known about the role of the team social network (i.e. the pattern and strength of relationships between teammates). This novel longitudinal study aimed to explore how athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology becomes more (convergence) or less (divergence) similar to their teammates’ over time and to explore how this varies for male and female athletes. A second aim was to identify the role of team social network variables (e.g., popularity) in determining individuals’ levels of eating and exercise psychopathology. Athletes (N = 199, mean age 18 years, n = 123 female) from 20 teams/training groups completed a survey regarding their teammate relationships and eating/exercise psychopathology (Eating Disorder Inventory-2; Athlete Compulsive Exercise Test) at three time points over a 7-month period. Significant interaction effects between time and gender were noted for athlete team variability in eating and exercise psychopathology, where both convergence and divergence of eating and exercise psychopathology was evident. In addition, being well connected to teammates, acting as the bridge between groups of teammates or being part of a cohesive team were longitudinally associated with reduced exercise psychopathology. Disordered eating and exercise prevention strategies should look to harness the behavioural convergence effect demonstrated here, by encouraging healthy eating/exercise practices among teammates. Furthermore, coaches should foster cohesive teammate relationships and be aware of how an athlete’s social positioning within their team may affect their susceptibility to exercise psychopathology

    Solving the brachistochrone and other variational problems with soap films

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    We show a method to solve the problem of the brachistochrone as well as other variational problems with the help of the soap films that are formed between two suitable surfaces. We also show the interesting connection between some variational problems of dynamics, statics, optics, and elasticity.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. This article, except for a small correction, has been submitted to the American Journal of Physic

    Responses of track and field coaches to athletes with eating problems

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    This study aimed to explore how track and field coaches respond to athletes with eating problems. Eleven experienced coaches participated in semi-structured interviews exploring their responses to, and challenges faced when, working with athletes with eating problems. The analysis revealed three themes relating to the strategies employed by coaches. The first theme indicated a supportive approach, where coaches were proactive in seeking support and in reducing training at the early stages of an eating problem. The second theme outlined an avoidant approach, characterized by coach reluctance to be involved in managing eating problems, and a lack of confidence in their knowledge of eating disorders. The third theme involved a confrontational approach, where coaches employed strict rules and engaged in coercion to persuade athletes to seek treatment. All of the coaches reported facing challenges in persuading athletes to seek treatment and were frustrated by the lack of available support. The study highlights the importance of providing resources and support services where coaches can seek advice. Coach-education packages can utilize the findings to highlight the strengths and limitations of different coach strategies, and to reinforce the importance of their role in identification and intervention when eating problems in athletes are suspected

    Identifying and preventing disordered eating among athletes : perceptions of track and field coaches

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    Objective: This study aimed to identify the strategies employed by coaches when identifying disordered eating (DE) among track and field athletes. Design: This was a qualitative study and an inductive thematic analysis was conducted. Method: Semi structured interviews were conducted with eleven track and field coaches, with experience of coaching at national and international level. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysis was conducted. Results: Track and field coaches reported using physical, social and performance indicators to identify disordered eating in their athletes. Coaches also monitored their athletes' eating attitudes and behaviors. Weight loss (both observed and objectively monitored) was considered to be a key indicator of disordered eating. Coaches placed a high level of importance on weight for performance, and an “ideal” female athlete body. Previous experiences of detecting disordered eating and a close relationship with the athlete facilitated the identification of disordered eating. Athlete secrecy and masking behaviors, difficulties in communication and coaches' stereotypical beliefs were found to complicate the identification process. Conclusions: This study highlights the need for additional information, advice and guidance for track and field coaches to improve their knowledge and confidence in identifying disordered eating among their athletes

    Evaluating a motivational and psycho‐educational self‐help intervention for athletes with mild eating disorder symptoms: A mixed methods feasibility study

