117 research outputs found

    Exact spectral function of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in a lattice

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    The single-particle spectral function of a strongly correlated system is an essential ingredient to describe its dynamics and transport properties. We develop a general method to calculate the exact spectral function of a strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas in the Tonks-Girardeau regime, valid for any type of confining potential, and apply it to bosons on a lattice to obtain the full spectral function, at all energy and momentum scales. We find that it displays three main singularity lines. The first two can be identified as the analogs of Lieb-I and Lieb-II modes of a uniform fluid; the third one, instead, is specifically due to the presence of the lattice. We show that the spectral function displays a power-law behaviour close to the Lieb-I and Lieb-II singularities, as predicted by the non-linear Luttinger liquid description, and obtain the exact exponents. In particular, the Lieb-II mode shows a divergence in the spectral function, differently from what happens in the dynamical structure factor, thus providing a route to probe it in experiments with ultracold atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum-state transfer via resonant tunnelling through local field induced barriers

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    Efficient quantum-state transfer is achieved in a uniformly coupled spin-1/2 chain, with open boundaries, by application of local magnetic fields on the second and last-but-one spins, respectively. These effective \textit{barriers} induce appearance of two eigenstates, bi-localized at the edges of the chain, which allow a high quality transfer also at relatively long distances. The same mechanism may be used to send an entire e-bit (e.g., an entangled qubit pair) from one to the other end of the chain

    Discording power of quantum evolutions

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    We introduce the discording power of a unitary transformation, which assesses its capability to produce quantum discord, and analyze in detail the generation of discord by relevant classes of two-qubit gates. Our measure is based on the Cartan decomposition of two-qubit unitaries and on evaluating the maximum discord achievable by a unitary upon acting on classical-classical states at fixed purity. We found that there exist gates which are perfect discorders for any value of purity, and that they belong to a class of operators that includes the $\sqrt{{SWAP}}. Other gates, even those universal for quantum computation, do not posses the same property: the CNOT, for example, is a perfect discorder only for states with low or unit purity, but not for intermediate values. The discording power of a two-qubit unitary also provides a generalization of the corresponding measure defined for entanglement to any value of the purity.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Decoherence in a fermion environment: Non-Markovianity and Orthogonality Catastrophe

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    We analyze the non-Markovian character of the dynamics of an open two-level atom interacting with a gas of ultra-cold fermions. In particular, we discuss the connection between the phenomena of orthogonality catastrophe and Fermi edge singularity occurring in such a kind of environment and the memory-keeping effects which are displayed in the time evolution of the open system

    Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects

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    The concept of inner friction, by which a quantum heat engine is unable to follow adiabatically its strokes and thus dissipates useful energy, is illustrated in an exact physical model where the working substance consists of an ensemble of misaligned spins interacting with a magnetic field and performing the Otto cycle. The effect of this static disorder under a finite-time cycle gives a new perspective of the concept of inner friction under realistic settings. We investigate the efficiency and power of this engine and relate its performance to the amount of friction from misalignment and to the temperature difference between heat baths. Finally we propose an alternative experimental implementation of the cycle where the spin is encoded in the degree of polarization of photons.Comment: Published version in the Focus Issue on "Quantum Thermodynamics

    Where can switchgrass production be more profitable than corn and soybean? An integrated subfield assessment in Iowa, USA

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    Perennial bioenergy crops are considered an important feedstock for a growing bioeconomy. However, in the USA, production of biofuel from these dedicated, nonfood crops is lagging behind federal mandates and markets have yet to develop. Most studies on the economic potential of perennial biofuel crops have concluded that even high-yielding bioenergy grasses are unprofitable compared to corn/soybeans, the prevailing crops in the United States Corn Belt. However, they did not account for opportunities precision agriculture presents to integrate perennials into agronomically and economically underperforming parts of corn/soybean fields. Using publicly available subfield data and market projections, we identified an upper bound to the areas in Iowa, United States, where the conversion from corn/soybean cropland to an herbaceous bioenergy crop, switchgrass, could be economically viable under different price, land tenancy, and yield scenarios. Assuming owned land, medium crop prices, and a biomass price of US55Mg−1,weshowedthat4.3 55 Mg-1, we showed that 4.3% of corn/soybean cropland could break even when converted to switchgrass yielding up to 10.08 Mg ha-1. The annualized change in net present value on each converted subfield patch ranged from just above US 0 ha-1 to 692 ha-1. In the three counties of highest economic opportunity, total annualized producer benefits from converting corn/soybean to switchgrass summed to US$ 2.6 million, 3.4 million, and 7.6 million, respectively. This is the first study to quantify an upper bound to the potential private economic benefits from targeted conversion of unfavorable corn/soybean cropland to switchgrass, leaving arable land already under perennial cover unchanged. Broadly, we conclude that areas with high within-field yield variation provide highest economic opportunities for switchgrass conversion. Our results are relevant for policy design intended to improve the sustainability of agricultural production. While focused on Iowa, this approach is applicable to other intensively farmed regions globally with similar data availability

    Entanglement of a qubit coupled to a resonator in the adiabatic regime

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    We discuss the ground state entanglement of a bi-partite system, composed by a qubit strongly interacting with an oscillator mode, as a function of the coupling strenght, the transition frequency and the level asymmetry of the qubit. This is done in the adiabatic regime in which the time evolution of the qubit is much faster than the oscillator one. Within the adiabatic approximation, we obtain a complete characterization of the ground state properties of the system and of its entanglement content.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure
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