59 research outputs found

    The genotype-phenotype relationship in multicellular pattern-generating models - the neglected role of pattern descriptors

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    Background: A deep understanding of what causes the phenotypic variation arising from biological patterning processes, cannot be claimed before we are able to recreate this variation by mathematical models capable of generating genotype-phenotype maps in a causally cohesive way. However, the concept of pattern in a multicellular context implies that what matters is not the state of every single cell, but certain emergent qualities of the total cell aggregate. Thus, in order to set up a genotype-phenotype map in such a spatiotemporal pattern setting one is actually forced to establish new pattern descriptors and derive their relations to parameters of the original model. A pattern descriptor is a variable that describes and quantifies a certain qualitative feature of the pattern, for example the degree to which certain macroscopic structures are present. There is today no general procedure for how to relate a set of patterns and their characteristic features to the functional relationships, parameter values and initial values of an original pattern-generating model. Here we present a new, generic approach for explorative analysis of complex patterning models which focuses on the essential pattern features and their relations to the model parameters. The approach is illustrated on an existing model for Delta-Notch lateral inhibition over a two-dimensional lattice. Results: By combining computer simulations according to a succession of statistical experimental designs, computer graphics, automatic image analysis, human sensory descriptive analysis and multivariate data modelling, we derive a pattern descriptor model of those macroscopic, emergent aspects of the patterns that we consider of interest. The pattern descriptor model relates the values of the new, dedicated pattern descriptors to the parameter values of the original model, for example by predicting the parameter values leading to particular patterns, and provides insights that would have been hard to obtain by traditional methods. Conclusion: The results suggest that our approach may qualify as a general procedure for how to discover and relate relevant features and characteristics of emergent patterns to the functional relationships, parameter values and initial values of an underlying pattern-generating mathematical model

    Nonlinear regulation enhances the phenotypic expression of trans-acting genetic polymorphisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic variation explains a considerable part of observed phenotypic variation in gene expression networks. This variation has been shown to be located both locally (<it>cis</it>) and distally (<it>trans</it>) to the genes being measured. Here we explore to which degree the phenotypic manifestation of local and distant polymorphisms is a dynamic feature of regulatory design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By combining mathematical models of gene expression networks with genetic maps and linkage analysis we find that very different network structures and regulatory motifs give similar <it>cis</it>/<it>trans </it>linkage patterns. However, when the shape of the <it>cis-</it>regulatory input functions is more nonlinear or threshold-like, we observe for all networks a dramatic increase in the phenotypic expression of distant compared to local polymorphisms under otherwise equal conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate that genetic variation affecting the form of <it>cis</it>-regulatory input functions may reshape the genotype-phenotype map by changing the relative importance of <it>cis </it>and <it>trans </it>variation. Our approach combining nonlinear dynamic models with statistical genetics opens up for a systematic investigation of how functional genetic variation is translated into phenotypic variation under various systemic conditions.</p

    Piecewise smooth systems near a co-dimension 2 discontinuity manifold: can one say what should happen?

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    We consider a piecewise smooth system in the neighborhood of a co-dimension 2 discontinuity manifold Σ\Sigma. Within the class of Filippov solutions, if Σ\Sigma is attractive, one should expect solution trajectories to slide on Σ\Sigma. It is well known, however, that the classical Filippov convexification methodology is ambiguous on Σ\Sigma. The situation is further complicated by the possibility that, regardless of how sliding on Σ\Sigma is taking place, during sliding motion a trajectory encounters so-called generic first order exit points, where Σ\Sigma ceases to be attractive. In this work, we attempt to understand what behavior one should expect of a solution trajectory near Σ\Sigma when Σ\Sigma is attractive, what to expect when Σ\Sigma ceases to be attractive (at least, at generic exit points), and finally we also contrast and compare the behavior of some regularizations proposed in the literature. Through analysis and experiments we will confirm some known facts, and provide some important insight: (i) when Σ\Sigma is attractive, a solution trajectory indeed does remain near Σ\Sigma, viz. sliding on Σ\Sigma is an appropriate idealization (of course, in general, one cannot predict which sliding vector field should be selected); (ii) when Σ\Sigma loses attractivity (at first order exit conditions), a typical solution trajectory leaves a neighborhood of Σ\Sigma; (iii) there is no obvious way to regularize the system so that the regularized trajectory will remain near Σ\Sigma as long as Σ\Sigma is attractive, and so that it will be leaving (a neighborhood of) Σ\Sigma when Σ\Sigma looses attractivity. We reach the above conclusions by considering exclusively the given piecewise smooth system, without superimposing any assumption on what kind of dynamics near Σ\Sigma (or sliding motion on Σ\Sigma) should have been taking place.Comment: 19 figure

