523 research outputs found

    Does crop-livestock integration lead to improved crop production in the savanna of West Africa?

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    Integrated crop-livestock farming in the Guinea savanna of West Africa is often assumed to lead to synergies between crop and livestock production, thereby improving the overall productivity and resilience of agricultural production. Whether these synergies actually occur remains poorly studied. On-farm trials were conducted in northern Nigeria over a period of four years to assess the agronomic and economic performance of maize-legume systems with and without the integration of livestock (goats). Groundnut-maize rotations with livestock achieved the highest carry-over of nutrients as manure from one season to the next, covering approximately one-third of the expected N, P and K uptake by maize and reducing the demand for synthetic fertilizers. However, the advantage of lower fertilizer costs in rotations with livestock was offset by higher labour costs for manure application and slightly lower values of maize grain. Overall, no clear agronomic or economic benefits for crop production were observed from the combined application of manure and synthetic fertilizer over the application of synthetic fertilizer only, probably because the amounts of manure applied were relatively small. Legume-maize rotations achieved higher cereal yields, a better response to labour and fertilizer inputs, and a higher profitability than maize-based systems with no or only a small legume component, irrespective of the presence of livestock. Livestock at or near the farm could nevertheless make legume cultivation economically more attractive by increasing the value of legume haulms. The results suggested that factors other than crop benefits, e.g. livestock providing tangible and non-tangible benefits and opportunities for animal traction, could be important drivers for the ongoing integration of crop and livestock production in the savann

    Beyond Speculative Robot Ethics

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    In this article we develop a dialogue model for robot technology experts and designated users to discuss visions on the future of robotics in long-term care. Our vision assessment study aims for more distinguished and more informed visions on future robots. Surprisingly, our experiment also lead to some promising co-designed robot concepts in which jointly articulated moral guidelines are embedded. With our model we think to have designed an interesting response on a recent call for a less speculative ethics of technology by encouraging discussions about the quality of positive and negative visions on the future of robotics.

    CO ro-vibrational lines in HD100546: A search for disc asymmetries and the role of fluorescence

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    We have studied the emission of CO ro-vibrational lines in the disc around the Herbig Be star HD100546 with the final goal of using these lines as a diagnostic to understand inner disc structure in the context of planet formation. High-resolution IR spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission at eight different position angles were taken with CRIRES at the VLT. From these spectra flux tables, CO ro-vibrational line profiles, and population diagrams were produced. We have investigated variations in the line profile shapes and line strengths as a function of slit position angle. We used the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo based on the chemistry, radiation field, and temperature structure of a previously published model for HD100546. Comparing observations and the model, we investigated the possibility of disc asymmetries, the excitation mechanism (UV fluorescence), the geometry, and physical conditions of the inner disc. The observed CO ro-vibrational lines are largely emitted from the inner rim of the outer disc at 10-13 AU. The line shapes are similar for all v levels and line fluxes from all vibrational levels vary only within one order of magnitude. All line profile asymmetries and variations can be explained with a symmetric disc model to which a slit correction and pointing offset is applied. Because the angular size of the CO emitting region (10-13 AU) and the slit width are comparable the line profiles are very sensitive to the placing of the slit. The model reproduces the line shapes and the fluxes of the v=1-0 lines as well as the spatial extent of the CO ro-vibrational emission. It does not reproduce the observed band ratios of 0.5-0.2 with higher vibrational bands. We find that lower gas volume densities at the surface of the inner rim of the outer disc can make the fluorescence pumping more effcient and reproduce the observed band ratios.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figure

    Effects of subchronic exposure to complex mixtures of dioxin-like and non-dioxin-like polyhalogenated aromatic compounds on thyroid hormone and Vitamin A levels in female sprague-Dawley rats

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of subchronic exposure to complex mixtures of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) on the thyroid hormone and retinoid status in female Sprague-Dawley rats and to investigate the predictability of these effects by the toxic equivalency factor (TEF) concept. In the first experiment, the focus was on a complex dioxin-like PHAH mixture, which covered > 90% of the total toxic equivalents (TEQ) present in Baltic herring. In the second experiment, the contribution of non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was investigated by testing the commercial PCB mixture Aroclor 1260, its 0-1 ortho and 2-4 ortho fractions and the reconstituted 0-4 ortho fraction. Hepatic retinoid levels were severely decreased (Ο70%) after treatment with the dioxin-like PHAH mixture, similar to the effect of a TEQ equivalent dose of 1 μg 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg bw/week. However, the TEF concept failed to predict the effect on plasma retinol; a decrease (21%) was observed after treatment with the PHAH mixture, whereas an increase (21%) was found after treatment with TCDD. A more severe decrease of total thyroid hormone in plasma was observed after exposure to the PHAH mixture compared to treatment with TCDD (Ο60% vs. 38%). The discrepancy found between the predicted and observed effects for plasma retinol and thyroid hormone is possibly due to an additional effect of hydroxylated PCBs, formed from metabolizable PCBs present in the PHAH mixture. Aroclor 1260 and its fractions did not significantly alter the retinoid and thyroid hormone status at the dose levels tested, indicating that in case of exposure to complex PCB mixtures at environmental levels, no effects, or at best, only marginal effects can be expected on the retinoid and thyroid hormone status

    A proposed new diagnostic for Herbig disc geometry : FWHM versus J of CO ro-vibrational lines