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    Objective The primary aim was to assess the feasibility of undertaking a study evaluating the novel Motivational and Psycho-Educational Self-Help Programme for Athletes with Mild Eating Disorder Symptoms (MOPED-A). A mixed-methods approach was adopted to explore the feasibility of recruiting and retaining participants, and to evaluate the acceptability of measures, procedures and the intervention. A secondary aim was to explore the potential efficacy of MOPED-A in reducing athletes' eating disorder symptoms. Method Thirty-five athletes were recruited. Participation involved completing MOPED-A over a 6-week period and completing self-report measures at baseline (T1), post-intervention (T2) and 4-week follow-up (T3). A subsample (n = 15) completed an interview at T2. Results Retention was good throughout the study (n = 28; 80%). Quantitative and qualitative feedback suggested the format, delivery, content and dosage of MOPED-A were acceptable. Athletes valued that the intervention was tailored to them, and this facilitated both participation and completion. Over a third of participants reported disclosing their eating difficulties and deciding to seek further support. Large reductions in eating disorder symptoms were detected at T2 and sustained at T3. Conclusions The MOPED-A intervention can be feasibly implemented, is acceptable to participants, and demonstrates potential for reducing symptoms in athletes. A larger, controlled trial is warranted

    Detecting disordered eating among recreational exercisers; exploring the role of personal trainers

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    This study aimed to understand how personal trainers identify and manage disordered eating among their clients. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with eleven UK based personal trainers to document their experiences of working with clients exhibiting symptoms of disordered eating. The interviews were recorded, fully transcribed and subjected to a thematic analysis. The findings suggest that personal trainers rely on external cues to identify disordered eating among clients such as changes to physical appearance, exercise behaviours and performance. The findings also revealed that personal trainers lack knowledge and hold misconceptions about disordered eating. Such misconceptions influenced their ability to identify and manage potential problems among their clients. Participants described the need for further education and guidelines to increase their knowledge and confidence in identifying and managing disordered eating among their clients. The findings from this study will be useful for professional bodies and practitioners in the development of guidelines and educational material for personal trainers

    The Compulsive Exercise Test : confirmatory factor analysis and links with eating psychopathology among women with clinical eating disorders

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Compulsive Exercise Test (CET) among an adult sample of patients with eating disorders. Method: Three hundred and fifty six patients and 360 non-clinical control women completed the CET and the Eating Disorders Examination questionnaire (EDE-Q). Results: A confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the clinical data showed a moderate fit to the previously published five factor model derived from a community sample (Taranis L, Touyz S, Meyer C, Eur Eat Disord Rev 19:256-268, 2011). The clinical group scored significantly higher than the non-clinical group on four of the five CET subscales, and logistic regression analysis revealed that the CET could successfully discriminate between the two groups. A Receiver Operating Curve analysis revealed that a cut-off score of 15 on the CET resulted in acceptable values of both sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions: The CET appears to have a factor structure that is acceptable for use with an adult sample of patients with eating disorders. It can identify compulsive exercise among patients with eating disorders and a cut-off score of 15 is acceptable as indicating an appropriate cut-off point

    Evolution and breakup of viscous rotating drops

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    We study the evolution of a viscous fluid drop rotating about a fixed axis at constant angular velocity OmegaOmega or constant angular momentum L surrounded by another viscous fluid. The problem is considered in the limit of large Ekman number and small Reynolds number. The analysis is carried out by combining asymptotic analysis and full numerical simulation by means of the boundary element method. We pay special attention to the stability/instability of equilibrium shapes and the possible formation of singularities representing a change in the topology of the fluid domain. When the evolution is at constant OmegaOmega, depending on its value, drops can take the form of a flat film whose thickness goes to zero in finite time or an elongated filament that extends indefinitely. When evolution takes place at constant L and axial symmetry is imposed, thin films surrounded by a toroidal rim can develop, but the film thickness does not vanish in finite time. When axial symmetry is not imposed and L is sufficiently large, drops break axial symmetry and, depending on the value of L, reach an equilibrium configuration with a 2-fold symmetry or break up into several drops with a 2- or 3-fold symmetry. The mechanism of breakup is also describe