    Threshold-dominated regulation hides genetic variation in gene expression networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In dynamical models with feedback and sigmoidal response functions, some or all variables have thresholds around which they regulate themselves or other variables. A mathematical analysis has shown that when the dose-response functions approach binary or on/off responses, any variable with an equilibrium value close to one of its thresholds is very robust to parameter perturbations of a homeostatic state. We denote this threshold robustness. To check the empirical relevance of this phenomenon with response function steepnesses ranging from a near on/off response down to Michaelis-Menten conditions, we have performed a simulation study to investigate the degree of threshold robustness in models for a three-gene system with one downstream gene, using several logical input gates, but excluding models with positive feedback to avoid multistationarity. Varying parameter values representing functional genetic variation, we have analysed the coefficient of variation (<it>CV</it>) of the gene product concentrations in the stable state for the regulating genes in absolute terms and compared to the <it>CV </it>for the unregulating downstream gene. The sigmoidal or binary dose-response functions in these models can be considered as phenomenological models of the aggregated effects on protein or mRNA expression rates of all cellular reactions involved in gene expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all the models, threshold robustness increases with increasing response steepness. The <it>CV</it>s of the regulating genes are significantly smaller than for the unregulating gene, in particular for steep responses. The effect becomes less prominent as steepnesses approach Michaelis-Menten conditions. If the parameter perturbation shifts the equilibrium value too far away from threshold, the gene product is no longer an effective regulator and robustness is lost. Threshold robustness arises when a variable is an active regulator around its threshold, and this function is maintained by the feedback loop that the regulator necessarily takes part in and also is regulated by. In the present study all feedback loops are negative, and our results suggest that threshold robustness is maintained by negative feedback which necessarily exists in the homeostatic state.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Threshold robustness of a variable can be seen as its ability to maintain an active regulation around its threshold in a homeostatic state despite external perturbations. The feedback loop that the system necessarily possesses in this state, ensures that the robust variable is itself regulated and kept close to its threshold. Our results suggest that threshold regulation is a generic phenomenon in feedback-regulated networks with sigmoidal response functions, at least when there is no positive feedback. Threshold robustness in gene regulatory networks illustrates that hidden genetic variation can be explained by systemic properties of the genotype-phenotype map.</p

    Dual Identities inside the Gluon and the Graviton Scattering Amplitudes

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    Recently, Bern, Carrasco and Johansson conjectured dual identities inside the gluon tree scattering amplitudes. In this paper, we use the properties of the heterotic string and open string tree scattering amplitudes to refine and derive these dual identities. These identities can be carried over to loop amplitudes using the unitarity method. Furthermore, given the MM-gluon (as well as gluon-gluino) tree amplitudes, MM-graviton (as well as graviton-gravitino) tree scattering amplitudes can be written down immediately, avoiding the derivation of Feynman rules and the evaluation of Feynman diagrams for graviton scattering amplitudes.Comment: 43 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected, a few points clarified

    The Momentum Kernel of Gauge and Gravity Theories

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    We derive an explicit formula for factorizing an nn-point closed string amplitude into open string amplitudes. Our results are phrased in terms of a momentum kernel which in the limit of infinite string tension reduces to the corresponding field theory kernel. The same momentum kernel encodes the monodromy relations which lead to the minimal basis of color-ordered amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory. There are interesting consequences of the momentum kernel pertaining to soft limits of amplitudes. We also comment on surprising links between gravity and certain combinations of kinematic and color factors in gauge theory.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Pushed and pulled fronts in a discrete reaction-diffusion equation