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    I.K.,W.F.T., and P.W. acknowledge funding from the EU FP7-2011 under Grant Agreement No. 284405. G.v.d.p. acknowledges support from the Millennium Science Initiative (Chilean Ministry of Economy) through grant Nucleus P10-022-F and also acknowledges financial support provided by FONDECYT following grant 3140393.Aims. The CO ro-vibrational lines observed from Herbig group II discs are often seen to be broad, while the same lines observed from group I discs are often narrow. This difference is not well understood. In this paper we explore the underlying cause for this difference and provide a pathway for a better understanding of the geometry and structure of the inner discs around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Methods. High spectral resolution infrared spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission from six Herbig Ae/Be candidate stars were taken with the CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph (CRIRES) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). From these spectra, we produce individual and co-added CO ro-vibrational line profiles. We investigate line profile shape differences, and we explore the full width at half maximum (FWHM) variations with J quantum number in the context of disc geometry. Furthermore, we put our new sources into the context of earlier observed sources to study a large sample. For comparison, we also investigate the FWHM variations with J of modelled CO ro-vibrational lines from two typical disc geometries produced with the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo. Results. For our new observations of CO ro-vibrational lines, we find that the FWHM of individual lines are in the range of 10–60 km s-1. We find both narrow and broad single-peaked emission lines, but only Hen 2-80 displays double-peaked emission lines. For HD 250550, the FWHM of the CO lines increases with J value, indicating a radially extended emitting region, while Hen 2-80 shows a constant FWHM versus J behaviour, indicating a narrow emitting region. This qualitatively agrees with the two different modelled disc geometries. Comparing dust and gas inner disc geometries (inferred by the spectral energy distribution (SED) and CO ro-vibrational emission) for the expanded sample of observed Herbig discs, we find no clear correspondence between the SED (spectral energy distribution) groups of the sources and their inner CO radius. Conclusions. The FWHM versus J is a potential new gas diagnostic for the inner disc with, for example, a constant FWHM versus J indicating the presence of a large gas hole or gap. Models and observations both indicate the potential of this new diagnostic. Our extended sample does not fully support the previous trend where group I discs have CO ro-vibrational emission lines with small FWHM. Instead, our CO ro-vibrational data from a handful of sources indicates different inner disc geometries for the gas and dust of these sources.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Homogeneous Analysis of the Dust Morphology of Transition Disks Observed with ALMA: Investigating Dust Trapping and the Origin of the Cavities

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    We analyze the dust morphology of 29 transition disks (TDs) observed with ALMA at (sub-) millimeter-emission. We perform the analysis in the visibility plane to characterize the total flux, cavity size, and shape of the ring-like structure. First, we found that the MdustMM_{\rm{dust}}-M_\star relation is much flatter for TDs than the observed trends from samples of class II sources in different star forming regions. This relation demonstrates that cavities open in high (dust) mass disks, independent of the stellar mass. The flatness of this relation contradicts the idea that TDs are a more evolved set of disks. Two potential reasons (not mutually exclusive) may explain this flat relation: the emission is optically thick or/and millimeter-sized particles are trapped in a pressure bump. Second, we discuss our results of the cavity size and ring width in the context of different physical processes for cavity formation. Photoevaporation is an unlikely leading mechanism for the origin of the cavity of any of the targets in the sample. Embedded giant planets or dead zones remain as potential explanations. Although both models predict correlations between the cavity size and the ring shape for different stellar and disk properties, we demonstrate that with the current resolution of the observations, it is difficult to obtain these correlations. Future observations with higher angular resolution observations of TDs with ALMA will help to discern between different potential origins of cavities in TDs

    Fertility-sparing surgery and fertility preservation in cervical cancer: The desire for parenthood, reproductive and obstetric outcomes

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    Objective: To evaluate the desire for parenthood and reproductive outcomes of young cervical cancer survivors who underwent fertility-sparing surgery or fertility preservation procedures for invasive cervical cancer. Methods: All women <45 years who underwent fertility-sparing treatment for invasive cervical cancer in a tertiary referral center in the Netherlands between January 2009 and January 2020 were identified. Fertility-sparing treatment options included Vaginal Radical Trachelectomy (VRT) for patients with early-stage disease and fertility preservation techniques (FP) when requiring Radical Hysterectomy (RH) or chemoradiotherapy. Data on reproductive intentions – and outcomes were retrieved from medical files and questionnaires. Results: 75 patients were identified of whom 34 underwent VRT, 9 RH and 32 had (chemo)radiotherapy. 26 patients started FP of whom 23 (88.5%) successfully preserved fertility through cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes and ovarian tissue. After a median follow-up of 49 months, 5 patients developed recurrent disease and died. Reproductive outcomes were retrieved in 58 patients. 89.6% maintained their desire for parenthood after cancer treatment. Following VRT, we report a pregnancy rate of 61.9% among the patients attempting conception (n = 24). 15 patients conceived 21 pregnancies which resulted in 15 live-births, yielding a live-birth rate of 75.0%. Following RH or (chemo)radiotherapy, 3 surrogate pregnancies were established (21.4%) using frozen-thawed material with good neonatal outcomes. Conclusion: Many cervical cancer survivors maintain the desire to become parents eventually. In early-stage disease, VRT shows good reproductive outcomes without compromising oncological safety. For those requiring gonadotoxic treatment fertility preservation and gestational surrogacy provides a promising alternative for achieving a biological offspring