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    We consider the propagation of wave fronts connecting unstable and stable uniform solutions to a discrete reaction-diffusion equation on a one-dimensional integer lattice. The dependence of the wavespeed on the coupling strength µ between lattice points and on a detuning parameter (α) appearing in a nonlinear forcing is investigated thoroughly. Via asymptotic and numerical studies, the speed both of 'pulled' fronts (whereby the wavespeed can be characterised by the linear behaviour at the leading edge of the wave) and of 'pushed' fronts (for which the nonlinear dynamics of the entire front determine the wavespeed) is investigated in detail. The asymptotic and numerical techniques employed complement each other in highlighting the transition between pushed and pulled fronts under variations of µ and α

    Spatial Analysis of Expression Patterns Predicts Genetic Interactions at the Mid-Hindbrain Boundary

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    The isthmic organizer mediating differentiation of mid- and hindbrain during vertebrate development is characterized by a well-defined pattern of locally restricted gene expression domains around the mid-hindbrain boundary (MHB). This pattern is established and maintained by a regulatory network between several transcription and secreted factors that is not yet understood in full detail. In this contribution we show that a Boolean analysis of the characteristic spatial gene expression patterns at the murine MHB reveals key regulatory interactions in this network. Our analysis employs techniques from computational logic for the minimization of Boolean functions. This approach allows us to predict also the interplay of the various regulatory interactions. In particular, we predict a maintaining, rather than inducing, effect of Fgf8 on Wnt1 expression, an issue that remained unclear from published data. Using mouse anterior neural plate/tube explant cultures, we provide experimental evidence that Fgf8 in fact only maintains but does not induce ectopic Wnt1 expression in these explants. In combination with previously validated interactions, this finding allows for the construction of a regulatory network between key transcription and secreted factors at the MHB. Analyses of Boolean, differential equation and reaction-diffusion models of this network confirm that it is indeed able to explain the stable maintenance of the MHB as well as time-courses of expression patterns both under wild-type and various knock-out conditions. In conclusion, we demonstrate that similar to temporal also spatial expression patterns can be used to gain information about the structure of regulatory networks. We show, in particular, that the spatial gene expression patterns around the MHB help us to understand the maintenance of this boundary on a systems level

    Indeterminacy of Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks: The Curse of Gene Elasticity

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    Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) have become a major focus of interest in recent years. A number of reverse engineering approaches have been developed to help uncover the regulatory networks giving rise to the observed gene expression profiles. However, this is an overspecified problem due to the fact that more than one genotype (network wiring) can give rise to the same phenotype. We refer to this phenomenon as “gene elasticity.” In this work, we study the effect of this particular problem on the pure, data-driven inference of gene regulatory networks.We simulated a four-gene network in order to produce “data” (protein levels) that we use in lieu of real experimental data. We then optimized the network connections between the four genes with a view to obtain the original network that gave rise to the data. We did this for two different cases: one in which only the network connections were optimized and the other in which both the network connections as well as the kinetic parameters (given as reaction probabilities in our case) were estimated. We observed that multiple genotypes gave rise to very similar protein levels. Statistical experimentation indicates that it is impossible to differentiate between the different networks on the basis of both equilibrium as well as dynamic data.We show explicitly that reverse engineering of GRNs from pure expression data is an indeterminate problem. Our results suggest the unsuitability of an inferential, purely data-driven approach for the reverse engineering transcriptional networks in the case of gene regulatory networks displaying a certain level of complexity

    Inherent directionality explains the lack of feedback loops in empirical networks

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    We explore the hypothesis that the relative abundance of feedback loops in many empirical complex networks is severely reduced owing to the presence of an inherent global directionality. Aimed at quantifying this idea, we propose a simple probabilistic model in which a free parameter γ controls the degree of inherent directionality. Upon strengthening such directionality, the model predicts a drastic reduction in the fraction of loops which are also feedback loops. To test this prediction, we extensively enumerated loops and feedback loops in many empirical biological, ecological and socio-technological directed networks. We show that, in almost all cases, empirical networks have a much smaller fraction of feedback loops than network randomizations. Quite remarkably, this empirical finding is quantitatively reproduced, for all loop lengths, by our model by fitting its only parameter γ. Moreover, the fitted value of γ correlates quite well with another direct measurement of network directionality, performed by means of a novel algorithm. We conclude that the existence of an inherent network directionality provides a parsimonious quantitative explanation for the observed lack of feedback loops in empirical networks